Screened-Out Program Evaluations

We have identified thousands of programs and practices in our literature reviews, but not every intervention makes it onto CrimeSolutions with a rating.
Of the 43,280 articles screened, 34902 screened out, 3096 programs were identified, 1076 programs were reviewed, and 642 programs were rated.
Of the 43,280 articles screened, 34902 screened out, 3096 programs were identified, 1076 programs were reviewed, and 642 programs were rated. (View larger image.)

We use rigorous research to inform you about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice and crime victim services. We set a high bar for the scientific quality of the evidence used to assign ratings. Much of the evidence that we identify is screened out before going to review.

Following is a list of 1,599 programs for which the associated evaluations were screened out during the initial review. Listed with each program are references to the evaluation(s) and other supplemental documents that were screened.

Program TitleTopicStudy(ies)
“How I Think” (HIT) Questionnaire (Portuguese version)Juvenile JusticeHugo S. Gomes, Joana Andrade, Marcos Ferreira, Maria Manuela Peixoto, David P. Farrington, and Angela Maia. 2022. “Measuring Self-Serving Cognitive Distortions With Special Reference to Juvenile Delinquency: A Validation of the ‘How I Think’ Questionnaire in a Sample of Portuguese Adolescents.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(10–11):1175–90.
“True Grit”: Structured Living Program for Older Male PrisonersCorrectionsMargaret E. Leigey and Ronald H. Aday. 2022. “The Gray Pains of Imprisonment: Examining the Perceptions of Confinement Among a Sample of Sexagenarians and Septuagenarians.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(8):807–23.
Adolescent Mental Health Training for School Resource Officers and EducatorsJuvenile JusticeLisa Callahan and Karli J. Keator. 2022. “Assessing a School, Justice, and Behavioral Health Collaborative Approach to Improving School Safety.” Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Offending Among Hispanic Adults (United States)VictimsRáchael A. Powers, Richard K. Moule, and Rachel E. Severson. 2022. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Offending Among Hispanic Adults in the United States: Examining Differences In Prevalence and Effects Across Nativity.” Journal of Criminal Justice 79:101893.
Affect Regulation Training (ART) Program (France)DrugsJean–Louis Nandrino, Caroline Claisse, Christelle Duprez, Lydie Defrance, Emmanuelle Brunelle, Mickael Naassila, and Marie–Charlotte Gandolphe. 2021. “Training Emotion Regulation Processes in Alcohol-Abstinent Individuals: A Pilot Study.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106652.
Agape Restoration Center (Cambodia)Juvenile JusticeBecca C. Johnson. 2020. “Featured Countertrafficking Program: Trauma Recovery for Victims of Sex Trafficking.” Child Abuse & Neglect 100:104153.
Algorithm to Forecast Crime Hot Spots (Portland and Cincinnati)Crime PreventionYongJei Lee, SooHyun O, and John E. Eck. 2020. “A Theory-Driven Algorithm for Real-Time Crime Hot Spot Forecasting.” Police Quarterly 23(2):174–201.
Annie E. Casey Foundation National Deep-End InitiativeJuvenile Justice

Todd Honeycutt, Leah Sakala, Janine M. Zweig, Megan Hague Angus, and Sino Esthappan. 2022. “Using Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Advance Juvenile Justice Reform: Experiences in 10 Communities.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(4):429–52.

Sino Esthappan, Johanna Lacoe, Janine M. Zweig, and Douglas W. Young. 2020. “Transforming Practice Through Culture Change: Probation Staff Perspectives on Juvenile Justice Reform.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 18(3):274–93.

Art Therapy in Prisons Program (Florida)CorrectionsEvie Soape, Casey Barlow, David E. Gussak, Jerry Brown, and Anna Schubarth. 2022. “Creative IDEA: Introducing a Statewide Art Therapy in Prisons Program.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(12):1285–1302.
Association Between Case Volume and Case Processing Times (New York City)CourtsKevin T. Wolff, Olive Lu, Preeti Chauhan, and Jonathan Leventhal. 2022. “The Association Between Case Volume and Case Processing Times in New York City.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(8):814–42.
Atlanta Comprehensive School Safety InitiativeJuvenile JusticeJenna Terrell, Christopher C. Henrich, Amanda Nabors, Kathryn Grogan, Joseph McCrary, and Ryan Miskell. 2022. The Atlanta Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, Final Study Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) FrameworkJuvenile JusticeTracy Fehrenbach, Rachel M. Sax, Tamaki H. Urban, Liza Simon–Roper, Jill Novacek, David A. Aaby, and Hilary B. Hodgdon. 2022. “Trauma Treatment for Youth in Community-Based Settings: Implementing the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:434–46.
Autism Parent Navigators (APN)Juvenile JusticeRobert M. Hock, Aimee K. Rovane, Mark E. Feinberg, Damon E. Jones, and Amy A. Holbert. 2022. “A Pilot Study of a Coparenting Intervention for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:2091–2107.
Autobiographical Poetry to Address Sexual Trauma (Against Our Will Campaign)VictimsMichelle D. Hand. 2021. “The Use of Autobiographical Poetry to Process Trauma, Promote Awareness, and Shift Views on Sexual Violence: Exploring the ‘Against Our Will’ Campaign.” Violence Against Women 27 (11):2129–58.
Becoming Fathers: A Mindfulness-Based Group Intervention for Perinatal FathersJuvenile JusticeStephanie R. Rayburn, J. Douglas Coatsworth, and David MacPhee. 2021. “Becoming Fathers: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mindfulness-Based Group Intervention for Perinatal Fathers.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 30:2822–32.
Behavioral Skills Training (BST) With Adolescents in a Secure Residential Treatment FacilityJuvenile JusticeAnna Kate Edgemon, John T. Rapp, Kristen M. Brogan, Sarah M. Richling, Sally A. Hamrick, Rachel J. Peters, and Soracha A. O’Rourke. 2020. “Behavioral Skills Training to Increase Interview Skills of Adolescent Males in a Juvenile Residential Treatment Facility.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 53:2303–18.
Body Cameras Behind Bars (Queensland, Australia)CorrectionsMichelle Sydes, Shannon Dodd, and Emma Antrobus. 2022. “Body Cameras Behind Bars: Exploring Correctional Officers’ Feelings of Safety With Body-Worn Cameras.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 22(2):323–42.
Body-Worn Cameras as an Officer Performance Monitoring Tool (Newark Police Division)Law EnforcementVictoria A. Sytsma, Eric L. Piza, Vijay F. Chillar, and Leigh S. Grossman. 2021. “Measuring Procedural Justice Policy Adherence During Use of Force Events: The Body-Worn Camera as a Performance Monitoring Tool.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 32(9):938–59.
Brief Online Intervention for Parental Reflective FunctioningJuvenile JusticeEmilia F. Cárdenas, Autumn Kujawa, Mia Letterie, and Kathryn L. Humphreys. 2022. “A Preliminary Test of a Brief Online Intervention for Enhancing Parental Reflective Function and the Role of Parental Depressive Symptoms.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:2145–55.
Building Our Nation’s Daughters (BOND)Juvenile JusticeRebecca L. Fix. 2022. “An Evaluation of Building Our Nation’s Daughters (BOND): Improving Black Single Mother–Daughter Relationships and Well-Being.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:237–46.
Burnout in BlueLaw EnforcementWilliam P. McCarty, Hani Aldirawi, Stacy Dewald, and Mariana Palacios. 2019. “Burnout in Blue: An Analysis of the Extent and Primary Predictors of Burnout Among Law Enforcement Officers in the United States.” Police Quarterly 22(3):278–304.
Calibrating Police Activity Across Hot Spot and Non–Hot Spot AreasLaw EnforcementChristopher S. Koper, Xiaoyun Wu, and Cynthia Lum. 2021. “Calibrating Police Activity Across Hot Spot and Non–Hot Spot Areas.” Police Quarterly 24(3):382–406.
Care After Prison (CAP) (Ireland)CourtsCaoimhe Carolan, Alice O’Flynn, and Suzanne Guerin. 2022. “Exploring Models of Care and the Perceived Impact in an Offender Rehabilitation Program.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(8):914–30.
Case Processing Time in Juvenile Court and Rearrest (Florida)Juvenile JusticeAbigail Novak and Elizabeth Hartsell. 2022. “Does Speed Matter? The Association Between Case Processing Time in Juvenile Court and Rearrest.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(3):317–43.
CCTV (Tokyo, Japan)Crime PreventionKimihiro Hino and Themis Chronopoulos. 2021. “A Review of Crime Prevention Activities in a Japanese Local Government Area Since 2008: Beautiful Windows Movement in Adachi Ward.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 23(3):341–57.
Child Safety Matters®Juvenile Justice

Daniel J. Whitaker and Erin A. Weeks. 2019. “Evaluation of the Monique Burr Foundation for Children’s MBF Child Safety Matters® Curriculum in Georgia.” Jacksonville, Florida: Monique Burr Foundation for Children.

David Finkelhor, Melissa A. Bright, Mona Sayedul Huq, M. David Miller. 2019. “Evaluation of the Monique Burr Foundation for Children’s MBF Child Safety Matters® Curriculum.” Jacksonville, Florida: Monique Burr Foundation for Children.

Erin A. Weeks, Daniel J. Whitaker, Stacy Pendarvis, David Finkelhor, Carol Neal–Rossi, and Danielle Rivers. 2021. “Evaluation of the Child Safety Matters Curriculum for Improving Knowledge about Victimization among Elementary School Children: A Randomized Trial.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 12:1–17.

Melissa A. Bright, Mona Sayedul Huq, Shivam Patel, M. David Miller, and David Finkelhor. 2022. “Child Safety Matters: Randomized Control Trial of a School-Based, Child Victimization Prevention Curriculum.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(1–2):538–56.

Church-Based Private Prison in South Korea to Reduce RecidivismCorrectionsSeungmug (Zech) Lee and Robert D. McCrie. 2022. “Faith and Fortitude: 10-Year Assessment of Recidivism at a New Church-Based Prison in South Korea.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Online First.
Citizen Review Boards (CRBs) and Police–Community RelationshipLaw EnforcementBradley S. Holliday and John H. Wagstaff Jr. 2022. “The Relationship Between Citizen Oversight and Procedural Justice Measures in Policing: An Exploratory Study.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 47:567–88.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus (CBT+) for Children and Youth in Child WelfareJuvenile JusticeSuzanne E.U. Kerns, Jon D. Phillips, Lucy Berliner, and Richard P. Barth. 2022. “Partnering for Success Symptom Monitoring Outcomes: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus for Children and Youth in Child Welfare.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:247–59.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for Active-Duty Military With PTSDVictimsStefanie T. LoSavio, Willie J. Hale, John C. Moring, Abby E. Blankenship, Katherine A. Dondanville, Jennifer Schuster Wachen, Jim Mintz, Alan L. Peterson, Brett T. Litz, Stacey Young–McCaughan, Jeffrey S. Yarvis, and Patricia A. Resick. 2021. “Efficacy of Individual and Group Cognitive Processing Therapy for Military Personnel With and Without Child Abuse Histories.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89(5):476–82.
Community Reintegration of Ex-Offenders (Iran)CourtsMohammad Sabzi Khoshnami, Fardin Alipour, Maliheh Arshi, Hassan Rafiey, and Mohhamad Hossein Javadi. 2022. “Reintegration of Ex-Offenders Convicted of Violent Crimes Into the Community in the Iranian Context: A Qualitative Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(8):838–55.
Community-Based Early Child Development (ECD) Intervention (South Africa)Juvenile JusticeKendra J. Thomas, Anthony A. Mangino, and Samantha J. Walker. 2022. “Translational Research on Caregiver Reading and Playing Behaviors: Evidence From an In Vivo Community-Based Intervention Throughout the COVID–19 Pandemic.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:2187–2201.
Community-Based Systems of Care (SOC)Juvenile JusticeStacy–Ann A. January, Matthew C. Lambert, Michael H. Epstein, Mary Spooner, and Tesfayi Gebreselassie. 2018. “Students at Enrollment Into Community-Based Systems of Care: Characteristics and Predictors of Functioning in School.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 26(2):67–78. 
Coordinated Community Responses (CCRs) to Domestic Violence (Florida)VictimsAmy Reckdenwald, Chelsea L. Mandes, and Ketty Fernandez. 2021. “The Effectiveness of a Coordinated Response Toward Nonfatal Strangulation in Facilitating Evidence-Based Prosecution.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 32(8):816–40.
Correctional Experience of Teenage Males (Midwest)CorrectionsInsun Park and Christopher J. Sullivan. 2021. “Youth in Adult and Juvenile Correctional Facilities: Comparison of Services and Behavioral Management.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 32(9):992–1017.
Correlates of Drug Use Among Offenders in Prisons (Ghana)DrugsFeikoab Parimah, Jonathan Osei Owusu, Akumun T. Solomon, and Sylvester Anthony Appiah–Honny. 2021. “Correlates of Drug Use Among Offenders in Some Prisons in Ghana.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(16) :1703–15.
Court-Mandated Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Duluth Model ClassesCourtsAmie Zarling and Dan Russell. 2022. “A Randomized Clinical Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the Duluth Model Classes for Men Court-Mandated to a Domestic Violence Program.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 90(4):326–38.
Court-Ordered Community Service (Los Angeles County)CourtsMelanie Sonsteng–Person, Lucero Herrera, Tia Koonse, and Noah D. Zatz. 2021. “‘Any Alternative Is Great if I’m Incarcerated’: A Case Study of Court-Ordered Community Service in Los Angeles County.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48(1):32–53.
COVID–19 Related Nightlife Restrictions and Violent Crime (Copenhagen, Denmark)Crime PreventionAnders Ejrnæs and Rune H. Scherg. 2022. “Nightlife Activity and Crime: The Impact of COVID–9 Related Nightlife Restrictions on Violent Crime.” Journal of Criminal Justice 79.
COVID–19 Related School Closures on Juvenile Arrests for Domestic ViolenceJuvenile JusticeMichael T. Baglivio, Kevin T. Wolff, Joan A. Reid, Sherry L. Jackson, and Alex R. Piquero. 2022. “Did Juvenile Domestic Violence Offending Change During COVID–19?” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 20(1):63–79.
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model in Minnesota Department of CorrectionsCorrectionsSusan McNeeley and Christen Donley. 2021. “Crisis Intervention Team Training in a Correctional Setting: Examining Compliance, Mental Health Referrals, and Use of Force.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48(2):195–214.
Crisis Intervention Team Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (CIT ECHO)Law EnforcementAnnette S. Crisanti, Jaymes Fairfax–Columbo, Danielle Duran, Nils A. Rosenbaum, Ben Melendrez, Isaac Trujillo, Jennifer A. Earheart, and Matthew Tinney. 2022. “Evaluation of Ongoing Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training for Law Enforcement Using the ECHO Model.” Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 37(4):863–75.
Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs) for Mental Illness in PrisonsCorrectionsKelli E. Canada, Amy C. Watson, and Scott O’kelley. 2021. “Utilizing Crisis Intervention Teams in Prison to Improve Officer Knowledge, Stigmatizing Attitudes, and Perception of Response Options.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48(1):10–31.
Cure Violence Adaptation in the United KingdomJuvenile JusticeCharles Ransford, Daniel Silverstone, R. Brent Decker, and Gary Slutkin. 2018. “Cure Violence Model Adaptation for Reducing Prison Violence.” Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago.
Cybercrime Interventions (Infrastructural Policing and Influence Policing)Law EnforcementBen Collier, Daniel R. Thomas, Richard Clayton, Alice Hutchings, and Yi Ting Chua. 2022. “Influence, Infrastructure, and Recentering Cybercrime Policing: Evaluating Emerging Approaches to Online Law Enforcement Through a Market for Cybercrime Services.” Policing and Society 32(1):103–24.
Daily Report Card (DRC) Intervention Among K–4 Students (Southeast Ohio)Juvenile JusticeChelsea L. Hustus, Julie Sarno Owens, Robert J. Volpe, Amy M. Briesch, and Brian Daniels. 2020. “Treatment Sensitivity of Direct Behavior Rating–Multi-Item Scales in the Context of a Daily Report Card Intervention.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 28(1):29–42.
Data Sharing Across Law Enforcement (King County, Washington)Law EnforcementJordan C. Pickering and Andrew M. Fox. 2022. “Enabling Collaboration and Communication Across Law Enforcement Jurisdictions: Data Sharing in a Multiagency Partnership.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(7):732–55.
Density, Diversity, and Design: Measures of the Built Environment and CrimeCrime PreventionYoung–an Kim, and John R. Hipp. 2021. “Density, Diversity, and Design: Three Measures of the Built Environment and the Spatial Patterns of Crime in Street Segments.” Journal of Criminal Justice 77:101864.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder Co-Occurring With PTSDVictims

Nikolaus Kleindienst, Regina Steil, Kathlen Priebe, Meike Müller–Engelmann, Miriam Biermann, Thomas Fydrich, Christian Schmah, and Martin Bohus. 2021. “Treating Adults With a Dual Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Related to Childhood Abuse: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89(11):925–36.

Martin Bohus, Nikolaus Kleindienst, Christopher Hahn, Meike Müller–Engelmann, Petra Ludäscher, Regina Steil, Thomas Fydrich, Christine Kuehner, Patricia A. Resick, Christian Stiglmayr, Christian Schmah, and Kathlen Priebe. 2020. “Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (DBT–PTSD) Compared With Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) in Complex Presentations of PTSD in Women Survivors of Childhood Abuse: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry 77(12):1235–45.

Differences for Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber VictimizationCrime PreventionMichelle F. Wright, Sebastian Wachs, Takuya Yanagida, Anna Ševcíková, Lenka Dedková, Fatih Bayraktar, and Ikuko Aoyama, Shanmukh V. Kamble, Hana Macháčková, Zheng Li, Shruti Soudi, Li Lei, and Chang Shu. 2021. “Associations Between Severity and Attributions: Differences for Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber Victimization.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 46:843–61.
Drama Therapy and PsychodramaVictimsMaria L. Mondolfi Miguel and Margarita Pino–Juste. 2021. “Therapeutic Achievements of a Program Based on Drama Therapy, the Theater of the Oppressed, and Psychodrama With Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence.” Violence Against Women 27(9):1273–96.
Dynamic Risk and Strength Factors and Reoffending Outcomes (Canada)CorrectionsKayla A. Wanamaker and Shelley L. Brown. 2022. “Assessing Dynamic Risk and Dynamic Strength Change Patterns and the Relationship to Reoffending Among Women on Community Supervision.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(1):37–57.
Early Intervention Systems (EIS) for a Police DepartmentLaw EnforcementStephen James, Lois James, and Liz Dotson. 2021. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Police Department’s Early Intervention System.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 17:457–71.
Educational Video to Reduce Pretrial Publicity (PTP) BiasCourtsAngela M. Jones, Kimberly A. Wong, Courtney N. Meyers, and Christine Ruva. 2022. “Trial by Tabloid: Can Implicit Bias Education Reduce Pretrial Publicity Bias?” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(2):259–78.
Effect of Community Characteristics on Police Dispatch Times (Detroit, Michigan)Law EnforcementAlyssa LaBerge, Makayla Mason, and Kaelyn Sanders. 2022. “Police Dispatch Times: The Effects of Neighborhood Structural Disadvantage.” Journal of Criminal Justice 79:101885.
Effect of School Suspensions on Incarceration During Young AdulthoodJuvenile JusticePaul Hemez, John J. Brent, and Thomas J. Mowen. 2020. “Exploring the School-to-Prison Pipeline: How School Suspensions Influence Incarceration During Young Adulthood.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 18(3):235–55.
Effect of Tertiary Education Eligibility on Crime in SwedenCrime PreventionMartin Nordin. 2018. “Does Eligibility for Tertiary Education Affect Crime Rates? Quasi-Experimental Evidence.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34:805–29.
Effects of Multiple Evidence-Based Interventions on Recidivism ReductionCorrectionsMing–Li Hsieh, Kuan–Ju Chen, Pak–Sing Choi, and Zachary K. Hamilton. 2022. “Treatment Combinations: The Joint Effects of Multiple Evidence-Based Interventions on Recidivism Reduction.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(6):911–29.
Electronic Mental Health Screener (Canada)Law EnforcementCarrie B. Sanders and Jennifer Lavoie. 2020. “Boundary Objects and Technological Frames: Officers’ Perceptions and Experiences Using Mental Health Screeners on the Frontline”. Policing and Society 8:967–81.
Electronic Monitoring (Denmark)CorrectionsBritt Østergaard Larsen. 2017. “Educational Outcomes After Serving With Electronic Monitoring: Results From a Natural Experiment.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 33:157–78.
Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Forces to Combat Human TraffickingLaw EnforcementEvelyn F. McCoy, Paige S. Thompson, Jeanette Hussemann, William Adams, Krista White, and Roderick Taylor. 2022. “Findings From an Evaluation of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Forces to Combat Human Trafficking.” Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute.
Evaluating Cyber Security in Work From Home During COVID–19 PandemicCrime PreventionAnna Georgiadou, Spiros Mouzakitis, and Dimitris Askounis. 2022. “Working From Home During COVID–19 Crisis: A Cyber Security Culture Assessment Survey.” Security Journal 35:486–505.
Evidence-Based Community Supervision Practices and RecidivismCorrectionsBrandy L. Blasko, Jill Viglione, Liana R. Taylor, and Faye S. Taxman. 2022. “Sorting Through the Evidence: A Step Toward Prioritization of Evidence-Based Community Supervision Practices.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(6):817–37.
Examining “Gang Penalty” in Juvenile Sentencing Outcomes (Phoenix, Arizona, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)Juvenile JusticeD’Andre Walker and Gabriel T. Cesar. 2020. “Examining the ‘Gang Penalty’ in the Juvenile Justice System: A Focal Concerns Perspective.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 18(4):315–36.
Experimental Evaluation of Question Timing on Police Officers’ Memory RecallLaw EnforcementCory Schnell, M. Dylan Spencer, Ashley Mancik, Louise E. Porter, Justin R. Ready, and Geoffrey P. Alpert. 2022. “Expanding Research on Investigations of Officer-Involved Shootings: An Experimental Evaluation of Question Timing on Police Officers’ Memory Recall.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(7):1031–49.
Explainable Machine Learning for Predicting Homicide Clearance (United States)Law EnforcementGian Maria Campedelli. 2022. “Explainable Machine Learning for Predicting Homicide Clearance in the United States.” Journal of Criminal Justice 79:101898.
Exploring the Impact of the COVID–19 Pandemic on Violent Extremism and TerrorismCrime PreventionFrancesco Marone. 2022. “Hate in the Time of Coronavirus: Exploring the Impact of the COVID–19 Pandemic on Violent Extremism and Terrorism in the West.” Security Journal 35:205–25.
Exploring Trauma: A Brief Intervention for MenCorrectionsNena Messina. 2022. “Evaluation of a Peer-Facilitated Trauma Intervention for Incarcerated Men.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(10):1399–1417.
Factors Associated With Successful Youth Placement in a Community- Integrated FacilityJuvenile JusticeFleur Souverein, Eva Mulder, Lieke van Domburg, Marcia Adriaanse, and Arne Popma. 2022. “Toward a Tailored Model of Youth Justice: A Qualitative Analysis of the Factors Associated With Successful Placement in a Community-Integrated Facility.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(2–3):147–67.
Families Matter Program (Zimbabwe)Juvenile JusticeShilpa N. Patel, Indhu Shanmugam, Christopher Obong’o, Zivai Mupambireyi, Constance Kasese, Zwashe Bangani, and Kim S. Miller. 2021. “Child Disciplinary Practices, Abuse, and Neglect: Findings From a Formative Study in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe.” Child Abuse & Neglect 115:105016. 
Family Treatment and Aggression Replacement Training on Recidivism of Youth With TraumaJuvenile JusticeMelissa A. Kowalski. 2019. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Justice-Involved Youth: The Effect of Trauma and Programming on Different Recidivistic Outcomes.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 17(4):354–84.
FRIENDS for Life (Western Norway)Juvenile JusticeKrister W. Fjermestad, Nina Ditlefsen, Marie H. Unsvåg, Lars–Göran Öst, Odd E. Havik, and Gro Janne Wergeland. 2022. “Exposure Quality in Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Youth Anxiety Disorders—Predictors and Associations With Outcomes.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:308–20.
From Timid to TigerJuvenile JusticeJulie Dorgan, Christopher G. McCusker, and Gary Byrne. 2022. “What Can We Learn From the Experience of Nonresponders to a Parent-Only Intervention for Childhood Anxiety?” Journal of Child and Family Studies 1:2134–44.
Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Predictive Validity of Strengths in Justice-Involved YouthJuvenile JusticeJulie Goodwin, Shelley L. Brown, and Tracey A. Skilling. 2022. “Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Predictive Validity of Protective Factors in a Sample of Justice-Involved Youth.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 20(3):231–49.
German Reactive–Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) for Juvenile OffendersJuvenile JusticeEvelyn Heynen, Peer Van der Helm, Geert–Jan J.M. Stams, and Jesse Roest. 2022. “Measuring Aggression in German Youth Prison—A Validation of the German Reactive–Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in a Sample of Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(13–14):1475–86.
Gonzales Community Policing Project (Trinidad and Tobago)Crime Prevention

Edward R. Maguire, Devon Johnson, Joseph B. Kuhns, and Robert Apostolos. 2019. “The Effects of Community Policing on Fear of Crime and Perceived Safety: Findings From a Pilot Project in Trinidad and Tobago.” Policing and Society 29(5):491–510.

Devon Johnson, Edward R. Maguire, and Joseph B. Kuhns. 2022. “Can Community Policing Reduce Perceived Disorder? Results From a Quasi-Experiment in Trinidad and Tobago.” Policing and Society 32(7):911–30.

Good Behavior Game (GBG) for PreschoolJuvenile JusticeElizabeth A. Foley, Claudia L. Dozier, and Amber L. Lessor. 2019. “Comparison of Components of the Good Behavior Game in a Preschool Classroom.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 52:84–104.
Good Lives Model (GLM): Building Fulfilling and Prosocial Lives After Youth DetentionJuvenile JusticeLore Van Damme, Clare–Ann Fortune, Machteld Hoeve, Wouter Vanderplasschen, and Olivier F. Colins. 2022. “The Role of Personal Resilience and Interpersonal Support in Building Fulfilling and Prosocial Lives: Examining the Good Lives Model Among Young Women Four Years After Youth Detention.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(1):123–44.
Group Program for Users of Online Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM): United KingdomCrime PreventionJonah R. Rimer. 2021. “Discipline as Prevention: Psychoeducational Strategies in Internet Sexual Offending Group Programs.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(15):1607–28.
H.E.A.L.T.H. Clinic of CanadaVictimsTara Leach. 2020. “Featured Countertrafficking Program: H.E.A.L.T.H. Clinic of Ottawa.” Child Abuse & Neglect 100:104190.
Hare Psychopathy Checklist | Revised (PCL–R) and Recidivism (Austria)Crime PreventionDahlnym Yoon, Reinhard Eher, and Andreas Mokros. 2022. “Incremental Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist | Revised Above and Beyond the Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder Regarding Recidivism in Sexual Offenders.” Journal of Criminal Justice 80:101780.
Helping Our Toddlers, Developing Our Children's Skills (HOT DOCS)Juvenile JusticeSarah A. Fefer, Marina Donnelly, and Zachary A. Santana. 2022. “Pilot Implementation of School-Based Behavioral Parent Training: Outcomes and Acceptability.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:260–75.
High-Risk Special Treatment Units for Violent Male Prisoners (New Zealand)Corrections

Devon L.L. Polaschek, Julia A. Yesberg, Rebecca K. Bell, Allanah R. Casey, and Sophie R. Dickson. 2016. “Intensive Psychological Treatment of High-Risk Violent Offenders: Outcomes and Prerelease Mechanisms.” Psychology, Crime & Law 22(4):344–65.

Julia A. Yesberg, and Devon L.L. Polaschek. 2019. “How Does Offender Rehabilitation Actually Work? Exploring Mechanisms of Change in High-Risk Treated Parolees.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2672–92.

Hope for Children and FamiliesJuvenile JusticeArnon Bentovim, Bruce F. Chorpita, Eric L. Daleiden, Jenny Gray, Stephen Pizzey, and Eileen Vizard. 2021. “The Value of a Modular, Multifocal, Therapeutic Approach to Addressing Child Maltreatment: Hope for Children and Families Intervention Resources—A Discussion Article.” Child Abuse & Neglect 119 (Part 1):104703.
Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs and Victim Services (Chicago, Illinois)VictimsCarrie Markovitz, Kim Nguyen, Susan Cahn, and Emily White. 2022. Formative Evaluation of Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs and Victim Services in Chicago. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
I–THRIVE (United Kingdom)Juvenile JusticeVictoria Lidchi and Andy Wiener. 2021. “How Can Services Be Improved to Effectively Address the Mental Health of Vulnerable Children and Young People?” Child Abuse & Neglect 119(Part 1):104648.
iLookOut (Maine)Juvenile JusticeKathryn L. Humphreys, Hannah A. Piersiak, Carlomagno C. Panlilio, Erik B. Lehman, Nicole Verdiglione, Sarah Dore, and Benjamin H. Levi. 2021. “A Randomized Control Trial of a Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training: Knowledge and Attitudes.” Child Abuse & Neglect 117:105033.
Impact of Public Assistance on Prisoner RecidivismCrime PreventionJeremy Luallen, Jared Edgerton, and Deirdre Rabideau. 2018. “A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of the Impact of Public Assistance on Prisoner Recidivism.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34:741–73.
Impact of School Lockdown Drills on StudentsJuvenile JusticeJaclyn Schildkraut and Amanda B. Nickerson. 2022. “Effects of Lockdown Drills on Students’ Fear, Perceived Risk, and Use of Avoidance Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(8):787–813.
Impacts of Cash Bail on Failure to Appear and Re-Arrest (Orleans Parish, Louisiana)CourtsJake Monaghan, Eric Joseph van Holm, and Chris W. Surprenant. 2020. “Get Jailed, Jump Bail? The Impacts of Cash Bail on Failure to Appear and Re-Arrest in Orleans Parish.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 47:56–74.
Improving Nurses’ dEtection and managEment of elDer abuse and neglect (I–NEED) programVictimsFadzilah Hanum Mohd Mydin, Choo Wan Yuen, Sajaratulnisah Othman, Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi, Farizah Mohd Hairi, Zainudin Ali, and Suriyati Abdul Aziz. 2022. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of I–NEED Program: Improving Nurses’ Detection and Management of Elder Abuse and Neglect—A 6-Month Prospective Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(1–2):NP719–41.
Improving the Accuracy of Firearm Identification in a Dynamic Use-of-Force ScenarioLaw EnforcementM. Hunter Martaindale. 2021. “Improving the Accuracy of Firearm Identification in a Dynamic Use-of-Force Scenario.” Police Quarterly 24(1):104–30.
Indiana Risk Assessment System | Pretrial Assessment Tool (IRAS–PAT)CourtsEvan M. Lowder, Carmen L. Diaz, Eric Grommon, and Bradley R. Ray. 2022. “Differential Prediction and Disparate Impact of Pretrial Risk Assessments in Practice: A Multisite Evaluation.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, Online First.
Intensified Police Traffic Controls (Netherlands)Law EnforcementBo L. Terpstra, Ben C.J. van Velthoven, and Peter W. van Wijck. 2020. “Do Intensified Police Controls Change Perceptions of Apprehension Probability: A Field Experiment.” Crime & Delinquency 66(8):1115–36.
Jail-Based Intervention for Individuals With Co-Occurring ConditionsCorrectionsGrant A. Victor, Erin B. Comartin, Tamarie Willis, and Sheryl Kubiak. 2022. “Factors of Recidivism Among Individuals With Co-Occurring Conditions in Rural Mental Health Jail Interventions.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(6–7):758–73.
Juvenile Mental Health for Law Enforcement (JMHLE) Training ProgramLaw EnforcementCaitlin M. Brady and Kristina K. Childs. 2022. “Implementation and Evaluation of a Juvenile Mental Health Training for Law Enforcement in a Medium-Sized Jurisdiction.” Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Online First.
Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol | II (J–SOAP|II) (Australia)Juvenile JusticeTimea Molnar, Troy Allard, Nadine McKillop, and John Rynne. 2022. “Reliability and Predictive Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol |II in an Australian Context.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(10–11):1051–70.
Kansas City’s (Missouri) Crime Gun Intelligence CenterCrime PreventionKenneth J. Novak and William R. King. 2020. “Evaluation of the Kansas City Crime Gun Intelligence Center: Final Report.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Kansas House Bill 2170 (HB 2170) on Probation Outcomes Across GenderCorrectionsGeorge E. Browne, Lisa Melander, Breanna Boppre, and Mari–Esther Edwards. 2022. “The Gendered Effects of a Graduated Sanctions Model on Probation Outcomes in Kansas.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(4):373–98.
Kentucky Family Treatment Drug CourtsJuvenile JusticeAshley R. Logsdon, Becky F. Antle, Rebecca S. Katz, Anita P. Barbee, Cindy Kamer, and Amy Spriggs. 2021. “The Impact of Engagement on Child Welfare Families Involved With Family Treatment Drug Courts.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 72(4):43–56.
Law Enforcement First Responder ProtocolJuvenile JusticeAaron J. Miller, Janet Arnold–Clark, Kate Walker Brown, Mae Ackerman–Brimberg, and Michelle Guymon. 2020. “Featured Countertrafficking Program: The Law Enforcement First Responder Protocol.” Child Abuse & Neglect 100:104173.
Length of Interrogation and Mock Jurors’ Opinions on Evidence StrengthCourtsJeremy J. Shifton. 2022. “How Interrogation Length, Age, and Crime Impact Perceptions of Evidence in Criminal Trials.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 47:266–86.
Let’s Talk About ChildrenJuvenile Justice

Darryl Maybery, Melinda Goodyear, Andrea Reupert, Jade Sheen, Warren Cann, Kim Dalziel, Philip Tchernagovski, Brendan O’Hanlon, and Henry Von Doussa. 2017. “Developing an Australian-First Recovery Model for Parents in Victorian Mental Health and Family Services: A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial.” BMC Psychiatry 17:198.

Becca Allchin, Bente W. Weimand, Brendan O’Hanlon, and Melinda Goodyear. 2020. “Continued Capacity: Factors of Importance for Organizations to Support Continued Let’s Talk Practice—A Mixed-Methods Study.” International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Online First.

Level of Service Inventory | Revised (LSI–R) Predicting Arrest Outcomes in Mentally Ill OffendersCorrectionsWilliam Amory Carr, Amy Nicole Baker, and James J. Cassidy. 2021. “Diagnostic Moderators of the Risk–Recidivism Relationship for Offenders With Mental Illness.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(16):1756–74.
Light for All (LPT) Program (Brazil)Crime PreventionPaulo Arvate, Filipe Ortiz Falsete, Felipe Garcia Ribeiro, and André Portela Souza. 2018. “Lighting and Homicides: Evaluating the Effect of an Electrification Policy in Rural Brazil on Violent Crime Reduction.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 34:1047–78.
Living Yoga’s Trauma-Informed Yoga ProgramCorrectionsDeanne C. Tibbitts, Sue A. Aicher, Judith Sugg, Kimberlee Handloser, Liz Eisman, Lauren D. Booth, and Ryan D. Bradley. 2021. “Program Evaluation of Trauma-Informed Yoga for Vulnerable Populations.” Evaluation and Program Planning 88:101946.
Impact of Correctional Programming on Inmate Misconduct (Ohio)CorrectionsShannon J. Linning, Ian A. Silver, and Jordan Papp. 2022. “Exploring the Correspondence Between General Correctional Programming and Inmate Misconduct Using a Time-Course Framework.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(2–3):209–26.
Love146’s Survivor Care ProgramJuvenile JusticeErin Williamson, Jennifer O’Brien, Lisa Jones, Kimberly Mitchell, and Laurie Dunford. 2020. “Featured Countertrafficking Program: Love146.” Child Abuse & Neglect 100:104131.
Maryland Abuser Intervention Treatment Programs (AIPs)Corrections

Tara N. Richards and Christopher M. Murphy. 2018. An Examination of Maryland Abuser Intervention Programs’ (AIPs’) Impact on Domestic Violence Recidivism. Baltimore, Maryland: Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.

Tara N. Richards and Christopher M. Murphy. 2016. A Process Analysis of Maryland Abuser Intervention Treatment Programs’ (AIPs’) Policies and Guidelines. Baltimore, Maryland: Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.

Tara N. Richards, Wesley G. Jennings, and Christopher M. Murphy. 2021. “Risk and Protective Factors for Batterer Intervention Treatment Program Attrition: How Completers Are Distinct From Dropouts and No-Shows.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(15–16):7351–70.

Medical Marijuana and Decriminalization Laws in the United States (1999–2015)DrugsRebekah Levine Coley, Summer Sherburne Hawkins, Marco Ghiani, Claudia Kruzik, and Christopher F. Baum. 2019. “A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Marijuana Policies and Youth Marijuana Use.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 45(3):292–303.
MindfulMe!Juvenile JusticeAndrea M. D’Alessandro, Kaitlyn M. Butterfield, Lerna Hanceroglu, and Kim P. Roberts. 2022. “Listen to the Children: Elementary School Students’ Perspectives on a Mindfulness Intervention.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:2108–20.
Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Dutch AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeThimo M. van der Pol, Moran D. Cohn, Lieke van Domburgh, Henk Rigter, and Robert R.J.M. Vermeiren. 2021. “Assessing the Effect of Multidimensional Family Therapy in Adolescents on Police Arrests Against a Background of Falling Crime Rates. A Randomised Controlled Trial With 7-Year Follow-Up.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 17:597–609.
Municipal Court Diversion Program for Indigent DefendantsCourtsJennifer L. Huck and Camie S. Morris. 2017. “Jail Diversion and Recidivism: A Case Study of a Municipal Court Diversion Program.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 28(9):866–78.
Nebraska Legislative Resolution|520DrugsJared M. Ellison and Ryan E. Spohn. 2017. “Borders Up in Smoke: Marijuana Enforcement in Nebraska After Colorado’s Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 28(9):847–65.
Nudges to Reduce Bicycle TheftCrime PreventionMarlies Sas, Koen Ponnet, Genserik Reniers, and Wim Hardyns. 2022. “Nudging as a Crime Prevention Strategy: The Use of Nudges to Improve Cyclists’ Locking Behavior and Reduce the Opportunities for Bicycle Theft.” Security Journal 35:463–85.
Oklahoma Messages ProjectCorrectionsDavid A. McLeod, Angela B. Pharris, Susan Marcus–Mendoza, Rachael A.M. Winkles, Rachel Chapman, and Cheri Fuller. 2021. “Reducing Trauma From Behind Bars: Enhancing Parent–Child Attachment Through a Digitally Distributed Reading Program.” Prison Journal 101(5):575–90.
Operational Dynamics of Male Violent Offenders in a Correctional Centre (Nigeria)CorrectionsMacpherson Uchenna Nnam, Gilbert Enyidah–Okey Ordu, Mary Juachi Eteng, Jonathan Akwagiobe Ukah, Christopher Chukwu Arua, Groupson–Paul Okechukwu, and Cletus Onyema Obasi. 2022. “‘When I Take Drugs, I Don’t Care’: Insights Into the Operational Dynamics of Male Violent Offenders in a Correctional Centre.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(13–14):1454–74.
Peer Mentoring Program (England)Juvenile JusticeRachel Sharpe, Ian Abrahams, and Nikolaos Fotou. 2018. “Does Paired Mentoring Work? A Study of the Effectiveness and Affective Value of Academically Asymmetrical Peer Mentoring in Supporting Disadvantaged Students in School Science.” Research in Science & Technological Education 36:2:205–25.
Perception of Group Climate in Juvenile Justice Centers (Australia)Juvenile JusticeVeronique S.L. van Miert, Anna L. Dekker, Peer van der Helm, and Murray Robinson. 2022. “Young People’s Perception of Group Climate in Juvenile Justice Centers in an Australian State, a Pilot Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(8):856–75.
Perceptions of Body-Worn Cameras (Sunnyvale Police Department)Law EnforcementGabrielle C. Wy, Janne E. Gaub, and Marthinus C. Koen. 2022. “The Impacts of Body-Worn Cameras: An Examination of Police Specialty Unit Perceptions Through Diffusion of Innovations.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 47:224–45.
Personal Empowerment ProgramVictimsEsmeralda R. Garcia, Jane K. Stoever, Peiyi Wang, and Ilona S. Yim. 2021. “Empowerment, Stress, and Depressive Symptoms Among Female Survivors of Intimate-Partner Violence Attending Personal Empowerment Programs.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(19–20):9557–79.
Physiological Measures to Assess the Empathic Skills of Incarcerated Violent OffendersCorrectionsJulie Palix, Ahmad Abu–Akel, Valérie Moulin, Milena Abbiati, Jacques Gasser, Christopher Hasler, Dominique Marcot, Christine Mohr, and Elise Dan–Glauser. 2022. “The Utility of Physiological Measures in Assessing the Empathic Skills of Incarcerated Violent Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(1):98–122.
Police and Civilian Self-Defense Coaches During COVID–19Law EnforcementSwen Koerner and Mario S. Staller. 2022. “Coaching Self-Defense Under COVID–19: Challenges and Solutions in the Police and Civilian Domain.” Security Journal 35:118–32.
Police Body-Worn Cameras: Effects on Officers’ Burnout and Perceived Organizational SupportLaw EnforcementIan Adams and Sharon Mastracci. 2019. “Police Body-Worn Cameras: Effects on Officers’ Burnout and Perceived Organizational Support.” Police Quarterly 22(1):5–30.
Impact of Police Training Program on Police Attitudes Towards Victims of Rape (Northern Ireland)Law EnforcementZoe McKee, Katrin Mueller–Johnson, and Heather Strang. 2020. “Impact of a Training Programme on Police Attitudes Toward Victims of Rape: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing, Online First.
Police Use of Force and Injury: Multilevel Predictors of Physical Harm to Subjects and OfficersLaw EnforcementMatthew J. Hickman, Jared N. Strote, Robert M. Scales, William S. Parkin, and Peter A. Collins. 2021. “Police Use of Force and Injury: Multilevel Predictors of Physical Harm to Subjects and Officers.” Police Quarterly 24(3):267–97.
Policing the Cybercrime Script of Darknet Drug MarketsLaw EnforcementEric Jardine. 2021. “Policing the Cybercrime Script of Darknet Drug Markets: Methods of Effective Law Enforcement Intervention.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 46:980–1005.
Pottstown Trauma-Informed Community Connection (PTICC)Juvenile JusticeRobey B. Champine, Erin E. Hoffman, Samantha L. Matlin, Michael J. Strambler, and Jacob Kraemer Tebes. 2022. “What Does It Mean to Be Trauma-Informed?: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Trauma-Informed Community Initiative.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:459–72.
Predictive Validity of Three Youth Violence Assessment InstrumentsJuvenile JusticeLi Lian Koh, Andrew Day, Bianca Klettke, Michael Daffern, and Chi Meng Chu. 2022. “The Predictive Validity of Three Youth Violence Assessment Instruments: The SAVRY, VRS–YV, and SAPROF–YV.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(2–3):168–85.
Preschool Life Skills (PLS) Program (Ireland)Juvenile JusticeCiara Gunning, , Jennifer Holloway, and Leanne Grealish. 2020. “An Evaluation of Parents as Behavior Change Agents in the Preschool Life Skills Program.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 53:889–917.
Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct (PRSM)VictimsMeghan E. Morean, Nancy Darling, Jessie Smit, Jolie DeFeis, Maya Wergeles, Dana Kurzer–Yashin, and Kaitlyn Custer. 2021. “Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct: Preliminary Efficacy of a Peer-Led Bystander Training Program for Preventing Sexual Misconduct and Reducing Heavy Drinking Among Collegiate Athletes.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(7–8):NP3454–79.
Priority Perpetrator Identification Tool (England and Wales)Law EnforcementAmanda L. Robinson and Anna Clancy. 2021. “Systematically Identifying and Prioritising Domestic Abuse Perpetrators for Targeted Intervention.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 21(5):687–704.
Prison Visitation Patterns and Postrelease Offending (Netherlands)CorrectionsMaria Berghuis, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Hanneke Palmen, Miranda Sentse, Babette van Hazebroek, and Esther van Ginneken. 2022. “Visitation Patterns and Postrelease Offending: Exploring Variations in the Timing, Rate, and Consistency of Prison Visits.” Journal of Criminal Justice 81.
Prison-Based Democratic Therapeutic Communities (TCs) [United Kingdom]CorrectionsKatie Duncan, Belinda Winder, Nicholas Blagden, and Christine Norman. 2022. “‘I’ve Got the Energy to Change, But I Haven’t Got the Energy for This Kinda Therapy’: A Qualitative Analysis of the Motivations Behind Democratic Therapeutic Community Drop-Out for Men With Sexual Convictions.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(12):1213–36.
Promoting Positive Pathways to Adulthood (PPPA): An Online Training for Transition Service ProvidersJuvenile JusticeEileen M. Brennan, Claudia Sellmaier, Pauline Jivanjee, and Leigh Grover. 2019. “Is Online Training an Effective Workforce Development Strategy for Transition Service Providers? Results of a Comparative Study.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 27(4):235–45.
Reentry Community Linkages (RELINK) for Minority Young Adult Probationers in Southern CaliforniaCourtsVictoria D. Ojeda, Emily Berliant, Tamara Parker, Maurice Lyles, Todd M. Edwards, Cielo Jimenez, Sarah Linke, Sarah Hiller–Venegas, and Zephon Lister. 2022. “Overview of a Pilot Health-focused Reentry Program for Racial/Ethnic Minority Probationers Ages 18 to 26 in Southern California.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 66(12):1303–26.
Resettlement of Young People Leaving Custody (England)Juvenile JusticePaul Gray, Hannah Smithson, Richard McHugh, and Graham Smyth. 2018. “‘There’s Not Going to Be a Single Solution’: The Role of Resettlement Consortia in Improving the Resettlement Outcomes of Young People Leaving Custody.” Youth Justice 18(1):67–81.
Respectful Approach (Australia)Juvenile JusticeAmanda C. Richardson, Johnny Lo, Lynn Priddis, and Therese A. O’Sullivan. 2020. “A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Respectful Approach on Early Parenting Competence and Stress.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2796–2810.
Respecting the Circle of LifeJuvenile JusticeLauren Tingey, Rachel Chambers, Hima Patel, Shea Littlepage, Shauntel Lee, Angelita Lee, Davette Susan, Laura Melgar, Anna Slimp, and Summer Rosenstock. 2021. “Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy Prevention Among Native American Youths: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 2016–18.” American Journal of Public Health 111(10):1874–84.
Restorative and Standard Community Service for Justice-Involved Youth (Washington State)Juvenile JusticeAbere Sawaqdeh Church, David K. Marcus, and Zachary K. Hamilton. 2021. “Community Service Outcomes in Justice-Involved Youth: Comparing Restorative Community Service to Standard Community Service.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48(9):1243–60.
Restrictive Housing (RH) Effect on Prison Visitation (Ohio)CorrectionsClaudia N. Anderson, Joshua C. Cochran, and John D. Wooldredge. 2022. “Is Reduced Visitation a Collateral Consequence of Restrictive Housing?” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(10):1495–1515.
Risk–Need–Responsivity (RNR) Principles for Individuals on Probation for a Sexual OffenseCorrectionsKaitlyn M. Pederson and Holly A. Miller. 2022. “Application of the Risk Principle in the Supervision and Treatment of Individuals Who Have Sexually Offended: Does ‘Oversupervision’ Matter?” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(3):350–70.
Rural Homelessness: Community Designed Transitional Family Housing Program (California)Juvenile JusticeAnnaMaria Boullion, Melissa L. Holland, Stephen E. Brock, and Gary A. Incaudo. 2022. “Rural Families Experiencing Homelessness: Demographics, Program Design, Outcome of High Barrier Transitional Housing and Rehabilitation Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:1823–37.
Safe and Healthy Experiences (SHE) for Female VeteransVictimsSuzannah K. Creech, Carey S. Pulverman, Mollie E. Shin, Kathryn T. Roe, Golfo K. Tzilos Wernette, Lindsay M. Orchowski, Christopher W. Kahler, M. Tracie Shea, and Caron Zlotnick. 2021. “An Open Trial to Test Participant Satisfaction With and Feasibility of a Computerized Intervention for Women Veterans With Sexual Trauma Histories Seeking Primary Care Treatment.” Violence Against Women 27(3–4):597–614.
Safety in Numbers: Security on University CampusCrime PreventionAndrea Corradi and James Popham. 2021. “Safety in Numbers: Security on Campus and the Importance of the Corporatization of Universities.” Security Journal 35(11):1–21.
SASA! TogetherVictimsLori Michau and Sophie Namy. 2021. “SASA! Together: An Evolution of the SASA! Approach to Prevent Violence Against Women.” Evaluation and Program Planning 86:101918.
School Responder Model (SRM)Juvenile JusticeLisa Callahan and Karli J. Keator. 2022. “Assessing a School, Justice, and Behavioral Health Collaborative Approach to Improving School Safety.” Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Security Measures Used at Security Estates in Tshwane, GautengCrime PreventionBlanche Störm and Anthony Minnaar. 2021. “Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Security Measures Used at Security Estates: Case Studies From Centurion in the City of Tshwane, Gauteng.” Security Journal 34:685–712.
Sequential Intercept Model and Severe Mental Illness in the Criminal/Legal SystemCourtsErin B. Comartin, Victoria Nelson, Scott Smith, and Sheryl Kubiak. 2021. “The Criminal/Legal Experiences of Individuals With Mental Illness Along the Sequential Intercept Model: An Eight-Site Study.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 48(1):76–95.
Sexual Health Education for Adolescents Receiving Inpatient Psychiatric CareJuvenile JusticeAllison E. Olmsted, Christine M. Markham, Ross Shegog, Ana M. Ugueto, Erica L. Johnson, Melissa Fleschler Peskin, Susan T. Emery, Kimberly A. Baker, and Elizabeth W. Newlin. 2022. “Feasibility and Acceptability of Technology-Supported Sexual Health Education Among Adolescents Receiving Inpatient Psychiatric Care.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 31:2050–64.
Situational Crime Prevention Strategies in Public High SchoolsCrime PreventionJulie Kiernan Coon. 2021. “Situational Crime Prevention Strategies in Schools: An Assessment of Principals’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Security Approaches in Public High Schools.” Security Journal 34:635–57.
Soft Touch Arts Project (HMP Leicester, England)CorrectionsSusie Atherton, Victoria Knight, and Benedict Carpenter van Barthold. 2022. “Penal Arts Interventions and Hope: Outcomes of Arts-Based Projects in Prisons and Community Settings.” Prison Journal 102(2):217–36.
Spatial Effects of COVID–19 and Crime During Lockdown (Saskatoon, Canada)Crime PreventionTarah Hodgkinson, Martin A. Andresen, Richard Frank, and Darren Pringle. 2022. “Crime Down in the Paris of the Prairies: Spatial Effects of COVID–19 and Crime During Lockdown in Saskatoon, Canada.” Journal of Criminal Justice 78.
Start Strong Boston (Massachusetts)Juvenile Justice

Elizabeth D. Beatriz, Alisa K. Lincoln, Jess Alder, Nicole Daley, Felicia Simmons, Karibe Ibeh, Crystal Figueroa, and Beth E. Molnar. 2018. “Evaluation of a Teen Dating Violence Prevention Intervention Among Urban Middle-School Youth Using Youth Participatory Action Research: Lessons Learned From Start Strong Boston.” Journal of Family Violence 33(8):563–78.

Natalie Penhale Johnson, Mangai A. Sundaram, Jess Alder, Elizabeth Miller, and Maya I. Ragavan. 2022. “The Lasting Influence of a Peer-Led Adolescent Relationship Abuse Prevention Program on Former Peer Leaders’ Relationships, Identities, and Trajectories in Emerging Adulthood.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(9-10):NP7580–NP7604.

Static–99R: Predictive Validity on Recidivism (Romania)CorrectionsRoxana Andreea Toma, Silvia Kube, Liliana Hurezan, and Rainer Banse. 2022. “Predictive Validity of the Static–99R in Romania.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(9):1276–94.
Stop and Search Police Training (United Kingdom)Law EnforcementJoel Miller, Paul Quinton, Banos Alexandrou, and Daniel Packham. 2020. “Can Police Training Reduce Ethnic/Racial Disparities in Stop and Search? Evidence From a Multisite U.K. Trial.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(4):1259–87.
Survivor-Centered Practice for Intimate-Partner Violence Survivors (Urban Victim Assistance)VictimsLauren B. Cattaneo, Amanda M. Stylianou, Stephanie Hargrove, Lisa A. Goodman, Kris T. Gebhard, and Timothy W. Curby. 2021. “Survivor-Centered Practice and Survivor Empowerment: Evidence From a Research–Practitioner Partnership.” Violence Against Women 27(9):1252–72.
Teen Life CountsJuvenile JusticeNatasha Dyer Eberly, Rebecca Johnson, Melanie McClellan, and Whitney Miklos. N.d. “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Teen Life Counts: A School-Based Suicide Prevention Program.” Unpublished manuscript. New Orleans, Louisiana: Jewish Family Service of Greater New Orleans.
Text-SAFE (Midwest Medical Center)VictimsNancy R. Downing, Richard J. Bogue, Pamela Terrill, and Sharon Tucker. 2021. “Development and Test of a Text-Messaging Follow-Up Program After Sexual Assault.” Violence Against Women 27(11):2111–28.
Thailand’s Alcoholic Beverage Control ActJuvenile JusticeSawitri Assanangkornchai, Darika Saingam, Walailuk Jitpiboon, and Alan F. Geater. 2020. “Comparison of Drinking Prevalence Among Thai Youth Before and After Implementation of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(3):325–32.
The Illinois Birth Through Three Title IV–E waiver (IB3)Juvenile JusticeGerard Chung, David Ansong, Kanisha C. Brevard, and Ding–Geng Chen. 2021. “Identifying Treatment Moderators of a Trauma-Informed Parenting Intervention With Children in Foster Care: Using Model-Based Recursive Partitioning.” Child Abuse & Neglect 117:105065.
The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Law Enforcement in States Surrounding ColoradoLaw EnforcementKyle C. Ward, Paul A. Lucas, and Alexandra Murphy. 2019. “The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Law Enforcement in States Surrounding Colorado.” Police Quarterly 22(2):217–42.
The Impact of Police Attitudes Towards Offenders on Law-Enforcement Assisted Diversion DecisionsLaw EnforcementLonnie Schaible, Lauren Gant, and Stephanie Ames. 2021. “The Impact of Police Attitudes Toward Offenders on Law Enforcement–Assisted Diversion Decisions.” Police Quarterly 24(2):205–32.
The Lev Room Program (Israel)CorrectionsNoam Haviv and Badi Hasisi. 2019. “Prison Addiction Program and the Role of Integrative Treatment and Program Completion on Recidivism.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2741–70.
The Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) With Mexican American MothersJuvenile JusticeSarah G. Curci, Linda J. Luecken, and Michael C. Edwards. 2021. “Psychometric Properties of the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale Among Low-Income Mexican American Mothers.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 30:3121–30.
The Peer Education and Connection Through Empowerment Program (Covenant House Toronto)VictimsNadine Reid, Amie Kron, Thanara Rajakulendran, Deborah Kahan, Amanda Noble, and Vicky Stergiopoulos. 2021. “Promoting Wellness and Recovery of Young Women Experiencing Gender-Based Violence and Homelessness: The Role of Trauma-Informed Health Promotion Interventions.” Violence Against Women 27(9):1297–1316.
Three-Year Collaborative Community College Sexual Violence Prevention and Response EffortCrime PreventionSharyn J. Potter, Elizabeth A. Moschella, Mary M. Moynihan, and Delilah Smith. 2021. “A Collaborative Community College Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Effort: Climate Study Results to Assess Impact.” Violence Against Women 27(14):2815–34.
Too Good for Drugs | Middle SchoolJuvenile Justice

Tina P. Bacon, Bruce W. Hall, and John M. Ferron. 2013. One-Year Study of the Effects of the Too Good for Drugs Prevention Program on Middle School Students. Tampa, Florida: C.E. Mendez Foundation, Inc.

Tina P. Bacon. 2000. The Effects of the Too Good for Drugs 2 Drug Prevention Program on Students’ Use Intentions and Risk and Protective Factors. Tampa, Florida: Florida Educational Research Council.

Trauma-Informed Approaches (TIAs) in School- and Community-Based Behavioral Health SettingsJuvenile JusticeAna Maria Meléndez Guevara, Sarah Lindstrom Johnson, Kit Elam, Tristyn Rivas, Hannah Berendzen, and Diana E. Gal–Szabo. 2021. “What Does it Mean to Be Trauma Informed? A Multisystem Perspective From Practitioners Serving the Community.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 30:2860–76.
Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations Training (Mobile, Alabama, Police Department)Law EnforcementEmma C. Lathan, Jennifer Langhinrichsen–Rohling, James Tres Stefurak, Jessica Duncan, and Candice N. Selwyn. 2021. “Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations Training: Lessons Learned Attempting to Enhance Sexual Assault–Related Understanding and Reduce Rape Myth Beliefs and Burnout Among Police Officers.” Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Treatment Readiness and Induction ProgramJuvenile Justice

Danica Kalling Knight, George W. Joe, Rachel D. Crawley, Jennifer Edwards Becan, Donald F. Dansereau, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2016. “The Effectiveness of the Treatment Readiness and Induction Program (TRIP) for Improving During-Treatment Outcomes.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 62:20-27.

Jennifer Edwards Becan, Danica Kalling Knight, Rachel D. Crawley, George W. Joe, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2015. “Effectiveness of the Treatment Readiness and Induction Program for Increasing Adolescent Motivation for Change.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 50:38–49.

Danica Kalling Knight, Donald F. Dansereau, Jennifer Edwards Becan, Grace A. Rowan, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2015. “Effectiveness of a Theoretically Based Judgment and Decision.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44:1034–38.

Danica Kalling Knight, George W. Joe, Jennifer Edwards Becan, Rachel D. Crawley, Sarah E. Theisen, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2019. “Effectiveness of an Intervention for Improving Intrinsic Motivation Among Adolescent Males in A Secure Substance Use Treatment Setting.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 46(1):101–14.

Donald F. Dansereau, Danica Kalling Knight, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2013. “Improving Adolescent Judgment and Decisionmaking.” Adolescent Judgment and Decisionmaking 44(4):274–82.

Norma Bartholomew, Don Dansereau, Danica Kalling Knight, Jennifer Edwards Becan, and Patrick M. Flynn. 2013. Treatment Readiness and Induction Program (TRIP). Fort Worth, Texas: Texas Christian University, Institute of Behavioral Research.

Views and Perspectives of Rehabilitative Efforts Within a Segregated Housing Setting (Arizona)CorrectionsTravis J. Meyers, Kevin A. Wright, and Samantha Phillips. 2022. “Redefining Disciplinary Segregation: Perceptions of Effective Programming Among Program Participants and Staff.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 33(7):756–84.
Violence Risk Scale (VRS) [Australia]CorrectionsYilma Woldgabreal, Andrew Day, Michael Daffern, Caleb D. Lloyd, and Joe Graffam. 2022. “An Empirical Test of the Factor Structure of the Violence Risk Scale and Its Measurement Invariance Across Time and Cultural Groups.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(9):1255–75.
Violence Throughout the COVID–19 Pandemic (New York, New York)Crime PreventionKevin T. Wolff, Jonathan Intravia, Michael T. Baglivio, and Alex R. Piquero. 2022. “Violence in the Big Apple Throughout the COVID–19 Pandemic: A Borough-Specific Analysis.” Journal of Criminal Justice 81:101929.
Voice 4 ValuesLaw Enforcement

Deborah Platz, Elise Sargeant, and Heather Strang. 2017. “Effects of Recruit Training on Police Attitudes Towards Diversity: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Values Education Programme.” Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 1(4):263–79.

Elise Sargeant, Emma Antrobus, and Deborah Platz. 2017. “Promoting a Culture of Fairness: Police Training, Procedural Justice, and Compliance.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 13(3):347–65.

Volunteer Mentoring Through a Transitional Housing Program (Lane County, Oregon)CorrectionsJean Kjellstrand, Jordan Matulis, Arriell Jackson, Jo Smith, and J. Mark Eddy. 2021. “The Importance of Positive Social Support During Reentry From Prison: Examining the Role of Volunteer Mentoring.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 67(5):567–587.
Within My Reach: A Relationship Education Pilot Intervention (Southern California)Crime PreventionSesen Negash, Patricia N.E. Roberson, Eman Tadros, and Shannon Y. DeJesus. 2022. “A Brief Relationship Education Pilot Intervention for Men Post Release.” Prison Journal 102(3):347–66.
A Transformational Leadership Training Program (Catalonia)Law EnforcementAymerich, Núria, Joan Manuel Batista–Foguet, Ferran Velasco, Rita Rueff–Lopes, and Pedro Marques–Quinteiro. 2021. “Assessing the Effects of a Transformational Leadership Training Programme Within the Catalan Police Force.” Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15(4):2391–2406.
Addiction Treatment Pilot Program in Ohio Drug CourtsCourtsBaughman, Margaret, Krystel Tossone, Mark I. Singer, and Daniel J. Flannery. 2019. “Evaluation of Treatment and Other Factors That Lead to Drug Court Success, Substance Use Reduction, and Mental Health Symptomatology Reduction Over Time.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(2):257–75.
Adult Felony Drug Court in a Metropolitan Southwestern CountyCourts

Zettler, Haley R. 2019. “The Impact of Dual Diagnosis on Drug Court Failure.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(3):357–82.

Zettler, Haley R., and Kelli D. Martin. 2020. “Exploring the Impact of Technical Violations on Probation Revocations in the Context of Drug Court.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 45(6):1003–23.

Aim4Peace (Kansas City, Mo.)Crime Prevention

Stewart, Daryl, Nadia Jessop, and Jomella Watson–Thompson. 2021. “Examining Conflict Mediation to Prevent Violence Through Multisector Partnerships.” Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 27(2):170.

Watson–Thompson, Jomella, Marvia D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Colvin, Tracie McClendon–Cole, Daniel J. Schober, and Anthony M. Johnson. 2013. “Supporting a Community-Based Participatory Evaluation Approach to Violence Prevention in Kansas City.” Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community 41(3):155–66.

Antidiscriminatory Awareness Practice TrainingCrime Prevention

Felsinger, Jeannie, Carmen–Maria Fyfe, and David Smith. 2017. “Working With Hate Crime Offenders: The ADAPT Programme.” Probation Journal 64(4):413–21.

Grampian Regional Equality Council. 2013. ADAPT: Antidiscriminatory Awareness Practice Training. Aberdeen, Scotland.

Bard Prison Initiative (BPI) in New YorkCorrectionsDenney, Matthew G.T., and Robert Tynes. 2021. “The Effects of College in Prison and Policy Implications.” Justice Quarterly 38(7):1542–66.
Beyond Bali (Australia)Juvenile JusticeAly, Anne, Elisabeth Taylor, and Saul Karnovsky. 2014. “Moral Disengagement and Building Resilience to Violent Extremism: An Education Intervention.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 37(4):369–85.
Birmingham South Foot Patrol ExperimentCrime PreventionWain, Neil, Barak Ariel, and Justice Tankebe. 2017. “The Collateral Consequences of GPS–LED Supervision in Hot Spots Policing.” Police Practice and Research 18(4):376–90.
Boston Medical Center’s Enhanced Traditional Care Plus Patient NavigationDrugsQuintiliani, Lisa M., Hasmeena Kathuria, Ve Truong, Jennifer Murillo, Belinda Borrelli, Ziming Xuan, and Karen E. Lasser. 2021. “Patient Navigation Among Recently Hospitalized Smokers to Promote Tobacco Treatment: Results From a Randomized Exploratory Pilot Study.” Addictive Behaviors 113:106659–106659.
Boston Medical Center’s Tobacco Treatment Consult ServiceDrugsSeth, Bhavna, Nicole Herbst, Katia Oleinik, Kristopher Clark, Eric D. Helm, Charles O’Donnell, Carmel Fitzgerald, Carolina Wong, Renda Soylemez Wiener, and Hasmeena Kathuria. 2020. “Feasibility, Acceptability, and Adoption of an Inpatient Tobacco Treatment Service at a Safety-Net Hospital: A Mixed-Methods Study.” Annals of the American Thoracic Society 17(1):63–71.
Brief Advice for Methadone Patients With Gambling ProblemsDrugsBaxley, Catherine, Jeremiah Weinstock, Carla J. Rash, Matthew M. Yalch, Brian Borsari, Annie A. Garner, and Jeffrey Benware. 2021. “Changes in Secondary Outcomes Associated With Brief Interventions for Problem Gambling in Methadone Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 120:106953.
Brief Advice for Reducing Alcohol UseDrugs

Alvarez, Miriam J., Dylan K. Richards, Sandra Oviedo Ramirez, and Craig A. Field. 2021. “Social Network Heavy Drinking Moderates the Effects of a Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol Use Among Injured Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106594.

Field, Craig, Scott Walters, C. Nathan Marti, Jina Jun, Michael Foreman, and Carlos Brown. 2014. “A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Intervention to Reduce Drinking in the Trauma Care Setting: How Brief Is Brief?” Annals of Surgery 259(5):873–80.

Brief Education for E-Cigarette (or JUUL) Use and PreventionJuvenile JusticeLeavens, Eleanor L.S., Matthew J. Carpenter, Tracy T. Smith, and Nicole L. Nollen. 2021. “Exploratory Evaluation of Online Brief Education for JUUL Pod-Mod Use and Prevention.” Addictive Behaviors 119:106942.
Brief Motivational Intervention (BMI) to Reduce Alcohol UseDrugs

Alvarez, Miriam J., Dylan K. Richards, Sandra Oviedo Ramirez, and Craig A. Field. 2021. “Social Network Heavy Drinking Moderates the Effects of a Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol Use Among Injured Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106594.

Field, Craig, Scott Walters, C. Nathan Marti, Jina Jun, Michael Foreman, and Carlos Brown. 2014. “A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Intervention to Reduce Drinking in the Trauma Care Setting: How Brief Is Brief?” Annals of Surgery 259(5):873–80.

Brief Motivational Intervention With Telephone Booster (BIB) to Reduce Alcohol UseDrugs

Alvarez, Miriam J., Dylan K. Richards, Sandra Oviedo Ramirez, and Craig A. Field. 2021. “Social Network Heavy Drinking Moderates the Effects of a Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol Use Among Injured Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106594.

Field, Craig, Scott Walters, C. Nathan Marti, Jina Jun, Michael Foreman, and Carlos Brown. 2014.”A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Intervention to Reduce Drinking in the Trauma Care Setting: How Brief Is Brief?” Annals of Surgery 259(5):873–80.

Brief Psychoeducation for Methadone Patients With Gambling ProblemsDrugsBaxley, Catherine, Jeremiah Weinstock, Carla J. Rash, Matthew M. Yalch, Brian Borsari, Annie A. Garner, and Jeffrey Benware. 2021. “Changes in Secondary Outcomes Associated With Brief Interventions for Problem Gambling in Methadone Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 120:106953.
Brief-Mindfulness Training for Smoking Cessation (Hong Kong, China)DrugsWeng, Xue, Tzu Tsun Luk, Oi Sze Lau, Yi Nam Suen, Jung Jae Lee, William Ho–Cheung Li, Jojo Yan Yan Kwok, Tai Hing Lam, and Man Ping Wang. 2021. “Brief Mindfulness Training for Smoking Cessation in Chinese Women in Workplaces: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.” Addictive Behaviors 113:106677.
Brighter Futures Intervention (United Kingdom)VictimsBowen, Erica, Kate Walker, and Emma Holdworth. 2019. “Applying a Strengths-Based Psychoeducational Model of Rehabilitation to the Treatment of Intimate-Partner Violence: Program Theory and Logic Model.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(3):500–17.
BrightHorizonsJuvenile JusticeBullock, Karen, Annie Bunce, and Daniel McCarthy. 2019. “Making Good in Unpromising Places: The Development and Cultivation of Redemption Scripts Among Long-Term Prisoners.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(3):406–23.
Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE)Crime PreventionMirahmadi, Hedieh. 2016. “Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism: A Community-Based Approach.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 668(1):129–44.
California Bridge Program (CA Bridge)DrugsKalmin, Mariah M., David Goodman–Meza, Erik Anderson, Ariana Abid, Melissa Speener, Hannah Snyder, Arianna Campbell, Aimee Moulin, Steve Shoptaw, and Andrew A. Herring. 2021. “Voting With Their Feet: Social Factors Linked With Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Using Same-Day Buprenorphine Delivered in California Hospitals.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 222:108673.
California’s Juvenile Waiver PolicyJuvenile JusticeHaerle, Darin R. 2019. “Unpacking Adultification: Institutional Experiences and Misconduct of Adult Court and Juvenile Court Youth Living Under the Same Roof.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(5):663–93.
California’s Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO)Crime PreventionLaqueur, Hannah S., and Garen J. Wintemute. 2020. “Identifying High-Risk Firearm Owners to Prevent Mass Violence.” Criminology and Public Policy 19(1):109–27.
CARE Project in Warren County (Ohio)Juvenile JusticeGodellas, Nell, and Lindsey Cramer. 2021. “Supporting Children and Families Impacted by Substance Use Disorder: Findings From an Assessment of the Child Assessment and Response Evaluation Project in Warren County, Ohio.” Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.
CCTV in Mexico CityCrime PreventionVilalta, Carlos J., Thomas W. Sanchez, Gustavo Fondevila, and Magda Ramirez. 2019. “A Descriptive Model of the Relationship Between Police CCTV Systems and Crime: Evidence From Mexico City.” Police Practice and Research 20(2):105–21.
CCTV in Penang (Malaysia)Crime PreventionSeifi, Molood, Paul Cozen, Danielle Reynald, Syarmila Hany Haron, and Aldrin Abdullah. 2022. “How Effective Are Residential CCTV Systems? Evaluating the Impact of Natural Versus Mechanical Surveillance on House Break-Ins and Theft in Hotspots of Penang Island, Malaysia.” Security Journal 1–3.
Centre for Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (Canada)Juvenile JusticeAhmad, Hafal. 2017. “Youth Deradicalization: A Canadian Framework.” Journal for Deradicalization 12:119–68.
Cognitive Behavioral Relapse PreventionDrugsDingle, Tyree, and Sarah Bowen. 2021. “Evaluating Substance Use Treatment Efficacy for Younger and Older Adults.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106618.
Cognitive Skills BoosterCorrectionsHatcher, Ruth M., and Anna L.I. Roberts. 2019. “Can Completers, Noncompleters, and Nonstarters of Community-Based Offending Behavior Programs Be Differentiated by Internal Treatment Readiness Factors?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):1066–81.
Cognitive–Behavioral Treatment for Smoking Cessation (Spain)DrugsRodriguez–Cano, Ruben, Ana Lopez–Duran, Carmela Martinez–Vispo, and Elisardo Becona. 2021. “Causes of Smoking Relapse in the 12 Months After Smoking Cessation Treatment: Affective and Cigarette Dependence–Related Factors.” Addictive Behaviors 119:106903.
Cognitive–Behavioral Treatment With Behavioral Activation for Smokers (Spain)Drugs

Martínez–Vispo, Carmela, Ana López–Durán, Rubén Rodríguez–Cano, Carmen Senra, and Elisardo Becoña. 2021. “Treatment Completion and Anxiety Sensitivity Effects on Smoking Cessation Outcomes.” Addictive Behaviors 117:106856.

Weidberg, Sara, Alba González–Roz, Gloria García–Fernández, and Roberto Secades–Villa. 2021. “Activation Level as a Mediator Between Behavioral Activation, Sex, and Depression Among Treatment-Seeking Smokers.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106715.

Compulsory Drug Abuse Treatment (China)DrugsXiong, Haiyan, and Jidong Jia. 2019. “Situational Social Support and Relapse: An Exploration of Compulsory Drug Abuse Treatment Effect in China.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(8):1202–19.
Computer Vision (CV)–Enhanced Camera NetworksCrime PreventionChen, Chen, Ray Surette, and Mubarak Shah. 2020. “Automated Monitoring for Security Camera Networks: Promise From Computer Vision Labs.” Security Journal 34(3):389–409.
Contingency Management for Smoking Sensation (Cape Town, South Africa)Juvenile JusticeHofmeyr, Andre, Harold Kincaid, and Olivia Rusch. 2020. “Incentivizing University Students to Quit Smoking: A Randomized Controlled Trail of a Contingency Management Intervention in a Developing Country.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(1):109–19.
Continuing Care Telephone Intervention (or Continuing Care Project) [Australia]Drugs

Degan, Tayla J., Peter J. Kelly, Laura D. Robinson, Frank P. Deane, and Amanda L. Baker. “Health Literacy and Healthcare Service Utilisation in the 12 Months Prior to Entry Into Residential Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment.” Addictive Behaviors 124:107111.

Kelly, Peter, Frank Deane, Amanda L. Baker, Gerard Byrne, Tayla Degan, Briony Osborne, Camilla Townsend, James McKay, Laura Robinson, Christopher Oldmeadow, Kenny Lawson, Andrew Searles, and Joanne Lunn. 2020. “Study Protocol the Continuing Care Project: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Continuing Care Telephone Intervention Following Residential Substance Dependence Treatment.” BMC Public Health 20(1):1–9.

Creating a College Culture ProjectJuvenile JusticeRadcliffe, Richard, and Beth Bos. 2011. “Mentoring Approaches to Create a College-Going Culture for At-Risk Secondary Level Students.” American Secondary Education 39(3).
Cue-Based Treatment for SmokersDrugsPollak, Kathryn I., Jason A. Oliver, Carl Pieper, James M. Davis, Xiaomei Gao, Devon Noonan, Danielle Kennedy, Isa Granados, and Laura J. Fish. 2021. “Cue-Based Treatment for Light Smokers: A Proof of Concept Pilot.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106717.
Denton (Texas) Teen Court ProgramJuvenile JusticeIrons, E. Jane, and Roland Jones. 2001. “Teen Court: An Effective Intervention for Youth at Risk of Interpersonal Violence and Substance Abuse.” Journal of Correctional Education (1974) 52(4):149–51.
Devoted Dads (Minnesota)CorrectionsPowell, Sharon, Mikayla Smith, Aysegul Baltaci, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Ellie McCann, Emily Becher, Anita Harris Hering, Becky Hagen Jokela, and Lori Hendrickson. 2020. “Devoted Dads: Evaluation of a Parent Education Program for Incarcerated Fathers.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 1–20.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy–Skills Training for Persons With Alcohol and Substance Use DisordersDrugs

Cavicchioli, Marco, Federico Calesella, Silvia Cazzetta, Movalli Mariagrazia, Anna Ogliari, Cesare Maffei, and Benedetta Vai. 2021. “Investigating Predictive Factors of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Efficacy for Alcohol and Concurrent Substance Use Disorders: A Machine Learning Study.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 224:108723.

Cavicchioli, Marco, Pietro Ramella, Giulia Vassena, Giulia Simone, Francesca Prudenziati, Federica Sirtori, Mariagrazia Movalli, and Cesare Maffei. 2020. “Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Training for the Treatment of Addictive Behaviours Among Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder: The Effect of Emotion Regulation and Experiential Avoidance.” American Journal of Druga and Alcohol Abuse 46(3):368–84.

Digitization of Inmates’ Incoming Personal MailCorrectionsRusso, J.; M. Planty; J. Shaffer; M.N. Parsons; and J.D. Roper–Miller. 2021. Mitigating Contraband via the Mail. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Diminishing Opportunities for Violent Extremism (DOVE)Crime PreventionWeine, Stevan M., and Osman Ahmed. 2012. “Building Resilience to Violent Extremism Among Somali–Americans in Minneapolis–St. Paul.” Final Report to Human Factors/Behavioral Sciences Division, Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. College Park, Md.: START.
Drink-Impaired Drivers (United Kingdom)CorrectionsHatcher, Ruth M., and Anna L.I. Robert. 2019. “Can Completers, Noncompleters, and Nonstarters of Community-Based Offending Behavior Programs Be Differentiated by Internal Treatment Readiness Factors.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):1066–81.
Dunklin Memorial Camp (Okeechobee, Fla.)CorrectionsNayer, Gautam, Luis Perez–Feliciano, and Michael Adams. 2021. “Got Faith? An In-Depth Analysis and Review of Five Faith-Based Prisoner Reentry Programs in Florida.” International Journal of Business and Social Science Research 2(10).
Effect of Partisan Electoral Interventions on TerrorismLaw EnforcementLevin, Dov H. 2020. “Voting for Trouble? Partisan Electoral Interventions and Domestic Terrorism.” Terrorism and Political Violence 32(3):489–505.
Effectiveness of Correctional Educational Programs (China)CorrectionsZhao, Yunhan, Steven F. Messner, Jianhong Liu, and Cheng Jin. 2019. “ Prisons as Schools: Inmates’ Participation in Vocational and Academic Programs in Chinese Prisons.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(16–16):2712–40.
Fair & Impartial Policing® (New York)Law EnforcementWorden, Robert E., Sarah J. McLean, Robin S. Engel, Hannah Cochran, Nicholas Corsaro, Danielle Reynolds, Cynthia J. Najdowski, and Gabrielle T. Isaza. 2020. The Impacts of Implicit Bias Awareness Training in the NYPD. Albany, N.Y.: John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety, Inc.
Faith Farm (Multi Sites in Florida)CorrectionsNayer, Gautam, Luis Perez–Feliciano, and Michael Adams. 2021. “Got Faith? An In-Depth Analysis and Review of Five Faith-Based Prisoner Reentry Programs in Florida.” International Journal of Business and Social Science Research 2(10).
Families Matter Program (Ireland)Juvenile JusticeButler, Michelle, Andrew Percy, David Hayes, and John Devaney. 2019. “Designing Prison-Based Parenting Programs to Maximize Their Outcomes.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):975–92.
Field Ministry in Texas PrisonsCorrectionsJang, Sung Joon, Byron R. Johnson, Joshua Hays, Michael Hallett, and Grant Duwe. 2020. “Prisoners Helping Prisoners Change: A Study of Inmate Field Ministers Within Texas Prisons.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(5):470–97.
Finding Rhythms (United Kingdom)CorrectionsKyprianides, Arabella, and Matthew J. Easterbrook. 2020. “Finding Rhythms Made Me Find My Rhythm in Prison”: The Role of a Music Program in Promoting Social Engagement and Psychological Well-Being Among Inmates.” Prison Journal 100(4):531–54.
Greater Boston’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Pilot ProgramCrime PreventionSavoia, Elena, Marcia A. Testa, J. Stern, Leesa Lin, Souleymane Konate, and Noah Klein. 2016. Evaluation of the Greater Boston Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Pilot Program. Boston, Mass.: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Group Motivational Interviewing for Veterans With Substance Use DisordersDrugsSanta Ana, Elizabeth J., Steven D. LaRowe, Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Antonio A. Morgan–Lopez, Kayla Lamb, Katherine A. Beavis, Kinfe Bishu, and Steve Martino. 2021. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Motivational Interviewing for Veterans With Substance Use Disorders.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 223:108716.
Health Services Training in Combating IPV Against Women (Turkey)VictimsKaplan, Sena, and Nuran Komurcu. 2017. “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Health Services Training Given With Different Methods in Combating of Intimate-Partner Violence Against Women: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Family Violence 32:69–77.
Hermon Prison’s Drug Rehabilitation Program (Israel)Corrections

Haviv, Noam, and Badi Hasisi. 2019. “Prison Addiction Program and the Role of Integrative Treatment and Program Completion on Recidivism.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2741–70.

Zelig, Anat, Efat Shoham, Noam Haviv, Bado Hasisi, and David Weisburd. 2020. “Unravelling the ‘Black Box’: Treatment-Staff Perceptions of Hermon Prison’s Drug-Rehabilitation Program.” International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 9:124–34.

Hong Kong Correctional Services’ Detention Centre ProgramJuvenile JusticeLau, Jonathan S.F.; S.W. Hung; and Eva Y.W. Kwong. 2020. “The Role of Social Problem Solving, Criminal Attitude, and ADHD in Aggression Among Incarcerated Youth in Hong Kong.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(4):396–416.
Impact of a Direct Contact-Based Intervention on Prejudice Reduction (Jaffa, Israel)Juvenile JusticeBerger, Rony, Alaina Brenick, Samantha E. Lawrence, Lila Coco, and Hisham Abu–Raiya. 2018. “Comparing the Effectiveness and Durability of Contact- and Skills-Based Prejudice Reduction Approaches.” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 59:46–53.
Impact of a Skills-Oriented Training Intervention on Prejudice Reduction (Jaffa, Israel)Juvenile JusticeBerger, Rony, Alaina Brenick, Samantha E. Lawrence, Lila Coco, and Hisham Abu–Raiya. 2018. “Comparing the Effectiveness and Durability of Contact- and Skills-Based Prejudice Reduction Approaches.” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 59:46–53.
Impact of a Tobacco Control (or Nicotine Reduction) PolicyDrugsDenlinger–Apte, Rachel L., Joseph S. Koopmeiners, Jennifer W. Tidey, Xianghua Luo, Tracy T. Smith, Lauren R. Pacek, F. Joseph McClernon, Joni A. Jensen, Suzanne M. Colby, Herbert H. Severson, Eric C. Donny, and Dorothy K. Hatsukami. 2021. “Support for a Nicotine Reduction Policy Among Participants Enrolled in a 20-Week Trial of Very Low Nicotine Content Cigarettes.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106727.
Impact of Disproportionate Minority Contact Mandates in the United StatesJuvenile Justice

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Mallett, Christopher A., and Patricia Stoddard Dare. 2010. “Predicting Secure Detention Placement for African American Juvenile Offenders: Addressing the Disproportionate Minority Confinement Problem.” Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 8(2):91–103.

Impact of Enhanced Mentoring Services (Multisite) for Youth With an Incarcerated ParentJuvenile JusticeKremer, Kristen P., Kirsten M. Christensen, Kathryn N. Stump, Rebecca L. Stelter, Janis B. Kupersmidt, and Jean E. Rhodes. 2021. “The Role of Visits and Parent–Child Relationship Quality in Promoting Positive Outcomes for Children of Incarcerated Parents.” Child & Family Social Work.
Impact of Family Visitations for Committed JuvenilesDrugsYoung, Brae Campion, Melissa R. Nadel, William D. Bales, George B. Pesta, and Mark A. Greenwald. 2019. “Far From Home: An Examination of the Juvenile Visitation Experience and the Barriers to Getting There.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(8):1409–23.
Implicit Bias Training for Law Enforcement OfficersLaw Enforcement

Shaffstall, Kayla. 2021. An Officer’s Perspective: Law Enforcement and Implicit Bias Training. Doctoral dissertation. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northern Arizona University.

Whitfield, Marvin. 2019. Influence of Implicit-Bias Training on the Cultural Competency of Police Officers. Doctoral dissertation. Minneapolis, Minn.: Walden University.

Implicit Bias Training for ProfessionalsJuvenile JusticeFix, Rebecca L. 2020. “Justice Is Not Blind: A Preliminary Evaluation of an Implicit Bias Training for Justice Professionals.” Race and Social Problems 12(4):362–74.
Implicit Bias Training in United KingdomLaw EnforcementMiller, Joel, Paul Quinton, Banos Alexandrou, and Daniel Packham. 2020. “Can Police Training Reduce Ethnic/Racial Disparities in Stop and Search? Evidence From a Multisite UK Trial.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(4):1259–87.
In-Prison Educational Father Programs (Australia)Law EnforcementBartlett, Tess S., and Christopher J. Trotter. 2019. “Did We Forget Something? Fathering Supports and Services Programs in Prisons in Victoria, Australia.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(8)1465–81.
Intensive Smoking Treatment (ASSIST Project)Juvenile JusticeSkelton, Eliza, Alistair Lum, Lucy E. Cooper, Emma Barnett, Julie Smith, Arlene Everson, Jane Machart, Amanda L. Baker, Sean Halpin, Olav Nielssen, Mathew Clapman, and Billie Boevski. 2021. “Addressing Smoking in Sheltered Homelessness With Intensive Smoking Treatment (ASSIST project): A Pilot Feasibility Study of Varenicline, Combination Nicotine Replacement Rherapy and Motivational Interviewing.” Addictive Behaviors 124:107074.
Interconnected Systems FrameworkJuvenile JusticeWeist, Mark D., Joni W. Splett, Colleen Halliday, Michael A. Seaman, Nick Gage, Katie Perkins, Kelly Perales, Elaine Miller, Kathryn McCollister, Darien Collins, Victoria Rizzardi, and Christine DiStefano. 2020. Final Summary Overview, Interconnecting PBIS and School Mental Health to Improve School Safety: A Randomized Trial. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Iowa Department of Corrections’ Cognitive–Behavioral Program for Women Under Community SupervisionCorrectionsZarling, Amie, Roxann Scheffert, and Dan Russell. 2021. “Predictors of Retention and Recidivism of Justice-Involved Women in a Community-Based Gender-Responsive CBT Program.” Criminal Justice and Behavior
Kentucky’s Substance Use Assessment Mandate for DUI OffendersCrime PreventionDickson, Megan F., and J. Matthew Webster. 2021. “Conviction Celerity and Intervention Compliance as Predictors of DUI Recidivism: A Mediation Model of Deterrence Among Kentucky DUI Offenders.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 60(5):311–28.
Los Angeles Countering Violent Extremism ProgramCrime Prevention

Weine, Stevan M., David P. Eisenman, La Tina Jackson, Janni Kinsler, and Chloe Polutnik. 2017. “Utilizing Mental Health Professionals to Help Prevent the Next Attacks.” International Review of Psychiatry 29(4):334–40.

Weine, Stevan M., David P. Eisenman, Deborah Glik, Janni Kinsler, and Chloe Polutnik. 2018. Leveraging a Targeted Violence Prevention Program to Prevent Violent Extremism: A Formative Evaluation in Los Angeles. Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois at Chicago.

Low-Intensity Alcohol Module (LIAM) [United Kingdom]CorrectionsHatcher, Ruth M., and Anna L.I. Roberts. 2019. “Can Completers, Noncompleters, and Nonstarters of Community-Based Offending Behavior Programs Be Differentiated by Internal Treatment Readiness Factors?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):1066–81.
Lunch BuddyJuvenile JusticeElledge, L. Christian, Timothy A. Cavell, Nick T. Ogle, and Rebecca A. Newgent. 2010. “School-Based Mentoring as Selective Prevention for Bullied Children: A Preliminary Test.” Journal of Primary Prevention 31:171–87.
Mailed Nicotine Replacement TherapyDrugs

Cunningham, John A, Vladyslav Kushnir, Peter Selby, Rachel F Tyndale, Laurie Zawertailo, and Scott T Leatherdale. 2016. “Effect of Mailing Nicotine Patches on Tobacco Cessation Among Adult Smokers?: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA Internal Medicine 176(2):184–90.

Cunningham, John A., Vladyslav Kushnir, Peter Selby, Laurie Zawertailo, Rachel F. Tyndale, Scott T. Leatherdale, and Christina Schell. 2020. “Five-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Mailed Nicotine Patches to Promote Tobacco Cessation.” JAMA Internal Medicine 180(5):792–93.

Cunningham, John A., Scott T. Leatherdale, Peter L. Selby, Rachel F. Tyndale, Laurie Zawertailo, and Vladyslav Kushnir. 2011. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Mailed Nicotine Replacement Therapy to Canadian Smokers: Study Protocol.” BMC Public Health 11(1):741–41.

Cunningham, John A., Vladyslav Kushnir, Peter Selby, Laurie Zawertailo, Rachel F. Tyndale, Scott T. Leatherdale, Alexandra Godinho, and Christina Schell. 2021. “Use of Additional Nicotine Replacement Therapy by Participants in a 5-Year Follow-Up of a Tobacco Cessation Trial.” Addictive Behaviors 117:106875.

Kushnir, Vladyslav, Peter Selby, Laurie Zawertailo, Rachel F. Tyndale, Scott T. Leatherdale, and John A. Cunningham. 2017. “Long-Term Effectiveness of Mailed Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial 5-Year Follow-Up.” BMC Public Health 18(1):28–28.

Maori Therapeutic Community Programme/Maori Focus UnitsCorrections

New Zealand Department of Corrections. 2009. Maori focus units and Maori therapeutic Programmes evaluation report. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Department of Corrections.

Ashdown, Jacob D., Gareth J. Treharne, Tia Neha, Brian Dixon, and Claire Aitken. 2019. “Maori Men’s Experiences of Rehabilitation in the Moana House Therapeutic Community in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Qualitative Enquiry.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(5):734–51.

Martial Arts Training (MAT) in Law EnforcementLaw EnforcementTorres, Jose. 2020. “Predicting Law Enforcement Confidence in Going ‘Hands On’: The Impact of Martial Arts Training, Use-of-Force Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Apprehensiveness.” Police Practice and Research 21(2):187–203.
McLennan County (Texas) DWI/DUI Drug CourtCourtsHumenik, Alexis M., Sindhu Shivaji, and Sara L. Dolan. 2021. “Investigating Mental Health Implications for Drug Court Participants.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(9):1077–96.
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)Juvenile JusticeKatz, Jackson, H. Alan Heisterkamp, and Wm. Michael Fleming. 2011. “The Social Justice Roots of the Mentors in Violence Prevention Model and Its Application in a High School Setting.” Violence Against Women 17(6):684–702.
mHealth (Mid-Atlantic Region)DrugsMays, Darren, Andrea C. Johnson, Lilianna Phan, Camilla Sanders, Abigail Shoben, Kenneth P. Tercyak, Theodore L. Wagener, Marielle C. Brinkman, and Isaac M. Lipkus. 2021. “Tailored Mobile Messaging Intervention for Waterpipe Tobacco Cessation in Young Adults: A Randomized Trial.” American Journal of Public Health 111(9):1686–95.
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)DrugsDingle, Tyree, and Sarah Bowen. 2021. “Evaluating Substance Use Treatment Efficacy for Younger and Older Adults.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106618.
Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) for Law Enforcement OfficersLaw EnforcementHunsinger, Matthew, Michael Christopher, and Andi M. Schmidt. 2019. “Mindfulness Training, Implicit Bias, and Force Response Decisionmaking.” Mindfulness 10(12):2555–66.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Incarcerated Inmates (Netherlands)CorrectionsBouw, N.; S.C.J. Hujbregts; E. Scholte; and H. Swaab. 2019. “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Prison: Experiences of Inmates, Instructors, and Prison Staff.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2550–71.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy Plus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Gambling Methadone PatientsDrugsBaxley, Catherine, Jeremiah Weinstock, Carla J. Rash, Matthew M. Yalch, Brian Borsari, Annie A. Garner, and Jeffrey Benware. 2021. “Changes in Secondary Outcomes Associated With Brief Interventions for Problem Gambling in Methadone Patients.” Addictive Behaviors 120:106953.
Motivational Interviewing Training for Officers in a State Probation and Parole AgencyCorrectionsIarussi, Melanie M., and Dixie F. Powers. 2018. “Outcomes of Motivational Interviewing Training With Probation and Parole Officers: Findings and Lessons Learned.” Federal Probation 82:28–34.
Neighborhood Community Garden Initiative (Massachusetts)Juvenile JusticeMcCabe, Art. 2014. “Community Gardens to Fight Urban Youth Crime and Stabilize Neighborhoods.” International Journal of Child Health and Human Development 7(3).
Neighborhood Solutions Project in Urban Heights (North Carolina)Juvenile JusticeRandall, Jeff, Cynthia Cupit Swenson, and Scott W. Henggeler. 1999. “Neighborhood Solutions for Neighborhood Problems: An Empirically Based Violence Prevention Collaboration.” Health Education & Behavior 26(6):806–20.
New York Police Department Hate Crimes Task ForceJuvenile JusticeLevin, Brian, and Sara–Ellen Amster. 2007. “Making Hate History: Hate Crime and Policing in America’s Most Diverse City.” American Behavioral Scientist 51(2):319–48.
New Zealand’s ‘e-Learning’ for RecruitsLaw EnforcementDavey, Steven, Sarah Gordon, and Rachel Tester. 2021. “Addressing Police Discrimination Regarding Mental Distress Using a Service User-Led and Interpersonal Contact/Education-Based ‘e-Learning.’” Police Practice and Research 22(1):426–42.
Offender Substance Use Program (United Kingdom)CorrectionsHatcher, Ruth M., and Anna L.I. Roberts. 2019. “Can Completers, Noncompleters, and Nonstarters of Community-Based Offending Behavior Programs be Differentiated by Internal Treatment Readiness Factors?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):1066–81.
Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) for Substance AbuseDrugsDong, Huiru, Kanna Hayashi, Nadia Fairbairn, M–J Milloy, Kora DeBeck, Evan Wood, and Thomas Kerr. 2021. “Long-Term Pretreatment Opioid Use Trajectories in Relation to Opioid Agonist Therapy Outcomes Among People Who Use Drugs in a Canadian Setting.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106655.
Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) Training for Law Enforcement OfficersLaw EnforcementWinograd, Rachel P., Erin Stringfellow, Sarah K. Phillips, and Claire A. Wood. 2020.“Some Law Enforcement Officers’ Negative Attitudes Toward Overdose Victims Are Exacerbated Following Overdose Education Training.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(5):577–88.
Peer Reentry Specialists (Texas)CorrectionsGonzalez, Reingle, Jennifer M., Rachel E. Rana, Katelyn K. Jetelina, and Madeline H. Roberts. 2019. “The Value of Lived Experience With the Criminal Justice System: A Qualitative Study of Peer Reentry Specialists.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(10):1861–75.
Peer-2-Peer InitiativesJuvenile Justice

Savoia, Elena, Maxwell Su, Nigel Harriman, and Marcia A. Testa. 2019. “Evaluation of a School Campaign to Reduce Hatred.” Journal for Deradicalization 21:43–83.

Savoia, Elena, Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College, and United States of America. 2019. Evaluation of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Challenging Extremism Initiative. Annotation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.

Peer-Led E-Cigarette Prevention Program for Sixth Graders (Pittsburgh, Pa.)Juvenile JusticeChu, Kar–Hai, Jaime Sidani, Sara Matheny, Scott D. Rothenberger, Elizabeth Miller, Thomas Valente, and Linda Robertson. 2021. “Implementation of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial: Identifying Student Peer Leaders to Lead E-Cigarette Interventions.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106726.
PIPOL Program (Italy)Juvenile JusticePastore, Francesco, and Marco Pompili. 2020. “Assessing the Impact of Off-the-Job and On-the-Job Training on Employment Outcomes: A Counterfactual Evaluation of the PIPOL Program.” Evaluation Review 44(2–3):145–84.
PlaybookCrime PreventionGill, Charlotte, Julie Hibdon, Cynthia Lum, Devon Johnson, Linda Merola, David Weisburd, Breanne Cave, and Jaspreet Chahal. 2021. “‘Translational Criminology’ in Action: A National Survey of TSA’s Playbook Implementation at U.S. Airports.” Security Journal 34(2):319–39.
Pokket (North Carolina)CorrectionsLink, Tanja C., and Beverly Reece. 2021. “Barriers to the Adoption of Technological Innovations in Corrections: A Review and Case Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(2–3):262–81.
Poland’s 1999 Education ReformCrime PreventionLiwinski, Jacek. 2020. “The Impact of Compulsory Schooling on Hourly Wage: Evidence From the 1999 Education Reform in Poland.” Evaluation Review 44(5–6):437–70.
Police-Assisted Community Enforcement (PACE) Program (Norfolk, Va.)Crime PreventionGoetz, Barry, and Roger Mitchell. 2003. “Community-Building and Reintegrative Approaches to Community Policing: The Case of Drug Control.” Social Justice 30(1):222–47.
Police Response ModelLaw EnforcementSeo, Chunghyeon, Bitna Kim, and Nathan E. Kruis. 2020. “Police Response Models for Handling Encounters With People Suffering From Mental Illnesses: A Survey of Police Chiefs.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 46(5):793–814.
Postrelease Mentoring Program for Female Ex-Prisoners (Victoria, Australia)CorrectionsSingh, Sara, Jesse Cale, and Kat Armstrong. 2019. “Breaking the Cycle: Understanding the Needs of Women Involved in the Criminal Justice System and the Role of Mentoring in Promoting Desistance.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(8):1330–53.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (Multisites in United States)Drugs

Delcher, Chris, and Amie Goodin. 2021. “Framework for Advancing Epidemiological Criminology Research on Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 46(4):665–81.

Add 2021 reference to current program entry on the list.

Prevent (United Kingdom)Law Enforcement

Rosen, Seth D. 2010. Pathways to Prevention? Evaluating the United Kingdom’s Approach to Counterradicalization. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University.

Lakhani, Suraj. 2012. “Preventing Violent Extremism: Perceptions of Policy From Grassroots and Communities.” Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 51(2):190–206.

Thomas, Paul. 2016. “Youth, Terrorism, and Education: Britain’s Prevent Programme.” International Journal of Lifelong Education 35(2):171–87.

PRIA–MA (Spain)CorrectionsHoey, Julie Van, Carmen Moret–Tatay, Jesús Alberto Santolaya Prego de Oliver, and María José Beneyto–Arrojo. 2021. “Profile Changes in Male Partner Abuser After an Intervention Program in Gender-Based Violence.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(13–14):1411–22.
Proactive Integrated Support Model (PRISM) [New South Wales]Corrections

Cherney, Adrian, and Emma Belton. 2020. “Assessing Intervention Outcomes Targeting Radicalised Offenders: Testing the Pro-Integration Model of Extremist Disengagement as an Evaluation Tool.” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 13(3):193–211.

Cherney, Adrian, and Emma Belton. 2021. “Evaluating Case-Managed Approaches to Counter Radicalization and Violent Extremism: An Example of the Proactive Integrated Support Model (PRISM) Intervention.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 44(8):625–45.

Problem-Solving CourtsCourtsTraguetto, Jessica, and Tomas de Aquino Guimaraes. 2019. “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Restorative Justice in the United States: The Process of Institutionalization and the Roles of Judges.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(11):1971–89.
Project Ladder (Singapore)CorrectionsFang, Xinwei, Denise Liu, Joses Kuan, and Justin Lee. 2021. “Communication Gatekeepers and Moral Arbiters: Mothers’ Roles When Fathers Are Incarcerated.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 60(4):232–55.
QuitENDs (Australia)DrugsLum, Alistair, Eliza Skelton, Maryanne Robinson, Ashleigh Guillaumier, Olivia Wynne, Coral Gartner, Ron Borland, Amanda L. Baker, Adrian Dunlop, Ross B. Wilkinson, and Billie Bonevski. 2022. “Barriers and Facilitators to Using Vaporised Nicotine Products as Smoking Cessation Aids Among People Receiving Treatment for Substance Use Disorder.” Addictive Behaviors 124:107097.
Recovery and Rehabilitation Center (Israel)CorrectionsHaviv, Noam, and Badi Hasisi. 2019. “Prison Addiction Program and the Role of Integrative Treatment and Program Completion on Recidivism.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2741–70.
ReDirect (Canada)Juvenile JusticeAhmad, Hafal. 2017. “Youth Deradicalization: A Canadian Framework.” Journal for Deradicalization 12:119–68
Reduced Probation Caseload in an Evidence-Based Setting (Colorado)CorrectionsJalbert, Sarah Kuck, William Rhodes, Michael Kane, Elyse Clawson, Bradford Bogue, Chris Flygare, Ryan Kling, and Meaghan Guevara. 2011. A Multisite Evaluation of Reduced Probation Caseload Size in an Evidence-Based Practice Setting. Final Report to the National Institute of Justice. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates.
Reprivata’s Cybersecurity Community of TrustCrime PreventionFulford, Ed. 2018. “Implementing a Cybersecurity Community of Trust: Reprivata Seeks An ‘Early Adopter.’” Muma Case Review 3(7):1–20.
Resilience Training for Female Offenders (South Australia)CorrectionsLo, Laura, Matthew Iasiello, Marissa Carey, and Joseph van Agteren. 2020. “Improving the Well-Being of Female Prisoners via Psychological Skills Training: A Feasibility Study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(15):1571–86.
Restorative Justice Intervention for Prisoners (Israel)CorrectionsWeimann–Saks, Dana, and Inbal Peleg–Koriat. 2020. “Promoting Inmates’ Positive Attitudes Toward Participating in a Restorative Justice Process: The Effects of a Victim Awareness Process.” Prison Journal 100(3):381–98.
Returning Home (Maryland) Corrections

Visher, Christy, Nancy La Vigne, and Jeremy Travis. 2004. “Returning Home: Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry; Maryland Pilot Study: Findings From Baltimore.” Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

Liu, Lin. 2021. “Parole, Neighborhood, and Reentry Outcomes: A Contextualized Analysis.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(6–7):741–62.

Ria Treatment Platform ProgramDrugsMitchella, Mary M., John Mendelson, Jan Gryczynski, Steven B. Carswell, and Robert P. Schwartz. 2020. “A Novel Telehealth Platform for Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment; Preliminary Evidence or Reductions in Drinking.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(3):297–303.
Rise Above (RA)Juvenile JusticeShin, Sunny H. 2021. “Preventing E-Cigarette Use Among High-Risk Adolescents: A Trauma-Informed Prevention Approach.” Addictive Behaviors 115:106795.
Rise Above Your Situation (RAYS) [Multisite]Juvenile JusticeLevesque, Deborah A., Janet L. Johnson, Carol A. Welch, Janice M. Prochaska, and Anne C. Fernandez. 2012. “Computer-Tailored Intervention for Juvenile Offenders.” Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 12(4):391–411.
RISE: A Sexual Violence Prevention Program (India)Juvenile JusticeNieder, Christina, Johannes Florenz Bosch, Anna Panaiota Nockemann, and Joscha Kärtner. 2020. “Evaluation of RISE: A Sexual Violence Prevention Program for Female College Students in India.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260520959631
Roanoke (Va.) Drug Market InterventionLaw EnforcementStallings, Robert P., Paul M. Hawkins, and Kyle C. Ward. 2015. “Examining Perceptions of Crime and Quality of Life by Residents Living in a Drug Market Intervention Neighborhood.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 17(3):166–88.
Safe Harbor Laws in the United StatesJuvenile JusticeCole, Jennifer, and Ginny Sprang. 2020. “Post-Implementation of a Safe Harbor Law in the U.S.: Review of State Administrative Data.” Child Abuse and Neglect 101:104320.
School-Based Preventing Violent Extremism Programs (Germany)Juvenile JusticeWalsh, Maria, and Antje Gansewig. 2019. “A Former Right-Wing Extremist in School-Based Prevention Work: Research Findings From Germany.” Journal for Deradicalization 21:1–42.
Seeking Safety for Pregnant and Postpartum WomenDrugsSalvador, Julie G., Caroline A. Bonham, Danielle K. Duran, and Annette S. Crisant. 2020. “Does the SafeCare Parenting Program Impact Caregiver Mental Health?” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(9):2653–65.
Shape Your Life (Toronto Canada)VictimsGammage, Kimberly L., Cathy van Ingen, and Kirina Angrish. 2021. “Measuring the Effects of the Shape Your Life Project on the Mental and Physical Health Outcomes of Survivors of Gender-Based Violence.” Violence Against Women 10778012211038966.
Smokefree Support Study’s Intensive Treatment for Alcohol and Tobacco UseDrugsStreck, Joanna M., Kelly A. Hyland, Susan Regan, Alona Muzikansky, Nancy A. Rigotti, Colin J. Ponzani, Giselle K. Perez, Sara Kalkhoran, Jamie S. Ostroff, and Elyse R. Park. 2021. “Examining the Effects of Problematic Alcohol Use on Cigarette Abstinence in Recently Diagnosed Cancer Patients Enrolled in a Cessation Trial: A Secondary Analysis.” Addictive Behaviors 115:106794.
Social Therapy for Juveniles (Germany)Juvenile JusticeCarl, Lena C., Martin Schmucker, and Fredrich Losel. 2020. “Predicting Attrition and Engagement in the Treatment of Young Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(4):335–74.
Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center’s Therapeutic CommunityCorrectionsVelasco, Ricardo Valdés, Jason B. Boggs, Paul A. Redfield, Kasia A. Kijanczuk, Ralph J. Fretz, Derrick D. Schofield, and Kevin Knight. 2019. “An Evaluation of an In-Prison Therapeutic Community: Treatment Needs and Recidivism.” Federal Probation 83:9–14.
Specialized Treatment Program for Male IPV Perpetrators (Spain)VictimsSiria, Sandra, Leire Leza, Javier Fernández–Montalvo, José A. Echauri, Juana M. Azkarate, and María Martínez. 2021. “Differential Psychopathological Profile of Male Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators Depending on Problematic Alcohol Use.” Addictive Behaviors 118:106887.
Stanford’s Tobacco Prevention Toolkit (Multisite)Juvenile Justice

Gaiha, Shivani Mathur, Abigail Duemler, Lauren Silverwood, Anabel Razo, Bonnie Halpern–Felsher, and Susan C. Walley. 2021. “School-Based E-Cigarette Education in Alabama: Impact on Knowledge of E-Cigarettes, Perceptions, and Intent to Try.” Addictive Behaviors 112:106519.

Lazaro, Adrienne, Richard Ceballos, Molly Fischer, Stephen Smuin, and Bonnie Halpern–Felsher. 2021. “A Novel Approach to Training Educators to Conduct School-Based Adolescent E-Cigarette Education and Prevention: Using the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit.” Addictive Behaviors 118:106858.

Stop Taking it Out on your Partner (STOP) [British Columbia, Canada]CorrectionsWong, Jennifer, and Jessica Bouchard. 2021. “A Pilot Evaluation of STOP Intimate-Partner Violence Intervention Program.” Partner Abuse 12(2):158–78.
Structural and Medical Family TherapyCorrectionsTadros, Eman, and Natasha Finney. 2019. “Exploring the Utilization of Structural and Medical Family Therapy With an Incarcerated Mother Living With HIV.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(4):624–40.
Substance Use Programming for Person-Oriented Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT)DrugsVictor, Grant, Emily Sightes, Dennis P. Watson, Bradley Ray, Katie Bailey, Lisa Robision, Gina Fears, Rhiannon Edwards, and Michelle Salyers. 2021. “Designing and Implementing an Intervention for Returning Citizens Living With Substance Use Disorder: Discovering the Benefits of Peer Recovery Coach Involvement in Pilot Clinical Trial Decisionmaking.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 60(2):138–58.
Survivor-Defined AdvocacyVictimsCostello, John, and Alesha Durfee. 2020. “Survivor-Defined Advocacy in the Civil Protection Order Process.” Feminist Criminology 15(3):299–318.
The Champion Plan (Brockton, Mass.)Law EnforcementVarano, Sean P., Pamela Kelley, and Nicholas Makhlouta. 2019. “ The City of Brockton’s “Champion Plan”: The Role of Police Departments in Facilitating Access to Treatment.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2630–53.
The Planarian–Nicotine Experiment: A School-Based Science Program (Midwest)Juvenile JusticeCameron, Judy L., Karlie Brasch, Damara Strong, Barbara Paul, Erin Cavanaugh, Shreya Thakur, Mia N. Watson, Tyra Jennings, Sunil U. Nayak, and Scott M. Rawls. 2021. “Evaluating a School-Based Science Program That Teaches the Physiological Effects of Nicotine.” Addictive Behaviors 114:106744.
Therapeutic Community in a State Correctional Institute at Chester (Pa.)CorrectionsKelly, Christopher E., Wayne N. Welsh, and Jennifer N. Stanley. 2019. “The Treatment Group and Recidivism: A Multilevel Analysis of Prison-Based Substance Abuse Treatment.” Prison Journal 99(5):515–34.
Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) for Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Team MembersJuvenile JusticeIdrogo, Jasmine Victoria, Logan A. Yelderman, Martha–Elin Blomquist, and Angela D. Broadus. 2021. “Perceived and Actual Knowledge Gain Among Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Team Members: A Pre–Post Analysis of Onsite Training and Technical Assistance.” Family Court Review 59(4):769–89.
Training Modules for School Resource OfficersJuvenile JusticeEspelage, Dorothy L., America El Sheikh, Luz E. Robinson, Alberto Valido, Katherine M. Ingram, Cagil Torgal, Catherine G. Artia, Christine D. Salama, Pamela K. Chalfant, Philip E. Peokert, and Angelica M. Nicholson. 2020. “Development of Online Professional Development for School Resource Officers: Understanding Trauma, Social–Emotional Learning, Restorative Discipline, and Cultural Diversity.” Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology:1–15.
Transitional Recovery and Culture (TRAC)DrugsKelley, Allyson, Rachel Steinberg, Thomas P. McCoy, Roy Pack, and Lita Pepion. 2021. “Exploring Recovery: Findings From a 6-Year Evaluation of an American Indian Peer Recovery Support Program.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 221:108559.
Twelve-Step Mutual Help Groups (TSMGs) for Women With Alcohol Use DisordersCorrectionsSchonbrun, Yael Chatav, Megan Kurth, Jennifer Johnson, Christine Timko, and Michael Stein. 2019. “Participant Evaluation of 12-Step Group Linkage for Jailed Women With Alcohol Use Disorder.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(4):610–23.
Twin Cities Countering Violent Extremism Program (Minnesota)Crime PreventionReichenbach, Sarah Chaney. 2019. “CVE and Constitutionality in the Twin Cities: How Countering Violent Extremism Threatens the Equal Protection Rights of American Muslims in Minneapolis–St. Paul.” American University Law Review 69(6).
Use of a Behavioral Intervention in a Midwest Juvenile Detention FacilityJuvenile JusticePederson, Casey A., Paula J. Fite, Pam D. Weigand, Holly Myers, and Leigh Housman. 2020. “Implementation of a Behavioral Intervention in a Juvenile Detention Center: Do Individual Characteristics Matter?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(1):83–99.
Use of a Community-Based Organization Strategy to Reduce AOD–Related Problems (Southern Calif.)Law EnforcementClapp, John D. 1995. “Organizing Inner City Neighborhoods to Reduce Alcohol and Drug Problems.” Journal of Community Practice 2(1):43–60.
Use of Cooperative Games to Reduce Youth RadicalizationJuvenile JusticeCooley, Asya, and Skye Cooley. 2020. “Child’s Play: Cooperative Gaming as a Tool of Deradicalization.” Journal for Deradicalization 23:96–133.
Use of Fixed-Dose Gabapentin Augmentation (GABA) for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (Southwest)DrugsAndaluz, Alex, Dustin DeMoss, Cynthia Claassen, Somer Blair, Jennifer Hsu, Sulaimon Bakre, Mehreen Khan, Folefac Atem, and A. John Rush. 2020. “Fixed-Dose Gabapentin Augmentation in the Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: A Retrospective, Open-Label Study.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(1):49–57.
Use of Guanfacine Extended-Release for Cannabis Use DisorderDrugsDakwar, Elias, Amy Mahony, C. Jean Choi, Martina Pavlicova, Daniel Brooks, John J. Mariani, and Frances R. Levin. 2020. “Guanfacine Extended-Release for Cannabis Use Disorder: A Pilot Feasibility Trial.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(1):44–48.
Verbal Judo Training (Canada)Law EnforcementGiacomantonio, Chris, Stephanie Goodwin, and Garland Carmichael. 2019. “Learning to Deescalate: Evaluating the Behavioural Impact of Verbal Judo Training on Police Constables.” Police Practice and Research 21(4):401–17.
VetChangeDrugsLivingston, Nicholas A., Tracy Simpson, Keren Lehavot, Victoria Ameral, Deborah J. Brief, Justin Enggasser, Scott Litwack, Eric Helmuth, Monica Roy, David Rosenbloom, and Terence M. Keane. 2021. “Differential Alcohol Treatment Response by Gender Following Use of VetChange.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 221:108552.
Wisconsin’s Felony Drug Court ProgramCorrectionsFrantzen, Durant. 2021. “Modeling Repeat DUI Offender Probation Outcomes Using the Wisconsin Risk Need Assessment.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(12):1316–34.
Women’s Acquisitive Crime (WAP) Program (United Kingdom)CorrectionsHatcher, Ruth M., and Anna L.I. Roberts. 2019. “Can Completers, Noncompleters, and Nonstarters of Community-Based Offending Behavior Programs Be Differentiated by Internal Treatment Readiness Factors?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(7):1066–81.
Yoga Programs for Prisoners (Australia)Corrections:Bartels, Lorana, Lisa N. Oxman, and Anthony Hopkins. 2019. “I Would Just Feel Really Relaxed and at Peace: Findings From a Pilot Prison Yoga Program in Australia.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2531–49.
yogaHOPE’s Trauma Informed Mind Body (TIMBo)Corrections

Rousseau, Danielle, Nicole Long, Elizabeth Jackson, and James Jurgensen. 2019. “Empowering Through Embodied Awareness: Evaluation of a Peer-Facilitated Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Curriculum in a Woman’s Prison.” Prison Journal 99(4S):14S–37S.

Rousseau, Danielle, and Catherine Cook–Cottone. 2018. “Trauma-Informed Yoga Training in Kenya: A Qualitative Pilot Study on Feasibility and Acceptability.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine 40:53–60.

Youth Sanctioned Under the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Disposition Guideline MatrixJuvenile JusticeLehmann, Peter S., Ryan C. Meldrum, and Mark A. Greenwald. 2020. “Upward Departures From Structured Recommendations in Juvenile Court Dispositions: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender.” Justice Quarterly 37(3):514–40.
“Complex Homicide” ProjectVictimsNembhard, Susan, and Jennifer Yahner. 2020. Evaluation of Training and Technical Assistance During the “Complex Homicide” Project. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute.
A Rural Care-Farming Program (Australia)Juvenile JusticeNorwood, Michael Francis, Ali Lakhani, Annick Maujean, Martin Downes, Simone Fullagar, Michelle McIntyre, Jason Byrne, Anna Stewart, Bonnie L. Barber, and Elizabeth Kendall. 2019. “Assessing Emotional and Social Health Using Photographs: An Innovative Research Method for Rural Studies and Its Applicability in a Care-Farming Program for Youth.” Evaluation and Program Planning 77:101707.
Achieving Change Through Values-Based Behavior (ACTV)VictimsZarling, Amie, Sarah Bannon, and Meg Berta. 2019. “Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Domestic Violence Offenders.” Psychology of Violence 9(3):257–66.
Active All Year Round (Denmark)Juvenile JusticeGuldager, Julie Dalgaard, Jesper von Seelen, Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, and Anja Leppin. 2020. “Do Student Social Background and School Context Affect Implementation of a School-Based Physical Activity Program?” Evaluation and Program Planning 82:101844.
Adams County (Colo.) Truancy Reduction ProjectJuvenile JusticeHeilbrunn, Joanna Zorn. 2003. “The Costs and Benefits of Three Intensive Interventions With Colorado Truants.” Denver, Colo.: National Center for School Engagement.
Adult Felony Drug Court in a Metropolitan CityCorrectionsGibbs, Benjamin R., and Robert Lytle. 2020. “Drug Court Participation and Time to Failure: An Examination of Recidivism Across Program Outcome.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 45(2):215–35.
Affective Imagery TrainingJuvenile JusticeGarrison, Stuart R., and Arnold Stolberg. 1983. “Modification of Anger in Children by Affective Imagery Training.” Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 11(1):115–30.
Assertiveness Training in Aggressive ChildrenJuvenile JusticeTanner, Vicki I., and W. Holliman. 1988. “Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training in Modifying Aggressive Behaviors of Young Children.” Sage Journals 62(2):36–46.
BarTAB (Bar Training for Active Bystanders) Program (Tampa and Orlando, Fla.)VictimsPowers, Ráchael A., and Jennifer Leili. 2018. “Bar Training for Active Bystanders: Evaluation of a Community-Based Bystander Intervention Program.” Violence Against Women 24(13):1614–34.
Blended Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders in TexasJuvenile JusticeTrulson, Chad R., Jessica M. Craig, Jonathan W. Caudill, and Matt DeLisi. 2020. “The Impact of Adult Prison Transfer on the Recidivism Outcomes of Blended-Sentenced Juvenile Delinquents.” Crime & Delinquency 66(6–7):887–914.
Bry’s Behavioral Monitoring and Reinforcement ProgramJuvenile JusticeBry, Brenna. 1982. “Reducing the Incidence of Adolescent Problems Through Preventive Intervention: 1- and 5-Year Follow-Up.” American Journal of Community Psychology 10(3):265–76.
Building Resilience in Transcultural Australians (BRiTA Futures) for AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeKhawaja, Nigar G., and Elvia Ramirez. 2019. “Building Resilience in Transcultural Adolescents: An Evaluation of a Group Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(11):2977–87.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Philadelphia (Pa.)Crime Prevention

Hoyt, Lorlene M. 2005. “Do Business Improvement District Organizations Make a Difference? Crime In and Around Commercial Areas in Philadelphia.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 25:185–99.

Hoyt, Lorlene M. 2004. “Collecting Private Funds for Safer Public Spaces: An Empirical Examination of the Business Improvement District Concept.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31:367–80.

Stokes, Robert J. 2006. “Business Improvement Districts and Inner City Revitalization: The Case of Philadelphia’s Frankford Special Services District.” International Journal of Public Administration 29:173–86.

Center for Adolescent Research in Schools (CARS) InterventionJuvenile JusticeKern, Lee, Steven W. Evans, Timothy J. Lewis, Talida M. State, Mark D. Weist, and Howard P. Wills. 2015. “CARS Comprehensive Intervention for Secondary Students With Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Conceptualization and Development.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 23(4):195–205.
CHANGE (IPV Prevention in South Africa)VictimsHatcher, Abigail M., Ruari–Santiago McBride, Dumisani Rebombo, Shehnaz Munshi, Mzwakhe Khumalo, and Nicola Christofides. 2020. “Process Evaluation of a Community Mobilization Intervention for Preventing Men’s Partner Violence Use in Peri-Urban South Africa.” Evaluation and Program Planning 78:101727.
Changing Actions to Change Habits Court (CATCH Court)CourtsSchultz, Tammy, Sally Schwer Canning, Hannah Estabrook, and Priscilla Wong. 2020. “Mental Health Needs and Coping Resources of Participants in a Prostitution Presentencing Court Program.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(8):456–77.
Chicago (Ill.) Alley Lighting ProjectCrime PreventionMorrow, Erica N., Shawn Hutton. 2000. The Chicago Alley Lighting Project: Final Evaluation Report. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, Research and Analysis Unit.
Children and Grief Program (Palestine)Juvenile JusticeBarron, Ian, and Ghassan Abdallah. 2017. “Field Trial of a Complicated Grief Psychosocial Program for Adolescents in Occupied Palestine.” Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma 26(4).
Children Aware of Parental Incarceration in South KoreaJuvenile JusticeWoo, Youngki, and Melissa A. Kowalski. 2020. “Child (Un)Awareness of Parental Incarceration as a Risk Factor: Evidence From South Korea.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(11):3211–24.
Classroom-Based Yoga Intervention in Western United StatesJuvenile JusticeRashedi, Roxanne N., Mil Wajanakunakorn, and Christine J. Hu. 2019. “Young Children’s Embodied Experiences: A Classroom-Based Yoga Intervention.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(12):3392–3400.
Clinical Intervention for Latin IPV–Exposed Women and ChildrenVictimsStein, Sara F., Erin C. Hunter, Sandra A. Graham–Bermann, Maria M. Galano, Hannah M. Clark, and Andrew C. Grogan–Kaylor. 2019. “Maternal Acceptance of Children’s Negative Emotions Among Spanish-Speaking Latinas Who Have Experienced Intimate-Partner Violence.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(5):1326–35.
Cognitive and Social Skills TrainingJuvenile JusticeSarason, Irwin, and Barbara Sarason. 1981. “Teaching Cognitive and Social Skills to High School Students.” Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology 49(6):908–18.
Collective Healing Initiative (Multisite)Crime PreventionBarrick, Kelle, Elizabeth Tibaduiza, Caitlin Dean, Amanda Young, and Merissa Gremminger. 2019. “Evaluability Assessment and Baseline Study of the Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm Program.” U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Victims of Crime.
Community Court ModelCourtsCenter for Court Innovation. 2021. Building the Research Base: An Evaluation Blueprint for Community Courts. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Community Police Academies (Large Southwestern City)Law EnforcementPerez, Nicholas M., Trinh Nguyen, and Brenda Vogel. 2021. “The Lasting Effect of Community Police Academies: Results of a 6-Month Follow-Up.” Police Journal (2021):0032258X211016510.
CONNECTJuvenile JusticeKomro, Kelli A., Alexander C. Wagenaar, Misty Boyd, B.J. Boyd, Terrence Kominsky, Dallas Pettigrew, Amy L. Tobler, Sarah D. Lynne–Landsman, Melvin D. Livingston, Bethany Livingston, and Mildred M. Maldonado Molina. 2015. “Prevention Trial in the Cherokee Nation: Design of a Randomized Community Trial.” Prevention Science 16(2):291–300.
Connecting With Kids Program, at Midwestern Correctional FacilityCorrectionsMelander, Lisa. 2020. “Keeping Connected While Living Apart: An Exploration of a Prison Contact Maintenance Program.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(5):267–84.
Constable Scarecrow Initiative (British Columbia, Canada)Law EnforcementSimpson, Rylan, Mark McCutcheon, and Darryl Lal. 2020. “Reducing Speeding Via Inanimate Police Presence: An Evaluation of a Police-Directed Field Study Regarding Motorist Behavior.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(3):997–1018.
Contingency Management Reinforcing Attendance at TreatmentDrugsPetry, Nancy M., Sheila M. Alessi, Carla J. Rash, Danielle Barry, and Kathleen M. Carroll. 2018. “A Randomized Trial of Contingency Management Reinforcing Attendance at Treatment: Do Duration and Timing of Reinforcement Matter?” 86:799–809.
Continuation of Mental Health Services in PrisonVictimsSeverson, Rachel E., Elisa L. Toman, and Micaela Alvarado. 2020. “Mental Health Service Utilization: General and Gendered Consequences for Prison Strains.” Crime & Delinquency 66(12):1754–86.
Correspondence-Based Educational Program for PrisonersCorrectionsCoticchia, Julie, and Samuel P. Putnam. 2021. “Effects of a Correspondence-Based Educational Program on Prisoner Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Depressive Symptoms.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1080/10509674.2020.1863300
Court-Ordered Restitution (Brooklyn, N.Y.)CorrectionsDavis, Robert C., and Tanya M. Bannister. 1995. “Improving Collection of Court-Ordered Restitution.” Judicature 79(1):30–33.
CrossFit KidsJuvenile JusticeGarst, Barry A., Edmond P. Bowers, and Lauren E. Stephens. 2020. “A Randomized Study of CrossFit Kids for Fostering Fitness and Academic Outcomes in Middle School Students.” Evaluation and Program Planning 83:101856.
Culinary Job Training Program (Washington, D.C.)Juvenile JusticeMatthews, Esther, Rachel Bowman, Gabe Whitbread, and Robert Johnson. 2020. “DC Central Kitchen: Peer Mentoring, Structure and Self-Empowerment Play a Critical Role in Desistance.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(1):22–43.
Dating Matters®Juvenile Justice

DeGue, Sarah, Phyllis H. Niolon, Lianne F. Estefan, Allison J. Tracy, Vi D. Le, Alana M. Vivolo–Kantor, Todd D. Little, Natasha E. Latzman, Andra Tharp, Kyle M. Lan, and Bruce Taulor. 2021. Effects of Dating Matters® on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Outcomes Among Middle School Youth: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Prevention Science 22:175–85.

Tharp, Andra T. 2012. “Dating Matters™: The Next Generation of Teen Dating Violence Prevention.” Prevention Science 13(4):398–401.

Niolon, Taylor. 2016. “Lessons Learned in Evaluating a Multisite, Comprehensive Teen Dating Violence Prevention Strategy: Design and Challenges of the Evaluation of Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships.” Psychology of Violence 6(3):452–58.

Vivolo–Kantor, Alana M., Phyllis Holditch Niolon, Lianne Fuino Estefan, Vi Donna Le, Allison J. Tracy, Natasha E. Latzman, Todd D. Little, Kyle M. Lang, Sarah DeGue, and Andra Teten Tharp. 2021. “Middle School Effects of the Dating Matters® Comprehensive Teen Dating Violence Prevention Model on Physical Violence, Bullying, and Cyberbullying: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.” Prevention Science 22:151–61.

Niolon, Phyllis Holditch. 2020. “Introduction to a Special Section on the Effects of the Dating Matters Model on Secondary Outcomes: Results From a Comparative Effectiveness Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.” Prevention Science 22:145–49.

Niolon, Phyllis H., Alana M. Vivolo–Kantor, Allison J. Tracy, Natasha E. Latzman, Todd D. Little, Sarah DeGue, Kyle M. Lang, Lianne F. Estefan, Sharon R. Ghazarian, Wendy LiKamWa McIntosh, Bruce Taylor, Linda L. Johnson, Henrietta Kuoh, Tessa Burton, Beverly Fortson, Elizabeth A. Mumford, Shannon C. Nelson, Hannah Joseph, Linda Anne Valle, and Andra T. Tharp. 2019. “An RCT of Dating Matters: Effects on Teen Dating Violence and Relationship Behaviors.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 57(1):13–23.

Estefan, Lianne Fuino, Alana M. Vivolo–Kantor, Phyllis Holditch Niolon, Vi D. Le, Allison J. Tracy, Todd D. Little, Sarah DeGue, Natasga E. Latzman, Andra Tharp,  Kyle M. Lang, and Wendy LiKamWa McIntosh. “Effects of the Dating Matters® Comprehensive Prevention Model on Health- and Delinquency-Related Risk Behaviors in Middle School Youth: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.” Prevention Science 22:163–74.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Juveniles (Washington)Juvenile JusticeFox, Andrew M., Dylan Miksicek, Sarah Veele, and Beth Rogers. 2020. “An Evaluation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Juveniles in Secure Residential Facilities.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(8):478–502.
Disclosure of Traumatic Events on Illness Behavior Among Psychiatric Prison InmatesCorrectionsRichards, Jane M., Wanda E. Beal, Janel D. Seagal and James W. Pennebaker. 2000. “Effects of Disclosure of Traumatic Events on Illness Behavior Among Psychiatric Prison Inmates.” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 9(1):156–60.
Diversion for Adults (Harris County, Texas)CourtsMueller–Smith, Michael, and Kevin T. Schnepel. 2021. “Diversion in the Criminal Justice System.” Review of Economic Studies 88(2):883–936.
Dog Training Programs (Multisite)Corrections

Kunz–Lomelin, Alan, and Anne Nordberg. 2020. “Assessing the Impact of an Animal-Assisted Intervention for Jail Inmates.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(2):65–80.

Smith, Hayden P. 2019. “A Rescue Dog Program in Two Maximum Security Prisons: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(4):305–26.

Domestic Violence Firearm RestrictionsLaw EnforcementZeoli, April M., and Jennifer K. Paruk. 2020. “Potential to Prevent Mass Shootings Through Domestic Violence Firearm Restrictions.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(1):129–45.
Dyadic Parent–Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS)Juvenile JusticeCotter, Allison M., and Elizabeth Brestan–Knight. 2020. “Convergence of Parent Report and Child Behavior Using the Dyadic Parent–Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS).” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29 (11):3287–3301.
Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG) ProgramJuvenile Justice

Sechrist, Stacey, and John Weil. N.d. Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG): Evaluation of a Youth Gang and Gun Prevention Program Implemented by the Fayetteville (N.C.) Police Department. Unpublished Report.

Sechrist, Stacey, and John Weil. 2019. Summary Report: Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG) Evaluation Results: 4 Years of Data From Seventh Grade Students. North Carolina Network for Safe Communities.

Sechrist, Stacey, and John Weil. 2016a.  Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG) Evaluation Results: Year 2. North Carolina Network for Safe Communities.

Sechrist, Stacey, and John Weil. 2016b.  Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG) Evaluation Results Year 1: September 2014 Through May 2015. North Carolina Network for Safe Communities.

Effects of Probation Stipulations on Employment Quality (Rhode Island)Crime PreventionCapece, Jesse. 2020. “The Effects of Probation Stipulations on Employment Quality Among People on Probation.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(7):375–88.
Effects of Receiving Sex Information on Adolescent Sexual Intercourse in Lao PDRJuvenile JusticeLee, Ji–Eun, and Ji–Hoon Park. 2020. “Effects of Socialization on Adolescent Sexual Behaviors in Lao PDR.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2967–81.
Empowering Youth Through Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (EYIPP)Juvenile JusticeLumba–Brown, Angela, Margie Batek, Pamela Choi, Martin Keller, and Robert Kennedy. 2020. “Mentoring Pediatric Victims of Interpersonal Violence Reduces Recidivism.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35(21–22):4262–75.
EMUN Program: Strategies for Prevention and Managerial Focus Program (Israel)Law EnforcementWeisburd, David, Badi Hasisi, Yael Litmanovitz, Tomer Carmel, and Shani Tshuva. 2020. “Institutionalizing Problem-Oriented Policing: An Evaluation of the EMUN Reform in Israel.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(3):941–64.
Evaluation of OVC’s Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration ProjectVictimsLowry, Samantha, Lisa Feeley, Jaclyn Smith, Alana Henninger, and Amy Bush. 2019. “Evaluation of OVC’s Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network, Demonstration.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime.
Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit InitiativeVictimsRog, Debra, Susan Chibnall, and William Wells. 2020. “The Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative: Case Analysis and Feasibility Assessment Report.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice.
Expressive Writing (Elementary and Middle School (8- to 13-Year-Olds) in Suburban/Urban Areas (United Kingdom)Juvenile JusticeReynolds, Martina, Chris R. Brewin, and Matthew Saxton. 2000. “Emotional Disclosure in School Children.” Journal of Child Psychiatry 41(2):151–59. 
Family Cognitive Behavioral Preventive Intervention (Multisite)Juvenile JusticeRice, Danielle R., Alexandra D.W. Sullivan, Rex L. Forehand, Kelly H. Watson, Alexandra H. Bettis, Meredith Gruhn, and Bruce E. Compass. 2020. “Child Hostility Toward a Parent With a History of Depression and Family Functioning.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2786–95.
Family Treatment Court-Involved Parents in the MidwestJuvenile JusticeSieger, Margaret H. Lloyd, and Robert Haswell. 2020. “Family Treatment Court-Involved Parents’ Perceptions of their Substance Use and Parenting.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2811–23.
Fostering Purpose ToolkitJuvenile JusticeRiches, Brian R., Celina M. Benavides, and Valeska X. Dubon. 2020. “Development of a Fostering Purpose Intervention.” Evaluation and Program Planning 83:101857.
Future to Discover Project (Canada)Juvenile JusticeFord, Reuben, Douwêrê Grékou, Isaac Kwakye, and Taylor Shek–Wai Hui. 2018. “The Sensitivity of Impact Estimates to Data Sources Used: Analysis From an Access to Postsecondary Education Experiment.” Evaluation Review 42(5–6):575–615.
Group Intervention for Women and Children Victims of Intimate-Partner ViolenceVictimsMcWhirter, Paula T. 2010 “Differential Therapeutic Outcomes of Community-Based Group Interventions for Women and Children Exposed to Intimate-Partner Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26(12):2457–82.
Growth Mindset InterventionJuvenile JusticeBurnette, Russell. 2018. “An Online Growth Mindset Intervention in a Sample of Rural Adolescent Girls.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 88(3):428–45.
Gun Laws on Fatal Mass ShootingsLaw EnforcementWebster, Daniel W., Alexander D. McCourt, Cassandra K. Crifasi, Marisa D. Booty, and Elizabeth A. Stuart. 2020. “Evidence Concerning the Regulation of Firearms Design, Sale, and Carrying on Fatal Mass Shootings in the United States.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(1):171–212.
Gunshot Detection Technology (Hampton, Va.)Crime Prevention

Scharf, Peter, Michael Geerken, and George Bradley. 2008. Draft Technical Report for SECURES Demonstration in Hampton and Newport News, Va. Washington, D.C.: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Mazerolle, Lorraine Green. 1998. Using Gunshot Detection Technology in High-Crime Areas. Research Preview. Washington, D.C.: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, James Frank, Dennis P. Rogan, Cory Watkins, and Colleen Kadleck. 2000. Field Evaluation of the System for the Effective Control of Urban Environment Security (SECURES): Final Report on the Dallas Field Trial. Washington, D.C.: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Selby, Nick, David Henderson, and Tara Tayyabkhan. 2011. ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System Efficacy Study. Mountain View, Calif.: ShotSpotter, Inc.

Haven (Online Bystander Program)VictimsBurns, Vicki L., Asia A. Eaton, Haiying Long, and Dan Zapp. 2019. “Exploring the Role of Race and Gender on Perceived Bystander Ability and Intent: Findings Before and After Exposure to an Online Training Program to Prevent Sexual Assault on Campus.” Violence Against Women 25(8):999–1017.
Health and Education Relationship Training (HEART)Juvenile JusticeKamke, Kristyn, Laura Widman, and Sarah L. Desmarais. 2020 “Evaluation of an Online Sexual Health Program Among Adolescent Girls With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(4):1044–54.
Healthy Babies Healthy Start (HBHS)Juvenile JusticeDamashek, Amy, Catherine Kothari, Ariel Berman, Summer Chahin, John R. Lutzker, Kate Guastaferro, Daniel J. Whitaker, Jenelle Shanley, and Shannon Self–Brown. 2020. “Engagement in Home Visiting Services During the Transition From Pregnancy to Postpartum: A Prospective Mixed Methods Pilot Study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(1):11–28.
Healthy Outcomes Partnership and Education (HOPE), Erie County, New YorkCorrectionsKahn, Linda S., Bonnie M. Vest, Jessica A. Kulak, Diane E. Berdine, and Robert Granfield. 2019. “Barriers and Facilitators to Recovery Capital Among Justice-Involved Community Members.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(6):544–65.
Healthy Relationships ProgramVictimsClaxton, Taylor L., and Tara N. Richards. 2020. “A Comparison of Clients in a Differentiated Batterer Intervention Treatment Program: The Importance of Treatment Level Matching by Referral Sources.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
I.M. Stepping UpCorrectionsJohnson, Jennfier E., Jill Viglione, Niloofar Ramezani, Alison E. Cuellar, Maji Hailemariam, Rochelle Rosen, Alex Breno, and Faye S. Taxman. “Protocol for a Quasi-Experimental, 950 County Study Examining Implementation Outcomes and Mechanisms of Stepping Up, A National Policy Effort to Improve Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Justice-Involved Individuals.” Implementation Science 16(31).
Impact of Body Worn Cameras on University CrimesLaw EnforcementPelfrey, William V.J., and Steven Keener. 2016. “Police Body Worn Cameras: A Mixed Method Approach Assessing Perceptions of Efficacy.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 39(3):491–506.
Impact of the Dutch Whole-of-Government Approach on Outlaw Biker CrimeCrime PreventionKlement, Christian, and Arjan Blokland. 2021. “Preventing Outlaw Biker Crime in the Netherlands or Just Changing the Dark Figure?: Estimating the Impact of the Dutch Whole-of-Government Approach on Outlaw Biker Crime Using Interrupted Time Series Analysis.” European Journal of Criminology.
Indianapolis (Ind.) Metropolitan Police Department Naloxone ProgramLaw EnforcementLowder, Evan M., Spencer G. Lawson, Daniel O’Donnell, Emily Sightes, and Bradley R. Ray. 2020. “Two-Year Outcomes Following Naloxone Administration by Police Officers or Emergency Medical Services Personnel.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(3):1019–40.
Intensive Family TreatmentJuvenile JusticeDamen, Harm, Jan W. Veerman, Ad A. Vermulst, Ingrid Westerdijk, and Ron H.J. Scholte. “Parental Empowerment and Child Behavioral Problems in Single and Two-Parent Families During Family Treatment.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2824–35.
Kentucky Drug Court (KDC)CourtsShannon, Lisa M., Afton J. Jones, and Jennifer Newell. 2019. “Examining Gender and Factors Associated With Postprogram Recidivism in a Statewide Drug Court Program.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(7):592–613.
Legacy Spanish (Oklahoma)Juvenile JusticeKotzky, Kim, Lara R. Robinson, Kaitlyn K. Stanhope, Ana L. Almeida Rojo, Lana O. Beasley, Amanda Sheffield Morris, Jane F. Silovsky, and Irma Esparza. 2020. “A Qualitative Evaluation of Parenting to Support Early Development Among Spanish-Speaking Legacy for Children™ Participants.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(9):2637–52.
Local Enterprise and Skills Development Programme (LESDP) in GhanaJuvenile JusticeBoadu, Evans Sakyi, and Isioma Ile. 2019. “Between Power and Perception: Understanding Youth Perspectives in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) in Ghana.” Evaluation and Program Planning 77:101683.
Longer Sentence Lengths for Drunk Driving (Alberta, Canada)CourtsWeinrath, Michael, and John Gartrell. 2001. “Specific Deterrence and Sentence Length.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 17(2):105–22.
Marijuana Legalization (Washington State)Law EnforcementStohr, Mary K., Dale W. Willits, David A. Makin, Craig Hemmens, Nicholas P. Lovrich, Duane L. Stanton Sr., and Mikala Meize. 2020. “Effects of Marijuana Legalization on Law Enforcement and Crime: Final Report.” Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University.
Men in Healthy Relationships (British Columbia, Canada)Crime Prevention

Wong, Jennifer S., and Jessica Bouchard. 2020. “Reducing Intimate-Partner Violence: A Pilot Evaluation of an Intervention Program.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(6):354–74.

Bouchard, Jessica, and Jennifer S. Wong. 2020. “Reducing Abuse in Intimate-Partner Relationships: Preliminary Findings From a Community-Based Program for Non–Court-Mandated Men.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 22(3):283–304.

Mindflock and Ship Happens: Video Games to Reduce Sexual Violence on CampusCrime PreventionPotter, Sharyn J. 2018. Adaptation and Evaluation of Video Games to Reduce Sexual Violence on Campus. Grant# 2014–VA–CX–0012. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Mindfulness Meditation for Incarcerated InmatesCorrectionsMorley, Richard H., and Cheryl L. Fulton. 2020. “The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion Among Prisoners.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(2):98–116.
Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Youth Experiencing Homelessness (Houston, Texas)Juvenile JusticeSanta Maria, Diane, Paula Cuccaro, Kimberly Bender, Stanley Cron, Micki Fine, and Erica Sibinga. “Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention With Sheltered Youth Experiencing Homelessness.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(1):261–72.
Mindlight (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeSchoneveld, Elke A., Aniek Wols, Anna Lichtwarck–Aschoff, Roy Otten, and Isabela Granic. 2020. “Mental Health Outcomes of an Applied Game for Children With Elevated Anxiety Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(8):2169–85.
Mississippi Building Blocks (MBB)Juvenile JusticeArteaga, Irma, Kathy Thornburg, Rajeev Darolia, and Jacqueline Hawks. 2019. “Improving Teacher Practices With Children Under Five: Experimental Evidence From the Mississippi Buildings Blocks.” Evaluation Review 43(1–2):41–76.
Multidimensional Grief Therapy for YouthJuvenile JusticeHill, Ryan M., Benjamin Oosterhoff, Christopher M. Layne, Evan Rooney, Stephanie Yudovich, Robert S. Pynoos, and Julie B. Kaplow. 2019. “Multidimensional Grief Therapy: Pilot Open Trial of a Novel Intervention for Bereaved Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(11):3062–74.
Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare (OBH) TreatmentJuvenile JusticeLewis, Sarah F. 2013. “Examining Changes in Substance Use and Conduct Problems Among Treatment-Seeking Adolescents.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 18(1):33–38.
Parent and Caregiver Active Participation Toolkit (PACT) for SafeCare Parents (San Diego, Calif.)Juvenile JusticeHaine–Schlagel, Rachel, Danielle L. Fettes, Natalie Finn, Michael Hurlburt, and Gregory A. Aarons. 2020. “Parent and Caregiver Active Participation Toolkit (PACT): Adaptation for a Home Visitation Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(1):29–43.
Parent Education ProjectJuvenile JusticeViola, Shannon B., Stephanie L. Coleman, Sara Glennon, and Michelle E. Pastorek. 2020. “Use of Parent Education to Improve Self-Efficacy in Parents of Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.” Evaluation and Program Planning 82:101830.
Parent Training for Latinx Families (Midwestern City)Juvenile JusticeMalkoff, Anne C., Margaret Grace, Theresa L. Kapke, and Alyson C. Gerdes. 2020. “Family Functioning in Latinx Families of Children With ADHD: The Role of Parental Gender and Acculturation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(4):1108–22.
Parental Monitoring in Baltimore (Md.)Juvenile JusticeHerman, Keith C., Brandy Pugh, and Nicholas Ialongo. 2020. “Does Parental Monitoring During Adolescence Moderate Neighborhood Effects on African American Youth Outcomes?” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29 (11):3184–97.
Parenting Young Children (Sweden)Juvenile JusticeMcHugh, Elaine, and Mikaela Starke. 2020. “Investigating Feasibility and Fidelity of the Parenting Young Children Program in Sweden.” Evaluation and Program Planning 80:101702.
Parents as Coping Coaches (PaCC)Juvenile JusticeRussell, Beth S., and Jessica W. Guite. 2020. “Parenting Impacts From a Mindfulness-Based Pilot Intervention for Families Facing Pediatric Chronic Pain.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(7):1861–72.
Partner Abuse Intervention Program (DuPage County, Ill.)CourtsMach, Jami L. Arthur L. Cantos, Emily N. Weber, and David S. Kosson. 2020. “The Impact of Perpetrator Characteristics on the Completion of a Partner Abuse Intervention Program.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35(23-24):5228–54.
Peer Coping-Skills TrainingJuvenile JusticePrinz, Ronald, Elaine Blechman, and Jean Dumas. 1994. “An Evaluation of Peer Coping-Skills Training for Childhood Aggression.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 23(2):193–203.
Peer Counseling Programs-Group Assertive TrainingJuvenile JusticeHuey, Wayne C., and Richard Rank. 1984. “Effects of Counselor and Peer-Led Group Assertive Training on Black Adolescent Aggression.” Journal of Counseling Psychology 31(1):95–98.
Peer-led Intervention for Prison Inmates to Prevent HIVCorrectionsGrinstead, Olga A., Barry Zack, Bonnie Faigeles, Nina Grossman, and Leroy Blea. 1999. “Reducing Postrelease HIV Risk Among Male Prison Inmates: A Peer-Led Intervention.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 26:453–65.
Philadelphia (Pa.) Youth Aid Panel (YAP) ProgramJuvenile JusticeNeMoyer, Amanda, Elizabeth Gale–Bentz, Naomi E.S. Goldstein, and Lisa Pema Harvey. 2020. “Factors Associated With Successful Completion of a Community-Based, Postarrest Juvenile Diversion Program and Subsequent Rearrest.” Crime & Delinquency 66(5):603–26.
Physically Active Lessons (PAL) (Norway)Juvenile JusticeSkage, Ingrid, Sigrun K. Ertesvåg, Pål Roland, and Sindre M. Dyrstad. 2020. “Implementation of Physically Active Lessons: A 2-Year Follow-Up.” Evaluation and Program Planning 83:101874.
Police Investigation Resources (Boston, Massachusetts)Law EnforcementCook, Philip J., Anthony A. Braga, Brandon S. Turchan, and Lisa M. Barao. 2019. “Why Do Gun Murders Have a Higher Clearance Rate Than Gunshot Assaults?” Criminology & Public Policy 18(3):525–51.
Police Trauma Response Training on Sexual and Domestic Violence (Texas)Law EnforcementFranklin, Cortney A., Alondra D. Garza, Amanda Goodson, and Leana Allen Bouffard. 2020. “Police Perceptions of Crime Victim Behaviors: A Trend Analysis Exploring Mandatory Training and Knowledge of Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors’ Trauma Responses.” Crime & Delinquency 66(8):1055–86.
Precede/Proceed Model for Behavior Change (Domestic Violence)Victims

Thompson, Robert S., Frederick P. Rivara, Diane C. Thompson, William E. Barlow, Nancy K. Sugg, Roland D. Maiuro, and David M. Rubanowice. 2000. “Identification and Management of Domestic Violence: A Randomized Trial.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19(4):253–63.

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Pretrial Detention as Juvenile Detention Reduction InitiativeJuvenile JusticeWalker, Sarah Cusworth, and Jerald R. Herting. 2020. “The Impact of Pretrial Juvenile Detention on 12-Month Recidivism: A Matched Comparison Study.” Crime & Delinquency 66(13–14):1865–87.
Prison Gardening Program (Canada)CorrectionsTimler, Kelsey, Helen Brown, and Colleen Varcoe. 2019. “Growing Connection Beyond Prison Walls: How a Prison Garden Fosters Rehabilitation and Healing for Incarcerated Men.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(5):444–63.
Prison-Based Substance Abuse Treatment (Penn.)CorrectionsKelly, Christopher E., Wayne N. Welsh, and Jennifer N. Stanley. 2019. “The Treatment Group and Recidivism: A Multilevel Analysis of Prison-Based Substance Abuse Treatment.” Prison Journal. OnlineFirst.
Prison-Based Therapeutic Community Treatment Program (Pennsylvania)CorrectionsDavidson, Kimberly M. 2020. “Testing an Interactionist Theory of Treatment Engagement in a Pennsylvania Prison-Based Therapeutic Community.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 47(10):1282–98.
Prison-Equine ProgramsCorrectionsMorgan, Amy A., Joyce A. Arditti, Sara Spiers, Virginia Buechner–Maxwell, and Victoria Shivy. 2020. “Came for The Horses, Stayed for the Men”: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Staff, Community, and Reentrant Perceptions of a Prison-Equine Program (PEP).” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(3):156–76.
Prisoners of Christ (POC)CorrectionsSteckley, Caitlin J., Emily Friedman, and Rachel Simmons. 2021. “Employment Assistance and Offender Desistance: An Evaluation of Recidivism in a Faith-Based Reentry Program.” PANDION: Osprey Journal of Research and Ideas 2(1):Article 7.
Project CAREJuvenile JusticeGottfredson, Denise. 1987. “An Evaluation of an Organization Development Approach to Reducing School Disorder.” Evaluation Review 11(6):739–63.
Project Respect (Colorado)Juvenile JusticeHeilbrunn, Joanna Zorn. 2003. “The Costs and Benefits of Three Intensive Interventions With Colorado Truants.” Denver, Colo.: National Center for School Engagement.
Project Safe Neighborhoods: Victim Services for the Local Native Americans (Pennington, S.D.)VictimsCarleton, Benjamin. 2021. One Size Does Not Fit All: Tailoring Victim Services for the Local Native American Population in Pennington County, S.D. Arlington, Va.: CNA.
Protecting and Serving (Multisite)Law EnforcementDel la Fontaine, Naama, Hilary Hahn, Carla Smith Stover, and Steven Marans. 2021. “Extending Law Enforcement Reach to Children Exposed to Violence: Police Training Evaluation.”
Psychotropic Medication Use for At-Risk YouthDrugsArmstrong–Hoskowitz, Natalie, Adam T. Schmidt, Craig E. Henderson, David V. Nelson, and Brian J. Allen. 2020. “A Field Study of the Impact of Psychotropic Medication on Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System Involvement Among a High-Risk Sample of Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(6):1–20.
Public Safety Assessment Tool (Kentucky)CorrectionsDeMichele, Matthew, Peter Baumgartner, Michael Wenger, Kelle Barrick, and Megan Comfort. 2020. “Public Safety Assessment: Predictive Utility and Differential Prediction by Race in Kentucky.” Criminology & Public Policy 19(2):409–31.
Reentry Simulations to Promote Changes in Attitude Toward OffendersCorrectionsMoak, Stacy C., Jeffery T. Walker, Martha Earwood, and Gabby Towery. 2020. “Using Reentry Simulations to Promote Changes in Attitude Toward Offenders: Experiential Learning to Promote Successful Reentry.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 45(1):126–44.
Relationship Tidbits (Ghana)VictimsMunro–Kramer, Michelle L., Sarah D. Rominski, Abdul–Aziz Seidu, Eugene K. M. Darteh, Anne Huhman, and Rob Stephenson. 2020. “Adapting a Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Program to Ghana Utilizing the ADAPT–ITT Framework.” Violence Against Women 26(1):66–88.
Residential Leadership Camp Training ProgramJuvenile JusticeAnnesi, James J. 2020. “Effects of a Teen Resident Camp Leadership Program on Changes in Dimensions of Self-Control and Interpersonal Functioning, and Their Theory-Based Relationships.” Evaluation and Program Planning 78:101745.
Safe City Program (CCTV in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia)Crime PreventionPrenzler, Tim, and Eric Wilson. 2019. “The Ipswich (Queensland) Safe City Program: An Evaluation.” Security Journal 32:137–52.
Safe Dates for Karen Refugee Youth From BurmaJuvenile JusticeRavi, Kristen E., Beverly M. Black, Diane B. Mitschke, and Katelyn Pearson. 2019. “A Pilot Study of a Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program With Karen Refugees.” Violence Against Women 25(7):792–816.
Safe SpacesCrime PreventionWeine, Stevan, Chloe Polutnik Smith, William Braniff, Max Erdemandi, and Liberty Day. 2019. “Evaluating the Safe Spaces Program: Using a Community-Based Public Health Approach to Prevent Violent Extremism.” U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.
SAFE–T Center (Pennsylvania | Multisite)Juvenile JusticeMiyamoto, Sheridan, Elizabeth Thiede, Lorah Dorn, Daniel F Perkins, Cynthia Bittner, and Dennis Scanlon. 2021. “The Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Telehealth (SAFE–T) Center: A Comprehensive, Nurse-Led Telehealth Model to Address Disparities in Sexual Assault Care.” Journal of Rural Health 37(1):92–102.
San Diego (Calif.) Navy ExperimentCrime Prevention

Dunford, Franklyn W. 2000. “The San Diego Navy Experiment: An Assessment of Interventions for Men who Assault Their Wives.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 68(3):468–76.

Bennett, Larry, and Oliver Williams. 2001. Controversies and Recent Studies of Batterer Intervention Program Effectiveness. Applied Research Forum, Violence Against Women, National Electronic Network.

School Resource Officer Roles on School CrimeJuvenile JusticeFisher, Benjamin W., and Deanna N. Devlin. 2020. “School Crime and the Patterns of Roles of School Resource Officers: Evidence From a National Longitudinal Study.” Crime & Delinquency 66(11):1606–29.
School-Based Intervention to Reduce Aggressive Behavior in Maladjusted AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeSchechtman, Z., and R. Nachshol. 1996. A School-Based Intervention to Reduce Aggressive Behavior in Maladjusted Adolescents. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 17:535–52.
Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts (Union County, Ark.)CourtsCarey, Shannon M., Michael Rempel, Christine Lindquist, Amanda Cissner, Lama Hassoun Ayoub, Dana Kralstein, and Anna Malsch. 2018. Reentry Court Research: Overview of Findings From the National Institute of Justice’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Secret Agent Society (SAS)Juvenile JusticeBeaumont, Renae B., Roxana Pearson, and Kate Sofronoff. 2019. “A Novel Intervention for Child Peer Relationship Difficulties: The Secret Agent Society.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(11):3075–90.
SenseMaker (Gender-Based Violence Tool in Lebanon)VictimsBartels, Susan Andrea, Saja Michael, Luissa Vahedi, Amanda Collier, Jocelyn Kelly, Colleen Davison, Jennifer Scott, Parveen Parmar, and Petronille Geara. 2019. “SenseMaker® as a Monitoring and Evaluation Tool to Provide New Insights on Gender-Based Violence Programs and Services in Lebanon.” Evaluation and Program Planning 77:101715.
Sexual Assault Investigation Training Courses for Police (Kentucky)Law Enforcement

Campbell, Bradley A., David S. Lapsey Jr., and William Wells. 2019. “An Evaluation of Kentucky’s Sexual Assault Investigator Training: Results From a Randomized Three-Group Experiment.” Journal of Experimental Criminology:1–23.

Campbell, Bradley A., and David S. Lapsey Jr. 2021. “Do Impulsivity and Education Moderate the Effectiveness of Police Sexual Assault Investigations Training? Findings From a Solomon Four-Group Quasi-Experiment.” Criminal Justice and Behavior.

ShotSpotter (Trenton, N.J.)Law Enforcement

Mazeika, David M., and Lorena Uriarte. 2019. “The Near Repeats of Gun Violence Using Acoustic Triangulation Data.” Security Journal 32:369–89.

Mazeika, David M., and Lorena Uriarte. 2019. “Correction to: The Near Repeats of Gun Violence Using Acoustic Triangulation Data.” Security Journal 32:390.

Sisters Informing Sisters About Topics on AIDS (SISTA) for Women in Domestic Violence ShelterVictims

Cavanaugh, Courtenay, Jacquelyn Campbell, Vanessa Whitt, and Gina Wingood. 2020. “Pilot Test of an Adapted, Evidence-Based Intervention for Preventing HIV for Women Residing in Domestic Violence Shelters.” Violence Against Women 26(6–7):771–83.

Cavanaugh, Courtenay, Jacquelyn Campbell, Nikia Braxton, Jenna Harvey, and Gina Wingood. 2016. “Adapting an Evidence-Based HIV–Prevention Intervention for Women in Domestic Violence Shelters.” Psychology of Violence 6:469–77.

Social Skills Training Program for Children’s Social FunctioningJuvenile JusticeVerduyn, C.M.; W. Lord; and G.C. Forrest. 1990. “Social Skills Training in Schools: An Evaluation Study.” Journal of Adolescence 13:3–16.
South Texas DWI CourtCourtsCarey, Marcus Tyler, and Fei Luo. “Intended and Unintended Benefits of Specialty Courts: Results From a Texas DWI Court.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(5):247–66.
Standard Batterer Intervention Programs (Rhode Island)Courts

Stuart, Gregory L. Ryan C. Shorey, Todd M. Moore, Susan E. Ramsey, Christopher W. Kahler, Timothy J. O’Farrell, David R. Strong, Jeff R. Temple, and Peter M. Monti. 2013. “Randomized Clinical Trial Examining the Incremental Efficacy of a 90-Minute Motivational Alcohol Intervention as an Adjunct to Standard Batterer Intervention for Men.” Addiction 108(8):1376–84.

Brem, Meagan J., Ryan C. Shorey, Emily F. Rothman, Jeff R. Temple, and Gregory L. Stuart. 2018. “Trait Jealousy Moderates the Relationship Between Alcohol Problems and Intimate-Partner Violence Among Men in Batterer Intervention Programs.” Violence Against Women 24(10):1132–48.

Steps to the Healthy Development and Well-Being of Children (Finland)Juvenile JusticePanula, Venla, Niina Junttila, Minna Aromaa, Päivi Rautava, and Hannele Räihä. 2020. “Parental Psychosocial Well-Being as a Predictor of the Social Competence of a Child.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(11):3004–19.
Stop, Breathe, and Be (United Kingdom)Juvenile JusticeNorton, Katie, and Gemma M. Griffith. 2020. “The Impact of Delivering Mindfulness-Based Programmes in Schools: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(9):2623–36.
Student, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence ProgramJuvenile JusticeBureau of Justice Assistance. 2021. “Fact Sheet: BJA’s Student, Teacher, and Officers (STOP) Preventing School Violence Program.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice.
Supervision, Monitoring, Accountability, Responsibility, and Treatment (SMART)CorrectionsShannon, L.M.; S.K. Hulbig; S. Birdwhistell; J. Newell; and C. Neal. 2014. “Implementation of an Enhanced Probation Program: Evaluating Process and Preliminary Outcomes.” Evaluation and Program Planning 49:50–62.
SWOVA’s Respectful Relationships (R+R) Program (Canada)Juvenile JusticeBuote, Denise, and Patricia Berglund. 2010. “Promoting Social Justice Through Building Healthy Relationships: Evaluation of SWOVA’s ‘Respectful Relationships’ Program.” Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice 5(3):207–20.
Taking Charge Self-Defense Training for Female Veterans With PTSDVictimsDavid, Wendy S., Tracy L. Simpson, and Ann J. Cotton. 2006. “A Pilot Curriculum of Self-Defense and Personal Safety for Female Veterans With PTSD Because of Military Sexual Trauma.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(4):555–65.
Teaching Children to Cope With AngerJuvenile JusticeOmizo, Michael M., Joan Hersberger, and Sharon Omizo. 1988. “Teaching Children to Cope With Anger.” Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 22(3):241–45.
Teenage Health Teaching ModulesJuvenile Justice

Study 1: Errecart, Michael T., Herbert J. Walberg, James G. Ross, Robert S. Gold, John L. Fiedler, and Lloyd J. Kolbe. 1991. “Effectiveness of Teenage Health Teaching Modules.” Journal of School Health 61(1):26–30.

Gold, Robert S., Guy S. Parcel, Herbert J. Walberg, Russell V. Luepker, Barry Portnoy, and Elaine J. Stone. 1991. “Summary and Conclusions of the THTM Evaluation: The Expert Work Group Perspective.” Journal of School Health 61(1):39–42.

Nelson, Gary D., S. Cross Floy, and Lloyd J. Kolbe. 1991. “Teenage Health Teaching Modules Evaluation.” Journal of School Health 61(1):19.

Parcel, Guy S., James G. Ross, Alison T. Lavin, Barry Portnoy, Gary D. Nelson, and Franklin Winters. 1991. “Enhancing Implementation of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules.” Journal of School Health 61(1):35–38.

Ross, James G., Russell V. Luepker, Gary D. Nelson, Pedro Saavedra, and Betty M. Hubbard. 1991. “Teenage Health Teaching Modules: Impact of Teacher Training on Implementation and Student Outcomes.” Journal of School Health 61(1):31–34.

Telephone Intervention for Substance-Using Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate-Partner ViolenceCorrections

Roffman, Roger A., Jeffery L. Edleson, Clayton Neighbors, Lyungia Mbilinyi, and Denise Walker. 2008. “The Men’s Domestic Abuse Check-Up: A Protocol for Reaching the Nonadjudicated and Untreated Man Who Batters and Who Abuses Substances.” Violence Against Women 14(5):589–605.

Mbilinyi, Lyungai F., Clayton Neighbors, Denise D. Walker, Roger A. Roffman, Joan Zegree, Jeffrey Edleson, and Allison O’Rourke. 2011. “A Telephone Intervention for Substance-Using Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate-Partner Violence.” Research on Social Work Practice 21(1):43–56.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)Juvenile JusticeHolmes, Samantha C., Maria M. Ciarleglio, Xuemei Song, Ashley Clayton, and Megan V. Smith. 2020. “Testing the Family Stress Model Among Black Women Receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(10):2667–77.
The 4 Rs and 2 Ss for Strengthening FamiliesJuvenile JusticeHamovitch, Emily K., Mary Acri, Lindsay A. Bornheimer, Idan Falek, Kate Lambert, and Madeline Galler. 2020. “Providers’ Perspectives on Implementing a Multiple Family Group for Children With Disruptive Behavior.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(4):1008–20.
The Dads And Daughters Exercising and Empowered (DADEE)Juvenile JusticeYoung, Myles D., David R. Lubans, Alyce T. Barnes, Narelle Eather, Emma R. Pollock, and Philip J. Morgan. 2019. “Impact of a Father–Daughter Physical Activity Program on Girls’ Social–Emotional Well-Being: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(3):194–307.
The E-Learning Outreach Program (Philippines)Juvenile JusticeNuncio, Rhoderick V., Myla M. Arcinas, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga, Susan Grace T. Neri, and Jose Mari Carpena. 2020. “An E-Learning Outreach Program for Public Schools: Findings and Lessons Learned Based on a Pilot Program in Makati City and Cabuyao City, Laguna, Philippines.” Evaluation and Program Planning 82:101846.
The Effects of Maternal Substance Use on Child Emotion RegulationJuvenile JusticeShadur, Julia M., and Andrea M. Hussong. 2019. “Maternal Substance Use and Child Emotion Regulation: The Mediating Role of Parent Emotion Socialization.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(6):1589–1603.
The Forward-Focused Model for Adolescent Sexual BehaviorJuvenile JusticeCallega, N.G. 2013. “Integrating Research Into Practice: The Forward-Focused Model of Adolescent Sexual Behavior Treatment.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 18(6):686–94.
The Impact of Health Insurance on Problematic Substance UseDrugsGottlieb, Aaron, Branden A. McLeod, and Koldo Fernandez Barutell. 2020. “The Impact of Health Insurance on Problematic Substance Use Among Justice-Involved Individuals.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 59(2):81–97.
The University of Denver Prison Arts Initiative (DU PAI) Program (Multisite)CorrectionsLittman, Danielle M., and Shannon M. Sliva. 2021. “The Walls Came Down: A Mixed-Methods Multisite Prison Arts Program Evaluation.” Justice Evaluation Journal. DOI: 10.1080/24751979.2020.1853484
Therapeutic Playgrounds (Western Australia)Juvenile JusticeArmstrong, Jodie, Catherine Elliott, John Wray, Emma Davidson, Joanne Mizen, and Sonya Girdler. 2020. “Defining Therapeutic Playgroups: Key Principles of Therapeutic Playgroups From the Perspective of Professionals.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(4):1029–43.
Therapist-Assisted Online Treatment for Child Conduct ProblemsJuvenile JusticeDadds, Mark R., Christina Thai, Antonio Mendoza Diaz, Joshua Broderick, Caroline Moul, Lucy A. Tully, David J. Hawes, Suzanne Davies, Katherine Burchfield, and Lindsay Cane. 2019. Therapist-Assisted Online Treatment for Child Conduct Problems in Rural and Urban Families: Two Randomized Control Trials. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(8):706–19.
Training and Consultation to Reduce School VandalismJuvenile JusticeMayer, G. Roy, Tom Butterworth, Mary Nafpaktitis, and Beth Sulzer–Azaroff. 1983. “Preventing School Vandalism and Improving Discipline: A Three-Year Study.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 16:355–69.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (T–F CBT) on Detained Youth (Midwest)Juvenile JusticeCalleja, Nancy G. 2020. “Assessing and Treating Trauma in Detained Adolescents: A Pre–Post Within Subjects Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 29(4):934–41.
University-Based, Sexual Violence Prevention ProgramJuvenile JusticePalmer, Jane E., Samantha C. Winter, and Sarah McMahon. 2020. “Matching Anonymous Participants in Longitudinal Research on Sensitive Topics: Challenges and Recommendations.” Evaluation and Program Planning 80:101794.
Use of Drum Therapy in a Halfway House Work Release Program (New Haven, Conn.)CorrectionsRojiani, Rahil, Alexandra Junn, Madeleine Wood, Kelsey L. Gordon, and Dave Sells. 2021. “Group Drumming for Incarcerated Men May Improve Community Reintegration: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study.” Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Use of Place Managers and Guardians to Mitigate Acts of Aggression in Smaller Entertainment AreasCrime PreventionZawisza, Thomas T., and Kyle A. Burgason. 2020. “A Donnybrook in Downtown? Observations of Controlling Aggression and the Use of effective Place Management in a Southern Entertainment Area.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 22(1):1–16.
Victim–Offenders Mediation (Limburg, Netherlands)VictimsJonas–van Dijk, Jiska, Sven Zebel, Jacques Claessen, and Hans Nelen. 2020. “Victim–Offender Mediation and Reduced Reoffending: Gauging the Self-Selection Bias.” Crime & Delinquency 66(6–7):949–72.
Virginia Threat Assessment GuidelinesJuvenile Justice

Cornell, Dewey, Peter Sheras, Anne Gregory, and Xitao Fan. 2009. “A Retrospective Study of School Safety Conditions in High Schools Using the Virginia Threat Assessment Guidelines Versus Alternative Approaches.” School Psychology Quarterly 24(2):119–29.

Cornell, Dewey, and Korrie Allen. 2011. “Development, Evaluation, and Future Directions of the Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines.” Journal of School Violence 10(1):88–106.

Washington Community Violence Prevention Program (WCVPP)Juvenile Justice

Gainer, Patricia S., Daniel Webster, and Howard Champion. 1993. “A Youth Prevention Program Description and Preliminary Evaluation.” Violence Prevention 128:303–08.

Guerra, Nancy G., and Ronald Slaby. 1990. “Cognitive Mediators of Aggression in Adolescent Offenders: 2. Intervention.” Developmental Psychology 26(2):269–77.

13-Hour 20-Minute Work Shifts for Law Enforcement (Phoenix, Arizona Study)Law EnforcementBell, Leonard B., Thomas B. Virden, Deborah J. Lewis, and Barry A. Cassidy. 2015. “Effects of 13-Hour 20-Minute Work Shifts on Law Enforcement Officers’ Sleep, Cognitive Abilities, Health, Quality of Life, and Work Performance: The Phoenix Study.” Police Quarterly 18(3):293–337.
A Management Program for Youth Who Have Committed a Sexual Crime (Lucas County, Ohio)Juvenile JusticeLovins, Lori Brusman, Jamie Rae Yoder, and Stuart Berry. 2017. “Evaluation I: Recidivism Outcomes From a Management Program for Youth Who Have Committed a Sexual Crime.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 56(6):394–411.
A Relational Sequence for Engagement (ARISE)DrugsLandau, Judith, M. Duncan Stanton, David Brinkman-Sull, David Ikle, David McCormick, James Garrett, Gloria Baciewicz, Robert R. Shea, Ashley Browning, and Frederick Wamboldt. 2004. "Outcomes with the ARISE Approach to Engaging Reluctant Drug- and Alcohol-Dependent Individuals in Treatment." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30(4):711-48.
A Woman's Addiction WorkbookDrugs

Lisa M. Najavits, Marshall Rosier, Alan Lee Nolan, and Michael C. Freeman. 2007. "A New Gender-Based Model for Women's Recovery From Substance Abuse: Results of a Pilot Outcome Study." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:5-11.

Najavits, Lisa M. 2002. A Woman's Addiction Workbook. Oakland, Calif: New Harbinger.

Aban Aya Youth ProjectJuvenile Justice

Flay, Brian R., Sally Graumlich, Eisuke Segawa, James L. Burns, and Michelle Y. Holliday. 2004. “Effects of 2 Prevention Programs on High-Risk Behaviors Among African American Youth.” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 158:377–84.

Segawa, Eisuke, Job E. Ngwe, Yanhong Li, Brian R. Flay, and Aban Aya Coinvestigators. 2005. “Evaluation of the Effects of the Aban Aya Youth Project in Reducing Violence Among African American Adolescent Males Using Latent Class Growth Mixture Modeling Techniques.” Evaluation Review 29:128–47.

Liu, C. Li, Brian R. Flay, and Aban Aya Investigators. 2009. “Evaluating Mediation in Longitudinal Multivariate Data: Mediation Effects for the Aban Aya Youth Project Drug Prevention Program.” Prevention Science 10:197–207.

ABC ‘‘All Children in Focus’’ Program (Sweden)Juvenile JusticeEnebrink, Pia, Maja Danneman, Valeria Benvestito Mattsson, Malin Ulfsdotter, Camilla Jalling, and Lene Lindberg. 2015. “ABC for Parents: Pilot Study of a Universal 4-Session Program Shows Increased Parenting Skills, Self-efficacy and Child Well-Being.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(7):1917–1931.
Above the Influence/National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign on YouthsJuvenile Justice

Scheier, Lawrence M., Jerry L. Grenard, and Kristen D. Holtz. 2011. "An Empirical Assessment of the Above the Influence Advertising Campaign." Journal of Drug Education 41(4):431-61.

Hornik, Robert, Lela Jacobsohn, Robert Orwin, Andrea Piesse, and Graham Kalton. 2008. "Effects of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign on Youths." American Journal of Public Health 98:2229-36.

Academic Tutoring and Social Skills TrainingJuvenile JusticeCoie, John D., and Gina Krehbiel. 1984. "Effects of Academic Tutoring on the Social Status of Low-Achieving, Socially Rejected Children." Child Development 55:1465-78.
Accelerated Community Entry ProgramCourtsKnollenberg, Laura, and Valerie A. Martin. 2008. "Community Reentry Following Prison: A Process Evaluation of the Accelerated Community Entry Program." Federal Probation 72(2):54-60.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)Corrections

Kip, Kevin E., Laney Rosenzweig, Diego F. Hernandez, Amy Shuman, Kelly L. Sullivan, Christopher Long, James Taylor, Stephen McGhee, Sue Ann Girling, Trudy Wittenberg, Frances M. Sahebzamani, Cecile A. Lengacher, Rajendra Kade, and David M. Diamond. 2013. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) for Symptoms of Combat-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” Military Medicine 178(12):1298–1309.

Kip, Kevin E., Laney Rosenzweig, Diego F. Hernandez, Amy Shuman, David M. Diamond, Sue Ann Girling, Kelly L. Sullivan, Trudy Wittenberg, Ann M. Witt, Cecile A. Lengacher, Brian Anderson, and Susan C. McMillan. 2014. “Accelerated Resolution Therapy for Treatment of Pain Secondary to Symptoms of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.” European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5:1–12.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Aboriginal Women)CorrectionsRiley, Ben J., David Smith, and Michael F. Baigent. 2019. “Mindfulness and Acceptance– Based Group Therapy: An Uncontrolled Pragmatic Pre–Post Pilot Study in a Heterogeneous Population of Female Prisoners.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15–16):2572–2585.
ACE Overcomers ProgramVictimsCameron, Linda D., Paul Carroll, and W. Kyle Hamilton. 2018. “Evaluation of an Intervention Promoting Emotion Regulation Skills for Adults With Persisting Distress Due to Adverse Childhood Experiences.” Child Abuse & Neglect 79:423–33.
ACEs Public-Private Initiative (APPI) (Washington State)Juvenile JusticeVerbitsky-Savitz, Natalya, Margaret B. Hargreaves, Samantha Penoyer, Norberto Morales, Brandon Coffee-Borden, and Emilyn Whitesell. 2016. Preventing and Mitigating the Effects of ACEs by Building Community Capacity and Resilience: APPI Cross-Site Evaluation Findings. Washington, D.C.: Mathematica Policy Research.
Achieve My Plan Enhancement for WraparoundJuvenile JusticeWalker, Janet S., Celeste L. Seibel, and Sharice Jackson. 2017. “Increasing Youths’ Participation in Team-Based Treatment Planning: The Achieve My Plan Enhancement for Wraparound.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:2090–2100.
Acoustic Gunshot Locations Systems (St. Louis, Mo.)Crime PreventionMares, Dennis, and Emily Blackburn. 2012. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Acoustic Gunshot Location System in St. Louis, MO." Policing:1-17.
Acquaintance Rape Prevention ProgramVictims

Pinzone-Glover, Holly A., Christine A. Gidycz, and Cecilia Dine Jacobs. 1998. "An Acquaintance Rape Prevention Program: Effects on Attitudes Toward Women, Rape-Related Attitudes, and Perceptions of Rape Scenarios." Psychology of Women Quarterly 22: 605-21.

Gidycz, Christine A., Melissa J. Layman, Cindy L. Rich, Marie Crothers, Julius Gylys, Abigail Matorin, and Cecilia Dine Jacobs. 2001. "An Evaluation of an Acquaintance Rape Prevention Program: Impact on Attitudes, Sexual Aggression, and Sexual Victimization." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 16(11): 1120-38.

Action-Research Team to Address Sexual Assault CasesCorrectionsNational Institute of Justice. 2016. “Forming an Action-Research Team to Address Sexual Assault Cases.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Action for Children's Safe and Secure NetworkJuvenile Justice

Campbell, Rebecca, Giannina Fehler Cabral, Steven J. Pierce, Dhruv B. Sharma, Deborah Bybee, Jessica Shaw, Sheena Horsford, and Hannah Feeney. 2015. “The Detroit Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Action Research Project (ARP), Final Report.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Coren, Esther, Manuela Thomae, Jameela Hutchfield, and Wendy Iredale. 2013. "Report on the Implementation and Results of an Outcomes-focused Evaluation of Child Sexual Abuse Interviews." Child Abuse Review 22:44-59.

Adapting Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (BCBT) for Group Therapy (Spain)Juvenile JusticeSantesteban-Echarri, Olga, Laura Hernández-Arroyo, Simon M. Rice, M. José Güerre-Lobera, María Serrano-Villar, José Carlos Espín-Jaime, and Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Arriero. 2018. “Adapting the Brief Coping Cat for Children with Anxiety to a Group Setting in the Spanish Public Mental Health System: A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Pilot Study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27:3300–3315.
Adept Drug and Alcohol Community Prevention Project (ADACPP)Juvenile JusticeRoss, James G., Pedro J. Saavedra, Gail H. Shur, Franklin Winters, and Robert D. Felner. 1992. "The Effectiveness of an After-School Program for Primary Grade Latchkey Students on Precursors of Substance Abuse." Journal of Community Psychology, OSAP Special Issue:22-38.
Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Therapy (AMBIT) (UK)Juvenile JusticeBevington, Dickon, Peter Fuggle, Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, and Eia Asen. 2013. “Innovations in Practice: Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Therapy (AMBIT) – A New Integrated Approach to Working With the Most Hard to Reach Adolescents With Severe Complex Mental Health Needs.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 18(1):46–51.
Adult Basic Education (Florida)CorrectionsCho, Rosa Minhyo, and John H. Tyler. 2013. "Does Prison-Based Adult Basic Education Improve Postrelease Outcomes for Male Prisoners in Florida?" Crime & Delinquency 59:975.
Adult Civil Citation Network (Florida)Courts

Kopak, Albert M., J. Jordan Cowart, Greg Frost, and Ashley Ballard. 2015. “The Adult Civil Citation Network: An Innovative Pre-Charge Diversion Program for Misdemeanor Offenders.” Journal of Community Corrections 25(1):5–12.

Kopak, Albert M., and Gregory A. Frost. 2017. “Correlates of Program Success and Recidivism Among Participants in an Adult Pre-Arrest Diversion Program.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 42(4):727–45.

Adult Civil Citation (ACC) and Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI)CorrectionsKopak, Albert M. 2020. “A Matched-Samples Comparison of Pre-Arrest and Post-Booking Diversion Programs in Florida’s Second Judicial District.” Justice Evaluation Journal 1–27.
Adult Drug Court (Texas)CourtsFrailing, Kelly, and Diana Carreon. 2016. “Quiero Hablar Con Usted en Espanol, Juez: The Importance of Spanish at a Majority Hispanic Drug Court.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(2):164–81.
Adult Mental Health Court (Florida)CourtsCostopoulos, Julie S., and Bethany L. Wellman. 2017. “The Effectiveness of One Mental Health Court: Overcoming Criminal History.” Psychological Injury and Law 10:254–63.
Adult Supervision of Juvenile in Police Custody (England)Law EnforcementPierpoint, Harriet. 2008. "Quickening the PACE? The Use of Volunteers as Appropriate Adults in England and Wales." Policing and Society 18(4):397-410.
Adult Transition Centers (Illinois)CorrectionsJung, H. 2014. “Do Prison Work-Release Programs Improve Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from the Adult Transition Centers in Illinois.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53(5): 384–402.
Advocacy Intervention in Mental Health in Chinese Women Survivors of Intimate Partner ViolenceVictimsTiwari, Agnes, Daniel Yee Tak Fong, Kwan Hok Yuen, Helina Yuk, Polly Pang, Janice Humphreys, and Linda Bullock. 2010. "Effect of an Advocacy Intervention on Mental Health in Chinese Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence." Advocacy Intervention and Intimate Partner Violence 304(5):536-43.
AFFIRM Craig Shelley L., and Ashley Austin. 2016. “The AFFIRM Open Pilot Feasibility Study: A Brief Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Coping Skills Group Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 64:136–44.
Aftercare Services for Juvenile Parolees with Mental DisordersJuvenile JusticeStevens, Jack, Kelly Kelleher, and John Hayes. 2014. Aftercare Services for Juvenile Parolees with Mental Disorders: A Collaboration Between the Ohio Department of Youth Services (DYS) and Columbus Children’s Research Institute. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Aggression Replacement Training for Violent Young Men (Netherlands)Crime Prevention

Hornsveld, Ruud H. J., Floris W. Kraaimaat, Peter Muris, Almar J. Zwets, and Thijs Kanters. 2015. “Aggression Replacement Training for Violent Young Men in a Forensic Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(18):3174–3191.

Smeijers, D., E. Bulten, J. Buitelaar, and R.J. Verkes. 2018. “Treatment Responsivity of Aggressive Forensic Psychiatric Outpatients.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(12):3834–52.

Smeijers, D., E. Bulten, J. Buitelaar, and R.J. Verkes. 2018. “Associations Between Neurocognitive Characteristics, Treatment Outcome, and Dropout Among Aggressive Forensic Psychiatric Outpatients.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(12):3853–72.

AileyCampJuvenile JusticeBeals-Erickson, Sarah E., and Michael C. Roberts. 2016. “Youth Development Program Participation and Changes in Help-Seeking Intentions.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(5):1634–1645.
Al-Anon (Iran)DrugsEtemadi, Afsaneh, Mahdi Zarebahramabadi, and Roksana Mirkazemi. 2015. “Effect of Al-Anon Attendance on Family Function and Quality of Life in Women in Mashhad, Iran.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(5):442–48.
Alcohol Arrest ReferralDrugsHopkins, Matt, and Paul Sparrow. 2006. "Sobering up: Arrest Referral and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Users in the Custody Suite." Criminology & Criminal Justice 6(4): 389-410.
Alcohol de Baas (Netherlands)DrugsPostel, Marloes G., Elke D. ter Huurne, Hein A. de Haan, Job van der Palen, and Cor A. J. de Jong. 2015. “A 9-Month Follow-Up of a 3-Month Web-Based Alcohol Treatment Program Using Intensive Asynchronous Therapeutic Support.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(4):309–16.
Allegheny County (Pa.) Mental Health CourtCourts

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Office of Behavioral Health Justice Related Services Unit. 2009. Mental Health Court Report 2009. Pittsburgh, PA: Allegheny County Department of Human Services.

M. Susan Ridgely, John Engberg, Michael D. Greenberg, Susan Turner, Christine DeMartini, and Jacob W. Dembosky. 2007. Justice, Treatment, and Cost: An Evaluation of the Fiscal Impact of Allegheny County Mental Health Court. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND.

Allen County (Ind.) Reentry CourtCourtsPearson-Nelson, Benjamin. 2008. Reentry Court Program Evaluation. Fort Wayne, IN: Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Alley-Gating in Cadoxton (South Wales, England)Crime PreventionRogers, Colin. 2007. "Alley-Gates: Theory and Practice-A Perspective From Urban South Wales." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 9: 179-200.
Alternative Sanctions for Drug Users (Belgium)DrugsDeWree, Eveline, Lieven Pauwels, Charlotte Colman, and Brice DeRuyver. 2009. "Alternative Sanctions for Drug Users: Fruitless Efforts or Miracle Solution?" Crime Law and Social Change 52:513-25
AMBER AlertJuvenile Justice

Griffin, Timothy. 2010. "An Empirical Examination of AMBER Alert successes.'" Journal of Criminal Justice 38:1053-62.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 2012. AMBER Alert Best Practices. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs.

Griffin, Timothy, Monica K. Miller, Jeffrey Hoppe, Amy Rebideaux, and Rachel Hammack. 2007. "A Preliminary Examination of AMBER Alert's Effects." Criminal Justice Policy Review 18(4):378-94.

Anchorage (Alaska) PACE (Probation Accountability with Certain Enforcement)CorrectionsCarns, Teresa W., and Stephanie Martin. 2011. Anchorage PACE (Probation Accountability with Certain Enforcement): A Preliminary Evaluation of the Anchorage Pilot PACE Project. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Judicial Council.
Anger Management for Combat Veterans with PTSDCrime PreventionVan Voorhees, Elizabeth E., Kirsten H. Dillon, Sarah M. Wilson, Paul A. Dennis, Lydia C. Neal, Alyssa M. Medenblik, Patrick S. Calhoun, Eric A. Dedert, Kelly Caron, Nivedita Chaudhry, Jeffrey D. White, Eric Elbogen, and Jean C. Beckham. 2019. “A Comparison of Group Anger Management Treatments for Combat Veterans With PTSD: Results From a Quasi-Experimental Trial.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Anger Management Program for Women Inmates (Canada)CorrectionsEamon, Karen C., Michelle M. Munchua, and John R. Reddon. 2001. "Effectiveness of an Anger Management Program for Women Inmates." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 34(1):45-60.
Anger Management Training (Turkey)Juvenile JusticeOz, F. Selda and Ferda Aysan. 2011. "The Effect of Anger Management Training on Anger Coping and Communication Skills of Adolescents." International Online Journal of Educational Sciences 3(1):343-69.
Anti-Burglary Project (West Yorkshire, England)Crime PreventionFarrell, Graham, Sylvia Chenery, and Ken Pease. 1998. Consolidating Police Crackdowns: Findings from an Anti-Burglary Project. Police Research Series. London, England: Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.
Antibias Educational Intervention (Portugal)Juvenile JusticeGuerra, Rita, Margarida Rebelo, Maria B. Menteiro, and Samual L. Gaertner. 2013. "Translating Re-categorization Strategies into an Anti-bias Educational Intervention." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43:14-23.
APEX Program (England)CorrectionsSoothill, Keith, Brian Francis, and Elizabeth Ackerley. 1997. "The Value of Finding Employment for White-Collar Ex-Offenders. A 20-Year Criminological Follow-up." British Journal of Criminology 37(4):582-92.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills TrainingCrime PreventionGould, Madelyn, Wendi Cross, Anthony R. Pisani, Jimmie Lou Munfakh, and Marjorie Kleinman. 2013. “Impact of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 43(6):676–91.
Aripiprazole Versus Risperidone for Treatment of Amphetamine-Induced PsychosisDrugsFarnia, Vahid, Jalal Shakeri, Faezeh Tatari, Toraj Ahmadi Jubari, Katayoun Yazdchi, Hafez Bajoghli, Serge Brand, Nasrin Abdoli, and Abbas Aghaei. 2014. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Aripiprazole Versus Risperidone for the Treatment of Amphetamine-Induced Psychosis.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 40(1):10–15.
Arizona Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeRuiz, Bridget S., Sally J. Stevens, Janet Fuhriman, John G. Bogart, and Josephine D. Korchmaros. 2009. "A Juvenile Drug Court Model in Southern Arizona: Substance Abuse, Delinquency, and Sexual Risk Outcomes by Gender and Race/Ethnicity." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 48:416-38.
Arts-In-Corrections (AIC)Corrections

Brewster, Larry. 2014. “The Impact of Prison Arts Programs on Inmate Attitudes and Behavior: A Quantitative Evaluation.” Justice Policy Journal 11(2):1–28.

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Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)Crime PreventionBartholomew, Nicole R., Robert D. Morgan, Sean M. Mitchell, and Stephanie A. Van Horn. 2018. “Criminal Thinking, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Recovery Attitudes Among Community Mental Health Patients: An Examination of Program Placement.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 45(2): 95–213.
Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI) High School Rape Prevention ProgramJuvenile JusticeMoor, Avigail. 2011. "The Efficacy of a High School Rape Prevention Program in Israel." Violence and Victims 23(3):283-95.
At-Risk Units (ARUs) (New Zealand)CorrectionsHarris, Alexis, and Elizabeth Stanley. 2018. “Exacerbating Risks and Diminishing Rights for At Risk Prisoners.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 18(5):515–32.
ATLAS (Achieving True Liberty and Success)Courts

Fiduccia, Chelsea E., and Richard Rogers. 2012. "Final-Stage Diversion: A Safety Net for Offenders With Mental Disorders." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(4): 571-83.

Carmichael, Dottie, Miner P. Marchbanks III, Mary Kirven, Laura Klaversma, Mary Beth Durkin, and Tony Fabelo. 2010. Representing the Mentally Ill Offender: An Evaluation of Advocacy Alternatives. Austin, Tx.: Texas Task Force on Indigent Defense, Office of Court Administration.

Atomoxetine for Stimulant AddictionDrugs

Sofuoglu, Mehmet, Kevin Hill, and Thomas Kosten. 2009. "Atomoxetine Attenuates Dextroamphetamine Effects in Humans." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 35:412-16.

Levin, Frances R., John J. Mariani, Alex Secora, Daniel Brooks, Wendy Y. Cheng, Adam Bisaga, Edward Nunes, Efrat Aharonovich, Wilfrid Raby, and Grace Hennessy. 2009. "Atomoxetine Treatment for Cocaine Abuse and Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Preliminary Open Trial." Journal of Dual Diagnoses 5(1):41-56.

Janak, Patricia H., Scott Bowers, and Laura H. Corbit. "Compound Stimulus Presentation and the Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor Atomoxetine Enhance Long-Term Extinction of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior." Neuropsychopharmacology 37:975-85.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Sexual Assault Reform Project (SARP)VictimsAnderson, Jessica, Kelly Richards, and Katie Willis. 2012. Evaluation of the ACT Sexual Assault Reform Program (SARP): Final Report. Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Victims of Crime Referral ProjectVictimsMcGregor, Kiah Lauren Renshaw, and Hannah Andrevski. 2013. ACT Victims of Crime Referral Project: Final Report. Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Australian Cross-Border Justice SchemeLaw EnforcementSarre, Rick, and Judy Putt. 2016. “The Australian Cross-Border Justice Scheme: An Evaluation of a Unique Policing Experiment.” Police Practice and Research 17(2):126–35.
Automated Victim Notification (AVN) ProgramVictimsIrazola, Seri, Erin Williamson, Emily Niedzwiecki, Sara Debus-Sherrill, and Julie Stricker. 2013. Evaluation of the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Program, Final Report. Fairfax, VA: ICF International.
AWARE Program for Domestic ViolenceVictimsRömkens, Renée. 2006. "Protecting Prosecution: Exploring The Powers of Law in an Intervention Program for Domestic Violence." Violence Against Women 12(2):160-86.
AWARE Program for Homeless YouthDrugsPedersen, Eric R., Brett A. Ewing, Elizabeth J. D’Amico, Jeremy N.V. Miles, Ann C. Haas, and Joan S. Tucker. 2018. “Predictors of Retention in an Alcohol and Risky Sex Prevention Program for Homeless Young Adults.” Prevention Science 29:459–67.
Back on Track (BOT)CourtsRivers, Jacquelyn L., and Lenore Anderson. 2009. Back on Track: A Problem-Solving Reentry Court. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Baclofen for Relapse Prevention in Alcohol DependenceDrugsGupta, Manushree, Pankaj Verma, Rajesh Rastogi, Sheetal Arora, and Deeksha Elwadhi. 2017. “Randomized Open-Label Trial of Baclofen for Relapse Prevention in Alcohol Dependence.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 43(3):324–31.
Bacterial Cocaine Esterase to Treat Cocaine AddictionDrugsNarasimhan, Diwahar, James H. Woods, and Roger K. Sunahara. 2012. "Bacterial Cocaine Esterase: A Protein-based Therapy for Cocaine Overdose and Addiction." Future Medicinal Chemistry 4(2):137-50.
Baltimore (Md.) Living Insurance for Ex-Offenders (LIFE) ProgramCorrectionsMallar, Charles D., and Craig Thornton. 1977. "Transitional Aid for Released Prisoners: Evidence From the Life Experiment." The Journal of Human Resources 13(2): 208-36.
Baltimore City's (Md.) Specialized Prostitution Diversion ProgramVictimsShdaimah, Corey S. and Shelly A. Wiechelt. 2012. "Converging on Empathy: Perspectives on Baltimore City's Specialized Prostitution Diversion Program." Women & Criminal Justice 22:156-73.
Baltimore (Md.) Outward Bound Police Insight ProgramJuvenile JusticeBroaddus, Elena T., Kerry E. Scott, Lianne M. Gonsalves, Canada Parrish, Evelyn L. Rhodes, Samuel E. Donovan, and Peter J. Winch. 2013. "Building Connections Between Officers and Baltimore City Youth: Key Components of a Police-Youth Teambuilding Program." Journal of Juvenile Justice 3(1):48-62.
Banking Time for PreschoolersJuvenile JusticeWilliford, Amanda P., Catherine Sanger Wolcott, Jessica Vick Whittaker, and Jennifer Locasale-Crouch. 2015. “Program and Teacher Characteristics Predicting the Implementation of Banking Time with Preschoolers Who Display Disruptive Behaviors.” Prevention Science 16(8):1054–1063.
Barron County (Wis.) Restorative Justice ProgramsJuvenile JusticeLewis, Ted Gordon. 2011. "Barron County Restorative Justice Programs: A Partnership Model for Balancing Community and Government Resources for Juvenile Justice Services." Journal of Juvenile Justice 1(1):17-32
Baton Rouge (LA) Partnership for the Prevention of JuvenileJuvenile Justice

Sheppard, David, Heath Grant, Wendy Rowe, and Nancy Jacobs. 2000. Fighting Juvenile Gun Violence. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Lizotte, Alan and David Sheppard. 2001. Gun Use by Male Juveniles: Research and Prevention. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Batterer Intervention Program Across Three SitesCourtsJones, Alison Snow, Ralph B. D'Agostino Jr., Edward W. Gondolf, and Alex Heckert. 2004. "Assessing the Effect of Batterer Program Completion on Reassault Using Propensity Scores." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 19:1002-20.
Batterer Intervention Program for VeteransCourtsCraig, Mary E., James Robyak, Elaine J. Torosian, and John Hummer. 2006. "A Study of Male Veterans' Beliefs Toward Domestic Violence in a Batterers Intervention Program." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(9):1111-28.
Batterer's Intervention Program in Correctional Setting (Calif.)CorrectionsYorke, Nada J., Bruce D. Friedman, and Pat Hurt. 2010. "Implementing a Batterer's Intervention Program in a Correctional Setting: A Tertiary Prevention Model." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 49:456-78.
Batterer Intervention vs. Restorative JusticeCourtsMills, Linda G., Briana Barocas, and Barak Ariel. 2013. “The Next Generation of a Court-Mandated Domestic Violence Treatment: A Comparison Study of Batterer Intervention and Restorative Justice Programs.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 9(1):65–90.
Be Safe Program (Sri Lanka)Juvenile JusticeLam, Steven, Christine Zwart, Inem Chahal, David Lane, and Harry Cummings. 2018. “Preventing Violence Against Children in Schools: Contributions from the Be Safe Program in Sri Lanka.” Child Abuse & Neglect 76:129–37.
Becoming a Responsible TeenJuvenile JusticeCarmona, Jasmin, Natasha Slesnick, Xiamei Guo, and Amber Letcher. 2014. “Reducing High Risk Behaviors Among Street Living Youth: Outcomes of an Integrated Prevention Intervention.” Children and Youth Services Review 43:118–23.
Behavioral and Pharmacological Therapies for ChildrenJuvenile JusticeHelseth, S.A., D.A. Waschbusch, E.M. Gnagy, A. N. Onyango, L. Burrows-Maclean, G.A. Fabiano, E. K. Coles, A. Chacko, B.T. Wymbs, K.S. Walker, F.A. Wymbs, A. Garefino, G.M. Massetti, J. R. Mazzant, M.T. Hoffman, J.G. Waxmonsky, K. Nochols-Lopez, W.E. Pelham, and A. M. Nezu. 2015. “Effects of Behavioral and Pharmacological Therapies on Peer Reinforcement of Deviancy in Children With ADHD-Only, ADHD and Conduct Problems, and Controls.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(2):280–92.
Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone (Republic of Georgia)Drugs

Kirtadze, Irma, David Otiashvili, Kevin E. O’Grady, and Hendrée E. Jones. 2012. "Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone Reduces Drug Use and Legal Problems in the Republic of Georgia." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38:171–75.

Nunes, Edward V., Jami L. Rothenberg, Maria A. Sullivan, Kenneth M. Carpenter, and Herbert D. Kleber. 2006. "Behavioral Therapy to Augment Oral Naltrexone for Opioid Dependence: A Ceiling on Effectiveness?" American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 32:503–17.

Church, Sarah H., Jami L. Rothenberg, Maria A. Sullivan, Greg Bornstein, and Edward V. Nunes. 2001. "Concurrent Substance Use and Outcome in Combined Behavioral and Naltrexone Therapy for Opiate Dependence." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 27(3):441–52.

Belgian Youth Justice Act (2006)Juvenile JusticePut, Johan, Inge Vanfraechem, and Lode Walgrave. 2012. "Restorative Dimensions in Belgian Youth Justice." Youth Justice 12(2):83-100.
Benton and Franklin Counties Adult Drug Court (BFADC)CourtsLutze, F.E., and J. van Wormer. 2014. “The Reality of Practicing the Ten Key Components in Adult Drug Court.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53(5):351–83.
Bernalillo County (N.M.) Metropolitan DWI/Drug CourtCourtsGuerin, Paul, and Wayne J. Pitts. 2002. Evaluation of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan DWI/Drug Court: Final Report. Albuquerque, N.M.: The University of New Mexico, Institute for Social Research, Center for Applied Research and Analysis.
Blackfeet Alternative Restorative JusticeCourtsGottlieb, Karen. 2005. Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Blackfeet Alternative Court. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Blue Nile Rites of Passage (BNROP)Juvenile JusticeIrwin, Darrell D. 2002. "Alternatives to Delinquency in Harlem: A Study of Faith-based Community Mentoring." The Justice Professional 15(2):29-36.
Boston (Mass.) Offender Needs Delivery (BOND) ProjectCorrectionsSalem, L., E. Reichert, J. Siegfriedt, T. Hall, and S.W. Hartwell. 2018. “Boston Offender Needs Delivery Project.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(11):3485–98.
Breaking the Cycle (Birmingham, AL)DrugsHarrell, A., O. Mitchell, A. Hirst, D. Marlowe, and J. Merrill 2002. "Breaking the Cycle of Drugs and Crime: Findings from the Birmingham BTC Demonstration." Criminology & Public Policy 1: 189–216.
Brief Danger Assessment Prevention Intervention (BDAPI)VictimsParker, Elizabeth M., Andrea C. Gielen, Renan Castillo, and Daniel Webster. 2015. “Safety Strategy Use Among Women Seeking Temporary Protective Orders: The Relationship Between Violence Experienced, Strategy Effectiveness, and Risk Perception.” Violence and Victims 30(4):615–35.
Brief Exposure-Based Group Treatment with Incarcerated WomenCorrectionsKarlsson, Marie E, Melissa J. Zielinski, and Ana J. Bridges. 2015. “Expanding Research on a Brief Exposure-Based Group Treatment with Incarcerated Women.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(8):599–617.
Brief Inpatient Opioid DetoxificationDrugsChutuape, Mary Ann, Donald R. Jasinski, Michael I. Fingerhood, and Maxine L. Stitzer. 2001. "One-, Three-, and Six-Month Outcomes After a Brief Inpatient Opioid Detoxification." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 27(1):19-44.
Brief Motivational Enhancement Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence in Alcohol Treatment SettingCrime PreventionSchumacher, Julie A., Scott F. Coffey, Paul R. Stasiewicz, Christopher M. Murphy, Kenneth E. Leonard, and William Fals-Stewart. 2011. “Development of a Brief Motivational Enhancement Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence in Alcohol Treatment Settings.” Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 20:103–27.
Brief Motivational Interview (BMI) for Substance-Using Offenders in a Pretrial Diversion ProgramCorrectionsSwogger, M.T., K.R. Conner, N. Trabold, M.N. Parkhurst, L.M. Prothero, and S.A. Maisto. 2016. “Test of Core Psychopathic Traits as a Moderator of the Efficacy of a Brief Motivational Intervention for Substance-Using Offenders.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 84(3):248–58.
Broward County (Fla.) Drug CourtCourtsSenjo, J. D. Scott. 2001. "Drug Court Implementation: An Empirical Assessment of Court Procedure on Offender Program Completion." The Justice Professional 14:239-67.
Brownsville (N.Y.) Anti-Violence ProjectLaw EnforcementPicard-Fritsche, Sarah, Rachel Swaner, and Suvi Hynynen Lambson. 2014. Deterrence and Legitimacy in Brownsville,Brooklyn: A Process Evaluation of the Brownsville Anti-Violence Project. New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.
Buffalo (N.Y.) Veterans Treatment CourtCourtsWashousky, Richard, David Washousky, Shari Greenwood, and Tracey Taylor. 2012. Buffalo Veterans Treatment Court: Enhancement, Expansion, and Evaluation. Clarence, N.Y.: Recovery Solutions. BJA Sponsored.
Building Safer Communities (Scotland)Crime PreventionBannister Jon, Rob Croudace, Jon Pickering, and Clair Lightowler. 2011. “Building Safer Communities: Knowledge Mobilisation and Community Safety in Scotland.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(4):232–45.
Bulli and PupeJuvenile JusticeBaldry, Anna, and David Farrington. 2004. "Evaluation of an Intervention Program for the Reduction of Bullying and Victimization in Schools." Aggressive Behavior 30:1-15.
Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support (Ore.)Juvenile JusticeRoss, Scott W., and Robert H. Horner. 2009. "Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support." Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 42:747-59.
Bullying Prevention Program (Korea)Juvenile JusticeKim, Jong-Un. 2006. " The Effect of a Bullying Prevention Program on Responsibility and Victimization of Bullied Children in Korea." International Journal of Reality Therapy 26(1):4–8.
Burglary Prevention Program "Super Cocooning" (Manchester, England)Crime PreventionPegram, R., G.C. Barnes, M. Slothower, and Heather Strang. 2018. “Implementing a Burglary Prevention Program with Evidence-Based Tracking: A Case Study.” Cambridge Journal of Evidence Based Policing 2:181–91.
Burglary Reduction (Hartlepool, England)Crime Prevention

Sturgeon–Adams, Louise, Sue Adamson, and Norman Davidson. 2005. Hartlepool: A Case Study in Burglary Reduction. Hull, England: Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Hull.

Hough, Mike, Ian Hearnden, Andrew Millie, Carol Hedderman, Niall Hamilton–Smith, and Jane Willis. 2004. “The Reducing Burglary Initiative: Design, Development and Delivery.” In Niall Hamilton–Smith (ed.). Home Office Research Study 287. London, England: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.

Business Crime DirectCrime PreventionDouglass, John P., Kate J. Bowers, Chris Yung, and Louise Clare. 2003. "If You Don't Call Us, We'll Call You: The Experiences of Business Crime Direct." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 5:25-37.
Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving CampaignCrime Prevention

Flexon, Jamie L., and Rob T. Guerette. 2009. "Differential Effects of an Offender-focused Crime Prevention Media Campaign." Journal of Criminal Justice 37:608-16.

The Advertising Council, Inc. "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving: Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign Case Study." Washington, D.C.: The Advertising Council, Inc.

California Domestic Violence CourtCourtsPetrucci, Carrie J. 2010. "A Descriptive Study of a California Domestic Violence Court: Program Completion and Recidivism." Victim and Offenders 5:130-60.
California Drug CourtsCourts

Byrne, Francine, Richard Schauffler, Lisa Lightman, Michael Finigan, and Shannon Carey. 2004. “California Drug Courts: A Methodology for Determining Costs and Avoided Costs.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2:147–56.

Carey, Shannon M., Michael Finigan, Dave Crumpton, and Mark Waller. 2006. “California Drug Courts: Outcomes, Costs and Promising Practices: An Overview of Phase II in a Statewide Study.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 3:345–56.

California Healthy KidsJuvenile JusticeGilreath, Tamika D., Ron Astor, Joey Estrada Jr., Rami Benbenishty, Jennifer Unger. 2014. "School Victimization and Substance Use Among Adolescents in California." Prevention Science 15:897–906.
Camden Community Safety Partnership (London, England)Crime PreventionYoung, Tara, Simon Hallsworth, Emma Jackson, and Jim Lindsey. 2006. Crime Displacement in King's Cross. A report for Camden Community Safety Partnership. London, England:, London Metropolitan University, The Centre for Social and Evaluation Research.
CARE ProjectVictimsWhitaker, Daniel J., Charlence K. Becker, Carter Pratt, Elizabeth Reed, Conia Suri, Carlene Pavols, Beth Jacklin Nagy, and Jay Silverman. 2007. "A Network Model for Providing Competent Services for Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence." Violence Against Women 13(2):190-209.
Career and Technical Education Program (Va.)CorrectionsKamalludeen, Rosemaliza Mohd. N/d. Career and Technical Program's Influences on Post-Release Outcomes for Offenders in Virginia. Unpublished Document. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech.
Career BeginningsJuvenile JusticeCave, George, and Janet Quint. 1990. Career Beginnings Impact Evaluation: Findings from a Program for Disadvantaged High School Students. New York, N.Y.: Manpower Research Demonstration Corporation (MDRC).
Caring DadsVictimsKatreena L. Scott, and Vicky Lishak. 2012. "Intervention for Maltreating Fathers: Statistically and Clinically Significant Change." Child Abuse & Neglect 36:680-84.
CASEL Guide for Schoolwide Social and Emotional LearningJuvenile JusticeMeyers, Duncan C., Celene E. Domitrovich, Rawan Dissi, Jordan Trejo, and Mark T. Greenberg. 2019. “Supporting Systemic Social and Emotional Learning With a Schoolwide Implementation Model.” Evaluation and Program Planning 73:53–61.
CCTV in Cairns (Australia)Crime PreventionPointing, E. Shane, Charmaine S. Hayes-Jonkers, and Alan R. Clough. 2012. “The Cairns Model: Evaluating the Context of an Open-Space, Closed Circuit Television System in an Urban Centre in Tropical Australia.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14(2):104–21.
CCTV (France)Crime PreventionMucchielli, Laurent. 2011. “CCTV: The French Controversy.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13:294–98.
CCTV in Brighton (England)Crime PreventionSquires, Peter. 2003. An Independent Evaluation of the Installation of CCTV Cameras for Crime Prevention in the Whitehawk Estate, Brighton. Brighton, UK: University of Brighton, Health and Social Policy Research Centre.
CCTV in Jail HousingCrime PreventionDebus-Sherrill, Sara A., Nancy G. La Vigne, and P. Mitchell Downey. 2017. “CCTV in Jail Housing: An Evaluation of Technology-Enhanced Supervision.” Security Journal 30(2):367–84.
CETACorrectionsAnderson, Dennis B., and Randall E. Schumacker. 1986. "Assessment of Job Training Program." Journal of Offender Counseling, Services & Rehabilitation 10(4):41-48.
Challenge Project (London, England)CorrectionsCraissati, Jackie, and Rachel Blundell. 2013. "A Community Service for High Risk Mentally Disordered Sexual Offenders: A Follow-Up Study." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28(6):1178-200
Changing Lives and Changing OutcomesCorrectionsMorgan, Robert D., Daryl G. Kroner, Jeremy F. Mills, Rebecca L. Bauer, and Catherine Serna. 2014. “Treating Justice Involved Persons With Mental Illness: Preliminary Evaluation of a Comprehensive Treatment Program.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(7):902–16.
Charging Nontransfer Juveniles as Adults (Illinois)Juvenile JusticeLoeffler, Charles E., and Ben Grunwald. 2015. “Processed as an Adult: A Regression Discontinuity Estimate of the Crime Effects of Charging Nontransfer Juveniles as Adults.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52(6):890–922.
Changing Ways (Ontario, Canada)CorrectionsScott, Katreena, Colin King, Holly McGinn, and Narges Hosseini. 2013. "The (Dubious?) Benefits of Second Chances in Batterer Intervention Programs." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28(8): 1657-71
Chester High School Youth Court (Chester, Pa.)Juvenile JusticeHirschinger-Blank, Nancy, Lori Simons, Gregory L. Volz, Raymond Thompson, Laura Finely, and Joseph Cleary. 2009. "A Pilot Assessment of a School-Based Youth Court in a Resource-Poor African-American Urban School District: Lessons Learned From Youth Court Volunteers." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 60(2):31-47.
Chicago (Ill.) Quality Interaction Training ProgramLaw Enforcement

Shuck, Amie M., and Dennis Rosenbaum. 2011. The Chicago Quality Interaction Training Program: A Randomized Control Trial of Police Innovation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Rosenbaum, Dennis P., and Daniel S. Lawrence. 2017. “Teaching Procedural Justice and Communication Skills During Police-Community Encounters: Results of a Randomized Control Trial With Police Recruits.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 13:293–319.

Chicago (Ill.) Camera Network on CrimeCrime PreventionShah, Rajiv, and Jeremy Braithwaite. 2013. "Spread Too Thin: Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Chicago Camera Network on Crime." Police Practice and Research 14(5):415-27.
Chicago (Ill.) Urban Resiliency Building (CURB)Juvenile JusticeSaulsberry, Alexandria, Marya E. Corden, Karen Taylor-Crawford, Theodore J. Crawford, Mary Johnson, Jennifer Froemel, Ashley Walls, Joshua Fogel, Monika Marko-Holguin, and Benjamin W. Van Voorhees. 2013. "Chicago Urban Resiliency Building (CURB): An Internet-Based Depression-Prevention Intervention for Urban African-American and Latino Adolescents." Journal of Child and Family Studies 22:150-60.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (Israel)VictimsDavid, P., and M. Schiff. 2015. “Learning from Bottom-Up Dissemination: Importing an Evidence-Based Trauma Intervention for Infants and Young Children to Israel.” Evaluation and Program Planning 53:18–24.
Child Abuse and Neglect Institute (CANI)Juvenile JusticeSicafuse, Lorie L., Steve M. Wood, Alicia Summers, and Alicia DeVault. 2015. “Evaluating the Child Abuse and Neglect Institute: Does Training Affect Decision-Making?” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 66(1):1–14.
Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS)Juvenile Justice

Hodges, Kay, and Maria M. Wong. 1997. “Use of the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale to Predict Service Utilization and Cost.” Journal of Mental Health Administration 24(3): 278–90.

Hodges, Kay, and Maria M. Wong. 1996. “Psychometric Characteristics of a Multidimensional Measure to Assess Impairment: The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 5(4):445–67.

Hodges, Kay, and Cheong-Seok Kim. 2000. “Psychometric Study of the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale: Prediction of Contact With the Law and Poor School Attendance.” Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 28(3):287–97.

Hodges, Kay, Anne Doucette-Gates, and Cheong-Seok Kim. 2000. “Predicting Service Utilization With the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale in a Sample of Youths With Serious Emotional Disturbance Served by Center for Mental Health Services-Funded Demonstrations.” The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 27(1):47–59.

Hodges, Kay, Ann Doucette-Gates, and Qinghong Liao. 1999. “The Relationship Between the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) and Indicators of Functioning.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 8(1):109–22.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Intervention (CAMHSI)Juvenile JusticePernebo, Karin, Mats Fridell, and Kjerstin Almqvist. 2019. “Reduced Psychiatric Symptoms at 6 and 12 Months’ Follow-Up of Psychotherapeutic and Psychoeducative Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence.” Child Abuse & Neglect 93:228–38.
Child Development Community Policing ProgramJuvenile JusticeHapraz-Rotem, Ilan, Robert A. Murphy, Steven Berkowitz, Steven Marans, and Robert A. Rosenheck. 2007. "Clinical Epidemiology of Urban Violence: Responding to Children Exposed to Violence in Ten Communities." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 22(11):1479-90.
Child Sex Offender Review (CSOR) Public Disclosure PilotsVictimsKemshall, Hazel, Jason Wood, Sue Westwood, Brian Stout, Bernadette Wilkinson, Gill Kelly, and Gill Mackenzie. 2010. Child Sex Offender Review (CSOR) Public Disclosure Pilots: A Process Evaluation- 2nd Edition. London, England: Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.
Children Are People, Too (CAP)Juvenile JusticeDore, Martha, Lani Nelson-Zlupko, and Eda Kaufmann. 1999. "'Friends in Need': Designing and Implementing a Psycho-educational Group for School Children from Drug-Involved Families." Social Work 44(2):179-90.
Children at Risk (CAR) ProgramJuvenile Justice

Hay, Carter, Ryan Meldrum, Walter Forrest, and Emily Ciaravolo. 2010. “Stability and Change in Risk Seeking: Investigating the Effects of an Intervention Program.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 8(2):91–106.

Harrell, Adele, Shannon Cavanagh, and Sanjeev Sridharan. 1999. “Evaluation of the Children at Risk Program: Results 1 Year After the End of the Program.” National Institute of Justice Research in Brief. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Hay, Carter, Brian Stults, and Emily Restivo. 2012. “Suppressing the Harmful Effects of Key Risk Factors: Results from the Children at Risk Experimental Intervention.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 39:1088–1106.

Children of Incarcerated Parents (CIP)Juvenile Justice

Latessa, Edward, Brian Lovins, and Beth Ellefson. 2007. Children of Incarcerated Parents: Breaking the Cycle, Annual Report Fiscal Year 2007. Cincinnati, Ohio:. University of Cincinnati, Division of Criminal Justice, Center for Criminal Justice Research.

Latessa, Edward, Brian Lovins, and Beth Ellefson. 2009. Lucas County TASC Returning Home Project, FY 2009 Annual Report. Cincinnati, Ohio: Center for Criminal Justice Research.

Children’s Enhancement ProjectJuvenile JusticeMendenhall, Amy N., and Susan Frauenholtz. 2014. “System of Care Development in Children’s Mental Health: Lessons Learned from a Process Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23:157–68.
Children’s Mental Health Initiative Systems of Care (SOC)Juvenile JusticeGreen, Jennifer Greif, Ziming Xuan, Lana Kwong, Kimberly Hoagwood, and Philip J. Leaf. 2016. “School Referral Patterns Among Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbance Enrolled in Systems of Care.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(1):290–98.
Children's Services in a Northern California Nonprofit Community AgencyJuvenile JusticeHuffman, Lynne, Cheryl Koopman, Christine Blasey, Luba Botcheva, Kirsten E. Hill, Amy S. K. Marks, Irene McNee, Mary Nichols, and Jennifer Dyer-Friedman. "A Program Evaluation Strategy in a Community-Based Behavioral Health and Education Services Agency for Children and Families." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 38(2):191-215.
Chittenden County (Vt.) Mental Health CourtCourtsWicklund, Peter, Patty Breneman, and Tim Halvorsen. 2013. Chittenden County Mental Health Court Outcome Evaluation: Final Report. Northfield Falls, VT.: The Vermont Center for Justice Research.
Choices (St. Louis County, Mo.)CorrectionsLinhorst, Donald M., P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst, and Ralph Groom. 2012. "Rearrest and Probation Violate Outcomes Among Probationers Participating in a Jail-Based Substance-Abuse Treatment Used as an Intermediate Sanction." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51(8):519-40.
Circle of Security-ParentingJuvenile JusticeAngela N. Maupin, Emily E. Samuel, Susan M. Nappi, Jennifer M. Heath, and Megan V. Smith. “Disseminating a Parenting Intervention in the Community: Experiences from a Multi-Site Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:3079–3092.
Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA)CorrectionsElliott, Ian A., Gary Zajac, and Courtney A. Meyer. 2013. Evaluability Assessments of the Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) Model, Cross-Site Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Citalopram with Behavioral Therapy for Cocaine DependenceDrugsMoeller, F. Gerard, Joy M. Schmitz, Joel L. Steinberg, Charles M. Green, Christopher Reist, Lingo Y. Lai, Alan C. Swann, and John Grabowski. 2007. “Citalopram Combined with Behavioral Therapy Reduces Cocaine Use: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:367–78.
Civil Commitment on Sexual Reoffending (Minnesota)CorrectionsDuwe, Grant. 2014. “To What Extent Does Civil Commitment Reduce Sexual Recidivism? Estimating the Selective Incapacitation Effects in Minnesota.” Journal of Criminal Justice 42:193–202.
Civil Legal Services for Battered Women (Iowa Legal Aid)CorrectionsCivil Legal Services for Battered Women (Iowa Legal Aid) Corrections: Ed Latessa Hartley, Carolyn Copps, and Lynette M. Renner. 2016. “The Longer-Term Influence of Civil Legal Services on Battered Women.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Clackamas County (Ore.) Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile Justice

Carey, Shannon M., Theresa Herrera Allen, Tamara Perkins, and Mark S. Waller. 2013. "A Detailed Cost Evaluation of a Juvenile Drug Court that Follows the Juvenile Drug Court Model (16 Strategies)." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 64(4):1-20.

Carey, Shannon M. 2004. Clackamas County Juvenile Drug Court Outcome Evaluation: Final Report. Portland, OR: NPC Research.

Carey, Shannon M., Judy Weller, and Becky Roth. 2003. Clackamas County Juvenile Drug Court Process Evaluation: Final Report. Portland, OR: NPC Research.

Clare's Law (England and Wales)VictimsFitz-Gibbon, Kate, and Sandra Walklate. 2017. “The Efficacy of Clare’s Law in Domestic Violence Law Reform in England and Wales.” Criminology and Criminal Justice 17(3):284–300.
Clark County (Wash.) Mentally-Ill Rearrest Prevention (MIRAP) ProgramCorrectionsHerinckx, Heidi, Sandra Swart, Shane Ama, and John Knutson. 2003. The Clark County Mentally Ill Re-arrest Prevention (MIRAP) Program: Final Evaluation Report. Portland, OR.: Portland State University, Regional Research Institute for Human Services.
Classroom Check UpJuvenile JusticeReinke, Wendy, Teri Lewis-Palmer, and Kenneth Merrell. 2008. "The Classroom Check-Up: A Classwide Teacher Consultation Model for Increasing Praise and Decreasing Disruptive Behavior." School Psychology Review 37(3):315–32.
Clean Car Program (N.Y.)Crime PreventionSloan-Howitt, Maryalice, and George Kelling. 1990. "Subway Graffiti in New York City: 'Getting up' vs 'Meanin It and Cleanin It'." Security Journal 1(3):131-36.
Clean Lifestyle is Freedom Forever Therapeutic Community (CLIFF-TC)CorrectionsRowan-Szal, Grace, George Joe, D. Simpson, Jack Greener, and Jerry Vance. 2009. "During-Treatment Outcomes Among Female Methamphetamine-Using Offenders in Prison-Based Treatments." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 48(5):388-401.
Clean-up Operations (UK)Crime PreventionBrown, Rick, and Emily Evans. 2012. “When Intervention is a Load of Rubbish: Evaluating the Impact of ‘Clean-up’ Operations.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14(1):33–47.
Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure (CAED)VictimsAnderson, Timothy, Jennifer Fende Guajardo, Rohini Luthra, and Katie M. Edwards. 2010 “Effects of Clinician-Assisted Emotional Disclosure for Sexual Assault Survivors: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25(6):1113–1131.
Coaching Boys into MenJuvenile Justice

Miller, Elizabeth, Daniel J. Tancredi, Heather L. McCauley, Michele R. Decker, Maria Catrina D. Virata, Heather A. Anderson, Brian O’Connor, Jay G. Silverman. 2013. "One-Year Follow-Up of a Coach-Delivered Dating Violence Prevention Program: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 45(1):108–12.

Jaime, Maria C.D., Heather L. McCauley, Daniel J. Tnacredi, Jasmine Nattiksimmons, Michele R. Decker, Jay G. Silverman, Brian O'Connor, Nicholas Stetkevich, and Elizabeth Miller. 2015. "Athletic Coaches as Violence Prevention Advocates." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(7):1090-1111.

Jaime, Maria Catrina D., Heather L. McCauley, Daniel J. Tancredi, Michele R. Decker, Jay G. Silverman, Brian O’Connor, and Elizabeth Miller. 2018 "Implementing a Coach-Delivered Dating Violence Prevention Program with High School Athletes." Prevention Science 19:1113-22.

Cocaethylene to Treat Cocaine DependenceDrugsBaker, Jennifer, Peter Jatlow, Patricia Pade, Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, and Elinore F. McCance-Katz. 2007. "Acute Cocaine Responses Following Cocaethylene Infusion." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:619-25.
Cocaine Hydrolase Gene Therapy for Cocaine AbuseDrugs

Brimijoin, Stephen, and Yang Gao. 2012. "Cocaine hydrolase gene therapy for cocaine abuse." Future Medicinal Chemistry 4(3):151-62.

Gao, Yang, and Stephen Brimijoin. 2009. "Lasting Reduction of Cocaine Action in Neostriatum- A Hydrolase Gene Therapy Approach." The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 330:449-57.

Cocaine-Specific Coping Skills TrainingDrugs

Monti, Peter M., Damaris Rohsenow, Elizabeth Michaelc, Rosemarie Martin, and David Abrams. 1997. "Brief Coping Skills Treatment for Cocaine Abuse: Substance Use Outcomes at Three Months." Addiction 92(12):1717-28.

Rohesenow, Damaris J., Peter Monto, Rosemarei Martin, Elizabeth Michalec, and David Abrams. 2000. "Brief Coping Skills Treatment for Cocaine Abuse: 12-Month Substance Use Outcomes." Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology 68(3):515-20.

Rohsenow, Damaris J., Peter Monti, Rosemarie Martin, Suzanna Colby, Mark Myers, Suzy Gulliver, Richard Brown, Timothy Mueller, Alan Gordon, and David Abrams. 2004. "Motivational Enhancement and Coping Skills Training for Cocaine Abusers: Effects on Substance Use Outcomes." Addiction 99: 862-74.

Coerced Drug Treatment for WomenDrugsLonginaker, Nyaradzo, and Mishka Terplan. 2014. “Effect of Criminal Justice Mandate on Drug Treatment Completion in Women.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 40(3):192–99.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for AngerCrime PreventionMcIntyre, Kathleen M., Jacqueline A. Mogle, Jennifer M. Scodes, Martina Pavlicova, Peter A. Shapiro, Ethan E. Gorenstein, Felice A. Tager, Catherine Monk, David M. Almeida, and Richard P. Sloan. 2019. “Anger-Reduction Treatment Reduces Negative Affect Reactivity to Daily Stressors.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(2):141–50.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Recent-Onset PsychosisCrime PreventionPos, Karin, Nathalie Franke, Filip Smit, Ben F. M. Wijnen, Anton B.P. Staring, Mark Van der Gaag, Carin Meijer, Lieuwe de Haan, Eva Velthorst, and Frederike Schirmbeck. 2019. “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Activation in Recent-Onset Psychosis: Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(2):151–60.
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program for Sex Offenders (CBTP-SO)CorrectionsKim, Jeong-Hyun, Sang Sub Chou, Moon Sung Rhee, Sun Bum Kim, Ji Sook Joung, and Eun Hye Kim. 2012. "Effect of Sex Offenders Treatment Program on Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics of Mentally Ill Sex Offenders." Journal of Forensic Sciences 57(6):1608-13.
Cognitive-Behavioral Group Adolescent Depression Prevention ProgramJuvenile JusticeRohde, Paul, Eric Stice, Heather Shaw, and Jeff M. Gau. 2015. “Effectiveness Trial of an Indicated Cognitive–Behavioral Group Adolescent Depression Prevention Program Versus Bibliotherapy and Brochure Control at 1- and 2-Year Follow-Up.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(4):736–47.
Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) plus Family TreatmentJuvenile JusticeSantiago, Catherine DeCarlo, Sheryl H. Kataoka, Maria Hu-Cordova, Karla Alvarado-Goldberg, Lauren M. Maher, and Pia Escudero. 2015. “Preliminary Evaluation of a Family Treatment Component to Augment a School-Based Intervention Serving Low-Income Families.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 23(1):28–39.
Cognitive-Behavioral Programming at a Correctional Facility (Northeastern State)CorrectionsStrah, Beck M., Natasha A. Frost, Jacob I. Stowell, and Sema A. Taheri. 2017. “Cognitive-Behavioral Programming and the Value of Failed Interventions: A Propensity Score Evaluation.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 57(1):22–46.
Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy for Battered Women (Spain)VictimsEcheburua, Enrique, Belen Sarasua, and Irene Zubizarreta. 2014. “Individual Versus Individual and Group Therapy Regarding a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Battered Women in a Community Setting.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(10):1783–1801.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention (England)Juvenile JusticeSquires, Garry, and Katie Caddick. 2012. "Using Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention in School Settings With Pupils Who Have Externalizing Behavioural Difficulties: An Unexpected Result." Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 17(1):25-45.
Cognitive Housing Approach: New Goals Environment (CHANGE)CorrectionsHogan, Nancy L., Eric G. Lambert, and Shannon M. Barton-Bellessa. 2012. "Evaluation of CHANGE, an Involuntary Cognitive Program for High-Risk Inmates." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51:370-88.
Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual AbuseVictimsSteil, Regina, Kerstin Jung, and Ulrich Stangier. 2011. "Efficacy of a Two-Session Program of Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification to Reduce the Feeling of Being Contaminated in Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Pilot Study." Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 42:325-29.
Cognitive Therapy for DepressionCrime PreventionSchmidt, Iony D., Benjamin J. Pfeifer, and Daniel R. Strunk. 2019. “Putting the ‘Cognitive’ Back in Cognitive Therapy: Sustained Cognitive Change as a Mediator of In-Session Insights and Depressive Symptom Improvement.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(5): 446–56.
Cognitive Training and Response Cost ProceduresJuvenile JusticeForman, Susan G. 1980. "A Comparison of Cognitive Training and Response Cost Procedures in Modifying Aggressive Behavior of Elementary School Children." Behavior Therapy 11:594–600.
Cognitive-Behavioral Training Program for Behaviorally Disordered AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeEtscheidt, Susan. 1991. "Reducing Aggressive Behavior and Improving Self-Control: A Cognitive-Behavioral Training Program for Behaviorally Disordered Adolescents." Behavioral Disorders 16(2): 107–115.
Cognitive Trauma Therapy for IPV SurvivorsVictimsAllard, Carolyn B., Sonya B. Norman, Steven R. Thorp, Kendall C. Browne, and Murray B. Stein. 2018. “Mid-Treatment Reduction in Trauma-Related Guilt Predicts PTSD and Functioning Following Cognitive Trauma Therapy for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33(23):3610–3629.
Collaboration in Sexual Assault PreventionVictimsShapiro, Deborah L., and Alicia Rinaldi. 2001. "Achieving Successful Collaboration in the Evaluation of Sexual Assault Prevention Programs." Violence Against Women 7(10):1186-201.
Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS)Juvenile JusticeBooker, Jordan A., Thomas H. Ollendick, Julie C. Dunsmore, and Ross W. Greene. 2016. “Perceived Parent–Child Relations, Conduct Problems, and Clinical Improvement Following the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(5):1623–1633.
Color it Real: An HIV and Substance Abuse Program for Young AdultsJuvenile Justice

Morehouse School of Medicine. 2014. Color it Real Program: An HIV and Substance Abuse Prevention Program for Young Adults. Annual Evaluation Report October 2011–September 2013. Atlanta, Ga.: Morehouse School of Medicine, Prevention Research Center, Evaluation Unit.

Zellner, Tiffany, Jennie Trotter, Shelia Lenoir, Kelvin Walston, L’dia Men-Na’a, Tabia Henry-Akintobi, and Assia Miller. 2015. “Color It Real: A Program to Increase Condom Use and Reduce Substance Abuse and Perceived Stress.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(51):1–11.

Colorado Intergrated System of Care Family AdvocacyJuvenile Justice

Cataldo, Kerry, and Kevin Ford. 2010. Evaluation of the Colorado Integrated System of Care Family Advocacy Demonstration Programs for Mental Health Juvenile Justice Populations, Interim Report. Denver, Colo.: Office of Research Statistics, Division of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety.

Cataldo, Kerry, and Kevin Ford. 2010. Evaluation of the Colordo Integrated System of Care Family Advocacy Demonstration Programs for Mental health Juvenile Justice Populations, Final Report. Denver, Colo.: Office of Research Statistics, Divison of Criminal Justice, Colorado Department of Public Safety.

Combination Bupropion and Bromocriptine for Cocaine DependenceDrugsMontoya, Ivan D., Kenzie L. Preston, Richard Rothman, and David A. Gorelick. 2002. "Open-Label Pilot Study of Bupronpion Plus Bromocriptine for Treatment of Cocaine Dependence." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 28(1):189-96.
Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) and the Craving InterventionDrugsWitkiewitz, Katie, Sarah Bowen, and Dennis M. Donovan. 2011. "Moderating Effects of a Craving Intervention on the Relation Between Negative Mood Heavy Drinking Following Treatment for Alcohol Dependence." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79(1):54-63.
Combining Contingency Management with Medications for Drug AbuseDrugsCarroll, Kathleen M., and Bruce J. Rounsaville. 2007. "A Perfect Platform: Combining Contingency Management with Medications for Drug Abuse." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:343-65.
Community Advocacy Project (CAP) (Mexico)VictimsSullivan, Cris M., Elizabeth Aguilar, Gabriela Lopez-Zeron, and Jose Ruben Parra-Cardona. 2019. “Disseminating the Community Advocacy Project in Mexico: A Feasibility Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(14): 2920–2937.
Community Aftercare at a State Correctional Institution (Chester, Pa.)CorrectionsHouser, Kimberly A., Christopher Salvatore, and Wayne N. Welsh. 2012. "Individual-Level Predictors of Community Aftercare Completion." The Prison Journal 92(1):106-24.
Community and Environment Project (CEP)–Designing Out Crime (New South Wales, Australia)Crime PreventionDuarte, Olga Comacho. 2013. “Can Design Support Community Safety and Crime Prevention Programmes in Areas of Socio-Economic Disadvantage?” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 15(3):223–39.
Community Based Drug CourtCourts

Hartman, Jennifer L., Shelley J. Listwan, and Deborah Koetzle Shaffer. 2007. “Methamphetamine Users in a Community-Based Drug Court: Does Gender Matter?” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 45(3/4):109–30.

Listwan, Shelley J., Deborah Koetzle Shaffer, and Jennifer L. Hartman. 2009. “Combating Methamphetamine Use in the Community: The Efficacy of the Drug Court Model.” Crime & Delinquency 55(4):627–44.

Community Based Intervention for Child Witnesses of Interparental ViolenceJuvenile JusticeOverbeek, Mathilde M., J. Clasien de Schipper, Francien Lamers-Winkelman, and Carlo Schuengel. 2013. “Effectiveness of Specific Factors in Community-Based Intervention for Child-Witnesses of Interparental Violence: A Randomized Trial.” Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect 37:1202–14.
Community Based Juvenile Offender InterventionJuvenile JusticeHanten, Gerri, and Adam Schmidt. 2017. Environmental and Personal Factors in a Community-Based Juvenile Offender Intervention. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 
Community Based Prepatory ResearchJuvenile JusticeParsai, Monica Bermudez, Felipe Castro, Flavio Marsiglia, Mary Harthun, and Hector Valdez. 2011. "Using Community Based Participatory Research to Create a Culturally Grounded Intervention for Parents and Youth to Prevent Risky Behaviors." Prevention Science 12:34–47.
Community Dialectic Behaviour Therapy Programme (UK)Juvenile JusticeJames, Anthony C., Louise Winmill, Ciorsdan Anderson, and Kielly Alfoadari. 2011. “A Preliminary Study of an Extension of a Community Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Programme to Adolescents in the Looked After Care System.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 16(1):9–13.
Community Job Skills Training Program in Large Urban Center in Southeast United StatesCorrectionsFormon, D. L., A. T. Schmidt, and C. Henderson. 2018. “Examining Employment Outcomes of Offender and Nonoffender Vocational Program Graduates.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(9):2781–2800.
Community Justice Center Reparative Panel Programs (Vt.)CorrectionsWicklund, Peter, and Tim Halvorsen. 2014. Vermont Community Justice Center Reparative Panel Programs, Outcome Evaluation Final Report. Northfield Falls, Vt.: The Vermont Center for Justice Research.
Community Policing (South Korea and the UK)Law EnforcementChoi, Kwan, and Ju-lak Lee. 2016. “Citizen Participation in Community Safety: A Comparative Study of Community Policing in South Korea and the UK.” Policing and Society 26(2):165–84.
Community Reinforcement and Family for Treatment Retention (CRAFT-T)DrugsBrigham, G.S., Natasha Slesnick, Theresa M. Winhusen, Daniel F. Lewis, Xiamei Guo, and Eugene Somoza. 2014. "A Randomized Pilot Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Treatment Retention (CRAFT-T) for Improving Outcomes for Patients Completing Opioid Detoxification." Drug and Alcohol Dependence:1-17.
Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA)Juvenile JusticeCarmona, Jasmin, Natasha Slesnick, Xiamei Guo, and Amber Letcher. 2014. “Reducing High Risk Behaviors Among Street Living Youth: Outcomes of an Integrated Prevention Intervention.” Children and Youth Services Review 43:118–23.
Community Safety Officers (New South Wales, Australia)Law EnforcementShepherdson, Patrick, Garner Clancey, Murray Lee, and Thomas Crofts. 2014. “Partnerships and NSW Local Government Community Safety Officers.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16:71–86.
Community Supervision Mapping SystemCorrections

Lucht, Jim, Nancy La Vigne, Diana Brazzell, and Megan Denver. 2011. Enhancing Supervision and Support for Released Prisoners: A Documentation and Evaluation of the Community Supervision Mapping System. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

La Vigne, Nancy G., and Megan Denver. 2015. “Extending Dynamic Mapping to Reentry Practitioners: An Exploration of Rhode Island’s Community Supervision Mapping System.” The Prison Journal 95(4):493–509.

Community Violence Prevention Program’s Parent ProgramJuvenile JusticeReichert, Jessica. 2015. Evaluation of the 2014 Community Violence Prevention Program’s Parent Program. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
Community Violence Prevention Program’s Youth Employment ProgramJuvenile JusticeReichert, Jessica, and Hannah Ridge. 2015. Evaluation of the 2014 Community Violence Prevention Program’s Youth Employment Program. Chicago: Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
Community Warden Scheme (Scotland)Crime PreventionBrown, Donna Marie. 2012. “Out on Patrol: Maintaining the Strengths and Addressing the Weaknesses of Scotland’s Community Warden Scheme.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14: 258–77.
Community-Based, Muslim-Led Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) ProgramCrime Prevention

Williams, Michael J., John G. Horgan, and William P. Evans. 2016. “Evaluation of a Multi-Faceted, U.S. Community-Based, Muslim-Led CVE Program.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Williams, Michael J., John G. Horgan, and William P. Evans. 2016. “The Critical Role of Friends in Networks for Countering Violent Extremism: Toward a Theory of Vicarious Help-Seeking.” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 8(1): 45–65.

Williams, Michael. J., John G. Horgan, and William P. Evans. 2015. “Research Summary: Lessons from a U.S. Study Revealing the Critical Role of ‘Gatekeepers’ in Public Safety Networks for Countering Violent Extremism.” In Countering Violent Extremism: Developing an Evidence-Base for Policy and Practice, edited by S. Zeiger and A. Aly. Perth, Australia: Curtin University,139–43.

Community-Based Sanctions for Parole Violators (Ohio)CorrectionsSteiner, Benjamin, Matthew D. Makarios, Lawrence F. Travis III, and Benjamin Meade. 2012. "Examining the Effects of Community-Based Sanctions on Offender Recidivism." Justice Quarterly 29(2):229-57.
Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration (Multi-site)Juvenile JusticeTomberg, Kathleen A., and Jeffrey A. Butts. 2016. “Street by Street: Cross-Site Evaluation of the OJJDP Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration Program.” New York, N.Y.: City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Research and Evaluation Center.
Comparison of Hot Spot and Risk Terrain Modeling Techniques (Little Rock, AK)Law EnforcementDrawve, Grant, Stacy C. Moak, and Emily R. Berthelot. 2016. “Predictability of Gun Crimes: A Comparison of Hot Spot and Risk Terrain Modelling Techniques.” Policing and Society 26(3):312–31.
COMPASS Program (Pakistan)Juvenile JusticeAshugar, Khudejha, Yana Mayevskaya, Marni Sommer, Ayesha Razzaque, Betsy Laird, Yasmin Khan, Shamsa Qureshi, Kathryn Falb, and Lindsay Stark. 2018. “Promoting Adolescent Girls’ Well-Being in Pakistan: A Mixed-Methods Study of Change Over Time, Feasibility, and Acceptability, of the COMPASS Program.” Prevention Science 19:1030–1042.
Computer vs. In-Person Interventions for College DrinkersDrugs

Henson, J.M., M.R. Pearson, and K.B. Carey. 2015. “Defining and Characterizing Differences in College Alcohol Intervention Efficacy: A Growth Mixture Modeling Application.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(2): 370–81.

Carey, K.B., M.P. Carey, S.A. Maisto, and J.M. Henson. 2006. “Brief Motivational Interventions for Heavy College Drinkers: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74(5)943–54.

Carey, K.B., J.M. Henson, M. P. Carey, and S.A. Maisto. 2009. “Computer Versus In-Person Intervention for Students Violating Campus Alcohol Policy.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77(1): 74–87.

Carey, K.B., M.P. Carey, J. M. Henson, S.A. Maisto, and K. S. DeMartini. 2011. “Brief Alcohol Interventions for Mandated College Students: Comparison of Face-To-Face Counseling and Computer-Delivered Interventions.” Addiction 106: 528–37.

Computerized Cognitive Bias Modification for Alcohol (Germany)DrugsRinck, Mike, Reinout W. Wiers, Eni S. Becker, and Johannes Lindenmeyer. 2018. “Relapse Prevention in Abstinent Alcoholics by Cognitive Bias Modification: Clinical Effects of Combining Approach Bias Modification and Attention Bias Modification.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86:1005–16.
Computerized Safety Decision AidVictimsGlass, Nancy, Karen B. Eden, Tina Bloom and Nancy Perrin. 2009. "Computerized Aid Improves Safety Decision Process for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25(11):1947-64.
Comprehensive Indian Resources for Community and Law Enforcement (CIRCLE)Law EnforcementWakeling, Stewart, Miriam Jorgensen, Stephen Brimley, Joseph Thomas Flies-Away, Carrie Garrow, Hayes Lewis, Paul Robertson, and Yvoneda Thompson. 2007. Strengthening and Rebuilding Tribal Justice Systems: A Participatory Outcomes Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Justice Comprehensive Indian Resources for Community and Law Enforcement (CIRCLE) Project—Final Report. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, Native Nations Institute of Leadership, Management, and Policy. NIJ Sponsored.
Comprehensive Services for Victims of Human TraffickingVictimsCaliber Associates. 2007. Evaluation of Comprehensive Services for Victims of Human Trafficking: Key Findings and Lessons Learned. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice. NIJ Sponsored.
Connecticut Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSTAT) ProgramsCorrectionsPease, Susan E., Raymond Chip Tafrate, and Stephen M. Cox. 2001. Process Evaluation of Tier IV Connecticut Department of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Final Report. New Britain, Conn.: Central Connecticut State University, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Connecticut's Families with Service Needs InitiativeJuvenile Justice

Ryon, Stephanie Bontrager, Lindsey Devers, Kristin Winokur Early, and Gregory A. Hand. 2012. “Changing How the System Responds to Status Offenders: Connecticut’s Families with Service Needs Initiative.” Juvenile & Family Court Journal 63(4):37–46.

Mogulescu, S., and G. Caro. 2008. Making Court the Last Resort: A New Focus for Supporting Families in Crisis. Models for Change. New York, N.Y.: The Vera Institute of Justice. Accessed September 2, 2009.

Families with Service Needs Advisory Board. Report to the Connecticut General Assembly. February, 2008. Accessed September 24, 2009.

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Consent Searches in Motor Vehicle Stops (Md. and Ohio)Law EnforcementLichtenberg, Illya D., and Alisa Smith. 2001. "Testing the Effectiveness of Consent Searches as a Law Enforcement Tool." The Justice Professional 14:95-111.
Conservation CorpsJuvenile JusticeSayegh, Caitlin S., Stanley J. Huey, Jr., Janet U. Schneiderman, and Sarah A. Redmond. 2019. “Pilot Evaluation of a Conservation Corps Program for Young Adults.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(12):2194–2212.
Contingency Management for Child Neglect and Drug AbuseDrugsDonohue, Brad, Christopher P. Plant, Travis A. Loughran, and Anali Torres. 2017 “Family Assisted Contingency Management Within the Context of Evidence-Supported Treatment for Child Neglect and Drug Abuse.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:2224–2236.
Control of Violence for Angry Impulsive Drinkers (COVAID)Drugs

Bowes, Nicola, Mary McMurran, Bryn Williams, David Siriol, and Ingrid Zammit. 2012. "Treating Alcohol-Related Violence: Intermediate Outcomes in a Feasibility Study for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Prisons." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(3):333-44.

McMurran, Mary, and Bryany Cusens. 2003. "Controlling Alcohol-related Violence: A Treatment Programme." Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 13(10): 59-76.

McCulloch, Anna, and Mary McMurran. 2008. "Evaluation of a Treatment Programme for Alcohol-related Aggression." Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 18:224-31.

McMurran, Mary. (2007). "An Intervention for Alcohol-related Violence." Mental Health Review Journal 12(3):7-9.

Controlled Substances Reporting System (CSRS) (North Carolina)DrugsRingwalt, Christopher, Sharon Schiro, Meghan Shanahan, Scott Proescholdbell, Harold Meder, Anna Austin, and Nidhi Sachdeva. 2015. “The Use of a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to Develop Algorithms to Identify Providers With Unusual Prescribing Practices for Controlled Substances.” Journal of Primary Prevention 36:287–99.
Cook County (IL) Target Abuser Call (TAC)CourtsHartley, Carolyn C., and Lisa Frohmann. 2003. The Cook County Target Abuser Call (TAC): An Evaluation of a Specialized Domestic Violence Court, Revised Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Cool 2 Be SafeJuvenile JusticeMorrongiello, Barbara A., and Alexa Kane. 2015. “An Evaluation of the Cool 2 Be Safe Program: An Evidence-Based Community-Disseminated Program to Positively Impact Children's Beliefs About Injury Risk on Playgrounds.” Prevention Science 16:61–9.
Cool Kids (CBT) (Australia)Juvenile Justice

Bayer, Jordana K., Ronald M. Rapee, Harriet Hiscock, Obioha C Ukoumunne, Cathrine Mihalopoulos, Susan Clifford, and Melissa Wake. 2011. “The Cool Little Kids Randomised Controlled Trial: Population-Level Early Prevention for Anxiety Disorders.” BMC Public Health 11(1):11.

Hudson, Jennifer L., Ronald M. Rapee, Charise Deveney, Carolyn A. Schniering, Heidi J. Lyneham, and Nataly Bovopoulos. “Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Versus an Active Control for Children and Adolescents With Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Trial.” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 48(5):533–44.

Cool Kids (CBT) (Denmark)Juvenile Justice

Arendt, K., M. Thastum, and E. Hougaard. 2016. “Efficacy of a Danish Version of the Cool Kids Program: A Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial.” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 133:109–21.

Lundkvist-Houndoumadi, Irene, Mikael Thastum, and Esben Hougaard. 2016. “Effectiveness of an Individualized Case Formulation-Based CBT for Non-Responding Youths with Anxiety Disorders.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(2):503–17.

Coordinated Prostitution Strategy (UK)VictimsSagar, Tracey, and Debbie Jones. 2014. “Off-Street Sex Workers and Victim-Orientated Policymaking at the Local Level: Denial of Agency and Consequences of Victimhood.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16: 230–52.
Coordination of Services (COS)Juvenile JusticeWashington State Institute for Public Policy. 2015. “Washington's Coordination of Services Program for Juvenile Offenders: Outcome Evaluation and Benefit-Cost Analysis.” Olympia, Wash.: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
Coping and Support Training (CAST)Juvenile JusticeThompson, E.A., L.L. Eggert, B.P. Randell, and K.C. Pike. 2001. "Evaluation of Indicated Suicide Risk Prevention Approaches for Potential High School Dropouts." American Journal of Public Health 91:742–52.
CORCAN Prison Work Program (Canada)CorrectionsGillis, Christa A., Larry Motiuk, and Ray Belcourt. 1998. Prison Work Program (CORCAN) Participation: Post-Release Employment and Recidivism. Ottawa, Ontario: Correctional Service Canada, Research Branch.
Core and Balance Model for Preventing Female Gang InvolvementJuvenile JusticeSnethen, G. 2010. “Preventing Female Gang Involvement: Development of the Joint-Interest Core and Balance Model of Mother/Daughter Leisure Functioning.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 15:42–8.
Correct Course Diversion Program (Wayne County, MI)Juvenile JusticeHodges, K., Lisa A. Martin, Cynthia Smith, and Shaun Cooper. 2011. “Recidivism, Costs, and Psychosocial Outcomes for a Post-Arrest Juvenile Diversion Program.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 50:447–65.
Correctional Education Program (Ind.)CorrectionsNally, John, Susan Lockwood, Katie Knutson, and Taiping Ho. 2012. "An Evaluation of the Effect of Correctional Education Programs on Post-Release Recidivism and Employment: An Empirical Study in Indiana." The Journal of Correctional Education 63(1):69-88.
Correctional Program Assessment Inventory (CPAI)Corrections

Smith, Paula, and Myrinda Schweitzer. 2012. "The Therapeutic Prison." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 28(1):7-22.

Nesovic, Aleksandra. 2003. Psychometric Evaluation of the Correctional Program Assessment Inventory (CPAI). Doctoral Dissertation. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University, Department of Psychology.

Correctional Treatment of Sexual and Violent Offenders (Germany)CorrectionsWoessner, Gunda, and Andreas Schweldler. 2014. “Correctional Treatment of Sexual and Violent Offenders: Therapeutic Change, Prison Climate, and Recidivism.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(7):862–79.
Corrections Reform (Kan.)Corrections

Rengifo, Andres F., Don Stemen, Brendan D. Dooley, Ethan Amidon, and Amanda Gendon. 2010. "Cents and Sensibility: A Case Study of Corrections Reform in Kansas and Michigan." Journal of Criminal Justice 38:419-29.

ACLU. 2011. Smart Reform is Possible: States Reducing Incarceration Rates and Costs While Protecting Communities. New York, N.Y.: ACLU.

Rich, William. 2002. "Prison Conditions and Criminal Sentencing in Kansas: A Public Policy Dialogue." Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 11(3):693-721.

Corrections Reform (Mich.)CorrectionsRengifo, Andres F., Don Stemen, Brendan D. Dooley, Ethan Amidon, and Amanda Gendon. 2010. "Cents and Sensibility: A Case Study of Corrections Reform in Kansas and Michigan." Journal of Criminal Justice 38:419-29.
Corrective Work Order (Singapore)Crime PreventionChan, Wing-Cheong. 2003. "A Letter from Singapore: The Corrective Work Order: A Misguided Attempt at Using Shame as Punishment." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 5:61-70.
Counter Fraud Specialist (CFS)Crime PreventionButton, Mark, Kwabena Frimpong, Geoffrey Smith, and Les Johnson. 2007. "Professionalizing Counter Fraud Specialist in the UK: Assessing Progress and Recommendations for Reform." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 9(2):92-101.
Counterpoint HouseJuvenile Justice

Hyman, Lee. 2007. "Juvenile Sexual Offenders: An Analytical View of Effective Programming." Justice Policy Journal 4(2).

John Howard Society of Alberta. 2002. Sex Offender Treatment Programs. Edmonton, Alberta: John Howard Society of Alberta.

County Drug CourtCourtsMullany, Jacqueline M., and Barbara Peat. 2008. "Process Evaluation of a County Drug Court: An Analysis of Descriptors, Compliance and Outcome-Answering Some Questions While Raising Others." Criminal Justice Policy Review 19(4):491-508.
Court Based Intervention Programs for Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence (Calif.)Juvenile Justice

Uekert, Brenda, Inger Sagatun-Edwards, Ann Crowe, Tracy Peters, Fred Cheeseman, and Dina Kameda. 2006. Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence: The Effects of Court-Based Intervention Programs on Recidivism. National Institute of Justice, The National Center for State Court.

Sagatun-Edwards, Inger, Eugene Hyman, Tracy Lafontaine, and Erin Nelson-Serano. 2003. “The Santa Clara County Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence Court.” Journal of the Center for Families, Children and the Courts.

Buel, Sarah M. 2002. “Why Juvenile Courts Should Address Family Violence: Promising Practices to Improve Intervention Outcomes.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 53:1–18.

Court for the Individualized Treatment of Adolescents (CITA)Juvenile Justice

Behnken, Monic, David E. Arredondo, and Wendy L. Packman. 2009. "Reduction in Recidivism in a Juvenile Mental Health Court: A Pre- and Post-Treatment Outcome Study." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 60(3):23-44.

Arredondo, David E., Kurt Kumli, Larry Soto, Enrique Colin, Jill Ornellas, Judge Raymond J. Davilla, Judge Leonard P. Edwards, and Judge Eugene M. Hyman. 2001. "Juvenile Mental Health Court: Rationale and Protocols." Juvenile and Family Court Journal:1-19.

Court Referral of Eligible Defendants into Treatment (CREDIT)CourtsTrimboli, Lily. 2012. "NSW Court Referral of Eligible Defendants into Treatment (CREDIT) Pilot Program: An Evaluation." Crime and Justice Bulletin 159:1-24.
Court-Mandated Mediation Services for Couples Alleging Intimate Partner Abuse (Pima County, Ariz.)VictimsBeck, Connie J.A., Michele E. Walsh, Mindy B. Mechanic, Aurelio Jose Figueredo, and Mei-Kuang Chen. 2011. Intimate Partner Abuse in Divorce Mediation: Outcomes from a Long-Term Multi-cultural Study. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Court Ordered Forensic Evaluations for JuvenilesJuvenile JusticeSkorek, Rebecca. 2014. Influence of Court-Ordered Forensic Evaluations on Juvenile Justice System-Involved Youth: Evaluation of River Valley Detention Center's Detention Probation Continuum of Care Program. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
Creating A Safe School (CASS; the Ophelia Project)Juvenile JusticeNixon, Charisse, and Werner, Nicole. 2010. "Reducing Adolescents Involvement with Relational Aggression: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Creating a Safe School (CASS) Intervention." Psychology in the Schools 7(6):606-620.
Creating Ongoing Relationships Effectively (CORE)Juvenile JusticeNesmith, Ande, and Kaitlin Christophersen. 2014. “Smoothing the Transition to Adulthood: Creating Ongoing Supportive Relationships Among Foster Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 37:1–8.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (New South Wales, Australia)Crime PreventionClancey, Garner, Daren Fisher, and Amanda Rutherford. 2014. “An Exploratory Study of Crime Risks and the Planning Process.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16(1):1–19.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Seoul, South Korea)Crime PreventionThorpe, Adam, and Lorraine Gamman. 2013. “Walking with Park: Exploring the ‘Reframing’ and Integration of CPTED Principles in Neighbourhood Regeneration in Seoul, South Korea.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 15:207–22.
Crime Reduction Programme (England)Crime Prevention

Maguire, Mike. 2004. "The Crime Reduction Programme in England and Wales: Reflections on the Vision and the Reality." Criminal Justice 4(3): 213-37.

Hough, Mike. 2004. "Modernization, Scientific Rationalism and the Crime Reduction Programme." Criminal Justice 4(3):239-53.

Tilley, Nick. 2004. "Applying Theory-Driven Evaluation and the British Crime Reduction Programme: The Theories of the Programme and of its Evaluations." Criminal Justice 4(3):255-76.

Stanko, Elizabeth. 2004. "Reviewing the Evidence of Hate: Lessons from a Project under the Home Office Crime Reduction Programme." Criminal Justice 4(3):277-86.

Criminal Protection Orders (Connecticut)VictimsSullivan, Tami P., Carolina E. Price, Nicole H. Weiss, and Nicole E. Pugh. 2017. Criminal Protective Orders as a Critical Strategy to Reduce Domestic Violence, Final Summary Overview. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. 
Crisis Intervention Team (Chicago, IL)Law Enforcement

Morabito, Melissa S., Amy N Kerr, Amy Watson, Jeffrey Draine, Victor Ottati, and Beth Angell. 2010. "Crisis Intervention Teams and People With Mental Illness: Exploring the Factors That Influence the Use of Force." Crime and Delinquency 20(10):1-21.

Watson, Amy C., Victor Ottati, Morabito, Melissa S., Jeffrey Draine, Amy N Kerr, and Beth Angell. 2010. "Outcomes of Police Contacts with Persons with Mental Illness: The Impact of CIT." Administration and Policy in Mental Health 37:302-17.

CUIDARJuvenile Justice

Lakes, Kimberley D., Danyel Vargas, Matt Riggs, Janeth Schmidt, and Mike Baird. 2011. “Parenting Intervention to Reduce Attention and Behavior Difficulties in Preschoolers: A CUIDAR Evaluation Study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:648–59.

Golan, Shari, Tracy Huang, Dana Petersen, Mario Snow, and Cyndi Williamson. 2007. CUIDAR Program Evaluation Report. Menlo Park, Calif.: SRI International.

SRI International Center for Education and Human Services. 2007. “Findings from the CUIDAR Program Evaluation.” New Developments.

Lakes, Kimberley D., Ryan J. Kettler, Janeth Schmidt, Marche Haynes, Kelly Feeney-Kettler, Laura Kamptner, Jim Swanson, and Leanne Tamm. 2009. “The CUIDAR Early Intervention Parent Training Program for Preschoolers at Risk for Behavioral Disorders: An Innovative Practice for Reducing Disparities in Access to Service.” Journal of Early Intervention 31(2):167–78.

Culturally Adapted Motivational Interviews (CAMI)Crime PreventionLee, Christina S., Suzanne M. Colby, Damaris J. Rohsenow, Rosemarie Martin, Robert Rosales, Tonya Taveres McCallum, Luis Falcon, Joanna Almeida, and Dharma E. Coretes. 2019. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Motivational Interviewing Tailored for Heavy Drinking Latinxs.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87( 9):815–30.
Culturally Specific Domestic Violence ProgramVictimsGillum, Tameka L. 2008. "The Benefits of a Culturally Specific Intimate Partner Violence Intervention for African American Survivors." Violence Against Women 14(8):917-43.
Curb the DangerLaw EnforcementGrekul, Jana, & Jana Thue. 2013. "Curb the Danger: A Police-Community Collaboration to 'Curb' Impaired Driving." Police Practice and Research 14(5):402-14.
Custom Skilled TrainingCorrectionsCullinan Group Foundation. N.d. Custom Certified Training. Henderson, NV: Cullinan Group Foundation.
D-cycloserine (DCS) to Treat Cocaine DependenceDrugsPrice, Kimber L., Aimee L. McRae-Clark, Michael E. Saladin, Megan M. Moran-Santa Maria, Stacia M. DeSantis, Sudie E. Back, and Kathleen T. Brady. 2009. "D-Cycloserine and Cocaine Cue Reactivity: Preliminary Findings." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35:434-38.
Dallas (Texas) Anti-Gang InitiativeLaw EnforcementFritsch, Eric, Tory J. Caeti, and Robert W. Taylor. 1999. “Gang Suppression Through Saturation Patrol, Aggressive Curfew, and Truancy Enforcement: A Quasi-Experimental Test of the Dallas Anti-Gang Initiative.” Crime & Delinquency 45(1):122–39.
Dallas County (Texas) Judicial Treatment Center Modified Therapeutic CommunityCorrections

Hiller, Matthew L., Kevin Knight, Carl Leukefeld, and Dwayne Simpson. 2002. "Motivation as a Predictor of the Therapeutic Engagement in Mandated Residential Substance Abuse Treatment." Criminal Justice and Behavior 29(1):56-75.

Hiller, Matthew L., Kevin Knight, Christine Saum, and Dwayne Simpson. 2006. "Social Functioning, Treatment Dropout, and Recidivism of Probationers Mandated to a Modified Therapeutic Community." Criminal Justice and Behavior 33(6):738-59

Hiller, Matthew L., Kevin Knight, and Dwayne Simpson. 2006. "Recidivism Following Mandated Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Felony Probationers." The Prison Journal 86(2):230-41.

Hiller, Matthew L., Kevin Knight, Sandhya Rao, and Dwayne Simpson. 2002. Assessing and Evaluating Mandated Correctional Substance-Abuse Treatment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Dane County (Wis.) Drug Treatment CourtCourtsBrown, Randall. 2011. “Drug Court Effectiveness: A Matched Cohort Study in the Dane County Drug Treatment Court.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 50:191–201.
Dating Abuse Prevention in Teen MomsJuvenile JusticeFoshee, Vangie A., Kim Dixon, Ling Yin-Chang, Susan Ennett, Beth Moracco, Michael Bowling, and Jennifer Moss. 2012. "Dating Abuse Prevention in Teens with Domestic Violence Protection Orders." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Davidson County (Tenn.) Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeCarter, W. Craig, and R. Donald Barker. 2011. “Does Completion of Juvenile Drug Court Deter Adult Criminality?” Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 11(2): 181–93.
Dawn ProjectJuvenile Justice

Wright, Eric, and Jeffrey A. Anderson. 2005. Sixth Annual Evaluation Briefing of the Dawn Project Evaluation Study. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Consortium for Mental Health Services Research.

Kooreman, Harold, Jeffrey Anderson, and Eric Wright. 2007. The Dawn Project Helps Indiana Youth. Indianapolis, Ind: Indiana Research for a Healthier Indiana.

Wright, Dustin E., and Eric R. Wright. 2005. Changes in Substance Use Behaviors and Severity Over Time. DAWN Project Evaluation Study, Public Briefing. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Consortium for Mental Health Services Research.

Anderson, Jeffrey, Rhonda D. Meyer, W. Patrick Sullivan, and Eric R. Wright. 2005. "Impact of a System of Care on a Community's Children's Social Services System." Journal of Child and Family Services 14(4):505-20.

Day Reporting Center (Vigo County, Ind.)CorrectionsRoy, Sudipto. 2004. "Factors Related to Success and Recidivism in a Day Reporting Center." Criminal Justice Studies 17(1):3-17.
DCL (High-Tech Jail Design in the Netherlands)CorrectionsKenis, Patrick, Peter M. Kryuen, Joan Baaijens, and Peter Barneveld. 2010. "The Prison of the Future? An Evaluation of an Innovative Prison Design in the Netherlands." The Prison Journal 90(3):313-30.
Defending Childhood Demonstration ProgramJuvenile JusticeSwaner, Rachel, Elise Jensen, Lama Hassoun Ayoub, Michael Rempel, and Dana Kralstein. 2015. “An Outcome Evaluation of the Defending Childhood Demonstration Program.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Delaware Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI)CorrectionsO'Connell, John P., and Julia Cahill. 2009. Delaware Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Project 2003 to 2006 Evaluation with Recidivism Follow-Up Results. Dover, DE.: State of Delaware Executive Department, Statistical Analysis Center.
Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence (DCIPFV)Courts

Maze, Candice L., and Stefanie A. Hannah. 2008. "Perspectives on Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Dependency Court in Cases Involving Battered Mothers." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 59(1):33-45.

Maze, Candice L., Stefanie A. Klein, and Judge Cindy S. Lederman. 2003. "The Use of Domestic Violence Advocates in Juvenile Court: Lessons from the Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence." Juvenile & Family Court Journal:109-20.

Deschutes County (Ore.) Community JusticeCourtsMaloney, Dennis, and Deevy Holocomb. 2001. "In Pursuit of Community Justice: Deschutes County, Oregon." Youth and Society 33(2):296-313.
Detecting Deception (Brief Training Workshop)Law EnforcementColwell, Lori H., Kevin Colwell, Cheryl K. Hiscock-Anisman, Maria Hartwig, Lindsey Cole, Kathryn Werdin, and Kimberly Youschak. 2012. "Teaching Professional to Detect Deception: The Efficacy of a Brief Training Workshop." Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 12:68-80.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy-Corrections Modified (DBT-CM)CorrectionsNyamathi, Adeline, Sanghyuk S. Shin, Jolene Smeltzer, Benissa Salem, Kartik Yadav, Donna Krogh, and Maria Ekstrand. 2018. “Effectiveness of a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy on Reduction of Recidivism Among Recently Incarcerated Homeless Women: A Pilot Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(15):4796–4813.
Diffusion of School Based PreventionJuvenile JusticeOzer, Emily J., Maggie Wanis, and Nickle Bazell. 2010. "Diffusion of School-Based Prevention Programs in Two Urban Districts: Adaptations, Rationales, and Suggestions for Change." Prevention Science 11:42–55.
DISCOVER CBT Workshops (UK)Juvenile JusticeSclare, Irene, Daniel Michelson, Liz Malpass, Fay Coster, and June Brown. 2015. “Innovations in Practice: DISCOVER CBT Workshops for 16-18 Year Olds: Development of an Open-Access Intervention for Anxiety and Depression in Inner-City Youth.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 20(2):102–106.
Discretionary Parole ReleaseCorrectionsIreland, Connie Stivers, and JoAnn Prause. 2005. "Discretionary Parole Release: Length of Imprisonment, Percent of Sentence Served, and Recidivism." Journal of Crime and Justice 28(2):27-49.
Disposition Matrix (Florida Department of Juvenile Justice)Juvenile JusticeBaglivio, Michael T., Mark A. Greenwald, and Mark Russell. 2015. “Assessing the Implications of a Structured Decision-Making Tool for Recidivism in a Statewide Analysis Disposition Matrix for Court Recommendations Made by Juvenile Probation Officers.” Criminology and Public Policy 14(1):5–49.
Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) Juvenile Diversion Program (Colo.)Juvenile Justice

Winder, Chandra, and Jean Denious. 2013. Statewide Evaluation of the DCJ Juvenile Diversion Program. Denver, CO: OMNI Institute.

Campbell, Justin S., and Paul Retxlaff. 2000. "Juvenile Diversion Interventions: Participant Description and Outcomes." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 32(2):57-73

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Interventions Project (DAPI) (United Kingdom)Crime PreventionDavies, Pamela Ann, and Paul Biddle. 2018. “Implementing a Perpetrator-Focused Partnership Approach to Tackling Domestic Abuse: The Opportunities and Challenges of Criminal Justice Localism.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 18(4):468–87.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Course for MenCrime PreventionContrino, Kathleen M., Kurt H. Dermen, Thomas H. Nochajski, William F. Wieczorek, and Peter K. Navratil. 2007. "Compliance and Learning in an Intervention Program for Partner-Violent Men." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 22(12):1555-66.
Domestic Violence Coordinating CouncilsVictimsAllen, Nicole E. 2006. "An Examination of the Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils." Violence Against Women 12(1):46-67.
Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program (Australia)Crime Prevention

Broady, Timothy R., Rebecca Gray, and Irene Gaffney. 2014. “Taking Responsibility: A Psychological Profile of Men Attending a Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program in New South Wales, Australia.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(14):2610–2629.

Pitts, Wayne J., Eugena Givens, and Susan McNeeley. 2009. "The Need for a Holistic Approach to Specialized Domestic Violence Court Programming: Evaluating Offender Rehabilitation Needs and Recidivism." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 60(3):1–21.

Pitts, Wayne. 2005. Outlining the Processes and Intermediate Outcomes of a Specialized Court Initiative in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Unpublished evaluation report. Memphis, Tenn.: University of Tenneesse, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Dona Ana County Teen Court (N.M.)Juvenile JusticeHarrison, Paige, James R. Maupin, and G. Larry Mays. 2001. "Teen Court: An Examination of Processes and Outcomes." Crime and Delinquency 47(2):243-64.
Dorchester County (Mass.) Adult Drug Treatment CourtCourtsMackin, Juliette, R., Shannon Carey, Michael Finigan, Theresa Allen, and Dawn James. 2009. Dorchester County (District) Adult Drug Treatment Court Process Evaluation. Portland, OR: NPC Research.
Dose–Response Relationship Between Time Served in Prison and Recidivism (Ohio)CorrectionsCorrections: Ed Latessa Meade, Benjamin, Benjamin Steiner, Matthew Makarios, and Lawrence Travis. 2012. “Estimating a Dose–Response Relationship Between Time Served in Prison and Recidivism.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50(4):525–50.
Douglas County (Neb.) Day Reporting CenterCorrectionsKim, Dae-Young, Cassia Spohn, and Mark Foxall. 2009. "An Evaluation of the DRC in the Context of Douglas County, Nebraska: A Developmental Perspective." The Prison Journal 87(4):434-56.
Drug Abuse Resistance Education Play and Learn Under Supervision (DARE PLUS)Juvenile Justice

Perry, Cheryl L., Kelli A. Komro, Sara Veblen–Mortenson, Linda M. Bosma, Kian Farbakhsh, Karen A. Munson, Melissa H. Stigler, and Leslie A. Lytle. 2003. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Middle and Junior High School D.A.R.E. and D.A.R.E. P.L.U.S. Programs.” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 157:178–84.

Komro, Kelli A., Cheryl L. Perry, Sara Veblen–Mortenson, Melissa H. Stigler, Linda M. Bosma, Karen A. Munson, and Kian Farbakhsh. 2004. “Violence-Related Outcomes of the D.A.R.E. P.L.U.S. Project.” Health Education and Behavior 31:335–54.

Perry, Cheryl L., Kelli A. Komro, Sara Veblen–Mortenson, Linda M. Bosma, Karen A. Munson, Melissa H. Stigler, Leslie A. Lytle, Jean L. Forster, and Seth L. Welles. 2000. “The Minnesota D.A.R.E. P.L.U.S. Project: Creating Community Partnerships to Prevent Drug Use and Violence.” Journal of School Health 70:84–88.

Drug Market Intervention (DMI) (Multi-site)Law EnforcementSaunders, Jessica, Allison J. Ober, Beau Kilmer, and Sarah Michal Greathouse. 2016. “A Community-Based, Focused-Deterrence Approach to Closing Overt Drug Markets: A Process and Fidelity Evaluation of Seven Sites.” Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation.
Drug Treatment Courts (Canada)DrugsFischer, Benedikt. 2003. "'Doing Good With a Vengeance': A Critical Assessment of the Practices, Effects and Implications of Drug Treatment Courts in North America." Criminal Justice 3(3):227-48.
Co-ordinated Services for Drug-Abusing Women Who Are Victims of Inmate Partner ViolenceVictimsBennett, Larry, and Patricia O'Brien. 2007 "Effects of Co-ordinated Services for Drug-Abusing Women Who Are Victims of Intimate Partner Violence." Violence Against Women 13(4):395-411.
Drum-Assisted Recovery Therapy for Native Americans (DARTNA)DrugsDickerson, Daniel, Francis Robichaud, Cheryl Teruya, Kathleen Nagaran, and Yih-Ing Hser. 2012. "Utilizing Drumming for American Indians/Alaska Natives with Substance Use Disorders: A Focus Group Study." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38(5):505-10.
Duluth Model Batterer Intervention Program (Florida)Corrections

Herman, Katharine, Robert Rotunda, Gail Williamson, and Stephen Vodanovich. 2014. “Outcomes From a Duluth Model Batterer Intervention Program at Completion and Long Term Follow-Up.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53:1–18.

Morrison, Penelope K., Lynn Hawker, Elizabeth P. Miller, Patricia A. Cluss, Rhonda Fleming, Kalem Wright, Jessica Burke, and Judy C. Chang. 2016. “The Operational Challenges for Batterer Intervention Programs: Results From a 2-Year Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Duval County (Fla.) Teen Court Program (DCTCP)Juvenile JusticeVose, Brenda, and Kelly Vannan. 2013. "A Jury of Your Peers: Recidivism Among Teen Court Participants." Journal of Juvenile Justice 3(1):97-109.
Earlscourt Girls Connection (EGC)Juvenile JusticeWalsh, Margaret M., Debra J. Pepler, and Kathryn S. Levene. 2002. "A Model Intervention for Girls with Disruptive Behaviour Problems: The Earlscourt Girls Connection". Canadian Journal of Counselling 36(4):297-311.
Early Intervention for the Prevention of Offending Programme (Ireland)Juvenile JusticeHaydon, Deena. 2014. “Early Intervention for the Prevention of Offending in Northern Ireland.” Youth Justice 14(3):226–40.
Early Legal Advice Project (ELAP)CourtsLane, Mike, Daniel Murray, Rajith Lakshman, Claire Devine, and Andrew Zurawan. 2013. Evaluation of the Early Legal Advice Project: Final Report. London, England: Home Office, Border Agency, Legal Aid Agency.
Early Truancy InitiativeJuvenile JusticeMcCluskey, Cynthia Perez, Timothy Bynum, Justin Patchin. 2004. "Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: An Assessment of Early Truancy Initiative." Crime and Delinquency 50(2):214-34.
Early Warning System for Temporary Crime Hot Spots (Pennsylvania)Crime PreventionGorr, Wilpen L., and YongJei Lee. 2015. “Early Warning System for Temporary Crime Hot Spots.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31(1):25–47.
Earned Discharge Pilot Project (Calif.)CorrectionsSmith, Sarah M., Marisa K. Omori, Susan F. Turner, and Jesse Jannetta. 2012. “Assessing the Earned Discharge Pilot Project: The Importance of Context, Capacity, and Content.” Criminology and Public Policy 11(2):385–410.
Educational Bullying Program (Wales)Juvenile JusticeHunt, Caroline. 2007. "The Effect of an Education Program on Attitudes and Beliefs about Bullying and Behaviour in Junior Secondary School Students." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 12(1):21–26.
Educational Services in Swedish PrisonsCorrectionsPettit, Michelle D., and Michael Kroth. 2011. "Educational Services in Swedish Prisons: Successful Programs of Academic and Vocational Teaching." Criminal Justice Studies 24(3):215-26.
Effective Police Interactions With Youth (Conn.)Law EnforcementLaMotte, Valerie, Kelley Ouellette, Jessica Sanderson, Stephen A. Anderson, Iva Kosutic, Julie Griggs, and Marison Garcia. 2010. "Effective Police Interactions With Youth: A Program Evaluation." Police Quarterly 12(2):161-79.
Effectiveness of Juvenile Mentoring Programs on Recidivism (Multisites)Juvenile Justice

Duriez, Stephanie A., Carrie Sullivan, Christopher J. Sullivan, Sarah M. Manchak, and Edward J. Latessa. 2017a. Mentoring Best Practices Research: Effectiveness of Juvenile Mentoring Programs on Recidivism: Grant# 2013-JU-FX-0004. University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research, School of Criminal Justice.

Duriez, Stephanie A., Carrie Sullivan, Christopher J. Sullivan, Sarah M. Manchak, and Edward J. Latessa. 2017b. Final Report. OJJDP-Funded Research in Brief: Mentoring Best Practices Research: Effectiveness of Juvenile Mentoring for Youth on Parole and Probation in Ohio. Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Effects of the National Minimum Drinking Age LawJuvenile JusticeLewis, John A., and Philip E. Carlan. 2009. "The National Minimum Drinking Age Law: Perceptions of its Effectiveness to Deter Juvenile Alcohol Use." Criminal Justice Studies 22(2):167-79.
Electronic Bridge to Mental Health Services (eBridge)Juvenile JusticeKing, C.A., D. Eisenberg, K. Zheng, E. Czyz, A. Kramer, A. Horwitz, and S. Chermack. 2015. “Online Suicide Risk Screening and Intervention With College Students: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(3):630–36.
Electronic Case Management (ECM) with Homeless YouthJuvenile JusticeBender, K., N. Schau, S. Begun, B. Haffejee, A. Barman-Adhikari, and J. Hathaway. 2014. “Electronic Case Management With Homeless Youth.” Evaluation and Program Planning 50: 36–42.
Electronic Monitoring Home Detention Program (Indiana)CorrectionsAvdija, Avdi S., and JiHee Le. 2014. “Does Electronic Monitoring Home Detention Program Work? Evaluating Program Suitability Based on Offenders’ Post-Program Recidivism Status.” Justice Policy Journal 11(1):1–15.
Electronic Prescription Monitoring Program (Mass.)DrugsKatz, Nathaniel, Lee Panas, MeeLee Kim, Adele D. Audet, Arnold Bilansky, John Eadie, Peter Kreiner, Florence C. Paillard, Cindy Thomas, and Grant Carrow. 2010. “Usefulness of Prescription Monitoring Programs for Surveillance Analysis of Schedule II Opioid Prescription Data in Massachusetts, 1996–2006.” Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 19(2): 115–123.
E-Mail "Grade Nudge" (United Kingdom)Juvenile JusticeSmith, Ben O., Dustin R. White, Patricia C. Kuzyk, and James E. Tierney. 2018. “Improved Grade Outcomes With An E-Mailed ‘Grade Nudge.’” The Journal of Economic Education 49:1–7.
Emerge (Batterer Intervention Program)CourtsMorrison, Penelope K., Lynn Hawker, Elizabeth P. Miller, Patricia A. Cluss, Rhonda Fleming, Kalem Wright, Jessica Burke, and Judy C. Chang. 2016. “The Operational Challenges for Batterer Intervention Programs: Results From a 2-Year Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence:1–23.
EMOTION InterventionJuvenile Justice

Loevaas, Mona Elisabeth S., Anne Mari Sund, Stian Lydersen, Simon-Peter Neumer, Kristin Martinsen, Solveig Holen, Joshua Patras, Frode Adolfsen, and Trude Reinfjell. 2019. “Does the Transdiagnostic EMOTION Intervention Improve Emotion Regulation Skills in Children?” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28:805–13.

Martinsen, Kristin, D., Lene Mari P. Rasmussen, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Solveig Holen, Anne Mari Sund, Mona Elisabeth S. Løvaas, Joshua Patras, Philip C. Kendall, Trine Waaktaar, and Simon-Peter Neumer. 2019. “Prevention of Anxiety and Depression in School Children: Effectiveness of the Transdiagnostic EMOTION Program.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 37(2):212–19.

Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EFEC) (UK)Juvenile JusticeDay, Crispin, Daniel Michelson, Stacey Thomson, Caroline Penney, and Lucy Draper. 2012. “Innovations in Practice: Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities: A Pilot Evaluation of a Peer-Led Parenting Programme.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17(1):52–57.
Empowerment Intervention for Abused Pregnant Women (Peru)VictimsCripe, Swee May, Sixto E. Sanchez, Elena Sanchez, Beatriz Ayala Quintanilla, Christian Hernandez Alarcon, Bizu Gelaye, and Michelle A. Williams. 2010. "Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Pilot Intervention Program in Lima, Peru". Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25(11):2054-76.
Engaging Youth Serving Communities (EYSC)Juvenile JusticeSerido, Joyce, Lynne M. Borden, and Christine B. Wiggs. 2014. “Breaking Down Potential Barriers to Continued Program Participation.” Youth & Society 46(1):51–69.
Engine Immobilizers (Germany)Crime PreventionBassmann, Jorg. 2011. "Vehicle Theft Reduction in Germany: The Long-Term Effectiveness of Electronic Immobilisation." European Journal of Crime and Policy Research 17:221-46.
Enhanced Mentor Training and Peer SupportJuvenile JusticePeaslee, Liliokanaio, and Amanda C. Teye. 2015. Testing the Impact of Mentor Training and Peer Support on the Quality of Mentor-Mentee Relationships and Outcomes for At-Risk Youth. Grant# 2011-JU-FX-0002. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Enhanced Support Service (ESS)CorrectionsCamp, J., K. Joy, and M. Freestone. 2018. “Does ‘Enhanced Support’ for Offenders Effectively Reduce Custodial Violence and Disruption? An Evaluation of the Enhanced Support Service Pilot.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(12):3928–46.
Enhanced Thinking Skills for Mentally Disordered Offenders (UK)CorrectionsTapp, James, Emma Fellowes, Nicola Wallis1, Linda Blud, and Estelle Moore. 2009. “An Evaluation of the Enhanced Thinking Skills (ETS) Programme With Mentally Disordered Offenders in a High Security Hospital.” Legal and Criminological Psychology 14:201–12.
Environmental Management to Prevent Alcohol-Related Problems (University of Arizona)CorrectionsJohannessen, Koreen, Peggy Glider, Carolyn Collins, Harry Hueston, and William DeJong. 2001. "Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems at the University of Arizona's Homecoming: An Environmental Management Case Study." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 27(3):587-97.
Equine Facilitated Therapy (Queensland, Australia)Juvenile JusticeKemp, Kathleen, Tania Signal, Helena Botros, Nik Taylor, and Kathy Prentice. “Equine Facilitated Therapy with Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: A Program Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(3):558–66.
Essex Body Worn Video Trial (United Kingdom)Law EnforcementOwens, Catherine, David Mann, and Rory Mckenna. 2014. The Essex Body Worn Video Trial: The Impact of Body Worn Video on Criminal Justice Outcomes of Domestic Abuse Incidents. London, England: College of Policing.
European Safer Schools PartnershipJuvenile JusticeHolt, Amanda, Denise Martin, Carol Hayden, and Claire Nee. 2011. “Schooled in Democracy? Promoting Democratic Values as a Whole-School Approach to Violence Prevention.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(3):205–17.
Evaluation of State Supermax Policies on the Mentally IllCorrectionsButler, H. Daniel, W. Wesley Johnson, and O. Hayden Griffin III. 2014. “The Treatment of the Mentally Ill in Supermax Facilities: An Evaluation of State Supermax Policies.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(11):1338–1353.
Evening Reporting Center (ERC)Juvenile JusticeGarland, Brett, Sara Moore, Mary K. Stohr, and Michael Kyle. 2016. “Juvenile Evening Reporting Centers: A Research Note on an Emerging Practice.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 14(2):164–74.
Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS)CorrectionsBoppre, B., J. Sundt, and E. J. Salisbury. 2018. “The Limitations and Strengths of the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale as a Measure of Correctional Employees’ Attitudes: A Psychometric Evaluation.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(12):3947–64.
Getting to Outcomes-Underage DrinkingJuvenile JusticeChinmann, Matthew, Patricia Ebener, Q. Burkhart, Karen Chan Osilla, Pamela Imm, Susan M. Paddock, and Patricia Ann Wright. 2014. "Evaluating the Impact of Getting to Outcomes--Underage Drinking on Prevention Capacity and Alcohol Merchant Attitudes and Selling Behaviors." Journal of Prevention Science 15:485-96.
EVOLVECourtsLyon, Eleanor. 2005. Impact Evaluation of Special Session Domestic Violence: Enhanced Advocacy and Interventions, Final Report. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut, School of Social Work.
EX: A National Smoking Cessation Media CampaignJuvenile JusticeVillanti, Andrea C., Jennifer Cullen, Donna M. Vallone, and Elizabeth A Stuart. 2012. "Use of Propensity Score Matching to Evaluate a National Smoking Cessation Media Campaign." Evaluation Review 35(6):571-91.
Expedited DUI Court Program (Spokane, Wash.)CourtsBouffard, Jeffrey A., and Leana A. Bouffard. 2011. “What Works (or Doesn’t) in a DUI Court? An Example of Expedited Case Processing.” Journal of Criminal Justice 39:320–28.
Facing History and OurselvesJuvenile Justice

Brabeck, M., and M. Kenny. 1994. "Human Rights Education Through the `Facing History and Ourselves' Program." Journal of Moral Education 23(3):333-48.

Schultz, Lynn Hickey, Dennis J. Barr, and Robert L. Selman. 2001. "The Value of a Developmental Approach to Evaluating Character Development Programmes: An Outcome Study of Facing History and Ourselves." Journal of Moral Education 30(1):3-27.

Boulay, Beth, Rachel McCormick, Kristina Kliorys, Marc Moss, and Beth Gamse. 2009. The National Professional Development and Evaluation Project Facing History and Ourselves: Year 1 Final Report. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates Inc.

Barr, Dennis. 2010. Continuing a Tradition of Research on the Foundations of Democratic Education: The National Professional Development and Evaluation Project. Brookline, Mass.: Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.

Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc. 2010. Facing History and Ourselves National Evaluation Study: Outcomes and Implications. Brookline, Mass.: Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.

Factors of School-Based Prevention ProgramsJuvenile JusticePayne, Allison A., and Ronald Eckert. 2010. "The Relative Importance of Provider, Program, School, and Community Predictors of the Implementation Quality of School-Based Prevention Programs." Prevention Science 11:26–141.
Families And Schools Together (FAST) (Middle Eastern and Central American RegionsJuvenile JusticeMaalouf, Wahib, and Giovanna Campello. 2014. “The Influence of Family Skills Programmes on Violence Indicators: Experience From a Multi-Site Project of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Low and Middle Income Countries.” Aggression and Violent Behavior (19):616–24.
FAMILY (FCC and ARC Model to Improve the Lives of Youth)Juvenile JusticeOlin, Su-chin Serene, Anthony L. Hemmelgarn, Kappy Madenwald, and Kimberly E. Hoagwood. 2016. “An ARC-Informed Family Centered Care Intervention for Children’s Community Based Mental Health Programs.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(1):275–89.
Family Centered Strengths-based Advocacy Intervention for Abused Women and their ChildrenVictimsSullivan, Cris M., Deborah I. Bybee, and Nicole E. Allen. 2002. "Findings From a Community-Based Program for Battered Women and Their Children." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 17:915-36.
Family ConnectionsCorrectionsBlumberg, Daniel M. and Dawn A. Griffin. 2013. "Family Connections: The Importance of Prison Reading Programs for Incarcerated Parents and Their Children." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52(4):254-69.
Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice (Kentucky)Juvenile JusticeBoes, Corey, Crystal Collins-Camargo, and Tammi Alvey Thomas. 2015. “Evaluation of Implementation of the Kentucky Court Rules of Procedure and Practice: An Approach to Assessing the Impact of Court Reform Efforts.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 66(4):1–16.
Family Creative Therapy (FCT) (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeAbrahamse, Marielle E., Marianne Junger, Mirjam A. M. M. van Wouwe, Frits Boer, and Ramon J. L. Lindauer. 2016. “Treating Child Disruptive Behavior in High-Risk Families: A Comparative Effectiveness Trial from a Community-Based Implementation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(5):1605–1622.
Family Engagement PartnershipJuvenile JusticeSheldon, Steven B., and Sol Bee Jung. 2015. “The Family Engagement Partnership: Student Outcome Evaluation.” Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins University, School of Education, Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships.
Family Engagement Strategy (FES) (Brisbane, Australia)Law EnforcementMeyer, Silke, and Lorraine Mazerolle. 2014. “Police-Led Partnership Responses to High Risk Youths and Their Families: Challenges Associated with Forming Successful and Sustainable Partnerships.” Policing and Society 24(2):242–60.
Family FirstJuvenile JusticeLeonard, Noelle R.., Marya V. Gwadz, Gricel N. Arredondo, Marion Riedel, Lauren Rotko, Emily J. Hardcastle, and Jodi C. Potere. 2007. "Description of a Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Substance Use and Related Risk and Increase Positive Parenting among Urban Mothers with Alcohol and Other Drug Problems." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16:531-44.
Family Group Conferencing for Students Recommended for ExpulsionJuvenile JusticeMcMorris, Barbara J., Kara J. Beckman, Glynis Shea, Jenna Baumgartner, and Rachel C. Eggert. 2013. Applying Restorative Practices to Minneapolis Public Schools Students Recommended for Possible Expulsion: A Pilot Program Evaluation of the Family and Youth Restorative Conference Program. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota, Prevention Research Center, Department of Pediatrics.
Family Group Conferencing Pilot Program (New South Wales, Australia)Juvenile JusticeBoxall, Hayley, Anthony Morgan, and Kiptoo Terer. 2012. Evaluation of the Family Group Conferencing Program. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Family Inclusion Project (New South Wales, Australia)Juvenile JusticeNisbet, Ian, Anne Graham, and Sallie Newell. 2012. “A Letter From Australia – The Potential of a ‘Wraparound’ Approach to Reducing Juvenile Offending in New South Wales.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14:225–34.
Family Intervention Projects (UK)Juvenile JusticeHodgkinson, Sarah, and Diane Jones. 2013. “The Use of Family Intervention Projects to Deal with Anti-Social Behaviour: A Preliminary Study of Keyworker Perceptions.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 15:278–91.
Family Peace ProjectVictimsHamberger, L. Kevin, Clare Guse, Jennifer Boerger, Debbie Minsky, Deb Pape, and Christine Folsom. 2004. “Evaluation of a Health Care Provider Training Program to Identify and Help Partner Violence Victims.” Journal of Family Violence 19(1):1–11.
Family Preservation Programs (United States and Taiwan)Juvenile JusticeLin, Ching-Hsuan, and Meng-Jung Lee. 2016. “A Comparative Policy Analysis of Family Preservation Programs in the U.S. and in Taiwan.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(4):1131–1144.
Family Preservation Program for Adjudicated Male Juveniles in a Southern StateJuvenile JusticeDiamond, Brie, Robert G. Morris, and Jonathan W. Caudill. 2011. "Sustaining Families, Dissuading Crime: The Effectiveness of a Family Preservation Program with Male Delinquents." Journal of Criminal Justice 39:338-43.
Family Services for Male Youth Adjudicated of a Sexual CrimeJuvenile JusticeR. Yoder, Jesse Hansen, Christopher Lobanov-Rostovsky, and Donna Ruch. 2015. “The Impact of Family Service Involvement on Treatment Completion and General Recidivism Among Male Youthful Sexual Offenders.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(4):256–77.
Fathers and Children Together (FACT)CorrectionsHenson, A. 2018. “Strengthening Evaluation Research: A Case Study of an Evaluability Assessment Conducted in a Carceral Setting.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(10):3185–3200.
FBI Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)Law EnforcementBennell, Craig, Brent Snook, Sarah Macdonald, John C. House, and Paul J. Taylor. 2012. "Computerized Crime Linkage Systems: A Critical Review and Research Agenda." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(5):620-34.
Fearless (Nebraska)CorrectionsSample, L.L., B.N. Cooley, and T. ten Bensel. 2018. “Beyond Circles of Support: ‘Fearless’–An Open Peer-to-Peer Mutual Support Group for Sex Offense Registrants and Their Family Members.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(3):4257–77.
Federally Funded Shelter Service Availability to Reduce Intimate Partner Homicides (Calif.)VictimsWells, William, Ling Ren, and William DeLeon-Granados. 2010. "Reducing Intimate Partner Homicides: The Effects of Federally-Funded Shelter Service Availability in California." Journal of Criminal Justice 38:512-19.
Fife Intensive Therapy Team (FITT) (UK)Juvenile JusticeSimpson, Wendy, Lee Cowie, Lucy Wilkinson, Naomi Lock, and Graham Monteith. 2010. “The Effectiveness of a Community Intensive Therapy Team on Young People's Mental Health Outcomes.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(4):217–23.
Fight-Free School Violence Prevention ProgramJuvenile JusticeFahsl, Allison J., and Amanda Luce. 2012. “Improving Interactions: The Effects of Implementing the Fight-Free Schools Violence Prevention Program.” Preventing School Failure 56(4):214–18.
Fines for Drunk Driving Offenders (AUS)CourtsWeatherburn, Don, and Steve Moffatt. 2011. “The Specific Deterrent Effect of Higher Fines on Drink-Driving Offenders.” British Journal of Criminology 51:789–803.
Finish Intervention ProgramJuvenile Justice

Salmivalli, Christina, Ari Kaukiainen, and Marinus Voeten. 2005. "Anti-Bullying Intervention: Implementation and Outcome." British Journal of Education Psychology 75(3):465–87.

Salmivalli, C., A. Kaukiainen, M. Voeten, and M. Sinisammal. 2004. "Targeting the Group as a Whole: The Finnish Anti-Bullying Intervention." In P. K. Smith, D. Pepler, and K. Rigby (eds.).Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be? ). New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 251–73.

FIPSE-Funded Collegiate Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention EffortsJuvenile JusticeLicciardone, John C. 2003. "Outcomes of a Federally Funded Program for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention in Higher Education." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 29(4):803-27.
Firearm Arrests and Subsequent Shootings (Philadelphia, Pa.)Crime PreventionWyant, Brian R., Ralph B, Taylor, Jerry H. Ratcliffe, and Jennifer Wood. 2012. "Deterrence, Firearm Arrests, and Subsequent Shootings: A Micro-Level Spatio-Temporal Analysis." Justice Quarterly 29(4):524-45.
Firearms Licensing SystemLaw EnforcementKoper, Christopher S. 2002. "Federal Legislation and Gun Markets: How Much Have Recent Reforms of the Federal Firearms Licensing System Reduced Criminal Gun Suppliers?" Criminology & Public Policy 1(2):151-78.
Flexible Funding for IPV Victims (Washington, D.C.)VictimsSullivan, Cris M., Heather D. Bomsta, and Margaret A. Hacskaylo. 2019. “Flexible Funding as a Promising Strategy to Prevent Homelessness for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(14): 3017–3033.
Florida Adult Drug Court ModelCourtsChristie, Natasha V. 2016. “Understanding the Role of Cross-Sector Collaborations on the Success of Florida’s Drug Courts.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(2):119–137.
Florida Department of Corrections Vocational Training ProgramsCorrectionsJohnson, C.M. 1984. “The Effects of Prison Labor Programs on Post-Release Employment and Recidivism.” PhD diss., Florida State University.
Florida Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program (DDTP)correctionsMcNeece, C. Aaron. 1999. Evaluation of the Florida Department of Corrections Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program: Final Technical Report [NCJ-194060]. Tallahassee, Fla.: Florida State University, Institute for Health and Human Services Research. NIJ Sponsored.
Florida Ready to Work (FLRTW)CorrectionsBrown, Martha A., and Steve J. Rios. 2014. "Can a Workplace Credentialing Program Improve Inmate Literacy?" The Journal of Correctional Education 65(2):59-83.
Football Banning Order (UK)Law EnforcementHopkins, Matt. 2014. “Ten Seasons of the Football Banning Order: Police Officer Narratives on the Operation of Banning Orders and the Impact on the Behaviour of ‘Risk Supporters’.” Policing and Society 24(3): 285–301.
Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement Program (EIP)Law Enforcement

Hayeslip, David, Sara Debus-Sherrill, and Kelly A. Walsh. 2012. Evaluation of the Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement Program. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

Ropero Miller, Jeri D., and Kellie Barrick. 2012. 2009 Evaluation of Forensic DNA Unit Efficiency Improvement (EIP) Program. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: RTI International,

Formal Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence (New Mexico)CorrectionsBroidy, Lisa, Danielle Albright, and Kristine Denman. 2016. “Deterring Future Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence: Does Type of Formal Intervention Matter?” Violence Against Women 22(9):1113 –1133.
Fort Bend County (TX) Specials Sanctions Court ProgramCourtsSnell, C. 2007. Fort Bend County Community Supervision and Corrections Special Sanctions Court Program: Evaluation Report. Richmond, Texas: Fort Bend County Commission.
Fort PeckTribes Community Wellness CourtJuvenile JusticeGottlieb, K. 2005. Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Fort Peck Tribes Community Wellness Court. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Foster Parent Training (Ontario, Canada)Juvenile JusticeNash, Jordanna, and Robert J. Flynn. 2009. "Foster-Parent Training and Foster-Child Outcomes: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Analysis." Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 4(2):128-34.
Franklin County (Ohio) Sanctions GridCorrectionsMakarios, Matthew, Edward Latessa, and John Schwartz. 2009. Evaluation of the Franklin County Graduated Sanctions Grid, Final Report. Cincinnati, OH.: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research.
Fresh Start Prisoner Reentry ProgramCorrectionsHunter, B.A., A.S. Lanza, M. Lawlor, W. Dyson, and D.M. Gordon. 2016. “A Strengths-Based Approach to Prisoner Reentry: The Fresh Start Prisoner Reentry Program.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 60(11):1298–1314.
Friendly Schools Friendly Families (FSFF)Juvenile JusticeLester Leanne, Natasha Pearce, Stacey Waters, Amy Barnes. Shelley Beatty, and Donna Cross. 2017. “Family Involvement in a Whole-School Bullying Intervention: Mothers’ and Fathers’ Communication and Influence with Children.” Journal Child and Family Studies 26:2716–2727.
FRIENDS ProgramJuvenile JusticeBarrett, P. M., L. J. Farrell, T. H. Ollendick, and M. R. Dadds. 2006. Long-Term Outcomes of an Australian Universal Prevention Trial of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Children and Youth: An Evaluation of the Friends Program. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 35(3), 403–11.
Friend to FriendJuvenile JusticeLeff, Stephen, Rebecca Lakin Gullan, Brooke Paskewich, Saburah Abdul-Kabir, Abbas Jawad, Michael Grossman, Melissa Munro, and Thomas Power. 2009. "An Initial Evaluation of a Culturally-Adapted Social Problem Solving and Relational Aggression Prevention Program for Urban African American Relationally Aggressive Girls." Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community 37(4):260–74.
Friends CareCorrectionsBrown, Barry S., Kevin E. O'Grady, Robert J. Battjes, Eugene V. Farrell, Nikeba P. Smith, and David N. Nurco. 2001. "Effectiveness of a Stand-Alone Aftercare Program for Drug-Involved Offenders". Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 21:185-92.
Friends Outside's Positive Parenting for Incarcerated ParentsCorrectionsSimmons, Charlene Wear, Amanda Noble, and Marcus Nieto. 2012. "Friends Outside's Positive Parenting for Incarcerated Parents: An Evaluation." Corrections Today 74(6):45-51.
Frisks and Searches Following Traffic StopsLaw EnforcementCarroll, Leo, and M. Lilliana Gonzalez. 2014. “Out of Place: Racial Stereotypes and the Ecology of Frisks and Searches Following Traffic Stops.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51(5):559–84.
From Dependency to Work (D2W)Crime PreventionMcSweeney, Tim, and Mike Hough. 2006. "Supporting Offenders with Multiple Needs: Lessons for the 'Mixed Economy' Model of Service Provision." Criminology & Criminal Justice 6(1):107-25.
Fugitive Safe SurrenderLaw EnforcementFlannery, Daniel J., and Jeff M. Kretschmar. 2012. “Fugitive Safe Surrender Program Description, Initial Findings, and Policy Implications.” Criminology and Public Policy 11(3):437–59.
GANA ProgramJuvenile JusticeMcCabe, Kristen M., May Yeh, Ann Garland, Anna Lau, and Gloris Chavez. 2005. "The GANA Program: A Tailoring Approach Adapting Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Mexican Americans." Education and Treatment of Children 28(2):111-29
Gang Reduction Program (Richmond, VA)Juvenile Justice

Cahill, Meagan, Mark B. Coggeshall, David Hayeslip, Ashley Wolff, Erica Lagerson, Michelle L. Scott, Elizabeth Davies, Kevin Roland, and Scott H. Decker. 2008. Community Collaboratives Addressing Youth Gangs: Interim Findings From the Gang Reduction Program. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Justice Policy Center.

Hayeslip, David, and Meagan Cahill. 2009. Community Collaboratives Addressing Youth Gangs: Final Evaluation Findings From the Gang Reduction Program. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Justice Policy Center.

Cahill, Meagan, and David Hayeslip. 2010. Findings From the Evaluation of OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Gender Differences in a Comprehensive Approach to Domestic ViolenceVictimsMuftic, Lisa R., and Jeffery A. Bouffard. 2007. “An Evaluation of Gender Differences in the Implementation and Impact of a Comprehensive Approach to Domestic Violence.” Violence Against Women 13(1):46–69.
Gender Responsive Programming in Secure Detention (Connecticut)Juvenile JusticeDay, Jacob C., Margaret A. Zahn, and Lisa P. Tichavsky. 2015. “What Works for Whom? The Effects of Gender Responsive Programming on Girls and Boys in Secure Detention.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52(1):93–129.
Gender-Responsive Community Policing (Bangladesh)Law EnforcementLee, Maggy, and Syed Jahangeer Haider. 2012. “A Letter from Bangladesh – Developing Gender-Responsive Community Policing in Bangladesh.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14:69–77.
Georgia DUI Court Pilot ProgramCourtsMeredith, Tammy. 2007. Georgia's DUI Court Programs Reduce Recidivism. Atlanta, GA: Applied Research Services, Inc.
Georgia’s Offender Reentry Transitional Center ProgramCorrectionsToppin, Sheila. 2015. “Program Evaluation: Georgia’s Transitional Center Program.” Justice Policy Journal 12(2):1–18.
Getting Ready for Success (Tacoma, Wash.)Juvenile JusticeSepanik, Susan. 2012. Getting Ready for Success: Bridging the Gap Between High School and College in Tacoma, Washington. New York, NY: MDRC, National Center for Postsecondary Research Conference.
Greenbrook InitiativeVictimsBanks, Duren, Nicole Dutch, and Kathleen Wang. 2008. "Collaborative Efforts to Improve System Response to Families Who Are Experiencing Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23(7):876-902.
Geographic Communtiy Based Prosecution Model (Philadelphia)CourtsWilliams, R. Seth, and Will Stewart. 2013. Implementing a Geographic Community-Based Prosecution Model in Philadelphia [Prosecutor’s Report V]. Washington, D.C.: Association of Prosecuting Attorneys. BJA Sponsored.
Georgia Residential Substance Abuse TreatmentCorrectionsMoffett, Audry. 2000. Process Analysis of GDC RSAT Program, Draft Final Report [NCJ-189586]. Stone Mountain, Ga.: Wellsys Corporation. NIJ Sponsored.
Girls of the Run (GOTR)Juvenile JusticeUllrich-French, S., A.N. Cole, and A. K. Montgomery. 2016. “Evaluation Development for a Physical Activity Positive Youth Development Program for Girls.” Evaluation and Program Planning 55:67–76.
GIS Supporting Intelligence-Led PolicingCrime PreventionHerchenrader, Tegan, and Steven Myhill-Jones. 2015. “GIS Supporting Intelligence-Led Policing.” Police Practice and Research 16(2):136–47.
Glendale (Ariz.) Smart Policing InitiativeLaw Enforcement

White, Michael D., and Charles M. Katz. 2013. “Policing Convenience Store Crime: Lessons from the Glendale, Arizona Smart Policing Initiative.” Police Quarterly 16(3):305–22.

White, Michael D., and Frank Balkcom. 2012. Glendale, Arizona Smart Policing Initiative: Reducing Convenience Store Theft.68. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Grafitti Reduction Initiatives (Western Australia)Juvenile JusticeTaylor, Myra F., and Umneea Khan. 2014. “What Works and What Does Not Work in Reducing Juvenile Graffiti Offending? A Comparison of Changes That Occurred in the Frequency of Persistent Graffitists’ Patterns of Offending Following the Announcement of Two Successive Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Graffiti Proliferation.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16:128–45.
Group Anger Control TrainingJuvenile JusticeFeindler, Eva L., Suzanna Marriott, and Margaret Iwata. 1984. "Group Anger Control Training for Junior High School Delinquents." Cognitive Therapy and Research 8(3):299–311.
Group CBT for Parents of ADHD Children (China)Juvenile JusticeWong, Daniel F.K., Ting Kin Ng, Priscilla S.Y. Ip, Mei Ling Chung, and Joe Choi. 2018. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Group CBT for Parents of ADHD Children.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27:227–39.
Group Schematherapy (GST) for Adolescents with Personality DisordersJuvenile JusticeRoelofs, Jeffrey, Peter Muris, Doret van Wesemael, Nick J. Broers, Ida Shaw, and Joan Farrell. 2016. “Group-Schematherapy for Adolescents: Results from a Naturalistic Multiple Case Study.” Journal of Child and Families Studies 25:2246–2257.
Group Violence Intervention Model (Newburgh, NY)Law EnforcementTallon, Jennifer A. 2019. Project Safe Neighborhoods: An Evaluation of the City of Newburgh’s Group Violence Intervention Model. New York, N.Y.: Center for Court Innovation.
Grow2Grow (UK)Juvenile JusticeConway, Paula, and Jane Clatworthy. 2015. “Innovations in Practice: Grow2Grow–Engaging Hard-to-Reach Adolescents Through Combined Mental Health and Vocational Support Outside the Clinic Setting.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 20(2):112–15.
Growing HealthyJuvenile Justice

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Guardianship in Action (GIA)Crime PreventionHollis-Peel, Meghan E., Danielle M. Reynald, and Brandon C. Walsh. 2011. "Guardianship and Crime: An International Comparative Study Of Guardianship In Action." Crime Law and Social Change 58:1-14.
Guided Group Interaction (GGI)Juvenile JusticeGottfredson, Gary D. "Peer Group Interventions to Reduce the Risk of Delinquent Behavior: A Selective Review and A New Evaluation." Criminology 25(3):690–733.
Gun Buy Back (Seattle, Wash.)Law EnforcementCallahan, Charles M., Frederick P. Rivara, and Thomas D. Koepsell. 1994. "Money for Funs: Evaluation of the Seattle Gun Buy-Back Program". Public Health Reports 109(4):472-77.
Gun Buy Back (St. Louis, Mo.)Law EnforcementRosenfield, Richard. 1996. "Gun Buy-Backs: Crime Control of Community Mobilization?" In M. Plotkin (ed.). Under Fire, Gun Buy-Backs, Exchanges and Amnesty Programs. Washington, D.C.: PERF.
Gun Crime Incident ReviewLaw EnforcementHipple, N. K., McGarrell, E. F., O’Brien, M., and Huebner, B. M. 2017. “Gun Crime Incident Reviews as a Strategy for Enhancing Problem Solving and Information Sharing.” Journal of Crime and Justice 40(1):50–67.
Gunshot Detection Technology (CO, WI, CA)Crime PreventionLawrence, Daniel S., Nancy G. La Vigne, and Paige S. Thompson. 2019. Evaluation of Gunshot Detection Technology to Aid in the Reduction of Firearms Violence: Grant# 2015-R2-CX-K147. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Habitat Program at Wood's Homes (Calgary, Alberta)Juvenile JusticeStewart, Janet, Nick Todd, and Cameron Kopeck. 2010. "A Clinical Model in Action in Intensive Residential Treatment: Meeting the Needs of Adolescent Boys who have Experienced Domestic Violence." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:419-28.
Halfway Houses in South FloridaCorrectionsKlein-Saffran, J. 1992. Electronic Monitoring Versus Halfway Houses: A Study of Federal Offenders. College Park, Md.: University of Maryland.
Hamilton County (Ohio) Unofficial Juvenile Community Courts Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticeBeck, Victoria Simpson, Robert J. Ramsey, Judge Thomas R. Lipps, and Lawrence F. Travis III. 2006. "Juvenile Diversion: An Outcome Study of the Hamilton County, Ohio Unofficial Juvenile Community Courts." Juvenile & Family Court Journal:1-10.
Hand-held Cellphone Detectors in a Prison SettingCorrections

Russo, Joe. 2016. “Evaluating the Performance of Hand-Held Cellphone Detectors in a Prison Setting.” Corrections Today 78(2):18–21.

Shaffer, John S., and Joe Russo. 2015. Test and Evaluation of Hand-Held Cell Phone Detection Devices. Rockville, Md.: National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.

Happy Family Kitchen (Hong Kong)Juvenile JusticeHo, Henry C.Y., Moses Mui, Alice Wan, Sunita M. Stewart, Carol Yew, Tai Hing Lam, and Sophia S. Chan. 2017. “Happy Family Kitchen: Behavioral Outcomes of a Brief Community-Based Family Intervention in Hong Kong.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:2852–2864.
HAWK (Honoring Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge: Prevention and Cessation)Juvenile JusticeRaghupathy, Shobana, and April Lea Go Forth. 2012. "The HAWK Program: A Computer-Based Drug Prevention Intervention for Native American Youth." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38(5):461-67.
Hazing Prevention InterventionJuvenile JusticeHakkola, Leah, Elizabeth J. Allan, and Dave Kerschner. 2019. “Applying Utilization-Focused Evaluation to High School Hazing Prevention: A Pilot Intervention.” Evaluation and Program Planning 75:61–68.
Head Start REDI (Research-based, Developmentally Informed)Juvenile JusticeNix, R. L., K. L. Bierman, B.S. Heinrichs, S. D. Gest, J. A. Welsh, and C. E. Domitrovich. 2016. “The Randomized Controlled Trial of Head Start REDI: Sustained Effects on Developmental Trajectories of Social-Emotional Functioning.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 84(4): 310–22.
Head Start Trauma Smart (HSTS)Juvenile JusticeHolmes, Cheryl, Michelle Levy, Avis Smith, Susan Pinne, and Paula Neese. 2015. “A Model for Creating a Supportive Trauma-Informed Culture for Children in Preschool Settings.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(6):1650–1659.
Health Care Can Change from Within ModelVictimsHamberger, L. Kevin, Bruce Ambuel, Clare E. Guse, Mary Beth Phelan, Marlene Melzer-Lange, and Amy Kistner. 2014. “Effects of a Systems Change Model to Respond to Patients Experiencing Partner Violence in Primary Care Medical Settings.” Journal of Family Violence 29:581–94.
Health Services Training in Combating Intimate Partner Violence Against WomenCrime PreventionKaplan, Sena, and Nuran Komurcu. 2017. “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Health Services Training Given with Different Methods in Combating of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Family Violence 32:69–77.
Helping Families Programme (UK)Juvenile Justice

Day, Crispin, Sascha Kowalenko, Megan Ellis, Sharon Dawe, Paul Harnett, and Stephen Scott. 2011. “The Helping Families Programme: A New Parenting Intervention for Children with Severe and Persistent Conduct Problems.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 16(3):167–71.

Stevens, Madeleine, Lucy Harris, Megan Ellis, Crispin Day, and Jennifer Beecham. 2014. “Investigating Changes in Use of Services by High-Need Families Following the Helping Families Programme, An Innovative Parenting Intervention for Children With Severe and Persistent Conduct Problems.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 19(3):185–91.

Helping the Noncompliant Child (Shanghai, China)Juvenile JusticeYu, Jun, Mark Roberts, Yongquiang Shen, and Maria Wong. 2015. “Behavioral Family Therapy for Chinese Preschoolers with Disruptive Behavior: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(5):1192–1202.
Heroin Assisted Treatment (HAT) (UK)DrugsWakeman, Stephen. 2015. “Prescribing Heroin for Addiction: Some Untapped Potentials and Unanswered Questions.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 15(5):578–93.
High Intensity Training (HIT)CorrectionsJolliffe, Darrick, David P. Farrington, and Philip Howard. 2013. "How Long Did It Last? A 10-Year Reconviction Follow-up Study of High Intensity Training for Young Offenders." Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Hillsborough County (Fla.) Batterer Intervention ProgramsCorrectionsWareham, Jennifer, Denise Paquette Boots and Jorge M. Chavez. 2009. "Social Learning Theory and Intimate Violence Among Men Participating in a Family Violence Intervention Program." Journal of Crime & Justice 93-124.
Hillsborough County (Fla.) Truancy Intake Center (TIC)Juvenile JusticeDembo, Richard, and Laura M. Gulledge. 2009. "Truancy Intervention Programs: Challenges and Innovations to Implementation." Criminal Justice Policy Review 20(4):437-56.
HIV Counseling and Testing (HIV-CT) for Drug-Involved WomenDrugsMcMahon, James M., Enrique R. Pouget, Stephanie Tortu, Ellen M. Volpe, Leilani Torres, and William Rodriguez. 2015. “Couple-Based HIV Counseling and Testing: A Risk Reduction Intervention for US Drug-Involved Women and Their Primary Male Partners.” Prevention Science 16(2):341–51.
HIV Services and Treatment Implementation in Corrections (HIV-STIC)CorrectionsMitchell, Shannon Gwin, Jennifer Willett, Holly Swan, Laura B. Monico, Yang Yang, Yvonne O. Patterson, Steven Belenko, Robert P. Schwartz, and Christy A. Visher. 2015. “Defining Success: Insights From a Random Assignment, Multisite Study of Implementing HIV Prevention, Testing, and Linkage to Care in U.S. Jails and Prisons.” AIDS Education and Prevention 27(5):432–45.
HIV Testing Program at the Atlantic County (N.J.) JailCorrectionsTartaro, Christine, and Marissa P. Levy. 2012. "An Evaluation of an HIV Testing Program in the Jail Setting: Results and Recommendations." The Prison Journal 93(1):57-79.
HKT-R Risk Assessment Tool (Netherlands)CorrectionsBogaerts, Stefan, Marinus Spreen, Paul Ter Horst, and Coby Gerlsma. 2018. “Predictive Validity of the HKT-R Risk Assessment Tool: Two And 5-Year Violent Recidivism in a Nationwide Sample of Dutch Forensic Psychiatric Patients.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(8):2259–70.
HKT-30 Risk Assessment Tool (Netherlands)CorrectionsLammers, Sylvia, Lot Kokkelink, and Hein deHaan. 2018. “Risk Assessment in Habitual Offenders With Substance Use Problems: A Quasi-Prospective Study of the Predictive Validity of the HKT-30.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(13):4187–4195.
HMP Grendon Underwood Therapeutic Community (TC) (UK)CorrectionsGenders, Elaine, and Elaine Player. 2014. “Rehabilitation, Risk Management and Prisoners’ Rights.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 14(4):434–57.
Holistic Health Recovery Program (HHRP)CorrectionsShepherd, Jennifer L., Johnna Fandel, Rashaun Esposito, Elizabeth Pace, Mekka Banks, and Jean E. Denious. 2012. "Multidimensionality Matters: An Effective HIV, Hepatitis C, and Substance-Use Prevention Program for Minority Parolees." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51(4):199-221.
Home Detention with Electronic Monitoring (New Zealand)CorrectionsGibbs, Anita, and Denise King. 2003. "Home Detention with Electronic Monitoring: The New Zealand Experience." Criminal Justice 3(2): 199-211.
HOPE (Helping Other Partners Excel)DrugsJones, Hendrée E., Michelle Tuten, and Kevin E. O’Grady. 2011. “Treating the Partners of Opioid-Dependent Pregnant Patients: Feasibility and Efficacy.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 37:170–78.
Hope CDC’s Mentoring ProgramJuvenile JusticeHaas, Stephen M., and Erica Turley. 2011. Helping Others Pursue Excellence in Public Schools: Assessing the Impact of HOPE CDC’s Mentoring Program. Charleston, W.Va.: Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center.
HOPE Family ProgramJuvenile JusticeLynn, Cynthia J., Mary C. Acri, Leah Goldstein, William Bannon, Nisha Beharie, and Mary M. McKay. 2014. “Improving Youth Mental Health Through Family-Based Prevention in Family Homeless Shelters.” Children and Youth Services Review 44: 243–48.
Hospital-Based Parent Education Program to Prevent Shaken Baby SyndromeJuvenile JusticeDias, Mark S. , Kim Smith, Kathy deGuehery, Paula Mazur, Veetai Li, and Michele L. Shaffer. 2005. "Preventing Abusive Head Trauma Among Infants and Young Children: A Hospital-Based, Parent Education Program". Pediatrics 115(4):470-77.
Hot Spots of Crime (Seattle, WA)Law EnforcementWeisburd, David, Elizabeth Groff, and Sue-Ming Yang. 2014. “Understanding and Controlling Hot Spots of Crime: The Importance of Formal and Informal Social Controls.” Prevention Science 15:31–43.
Hot Spots Policing Impact Estimated by Agent-Based SimulationLaw EnforcementWeisburd, David, Anthony A. Braga, Elizabeth R. Groff, and Alese Wooditch. 2017. “Can Hot Spots Policing Reduce Crime in Urban Areas? An Agent-Based Simulation.” Criminology 55(1):137–73.
Houston (Texas) HOPECrime PreventionMitchell, Megan M., Kadee L. Crandall, and Di Jia. 2019. “Hope Is Around the Corner: Determining the Effect of Neighborhood Revitalization on Crime Through an Evaluation of Houston HOPE.” Criminal Justice Policy Review.
How-to Parenting Program (Canada)Juvenile JusticeJoussemet, Mireille, Genevieve A. Mageau, and Richard Koestner. 2014. “Promoting Optimal Parenting and Children’s Mental Health: A Preliminary Evaluation of the How-to Parenting.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(6):949–64.
Hualapai Wellness CourtCourtsGottlieb, Karen. 2005. Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Hualapai Wellness Court. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Houston (Texas) Crime Reduction Unit (CRU)Law EnforcementWells, William and Ling Wu. 2011. "Proactive Policing Effects on Repeat and Near-Repeat Shootings in Houston." Police Quarterly 14(3):298-319
Houston's (Texas) Investigative First Responder ProjectLaw EnforcementKenney, Dennis Jay, Michael D. White, and Marc A. Ruffinengo. 2010. "Expanding the Role of Patrol in Criminal Investigations: Houston's Investigative First Responder Project." Police Quarterly 13(2):136-60.
I Mua Mua Ohana ProgramJuvenile JusticeRichard J. Kim and David S. Jackson. 2009. "Outcome Evaluation Findings of a Hawaiian Culture-Based Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program." Psychological Services 6(1):43-55.
“I Wish the Hitting Would Stop...”: A School-Based Domestic Violence Education ProgramJuvenile JusticeDahle, Thorvald O., and Carol A. Archbold. 2014. “ 'I Wish the Hitting Would Stop…' An Assessment of a Domestic Violence Education Program for Elementary Students.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(13): 2497–2508.
i-SAFEJuvenile JusticeChibnall, Susan, Madeleine Wallace, Christine Leicht, and Lisa Lunghofer. 2006. I-SAFE Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Idaho Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)CorrectionsStohr, Mary K., Craig Hemmens, Diane Baune, Jed Dayley, Mark Gornik, Kirstin Kjaer, and Cindy Noon. 2005. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT) Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Idaho Therapeutic CommunitiesCorrections

Jensen, Eric L. and Stephanie L. Kane. 2010. "The Effect of Therapeutic Community on Time to First Re-Arrest: A Survival Analysis." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 49:200-9.

Jensen, Eric L., and Stephanie L. Kane. 2012. "The Effects of Therapeutic Community on Recidivism Up to Four Years After Release from Prison: A Multisite Study." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(8):1075-87.

Identifying Effective Counter-Trafficking ProgramsVictimsBouche, Vanessa, Amy Farrell, and Dana Wittmer. 2015. Identifying Effective Counter-Trafficking Programs and Practices in the U.S.: Legislative, Legal, and Public Opinion Strategies that Work. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. 
Illinois Sheridan Correctional Center Therapeutic CommunityCorrectionsOlson, David E., Jennifer Rozhon, and Mark Powers. 2009. "Enhancing Prisoner Reentry Through Access to Prison-Based and Post-Incarceration Aftercare Treatment: Experiences from the Illinois Sheridan Correctional Center Therapeutic Community." Journal of Experimental Criminology 5:299-321.
Immunoassay Urinalysis of Illicit Drug Use in Seriously Mentally Ill OutpatientsDrugsMcDonell, Michael G., Frank Angelo, Andrea Sugar, Christina Rainey, Debra Srebnik, John Roll, Robert Short, and Richard K. Ries. 2011. "A Pilot Study of the Accuracy of Onsite Immunoassay Urinalysis of Illicit Drug Use in Seriously Mentally Ill Outpatients." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Use 37:137-40.
Impact BasicsVictimsRosenblum, Gianine D., and Lynn S. Taska. 2014. “Self-Defense Training as Clinical Intervention for Survivors of Trauma.” Violence Against Women 20(3):293–308.
Impact of the Antitobacco Norms (France)Juvenile JusticeVosin, Dimitri, Jeff Stone, and Maja Becker. 2013 "The Impact of the Anti-Tobacco Norm on the Selected Mode of Dissonance Reduction." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43:57-67.
Impact of Cell Phone Videos on Perception of PoliceLaw EnforcementParry, Megan M., Richard K. Moule Jr., and Lisa M. Dario. 2017. “Technology-Mediated Exposure to Police-Citizen Encounters: A Quasi-Experimental Assessment of Consequences for Citizen Perceptions.” Justice Quarterly 36(3): 412–36.
Impact of Residential Placement on Aggregate DelinquencyJuvenile JusticeDawkins, Marika, and Jon R. Sorensen. 2015. “The Impact of Residential Placement on Aggregate Delinquency: A State-Level Panel Study, 1997-2011.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(1):85–100.
Imprisonment Effect on RecidivismCorrectionsFreiburgera, Tina L., and Brian M. Iannacchione. 2011. "An Examination of the Effect of Imprisonment on Recidivism." Criminal Justice Studies 24(4):369-79.
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses at the Pretrial StageCourtsFader-Towe, Hallie, and Fred C. Osher. 2015. Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses at the Pretrial Stage: Essential Elements. New York, N.Y.: The Council of State Governments Justice Center.
In-Clinic Intimate Partner Violence Advocate InterventionVictimsCoker, Ann L., Paige H. Smith, Daniel J. Whitaker, Brenda Le, Timothy N. Crawford, and Vicki C. Flerx. 2012. "Effect on an In-Clinic IPV Advocate Intervention to Increase Help Seeking, Reduce Violence, and Improve Well-Being." Violence Against Women 18(1):118-31.
In-House Work AssignmentCorrectionsJohnson, Candace Marie. 1984. “The Effects of Prison Labor Programs on Post-Release Employment and Recidivism.” PhD diss., Florida State University.
In-Prison Visitation (Canada)CorrectionsDerkzen, D., R. Gobeil, and J. Gileno. 2009. “Visitation and Post-Release Outcome Among Federally-Sentenced Offenders.” Ottawa, Canada: Correctional Service Canada.
Incarcerated Individual Program (IIP)Juvenile JusticeAnders, Allison Daniel, and George W. Noblit. 2011. "Understanding Effective Higher Education Programs in Prisons: Considerations from the Incarcerated Individuals Program in North Carolina." The Journal of Correctional Education 62(2):7-23.
Increased Participation in Decision Making Among Middle Managers in CorrectionsCorrectionsReeves, David W., Benjamin M. Walsh, Michael D. Tuller, and Vicki J. Magley. 2012. "The Positive Effects of Participative Decision Making for Midlevel Correctional Management." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39:1361-72.
Incredible Years Group Parent ProgramJuvenile JusticeHurlburt, Michael S., Katherine Nguyen, Jamila Reid, Carolyn Webster-Stratton, and Jinjin Zhang. 2013. “Efficacy of the Incredible Years Group Parent Program with Families in Head Start who Self-Reported a History of Child Maltreatment.” Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect 37:531–43.
Indashyikirwa (IPV Prevention in Rwanda)Crime PreventionStern, Erin, and Lea Liliane Niyibizi. 2018. “Shifting Perceptions of Consequences of IPV Among Beneficiaries of Indashyikirwa: An IPV Prevention Program in Rwanda.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33(11):1778–1804.
Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) (UK)Courts

Taylor-Dunn, Holly. 2016. “The Impact of Victim Advocacy on the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Offences: Lessons from a Realistic Evaluation.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 16(1):21–39.

Howarth, Emma, and Amanda Robinson. 2016. “Responding Effectively to Women Experiencing Severe Abuse: Identifying Key Components of a British Advocacy Intervention.” Violence Against Women 22(1):41–63.

Indiana's Community CorrectionsCorrectionsCenter for Evidence Based Practice. N/d. "Effectiveness of Community Corrections in the State of Indiana." Bloomington, IN.: Indiana University, Center for Adolescent and Family Studies, Center for Evidence Based Practice.
Individual Addiction Counseling (IAC)DrugsMeier, Andrea, Mark P. McGovern, Chantal Lambert-Harris, Bethany McLeman, Anna Franklin, Elizabeth C. Saunders, and Haiyi Xi. 2015. “Adherence and Competence in Two Manual-Guided Therapies for Co-Occurring Substance Use and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders: Clinician Factors and Patient Outcomes.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(6):527–34.
Individual Versus Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Partner-Violent MenCourtsMurphy, Christopher M., Christopher I. Eckhardt, Judith M. Clifford, Adam D. Lamotte, and Laura A. Meis. 2017. “Individual Versus Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Partner-Violent Men: A Preliminary Randomized Trial.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:
Individualized Release Mechanisms for Lifetime Incarcerated Offenders in SwedenCorrectionsSchartmueller, Doris. 2014. “Too Dangerous to Get Out? The Use of Individualized Release Mechanisms for Lifetime Incarcerated Offenders in Sweden.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 25(4):407–31.
Individually Based Treatment for Male Alcoholics and Partner ViolenceDrugsO’Farrell, Timothy J., William Fals-Stewart, Marie Murphy, Christopher M. Murphy. 2003. “Partner Violence Before and After Individually Based Alcoholism Treatments for Male Alcoholic Paitents.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71(1):92–102.
Information-Sharing Social Media Technology (W-System)Law EnforcementKoper, Christopher S., Cynthia Lum, James J. Willis, Daniel J. Woods, and Julie Hibdon. 2015. “Realizing the Potential of Technology in Policing: A Multisite Study of the Social, Organizational, and Behavioral Aspects of Implementing Policing Technologies.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Inhibitory Control Training for Problem Drinkers (Internet Delivery) (UK)DrugsField, Matt, Andrew Jones, Elly McGrath, Eric Robinson, Katrijn Houben, and Chantal Nederkoorn. 2018. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Inhibitory Control Training for the Reduction of Alcohol Consumption in Problem Drinkers.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86:991–1004.
Initial and Residual DeterrenceLaw EnforcementSherman, Lawrence. 1990. “Police Crackdowns: Initial and Residual Deterrence.” Crime and Justice 12:1–48.
Inmate Visitation (Pennsylvania)CorrectionsVîlcica, E. Rely. 2015. “The Influence of Inmate Visitation on the Decision to Grant Parole: An Exploratory Study.” Journal of Criminal Justice 43:498–509.
InsideOut DadCorrections

Brown, Christopher. 2011. Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents. Newark, NJ: Rutgers University-Newark.

Block, Steven, Christopher A. Brown, Louis M. Barretti, Erin Walker, Michael Yudt, and Ralph Fretz. 2014. “A Mixed-Method Assessment of a Parenting Program for Incarcerated Fathers.” The Journal of Correctional Education 65(1):50–67.

Insight Prison Project (IPP)CorrectionsSilva, Fabiana, and Christopher Hartney. 2012. Evaluation of the Insight Prison Project. San Diego, Calif.: National Council on Crime & Delinquency.
Integra Mindfulness Martial Arts (MMA)Juvenile JusticeMilligan, Karen, Paul Badali, and Flavia Spiroiu. 2015. “Using Integra Mindfulness Martial Arts to Address Self-Regulation Challenges in Youth with Learning Disabilities: A Qualitative Exploration.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(3):562–75.
Integrated Arts Therapy for Young Female OffendersJuvenile JusticeKoiv, Kristi, and Lii Kaudne. 2015. “Impact of Integrated Arts Therapy: An Intervention Program for Young Female Offenders in Correctional Institution.” Psychology 6:1–9.
Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT)DrugsMeier, Andrea, Mark P. McGovern, Chantal Lambert-Harris, Bethany McLeman, Anna Franklin, Elizabeth C. Saunders, and Haiyi Xi. 2015. “Adherence and Competence in Two Manual-Guided Therapies for Co-occurring Substance Use and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders: Clinician Factors and Patient Outcomes.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(6):527–34.
Integrated Offender Management (UK)CorrectionsAnnison, Harry, Ben Bradford, and Eli Grant. 2015. “Theorizing the Role of 'the Brand' in Criminal Justice: The Case of Integrated Offender Management.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 15(4):387–406.
Integrated Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR-I)CorrectionsAbracen, Jeffrey, Alessandra Gallo, Jan Looman, and Alasdair Goodwill. 2016. “Individual Community-Based Treatment of Offenders With Mental Illness: Relationship to Recidivism.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31(10):1842–1858.
Intelligence-Led Policing (Britain)Crime PreventionJames, Adrian. 2014. “Forward to the Past: Reinventing Intelligence-Led Policing in Britain.” Police Practice and Research 15(1): 75–88.
Intelligence-Led Policing (Denver, Colo.)Law EnforcementMassarotti, M. 2012. “Intelligence-led Policing: The Evaluation of the Denver Police Department’s Policy.” Journal of Applied Security Research, 7(2): 268–283.
Intelligence-Led Policing (New Zealand)Law EnforcementDarroch, Steve, and Lorraine Mazerolle. 2015. “Intelligence-Led Policing: A Comparative Analysis of Community Context Influencing Innovation Uptake.” Policing and Society 25(1):1–24.
Intensive Home-Based Services (Hawaii)Juvenile JusticeDaleiden, Eric L., Dawn Pang, Deborah Roberts, Lesley A. Slavin, and Sarah L. Pestle. 2010. "Intensive Home Based Services Within a Comprehensive System of Care for Youth." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:318-25.
Intensive Mental Health ProgramJuvenile Justice

Vernberg, Erica M., Michael C. Roberts, Anne K. Jacobs, Camille J. Randall, Bridget K. Biggs, and Joseph E. Nyre. 2008. "Outcomes and Findings of Program Evaluation for the Intensive Mental Health Program." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:179-90.

Roberts, Michael C., Eric M. Vernberg, Bridget K. Biggs, Camille J. Randall, and Anne K. Jacobs. 2008. "Lessons Learned from the Intensive Mental Health Program: A School-based, Community Oriented Program for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:277-89.

Vernberg, Eric M., Michael C. Roberts, and Joseph E. Nyre. 2008. "The Intensive Mental Health Program: Development and Structure of the Model of Intervention for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:169-77.

Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (England and Wales)Juvenile Justice

Youth Justice Board. 2005. Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme: The Final Report. London, England: Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

Youth Justice Board. 2009. Youth Rehabilitation Order with Intensive Supervision and Surveillance (ISS). London, England: Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

Green, David. G. 2005. The Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme. London, England: Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

Moore, Robin. 2005. "The Use of Electronic and Human Surveillance in a Multi-Modal Programme." Youth Justice 5:17-32.

Intensive Treatment Unit ProgrammingCorrectionsStrah, Beck M., Natasha A. Frost, Jacob I. Stowell, and Sema A. Taheri. 2018. “Cognitive-Behavioral Programming and the Value of Failed Interventions: A Propensity Score Evaluation.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 57 (1):22–46.
Interactional Group TherapyDrugsLitt, Mark D., Ronald M. Kadden, Ned L. Cooney, and Elise Kabela. 2003. “Coping Skills and Treatment Outcomes in Cognitive-Behavioral and Interactional Group Therapy for Alcoholism” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71(1):118–28.
InterCSECt Screening Protocol (Clark County, Washington)Juvenile JusticeSalisbury, Emily J., Jonathan D. Dabney, and Kelli Russell. 2015. “Diverting Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation From Juvenile Detention: Development of the InterCSECt Screening Protocol.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(7):1247–1276.
Interdisciplinary Training Program (ITP) in Child Abuse and NeglectJuvenile JusticeYamaoka, Yui, Carisa Wilsie, Elizabeth Bard, and Barbara L. Bonner. 2019. “Interdisciplinary Training Program (ITP) in Child Abuse and Neglect: Long Term Effects.” Child Abuse & Neglect 94.
Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model (ITTM)Juvenile Justice

Copping, Valerie E., Diane L. Warling, David G. Benner, and Donald W. Woodside. 2001. "A Child Trauma Treatment Pilot Study." Journal of Child and Family Studies 10(4):467-75.

Scott, Katreena L., and Valerie E. Copping. 2008. "Promising Directions for the Treatment of Complex Childhood Trauma: The Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model. The Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim: Treatment and Prevention 1(3):273-83.

International Arrestee Drug Abuse Program (I-ADAM)DrugsTaylor, Bruce, Henry H. Brownstein, Charles Parry, Andreas Pluddemann, Toni Makkai, Trevor Bennett, and Katy Holloway. 2003. "Monitoring the Use of Illicit Drugs in Four Countries Through the International Drug Abuse Monitoring (I-ADAM) Program." Criminal Justice 3(3):269-86.
Internet Child Safety Materials (ICAC Task Forces)Juvenile JusticeJones, Lisa M., Kimberly Mitchell, and Wendy A. Walsh. 2013. Evaluation of Internet Child Safety Material Used by ICAC Task Forces in School and Community Settings. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Internet-Based Mindfulness MeditationJuvenile JusticeEvans-Chase, Michelle. 2013. “Internet-Based Mindfulness Meditation and Self-Regulation: A Randomized Trial with Juvenile Justice Involved Youth.” Journal of Juvenile Justice 3(1):63–79.
Internet-Based Voucher Reinforcement Program (Fla.)DrugsDallery, Jesse, and Irene M. Glenn. 2005. "Effects of an Internet-Based Voucher Reinforcement Program for Smoking Abstinence: A Feasibility Study." Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 38:349-57.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeMufson, Laura, Kristen Pollack Dorta, Priya Wichramaratne, Yoko Nomura, Mark Olfson, and Myrna M. Weissman. 2004. "A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents." Archives of General Psychiatry 61:577-84.
Intimate Partner Batterer Program (Spain)Crime PreventionFernandez-Montalvo, Javier, Jose A. Echauri, Maria Martinez, Juana M. Azcarate, and Jose J. Lopez-Goni. 2015. “Impact of a Court-Referred Psychological Treatment Program for Intimate Partner Batterer Men With Suspended Sentences.” Violence and Victims 30(1):3–15.
Iowa Adult and Juvenile Drug CourtsCourtsAdkins, Geneva, Phyllis Blood, Michelle D. Cook, Lanette Watson, and Paul Stageberg. 2011. Iowa Adult and Juvenile Drug Court Extended Recidivism Outcomes. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Human Right, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, Statistical Analysis Center.
Iowa Department of Corrections (IDOC) Treatment RegimenDrugsPeters, David J., Andy Hochstetler, Matt DeLisi, and Hui-Ju Kuo. 2015. “Parolee Recidivism and Successful Treatment Completion: Comparing Hazard Models Across Propensity Methods.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31(1):149–81.
Iowa Victim Impact PanelCorrectionsCrew, Benjamin Keith, and Sarah Emily Johnson. 2011. "Do Victim Impact Programs Reduce Recidivism for Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated? Findings from an Outcomes Evaluation." Criminal Justice Studies 24(2):153-63.
Jail Inreach Project (Harris County, Texas)Corrections

Brown, Carlie A., J. Scott Hickey, and David S. Buck. 2013. "Shaping the Jail Inreach Project: Program Evaluation as a Quality Improvement Measure to Inform Programmatic Decision Making and Improve Outcomes." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 24(2):435-43.

Held, Mary Lehman, Carlie Ann Brown, Lynda E. Frost, J. Scott Hickey, and David S. Buck. 2012. "Integrated Primary and Behavioral Health Care in Patient-Centered Medical Homes for Jail Releasees With Mental Illness." Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(4):533-51.

Buck, David S., Carlie A. Brown, and J. Scott Hickey. 2011. "The Jail Inreach Project: Linking Homeless Inmates Who Have Mental Illness With Community Health Services." Psychiatric Services 62(2):120-22.

Jail Tour Program for Youthful OffendersJuvenile JusticeJames O. Windell, and J. Scott Allen Jr. 2005. “An Application of Fear Appeal Messages to Enhance the Benefits of a Jail Encounter Program for Youthful Offenders.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 3(4):388–94.
Japanese Interrogation TechniquesLaw EnforcementWachi, Taeko, Kazumi Watanabe, Kaeko Yokota, Yusuke Otsuka, and Michael E. Lamb. 2016. “Japanese Interrogation Techniques From Prisoners’ Perspectives.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 43(5):617–34.
Jaws Program to Reduce Retail TheftCrime Prevention

McNees, M. Patrick, Marcia Kennon, John Schnelle, Robert Kirchner, and Murphy Thomas. 1980. "An Experimental Analysis of a Program to Reduce Retail Theft." American Journal of Community Psychology 8(3):379-85.

McNees, M. Patrick, Daniel Egli, Rebecca Marshall, John Schnelle, and Todd Risley. 1976. "Shoplifting Prevention: Providing Information Through Signs." Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 9(4):399-405.

JEdI (Juvenile Education Initiative) (Ark.)Juvenile JusticeKohler, Patty, and Jacque Reese. 2007. "JEdI: A New Pathway to Success for our Forgotten Youth." Journal for Juvenile Justice Services 21(1/2):43-48.
Jessica's LawCrime PreventionDierenfeldt, Rick, and Jennifer Varriale Carson. 2014. "Examining the Influence of Jessica’s Law on Reported Forcible Rape: A Time-Series Analysis." Criminal Justice Policy Review:1–15.
Jewish Family Services (JFS) Jail Diversion and Reentry Services for Mentally Ill OffendersCorrectionsTartaro, C. 2015. “An Evaluation of the Effects of Jail Diversion and Reentry for Mentally Ill Offenders.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(2):85–102.
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)Juvenile Justice

Bloom, Howard S., Larry Orr, George Cave, Stephen Bell, and Fred Doolittle. 1992. The National JTPA Study: Title II-A Impacts on Earnings and Employment at 18 Months. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates.

Bloom, Howard S., Larry Orr, Stephen Bell, George Cave, Fred Doolittle, Winston Lin, and Johannes Bos. 1997. "The Benefits and Costs of JTPA Title II-A Programs." The Journal of Human Resources 32(3):549-76.

Journey of Hope Coping with and Normalizing EmotionsJuvenile JusticePowell, Tara, and Sanna J. Thompson. 2014. “Enhancing Coping and Supporting Protective Factors After a Disaster: Findings From a Quasi-Experimental Study.” Research on Social Work Practice:1–11.
Justice in the Community (the Netherlands)Crime PreventionTerpstra, Jan, and Inge Bakker. 2004. "'Justice in the Community' in the Netherlands: Evaluation and Discussion." Criminal Justice 4(4):375-93.
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 (JP3)Juvenile JusticePelletier, Annette, and Amy Russell. 2015. “Truancy Reduction and Prevention: The Impact of Provider Contact in Intervention Efficacy.” Journal of Juvenile Justice 4(2):123–32.
Juvenile Cognitive Intervention Program (Wisconsin)Juvenile Justice

McGlynn, Adrea Hahn, Philip Hahn, and Michael P. Hagan. 2012. “The Effect of a Cognitive Treatment Program for Male and Female Juvenile Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57(9):1107–1119.

Bogestad, Anna J., Ryan J. Kettler, and Michael P. Hagan. 2009. “Evaluation of a Cognitive Intervention Program for Juvenile Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 20:1–14.

Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention (Florida)Juvenile JusticeCochran, Joshua C., and Daniel P. Mears. 2015. “Race, Ethnic, and Gender Divides in Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52(2):181–212.
Juvenile Drug Court Model and the Reclaiming Futures Model (JDC/RF)Juvenile Justice

Stevens, Sally, Josephine D. Korchmaros, Alison Greene, Monica Davis, Pamela Baumer, Michael L. Dennis, John Carnevale, Erika Ostlie, Raanan Kagan, and Kathryn McCollister. 2016. “National Cross-Site Evaluation: Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures: Final Report: 7/1/2011-6/30/2015.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Korchmaros, Josephine D., Sally J. Stevens, Alison R. Greene, Monica Davis, and Rachel Chalot. 2015. “Meeting Treatment Needs: Overall Effectiveness and Critical Components of Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures Programs.” Journal of Juvenile Justice 4(2):37–56.

Juvenile Drug Courts (Kentucky)Juvenile JusticeHiller, Matthew L., Daniel Malluche, Valeria Bryan, M. Louise DuPont, Barbara Martin, Rebecca Abensur, Carl Leukefeld, and Connie Payne. 2010. “A Multisite Description of Juvenile Drug Courts: Program Models and During-program Outcomes.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 54(2):213–35.
Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts (Multi-site)-CSAT FundedJuvenile Justice

Taylor, Liana R. 2015. “General Responsivity and Evidence-Based Treatment: Individual and Program Predictors of Treatment Outcomes During Adolescent Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment.” PhD diss., Temple University.

Taylor, Liana R. 2016. “General Responsivity Adherence in Juvenile Drug Treatment Court: Examining the Impact on Substance-Use Outcome.” Journal of Drug Issues 46(1):24–40.

Ives, Melissa L., Ya-Fen Chan, Kathryn C. Modisette, and Michael L. Dennis. 2010. “Characteristics, Needs, Services, and Outcomes of Youths in Juvenile Treatment Drug Courts as Compared to Adolescent Outpatient Treatment.” Drug Court Review 7(1):10–56.

Juvenile Enhanced Treatment Services (JETS)Juvenile JusticeDickerson, James G., Crystal Collins-Camargo, and Ramie Martin-Galijatovic. 2012. "How Collaborative the Collaboration? Assessing Interagency Collaboration within a Juvenile Court Diversion Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 63(3):21-35.
Juvenile Justice 101 (JJ 101)Juvenile JusticeWalker, Sarah Cusworth, Michael D. Pullmann, and Eric W. Trupin. 2012. "Juvenile Justice 101: Addressing Family Support Needs in Juvenile Court." Journal of Juvenile Justice 2(1):54-72.
Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration's (JRA) Mentoring ProgramJuvenile JusticeDrake, Elizabeth, and Robert Barnoksi. 2006. Recidivism Findings for the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration's Mentoring Program: Final Report. Olympia, WA: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
Juvenile Residential Treatment CenterJuvenile JusticeMcMackin, Robert A., Robert Tansi, and Joseph Lafratta. 2004. "Recidivism Among Juvenile Offenders over Periods Ranging from One to Twenty Years Following Residential Treatment." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 38(3):1-15.
Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Provider (J-SOTP) (Texas)Juvenile JusticeCheung, Monit, and Barbara J. Brandes. 2011. "Enhancing Treatment Outcomes for Male Adolescents with Sexual Behavior Problems: Interactions and Interventions." Journal of Family Violence 26:387-401.
Juvenile Substance Abuse Crisis Center (JSACC)Juvenile JusticeJoyce, Marianne, Verner Westerberg, and Michael Matthews. 2015. “An Outcome-Based Evaluation of a Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for American Indian Youth with Substance Abuse Problems.” Journal of Juvenile Justice 4(2):1–12.
Kansas City (Mo.) Specialized Unit for Sexual Assault CasesCourtsBeichner, Dawn, and Cassia Spohn. 2005. "Prosecutorial Charging Decisions in Sexual Assault Cases: Examining the Impact of a Specialized Prosecution Unit." Criminal Justice Policy Review 16(4):461-98.
Kent District's Dual System Youth Pilot Program (Wash.)Juvenile Justice

Seigel, Gene. 2009. "The King County (Washington) Systems Integration Initiative: A First Look at the Kent District Dual System Youth Pilot Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 60(4):44-59.

Rinaldi, Linda, and Nancy Ashley. 2012. King County Uniting for Youth Implementation Evaluation. New York, NY: MacArthur Foundation, Models for Change.

Kentucky Methamphetamine COPS ProgramLaw EnforcementVito, Anthony G., George Higgins, William Walsh, and Gennare Vito. 2012. The Threat of Methamphetamine Use and Production: Evaluation Results from a Kentucky Law Enforcement Programme. Louisville, KY.: University of Louisville, Department of Justice Administration.
Kentucky's Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) ProgramCorrectionsFerguson, Jonnisa M., and Robin C. Vanderpool. 2013. "Impact of a Kentucky Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home-Visitation Program on Parental Risk Factors." Journal of Child and Family Studies 22:551-58.
Key Registration LawsCorrectionsRingwalt, Chris L., and Mallie Paschall. 2011. "The Utility of Keg Registration Laws: A Cross-Sectional Study." Journal of Adolescent Health 48:106-8.
King County (Wash.) Mediation PilotJuvenile JusticeSummers, Alicia, Steve Wood, and Jesse Russell. 2011. "Assessing Efficiency and Workload Implications of the King County Mediation Pilot." OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice 1(1):48-59.
Kirkholt Burglary Prevention Project (England)Crime Prevention

Forrester, David, Samantha Frenz, Martin O’Connell, and Ken Pease. 1990. The Kirkholt Burglary Prevention Project: Phase II. Crime Prevention Unit Paper 23. London, England: Home Office.

Forrester, David, Mike Chatterton, and Ken Pease. 1988. The Kirkholt Burglary Prevention Project, Rochdale. Crime Prevention Unit Paper 13. London, England: Home Office.

Pease, Ken. 1991. “The Kirkholt Project: Preventing Burglary on a British Public Housing Estate.” Security Journal 2(2):73–77.

Know Your BodyJuvenile Justice

Resnicow, Ken, Lisa Cohn, Jayne Reinhardt, Donna Cross, Robert Futterman, Elly Kirschner, E.L. Wynder, and John P. Allegrante. 1992. "A Three-Year Evaluation of the Know Your Body Program in Inner-City Schoolchildren." Health Education Quarterly 19(4):463-80.

Bush, Patricia J., Alan E. Zuckerman, Virginia S. Taggart, Patricia K. Theiss, Edna O. Peleg, and Selina A. Smith. 1989. “Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevention in Black School Children: The ‘Know Your Body’ Evaluation Project.” Health Education Quarterly 16(2):215–227.

Walter, Heather J. 1989. “Primary Prevention of Chronic Disease among Children: The School-Based ‘Know Your Body’ Intervention Trials.” Health Education Quarterly 16(2):201–214.

Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing CampaignVictims

Potter, Sharyn J., and Jane G. Stapleton. 2011. “Translating Sexual Assault Prevention from a College Campus to a United States Military Installation: Piloting the Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing Campaign.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27(8):1593–1621.

Potter, Sharyn J., and Jane G. Stapleton. 2013. “Bystander Social Marketing Campaign: Its Impact Four Weeks Later.” Sexual Assault Report 16(5):65–77.

L-Tetrahydropalamatine to Treat Cocaine AddictionDrugsBei, Wang Jia, and John R. Mantsch. 2012. "L-Tetrahydropalamatine: A Potential New Medication for the Treatment of Cocaine Addiction." Future Medicinal Chemistry 4(2).
Late Night Liquor Trading Lockout Legislative Provision (Australia)Crime PreventionPalk, Gavan, Jeremy Davey, James Freeman, and Hannah Morgan. 2012. "Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the Late Night Liquor Trading Lockout Legislative Provision." Criminal Justice Policy Review 23(4):465-92.
Late Night Penn State (LNPS) Alcohol ProgramJuvenile JusticePatrick, Megan E., Jennifer Maggs, and D. Osgood. 2010. "Late Night Penn State Alcohol-Free Programming: Students Drink Less on Days They Participate." Prevention Science 11:155–62.
Law Enforcement Advocate Program (Denver, Colo.)Law EnforcementRajaee, Lilas, Julie Madden Rodriguez, Lt. Steven Addison, Stuart Readio, and Wendy Longwood. 2013. "Law Enforcement Advocate Program: An Interagency Collaboration to Enhance Community-Police Relations and Improve Outcomes for Substance-Using Offenders." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 64(2):17-33.
Legislations Targeting Sex OffendersCrime PreventionAckerman, Alissa R., Meghan Sacks, and David F. Greenburg. 2012. "Legislation Targeting Sex Offenders: Are Recent Policies Effective at Reducing Rape?" Justice Quarterly 29(6):858-87.
Licensing Act 2003 (England and Wales)Crime PreventionHough, Mike, and Gillian Hunter. 2008. "The 2003 Licensing Act's Impact on Crime and Disorder." Criminology & Criminal Justice 8(3):239-60.
Linda Ray Intervention Program (LRIP)Juvenile Justice

Katz, Lynne F., Mary Anne Ullery, and Cindy S. Lederman. 2014. “Realizing the Promise of Well-Being: Longitudinal Research from an Effective Early Intervention Program for Substance Exposed Babies and Toddlers Identifies Essential Components.” Juvenile and Family Court Journal 65(2):1–11.

Claussen, Angelika H., Keith G. Scott, Peter C. Mundy, and Lynne Katz. 2004. “Effects of Three Levels of Early Intervention Services on Children Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine.” Journal of Early Intervention 26(3):204–20.

Bono, Katherine E., Laura Dinehart, Angelika Claussen, Keith Scott, Peter Mundy, and Lynne Katz. 2005. “Early Intervention with Children Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine: Expansion with Multiple Cohorts.” Journal of Early Intervention 27(4):268–84.

Lions Quest Working Towards PeaceJuvenile Justice

Byrd, Bill. N/d. A Comparison of Two School-based Conflict Management Programs Lions-Quest and Second Step. Toronto, Ontario: The Board of Education for the City of York.

Keister, Sue, and Molly Laird. 1996. Working Toward Peace: Teaching Anger and Conflict Management Skills. Today's Catholic Teacher.

Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) (UK)Juvenile JusticeBoyle, Christabel, Lucy Lynch, Alistair Lyon, and Chris Williams. 2011. “The Use and Feasibility of a CBT Intervention.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 16(3):129–35.
Local Court Process Reform (Australia)CourtsDonnelly, Neil, and Isabel Taussig. 2012. "Evaluation of the Local Court Process Reforms (LCPR)." Crime and Justice 156.
Local Initiated Research Partnership (LIRP)Law EnforcementMcEwen, T. 2003. Evaluation of the Locally Initiated Research Partnership Program. Alexandria, Va.: Institute for Law and Justice.
Lockouts (Newcastle and Geelong, England)Crime PreventionMiller, Peter, Darren Palmer, Emma McFarlane, and Ashlee Curtis. 2014. “Key Stakeholder Views of Venue Lockouts in Newcastle and Geelong.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16:38–53.
Long-term Residential Treatment Programs for WomenDrugs

Greenfield, Lawrence, Kenneth Burgdorf, Xiaowu Chen, Allan Porowski, Tracy Roberts, and James Herrell. 2004. “Effectiveness of Long-Term Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Women: Findings from Three National Studies.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 30(3):537–50.

Clark, H. Westley. 2001. “Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Children: Treatment and Policy Implications.” Child Welfare 80(2):179–98.

Porowski, Allan W., Kenneth Burgdorf, and James M. Herrell. 2004. “Effectiveness and Sustainability of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women.” Evaluation and Program Planning 27:191–98.

Los Angeles (Calif.) Jail Overcrowding Reduction ProjectCorrectionsVera Institute of Justice. 2011. Los Angeles County Jail Overcrowding Reduction Project, Final Report: Revised. Los Angeles, CA: Vera Institute of Justice, Center on Sentencing and Corrections.
Los Angeles County (Calif.) Juvenile Drug Treatment Boot CampsJuvenile JusticeZhang, Sheldon X. 2001. Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Drug Treatment Boot Camp, Final Report. San Marcos, CA: California State University, Department of Sociology.
Louisiana's Child Rape LawCourtsWest, Angela D. 2002. "Death as Deterrent or Prosecutorial Tool? Examining the Impact of Louisiana's Child Rape Law." Criminal Justice Policy Review 13:156-91.
Lowell (Mass.) Smart Policing InitiativeLaw Enforcement

Bond, Brenda J., Lauren Hajjar, and Michael White. 2014. Lowell, Massachusetts Smart Policing Initiative: Reducing Property Crime in Targeted Hot Spots. Washington, D.C.: SMART Policing Initiative.

Bond, Brenda J., and Lauren Hajjar. 2013. “Measuring Congruence between Property Crime Problems and Response Strategies: Enhancing the Problem-solving Process.” Police Quarterly 16(3):323–38.

Lucas County (Ohio) Juvenile Court and Detention ReformJuvenile JusticeDeMuro, Paul. 2003. "Good News from Toledo: Real Improvements in Detention." Journal for Juvenile Justice and Detention Services 18(2):79–91.
Lummi Nation's Community Mobilization Against Drugs InitiativeDrugsJoe, Jennie R., Jeanette Hassin, Xenia King, Robert S. Young, Darlene Lopez,Danita Washington, and Evelyn Jefferson. 2008. Final Report: Participatory Evaluation of the Lummi Nation’s Community Mobilization Against Drugs Initiative/Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Demonstration Project. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona, Native American Research and Training Center. NIJ Sponsored.
Magen Prison (Mind and Body Center)CorrectionsEinat, T. 2017. “The Wounded Healer: Self-Rehabilitation of Prisoners Through Providing Care and Support to Physically and Mentally Challenged Inmates.” Journal of Crime and Justice 40(2):204–21.
Mall Surveillance (Ankara, Turkey)Crime PreventionAkinci, Guliz Mugan. 2015. “The Purposes and Meanings of Surveillance: A Case Study in a Shopping Mall in Ankara, Turkey.” Security Journal 28(1):39–53.
Managing for Results Mandate (Alabama, Vermont, and Virginia)CorrectionsMoynihan, Donald P. 2005. "The Impact of Managing for Results Mandates in Corrections: Lessons From Three States." Criminal Justice Policy Review 16:18-37.
Managing Youth in Short Term Care (MYSTC)Juvenile JusticeHurley, Kristin Duppong, Stephanie Ingram, J. Douglas Czyz, Nicholas Juliano, and Evelyn Wilson. 2006. "Treatment for Youth in Short-Term Care Facilities: The Impact of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Intervention." Journal of Child and Family Studies 15(5):617–32.
Manchester (Mass.) Gang Prevention ProjectCrime PreventionBullock, Karen, and Nick Tillet. 2008. "Understanding and Tackling Gang Violence." Crime and Crime Prevention 10:36-47.
Mano Dura Contra el Crimen [Hard Hand Against Crime] (Puerto Rico)Crime PreventionDinzey-Flores, Zaire Zenit. 2011. “Criminalizing Communities of Poor, Dark Women in the Caribbean: The Fight Against Crime Through Puerto Rico’s Public Housing.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(1):53–73.
Marion County Reentry Court ProgramCourtsThelin, Rachel, and Samuel Nunn. 2009. Marion County Reentry Court Program Assessment: January 2005 through September 2008. Indianapolis, Ind.: Center for Criminal Justice Research.
Maryland Opportunities Through Vouchers Experiment (MOVE)CorrectionsKirk, David S., Geoffrey C. Barnes, Jordan M. Hyatt, and Brook W. Kearley. 2018. “The Impact of Residential Change and Housing Stability on Recidivism: Pilot Results From the Maryland Opportunities Through Vouchers Experiment (MOVE).” Journal of Experimental Criminology 14(2):213–26.
Maryland Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)CorrectionsTaxman, Faye S., Rebecca Silverman, and Jeffrey A. Bouffard. 2000. “Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) in Prison: Evaluation of the Maryland RSAT Program.” College Park, Md.: University of Maryland. NIJ Sponsored.
Maryland Teen CourtsJuvenile JusticeAdministrative Office of the Courts. 2013. Multijurisdictional Teen Court Evaluation: A Comparative Evaluation of Three Teen Court Models. State Justice Institute.
Massachusetts Batterer Intervention ProgramsVictimsRothman, Emily F., Jhumka Gupta, Carlene Pavlos, Quynh Dang, and Paula Coutinho. 2007. "Batterer Intervention Program Enrollment and Completion Among Immigrant Men in Massachusetts." Violence Against Women 13(5):527-43.
Massachusetts Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)CorrectionsRocheleau, Ann Marie, Amy Mennerich, Diana Brensilber, and Lori-Ann Landry. 2000. Barnstable House of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: A Process Evaluation. Cambridge, Mass.: BOTEC Analysis Corporation. NIJ Sponsored.
Mayo Clinic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology Social Skills GroupsJuvenile JusticeSim, Leslie, Stephen P. Whiteside, Carrie A. Dittner, and Michael Mellon. 2006. "Effectiveness of a Social Skills Training Program with School Age Children: Transition to the Clinical Setting." Journal of Child and Family Studies 15:409-18.
McNeil Program (Wash.)CorrectionsLovell, David, David Allen, Clark Johnson, and Ron Jemelka. 2001. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Residential Treatment for Prisoners with Mental Illness." Criminal Justice and Behavior 28(1):83-104.
Media Campiagns Addressing Substance InfluenceJuvenile JusticeSlater, Michael D., Kathleen Kelly, Frank Lawrence, Linda Stanley, and Maria Comello. 2011. "Assessing Media Campaigns Linking Marijuana Non-Use with Autonomy and Aspirations: "Be Under Your Own Influence" and ONDCP's "Above the Influence."Prevention Science 12:12–22.
Meditation in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency (Brooklyn, N.Y.)DrugsTemme, Leslie J., Judy Fenster, and Geoffrey L. Ream. 2012. "Evaluation of Meditation in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency." Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 12:264-81.
Meditation on the Soles of the FeetCorrections

Singh, Nirbhay N., Giulio E. Lancioni, Alan S. W. Winton, Ashvind N. Singh, Angela D. Adkins, and Judy Singh. 2008. "Clinical and Benefit-Cost Outcomes of Teaching a Mindfulness-Based Procedure to Adult Offenders With Intellectual Disabilities." Behavior Modification 32(5):622-37.

Adkins, Angela D., Ashvind N. Singh, Alan S. W. Winton, Gerald F. McKeegan, and Judy Singh. 2010. "Using a Mindfulness-Based Procedure in the Community: Translating Research to Practice." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:175-83.

Singh, Nirbhay N., Robert G. Wahler, Angela D. Adkins, and Rachel E. Myers. 2003. "Soles of the Feet: A Mindfulness-based Self-control Intervention for Aggression by an Individual With Mild Mental Retardation and Mental Illness." Research in Developmental Disabilities 24:158-69.

Memphis (Tenn.) Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)Law EnforcementDavidson, Megan L. 2014. "A Criminal Justice System–Wide Response to Mental Illness: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Memphis Crisis Intervention Team Training Curriculum Among Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers." Criminal Justice Policy:1–30.
Mental Health Consultation for Young Children with Challenging BehaviorsJuvenile JusticeDeborah F. Perry, Deborah F., Clare Dunne, LaTanya McFadden, and Doreen Campbell. 2008. "Reducing the Risk for Preschool Expulsion: Mental Health Consultation for Young Children with Challenging Behaviors." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:44-54.
Mental Health Courts (Oklahoma)CourtsBullard, Chelsea Elizabeth, and Ron Thrasher. 2016. “Evaluating Mental Health Court by Impact on Jurisdictional Crime Rates.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(3):227–46.
Mental Health Intervention Team (MHIT) (New South Wales)Law EnforcementHerrington, Victoria, and Rodney Pope. 2014. “The Impact of Police Training in Mental Health: An Example From Australia.” Policing and Society 24(5):501–22.
Mental Illness-Chemical Abuse (MICA) Program at Oshkosh Correctional Institution (Wis.)Corrections

Van Stelle, Kit R., and D. Paul Moberg. 2000. Outcome Evaluation of the Wisconsin Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program: The Mental Illness-Chemical Abuse (MICA) Program at Oshkosh Correctional Institution 1998-2000 (NCJ-186190). Madison, Wisc.: University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School, Department of Preventive Medicine, Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation.

Van Stelle, Kit R., and D. Paul Moberg. 2004. “Outcome Data for MICA Clients After Participation in an Institutional Therapeutic Community.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 39(1):37–62.

Mental Strength Training (MST) for Dutch Police OfficersLaw Enforcementvan der Meulen, Erik, Mark W. G. Bosmans, Kim M. E. Lens. Esmah Lahlah, and Peter G. van der Velden. 2017. “Effects of Mental Strength Training for Police Officers: A Three-Wave Quasi-Experimental Study.” Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 33(4):385–97.
Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program (MEDP)Juvenile Justice

Jarjoura, G. Roger, Manolya Tanyu, Janet Forbush, Carla Herrera, and Thomas E. Keller. 2018a. Evaluation of the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program: Technical Report. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research.

Jarjoura, G. Roger, Manolya Tanyu, Janet Forbush, Carla Herrera, and Thomas E. Keller. 2018b. Evaluation of the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program: Appendices to Technical Report. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research.

Mentoring for Youthful Offenders on Probation (Southwest)Juvenile JusticeTapia, Mike, Leanne Fiftal Alarid, and Arturo Enriquez. 2013. "Court-Ordered Mentoring Programs for Adjudicated Juveniles: When Should Youth be Referred?" Justice Policy Journal (10)2:1-18.
Mentoring Initiative for System-Involved Youth (MISY)Juvenile Justice

Hart-Johns, Martha, Matthew Courser, and Hilary Kirk. 2017. Lessons Learned and Implications From a Cross-Site Evaluation of Mentoring with System-Involved Youth. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Courser, Matthew, and Hilary Kirk. 2017. Mentoring Initiative for System-Involved Youth (MISY). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Mentoring Toward College (MTC)Juvenile JusticeBrezina, Timothy, Gabriel Kuperminc, and Erdal Tekin. 2016. Future Selves, Motivational Capital, and Mentoring Toward College: Assessing the Impact of an Enhanced Mentoring Program for At-Risk Youth. Grant#2012-50614-GA-JU. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Metal Detector Use In SchoolJuvenile JusticeHankin, Abigail, Marci Hertz, and Thomas Simon. 2011. “Impacts of Metal Detector Use in Schools: Insights From 15 Years of Research.” Journal of School Health 81(2):100–06
Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council (Metro-LEC)Law EnforcementSchnobrich-Davis, Julie. 2014. “A Case Study of a Law Enforcement Council: Economy of Scale and Scope or Too Costly for Agencies?” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16:189–204.
Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center (MI-YVPC) InterventionJuvenile JusticeHeinze, Justin, Thomas M. Reischl, Mengqiao Bai, Jessica S. Roche, Susan Morrel-Samuel, Rebecca M. Cunningham, and Marc A. Zimmerman. 2015 “A Comprehensive Prevention Approach to Reducing Assault Offenses and Assault Injuries among Youth.” Prevention Research 17:167–76.
Military Service on Criminal Offending (The Netherlands)Crime PreventionVan Schellen, Marieke, Robert Apel, and Paul Nieuwbeerta. 2012. “The Impact of Military Service on Criminal Offending Over the Life Course: Evidence From A Dutch Conviction Court.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 8(2):135–64.
Mind Body Awareness ProjectJuvenile JusticeBarnert, Elizabeth S., Samuel Himelstein, Sarah Herbert, Albert Garcia-Romeu, and Lisa Chamberlain. 2014. “Innovations in Practice: Exploring an Intensive Mediation Intervention for Incarcerated Youth.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 19(1):69–73.
Mindful Yoga - Preschool ChildrenJuvenile JusticeRazza, Rachel A., Dessa Bergen-Cico, and Kimberly Raymond. 2015. “Enhancing Preschoolers' Self-Regulation Via Mindful Yoga.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(2):372–85.
Mindfulness Based Intervention for Unaccompanied Refugee MinorsJuvenile JusticeVan der Gucht, Jana Glas, Lucia De Haene, Peter Kuppens, and Filip Rae. 2019. “A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Pilot Study with Mixed Methods Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28:1084–1093.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)Juvenile JusticeLewallen, Andrea C., and Cameron L. Neece. 2015. “Improved Social Skills in Children with Developmental Delays After Parent Participation in MBSR: The Role of Parent–Child Relational Factors.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(10):3117–3129.
Mindfulness Training for Adolescents and ParentsJuvenile Justicevan de Weijer-Bergsma, Eva, Anne R. Formsma, Esther I. de Bruin, and Susan M. Bogels. 2012. "The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Behavioral Problems and Attentional Functioning in Adolescents with ADHD." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21:775-87.
Mindfulness Training for Mothers and Parent-Mediated Mindfulness Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Problem BehaviorsJuvenile JusticeHwang, Yoon-Suk, Patrick Kearney, Helen Klieve, Wayne Lang, and Jacqueline Roberts. 2015. “Cultivating Mind: Mindfulness Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Problem Behaviours, and Their Mothers.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(10):3093–3106.
Mindfulness Training for Parents and Children with ADHDJuvenile JusticeSingh, Nirbhay N., Ashvind N. Singh, Giulio E. Lancioni, Judy Singh, Alan S. W. Winton, and Angela D. Adkins. 2010. "Mindfulness Training for Parents and Their Children With ADHD Increases the Children's Compliance." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:157-66.
Mindfulness-Based and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Anger Management ProgramJuvenile Justice

Pellegrino, Brett. 2012. Evaluating the Mindfulness-Based and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Anger Management Program. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Kelly, Jeffrey R. 2007. Mindfulness-Based and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Anger-Management: An Integrated Approach. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Mindfulness-Based Intervention with Incarcerated AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeHimelstein, Samuel, Arthur Hastings, Shauna Shapiro, and Myrtle Heery. 2012. “A Qualitative Investigation of the Experience of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention with Incarcerated Adolescents.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17(4):231–37.
Minneapolis (Minn.) HEALS InitiativeLaw EnforcementKennedy, David M., and Anthony Braga. 1998. "Homicide in Minneapolis." Homicide Studies 2(3):263-90.
Minnesota Adolescent Community CohortJuvenile JusticeForster, Jean, Vincent Chen, Cheryl Perry, John Oswald, and Michael Willmorth. 2011. "The Minnesota Adolescent Community Cohort Study: Design and Baseline Results." Prevention Science 12:201–10.
Mirtazapine to Treat Cocaine DependenceDrugsAfshar, Maryam, Clifford M. Knapp, Ofra Sarid-Segal, Eric Devine, Laurie Sickles Colaneri, Lisa Tozier, Megan E. Waters, Megan A. Putnam, and Domenic A. Ciraulo. 2012. "The Efficacy of Mirtazapine in the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence with Comorbid Depression." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38:181-86.
Mirtazapine to Treat Morphine DependenceDrugs

Kang, Lin, Dan Wang, Bing Li, Min Hu, Ping Zhang, and Jing Li. 2008. "Mirtazapine, a Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant, Attenuates Morphine Dependence and Withdrawal in Sprague-Dawley Rats." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 34:541-52.

Graves, Steven M., Amanda L. Persons, Jennifer L. Riddle, and T. Celeste Napier. 2012. "The Atypical Antidepressant Mirtazapine Attenuates Expression of Morphine-induced Place Preference and Motor Sensitization." Brain Research 1472:45-53.

Missouri Drug CourtsCourtsDannerbeck, A., G. Harris, P. Sundet, and K. Lloyd 2006. “Understanding and Responding to Racial Differences in Drug Court Outcomes.” Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 5(2): 1–22.
Missouri Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 1995Juvenile JusticeD'Angelo, Jill, and Michael P. Brown. 2008. "Missouri Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 1995: A Comparison of Case Outcomes for 1994 and 2000." Criminal Justice Policy Review 19:314-32.
Missouri Model of RehabilitationJuvenile Justice

Mendel, Richard A. 2010. The Missouri Model: Reinventing the Practice of Rehabilitating Youthful Offenders. Baltimore, MD.: Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Department of Social Services. 2003. Missouri's Division of Youth Services, Programs and Services. Jefferson City, MO.: Department of Social Services, Division of Youth Services.

Missouri Department of Social Services. 2007. Division of Youth Services Annual Report. Jefferson City, MO.: Department of Social Services, Division of Youth Services.

Mitigating Invasive Airport Screening PracticesCrime PreventionHasisi, Badi, Yoram Margalioth, Tal Johnathan-Zamir, Gali Perry, Roei Zamir, and Noam Haviv. 2020. “Mitigating the Consequences of Invasive Security Practices: A Quasi-Experiment in an International Airport.” Journal of Experimental Criminology Online First .
Mobile Technology Acceptance Model (M-TAM)Law EnforcementLindsay, Rachael, Thomas W. Jackson, and Louise Cooke. 2014. “Empirical Evaluation of a Technology Acceptance Model for Mobile Policing.” Police Practice and Research 15(5):419–36.
Modafinil and CBT to Treat Methamphetamine DependenceDrugsMcElhiney, Martin C., Judith G. Rabkin, Richard Rabkin, and Edward V. Nunes. 2009. "Provigil (Modafinil) Plus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Methamphetamine Use in HIV+ Gay Men: A Pilot Study." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35:34-37.
Model Policy on Officer-Involved Domestic Violence (Fla.)Law EnforcementOehme, Karen, and Annelise Martin. 2011. "A Practical Plan For Prevention and Intervention: Florida's New Model Policy on Officer-involved Domestic Violence." Criminal Justice Studies 24(4):395-408.
Moderate Intensity Family Violence Prevention Program (MIFVPP)CorrectionsConners, Angela D., Jeremy F. Mills, and Andrew L. Gray. 2011. "An Evaluation of Intimate Partner Violence Intervention with Incarcerated Offenders." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27(6):1176-96
ModerateDrinking.comDrugsHester, Reid. K, Harold D. Delaney and William Campbell. 2011. " and Moderation Management: Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial With Non-Dependent Problem Drinkers." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79(2):215-24.
Mothers Overcoming Violence through Education and Empowerment (MOVE)VictimsMacy, Rebecca J., Dania M. Ermentrout, and Cynthia F. Rizzo. 2012 “An Innovative Program for Justice-Involved Partner Violence Victims: ‘No Man is Worth Me Getting Locked Up’.” Journal of Family Violence 27:453–64.
Montana Drug CourtsCourtsConley, Timothy B., Hayley Allen-Blakney, and Elisabeth Stoeckel. 2013. “The Development of a Standardized Drug Court Data System in the Rural Western State of Montana.” Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 13(2):127–42.
Montana's 24/7 Sobriety ProgramCorrectionsMidgette, Gregory, and Beau Kilmer. 2015. The Effect of Montana’s 24/7 Sobriety Program on DUI Re-Arrest. Insights from a Natural Experiment with Limited Administrative Data. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment.
Mothers and Babies CourseCorrections

Munoz, R. F., H.N., Le, C.G. Ippen, M.A. Diaz, G.G. Urizar, J. Soto, T. Mendelson, K. Delucchi, and A.F. Lieberman. 2007. “Prevention of Postpartum Depression in Low-Income Women: Development of the Mamas y Bebes/Mothers and Babies Course.” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 14:70–83.

Le, H.N., D.F. Perry, and E.A. Stuart. 2011. “Randomized Controlled Trial of a Preventive Intervention for Perinatal Depression in High-Risk Latinas.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79(2):135–41.

Mendelson, T., J.A. Leis, D. F. Perry, E.A. Stuart, and S.D. Tandon. 2013. “Impact of a Preventive Intervention for Perinatal Depression on Mood Regulation, Social Support, and Coping.” Archives of Women’s Mental Health 16:211–18.

Tandon, S.D., J.A. Leis, T. Mendelson, D.F. Perry, and K. Kemp. 2014. “Six-Month Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Trial to Prevent Perinatal Depression in Low-Income Home Visiting Clients.” Maternal and Child Health Journal 18:873–81.

Motivational Counseling for Court Referred YouthJuvenile JusticeNirenberg, Ted, Janette Barid, Richard Longabaugh, and Michael Mello. 2013. “Motivational Counseling Reduces Future Police Charges in Court Referred Youth.” Accident and Analysis Prevention 53:89–99.
Motivational Enhancement for Batterers (Canada)CourtsScott, Katreena, Colin King, Holly McGinn, and Narges Hosseini. 2011. “Effects of Motivational Enhancement on Immediate Outcomes of Batterer Intervention.” Journal of Family Violence 26:139–49.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) for Street Living YouthJuvenile JusticeCarmona, Jasmin, Natasha Slesnick, Xiamei Guo, and Amber Letcher. 2014. “Reducing High Risk Behaviors Among Street Living Youth: Outcomes of an Integrated Prevention Intervention.” Children and Youth Services Review 43:118–23.
Motivational Interviewing and Behavioral Activation (MI & BA)DrugsLindholm, L. H., K. Antti, A. Lassila, and O. Kampman. 2015. “Early Assessment of Implementing Evidence-Based Brief Therapy Interventions Among Secondary Service Psychiatric Therapists.” Evaluation and Program Planning 52:182–88.
Motivational Interviewing with Patient Choice (MI-PC) for Alcohol and Cocaine DependenceDrugsMcKay, J. R., D. H. A. Van Horn, D.W. Oslin, D. DePhilippis, M. L. Drapkin, K.G. Lynch, and M. Ivey. 2015. “Patient Choice in an Adaptive Sequential Randomization Trial of Treatment for Alcohol and Cocaine Dependence.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(6):102–1032.
Moving On/Action for Children (Scotland)Juvenile JusticeNugent, Briege. 2015. “Reaching the 'Hardest to Reach'.” Youth Justice 15(3):271–85.
Multi-Faceted, School-Based Health Intervention Program (Alabama)Juvenile JusticeMorgan, Ali Z., Pamela Ulrich, Karla B. Simmons, Sareen S. Gropper, Linda Jo Connell, Mary Katherine Daniels, Elizabeth Latham, and Margaret K. Keiley. 2014. “Effectiveness of a Multi-Faceted, School-Based Health Intervention Program With 4th Graders in Alabama.” Children and Youth Services Review 37: 46–54.
Multicultural Latin American Inventory of Anger Expression and Hostility (ML-STAXI)Juvenile JusticeAlcázar-Olán, Raúl, Jerry L. Deffenbacher, and Héctor Escamilla-Tecalco. 2016. “Developing a Valid Version of an Inventory to Measure Anger in Mexican Adolescents of Middle School Level: The ML-STAXI-MS.” Youth & Society 48(1):126–43.
Multidimensional Family Therapy-Detention to CommunityJuvenile Justice

Liddle, Howard A., Gayle A. Dakof, Craig Henderson, and Cindy Rowe. 2011. “Implementation Outcomes of Multidimensional Family Therapy-Detention to Community: A Reintegration Program for Drug-Using Juvenile Detainees.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 55(4):587–604.

Rowe, Cynthia L., Linda Alberga, Gayle A. Dakof, Craig E. Henderson, Rocio Ungaro, and Howard A. Liddle. 2016. “Family-Based HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk Reduction for Drug-Involved Young Offenders: 42-Month Outcomes.” Family Process 55(2):305–20.

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Approach to Violence Against Women (IL)VictimsGruenenfelder, David E., Janice R. Hill-Jordan, and Peter C. Weitzel. 2013. Multisite Evaluation of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Approach to Violence Against Women in Illinois. Springfield, Ill.: University of Illinois at Springfield, Center for State Policy and Leadership, Institute for Legal, Legislative and Policy Studies.
Multidisciplinary Team Home Run ProgramJuvenile JusticeSchram, Pamela J., and Larry K. Gaines. 2005. "Examining Delinquent Nongang Members and Delinquent Gang Members: A Comparison of Juvenile Probationers at Intake and Outcomes." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 3:99-115.
Multimedia Bullying InterventionJuvenile JusticeMcLaughlin, Laura, John Laux,and Lisa Pescara-Kovach. 2006. "Using Multimedia to Reduce Bullying and Victimization in Third-Grade Urban Schools." Professional School Counseling 10(2):153–60.
Multimedia Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Prevention CampaignCrime PreventionSelf-Brown, Shannon, Alyssa A. Rheingold, Carole Campbell, Michael A. de Arellano. 2008. "A Media Campaign Prevention Program for Child Sexual Abuse: Community Members' Perspectives." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23:728-43.
Multiple Opportunities to Reach Excellence (MORE)Juvenile JusticeMilam, A.J., C. Furr-Holden, M. Cooley Strickland, C. Bradshaw, and P. Leaf. "Risk for Exposure to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs on the Route to and from School: The Role of Alcohol Outlets." Prevention Science 15:12–21.
Multisite Assessment of Five Court-Focused Elder Abuse InitiativesCourtsSteigel, Lori, and Pamela Teaster. 2011. Final Technical Report to the National Institute of Justice on "A Multi-Site Assessment of Five Court-Focused Elder Abuse Initiatives". Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) (UK)Juvenile JusticeWells, Charles, Jai Adhyaru, Jacqueline Cannon, Moira Lamond, and Geoffrey Baruch. 2010. “Multisystemic Therapy (MST) for Youth Offending, Psychiatric Disorder, and Substance Abuse: Case Examples from a UK MST Team.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(3):142–49.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)-Gang Involved Youth Offenders (MST-Gang)Juvenile Justice

Boxer, Paul, Meagan Docherty, Michael Ostermann, Joanna Kubik, and Bonita Veysey. 2017. “Effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy for Gang-Involved Youth Offenders: One Year Follow-Up Analysis of Recidivism Outcomes.” Children and Youth Services Review 73:107–12.

Boxer, Paul, Joanna Kubik, Michael Ostermann, and Bonita Veysey. 2015. “Gang Involvement Moderates the Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Intervention for Justice-Involved Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 52: 26–33.

Boxer, Paul. 2011. “Negative Peer Involvement in Multisystemic Therapy for the Treatment of Youth Problem Behavior: Exploring Outcome and Process Variables in ‘Realworld’ Practice.” Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 40(6):848–54.

Boxer, Paul. 2014. “Youth Gangs and Adolescent Development: New Findings, New Challenges, and New Directions: Introduction to the Special Section.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 24(2):201–03.

Boxer, Paul, Bonita Veysey, Michael Ostermann, and Joanna Kubik. 2014. “Measuring Gang Involvement in a Justice-Referred Sample of Youth in Treatment.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 13(1):41–59.

Music Composition Program at Urban Youth Detention CenterJuvenile JusticeHickey, M. 2018. “ ‘We All Come Together to Learn About Music’: A Qualitative Analysis of a 5-Year Music Program in a Juvenile Detention Facility.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. doi: 0306624X18765367
My Life My Choice (MLMC) (Boston, Mass.) 

Rothman, Emily F., Amy Farrell, and Jennifer Paruk. 2019. “Evaluation of a Multi-Session Group Designed to Prevent Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors: The My Life My Choice Curriculum.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260519865972

Rothman, Emily F., Megan Bair-Merritt, and Amy Farrell. 2019. Evaluation of a Service Provision Program for Victims of Sex Trafficking. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

NAMI Basics ProgramJuvenile JusticeBrister, Teri, Mary A. Cavaleri, S. Serene Olin, Sa Shen, Barbara J. Burns, and Kimberly E. Hoagwood. 2012. "An Evaluation of the NAMI Basics Program." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21:439-42.
Na'Nizhoozhi Center (NCI)'s Job Seeker Workshop (New Mexico)DrugsFoley, K., and D. Pallas. 2010. “Effect of Job Skills Training on Employment and Job Seeking Behaviors in an American Indian Substance Abuse Treatment Sample.” Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 33(3): 181–92.
Narcotics Nuisance Abatement Unit (NNAU)Law EnforcementLurigio, Arthur J., Robert Davis, Thomas Regulus, Victoria Gwiasda, Susan Popkin, Mark Dantxker, Barbara Smith, and Lawrence Ovellet. 1998. "More Effective Place Management: An Evaluation of Cook County's Narcotics Nuisance Abatement Unit." Crime Prevention Studies 9:187-217.
National Arts and Youth Demonstration ProjectJuvenile Justice

Wright, Robin, Lindsay John, David R. Offord, and William Rowe. 2004. National Arts & Youth Demonstration Project: Highlights. Montreal, Canada: McGill University, School of Social Work.

Wright, Robin, Lindsay John, and Julia Sheel. 2007. "Lessons Learned from the National Arts and Youth Demonstration Project: Longitudinal Study of a Canadian After-School Program." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16:49–59.

National Campaign on School ViolenceJuvenile JusticeMooij, Ton. 2005. "National Campaign Effects on Secondary Pupils' Bullying and Violence." British Journal of Education Psychology 75(3):489–511.
National Crime Institute Victims LawVictimsDavis, Robert C., James Anderson, Susan Howley, Carol Dorris, and Julie Whitman. 2013. No More Rights Without Remedies: An Impact Evaluation of the National Crime Victims Law Institute's Victims' Rights Clinic, Final Technical Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
National Focum on Youth Violence PreventionJuvenile JusticeButts, Jeffrey A., Caterina Roman, and Kathleen A. Tomberg. 2012. Teaming up for Safer Cities. A Report from the Implementation Assessment of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention. New York, N.Y.: City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Research and Evaluation Center.
National Reassurance Policing Programme (Scotland)Law EnforcementHamilton-Smith, Niall, Simon Mackenzie, Alistair Henry, and Catherine Davidones. 2014. “Community Policing and Reassurance: Three Studies, One Narrative.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 14(2):160–78.
Navy Sexual Assault Intervention Training (SAIT)Crime PreventionRau, Terri K., Lex L. Merrill, Stephanie K. McWhorter, Valerie A. Stander, Cynthia J. Thomsen, Christopher W. Dyslin, Julie L. Crouch, Mandy M. Rabenhorst, and Joel S. Milner. 2010. "Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Education/Prevention Program for Male U.S. Navy Personnel." Military Medicine 175(6):429-34.
Need–Service Matching in Substance Abuse TreatmentDrugsCao, Dingcai, Jeanne C. Marsh, Hee-Choon Shin, and Christina M. Andrews. 2011. “Improving Health and Social Outcomes With Targeted Services in Comprehensive Substance Abuse Treatment.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 37:250–58.
Neighborhood Enhancement Team (Miss.)Law EnforcementByxbe, Ferris R., and Philip E. Carlan. 2001. "The Neighborhood Enhancement Team: Contemporary Initiatives in Community-Oriented Policing." Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 16(1):11-19.
Neighborhood Immingration, Violence, and City-Level Immigrant Political OpportunitiesCrime PreventionLyons, Christopher J., María B. Vélez, and Wayne A. Santoro. 2013. “Neighborhood Immigration, Violence, and City-Level Immigrant Political Opportunities.” American Sociological Review 78(4): 604–32.
Neighborhood Watch (Cyprus)Crime PreventionMawby, R.I. 2011. “A Letter from Cyprus: Migration, Policy Transference and the Piloting of Neighbourhood Watch.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(2):148–52.
Neighborhood Watch Program (Medford, Oregon)Crime PreventionGreene, Shannon, John Osterholm, and Yiqian Fan. 2014. “The Effect of Neighborhood Watch Programs on Neighborhood Crime in Medford Oregon.” Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Oregon.
Neighborhood Youth Organizations (Chicago, Ill.)Juvenile JusticeZimmerman, Gregory M., Brandon C. Welsh, and Chad Posick. 2015. “Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Youth Organizations in Preventing Adolescent Violent Offending: Evidence From Chicago.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31(4):565–93.
Neighbourhood Policing (UK)Law EnforcementBullock, K., and K. Sindall. 2014. “Examining the Nature and Extent of Public Participation in Neighbourhood Policing.” Policing and Society 24(4):385–404.
New Beginnings Program (Tempe, AZ)Juvenile Justice

Wolchick, Sharlene, Irwin N. Sandler, Jenn-Yun Tein, Nicole E. Mahrer, Roger E. Millsap, Emily Winslow, Clorinda Vélez, Michele M. Porter, Linda J. Luecken, and Amanda Reed. 2013. “Fifteen-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Trial of a Preventive Intervention for Divorced Families: Effects on Mental Health and Substance Use Outcomes in Young Adulthood.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81(4): 660–73.

Herman, Patricia M., Nicole E. Mahrer, Sharlene A. Wolchik, Michele M. Porter, Sarah Jones, and Irwin N. Sandler. 2015. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Preventive Intervention for Divorced Families: Reduction in Mental Health and Justice System Service Use Costs 15 Years Later.” Prevention Science 16(4):586–96.

New Directions (Ohio)Juvenile JusticePagano, Maria E., Candice M. Maietti, and Alan D. Levine. 2015. “Risk Factors of Repeated Infectious Disease Incidence Among Substance-Dependent Girls and Boys Court-Referred to Treatment.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(3):230–36.
New Perspectives Aftercare ProgramCorrectionsJames, Chrissy, Jessica J. Asscher, Maja Dekovic, Peter H. Van der Laan, and Geert Jan J. M. Stams. 2013. "Endeavors in an Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of an Aftercare Program in the Netherlands: Research Note." Criminal Justice Policy Review 24:123-38.
New South Wales Youth Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeEardley, Tony, Justin McNab, Karen Fisher, Simon Kozlina, Jude Eccles, and Mardi Flick. 2003. Evaluation of the New South Wales Youth Drug Court Pilot Program. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales, Social Policy Research Centre.
New South Wales Police Anti-Terrorist/Counter Radicalization Strategy (Australia)Law EnforcementDunn, Kevin Mark, Rosalie Atie, Michael Kennedy, Jan A. Ali, John O’Reilly, and Lindsay Rogerson. 2015. “Can You Use Community Policing for Counter Terrorism? Evidence from NSW, Australia.” Police Practice and Research 17(3):196–211.
New Start (Denmark)Juvenile JusticeSøgaard, Thomas Friis, Torsten Kolind, Birgitte Thylstrup, and Ross Deuchar. 2016. “Desistance and the Micro-Narrative Construction of Reformed Masculinities in a Danish Rehabilitation Centre.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 16(1):99–118.
New York City's (NY) Charter SchoolsJuvenile JusticeHoxby, Caroline M., Jenny Kang, and Sonali Murarka. 2009. Technical Report: How New York City Charter Schools Affect Achievement. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.
New York City's (NY) Small Public Schools of ChoiceJuvenile JusticeBloom, Howard S., and Rebecca Unterman. 2012. Sustained Positive Effects on Graduation Rates Produced by New York City's Small Public High Schools of Choice. New York, NY: MDRC Research.
New York Police Department Container Inspection ProgramCrime PreventionWright, Eugene L. 2013. “Program Analysis of the NYPD Container Inspection Program.” Criminal Justice Studies 26(1):133–38.
Newborn Screen for Predicting Out-of-Home Placement (Canada)Juvenile JusticeBrownell, Marni D., Mariette Chartier, Robert Santos, Wendy Au, Noralou P. Roos, and Darlene Girard. 2011. "Evaluation of a Newborn Screen for Predicting Out-of-Home Placement." Child Maltreatment 16(4):239-49.
Nexafed (Impede Technology)DrugsBrzeczko, Albert W., Ronald Leech, and Jeffrey G. Stark. 2013. “The Advent of a New Pseudoephedrine Product to Combat Methamphetamine Abuse.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 39(5):284–90.
Nobody's Perfect ProgramJuvenile Justice

Kennett, Deborah J., and Gail Chislett. 2012. "The Benefits of an Enhanced Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program for Child Welfare Clients Including Non-Custodial Parents." Children and Youth Services Review 34:2081-87.

Skrypnek, Berna J., and Julianna Charchun. 2009. An Evaluation of the Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program. Edmonton, AB: Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs.

Vollman, Ardene Robinson, Lynn Corcoran, Elaine M. Williams, Crystal Koch, and Sandra C. Tenove. 2001. Nobody's Perfect Program Review. Calgary, AB: Ardene Robinson Vollman, RN, PhD Health Consultant.

Kennett, Deborah J., Gail Chislett, and Ashley L. S. Olver. 2012. "A Reappraisal of the Nobody's Perfect Program." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21:228-36.

Rootman, Irving, Michael Goodstadt, Nancy Weir, Safoura Moazami, Victoria Barr, and Gordon Walsh. 1998. An Evaluation of the Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program in Ontario. Ottawa, Ontario: Ministry of Health, Health Policy Branch and Public Health Branch.

Chislett, Gail, and Deborah J. Kennett. 2007. "The Effects of the Nobody's Perfect Program on Parenting Resourcefulness and Competency." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16:473-82.

Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services and SupportVictimsLyon, Eleanor, Jill Bradshaw, and Anna Menard. 2012. Meeting Survivor's Need Through Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services & Supports: Results of a Multi-State Study. Final Study. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) Parenting Groups (UK)Juvenile JusticeNewman, Mary, Catrin Fagan, and Rebecca Webb. 2014. “Innovations in Practice: The Efficacy of Nonviolent Resistance Groups in Treating Aggressive and Controlling Children and Young People: A Preliminary Analysis of Pilot NVR Groups in Kent.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 19(2):138–41.
North Carolina'a Automated Victim Notification ProgramVictimsLarsen, C., and L.D. Yearwood. 2004. Notifying and Informing Victims of Crime: An Evaluation of North Carolina’s SAVAN System, Executive Summary and Full Report. North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission.
North Vancouver (British Columbia) Foot PatrolLaw EnforcementAndresen, Martin A., and Nicolas Malleson. 2014. “Police Foot Patrol and Crime Displacement: A Local Analysis.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 30(2):186–99.
Northern Ireland Police Reform (Community Policing)Law EnforcementMartin, Margaret E. 2006. "Restoring Justice Through Community Policing: The Northern Ireland Case." Criminal Justice Policy Review 17(3):314-29.
Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task ForceLaw EnforcementBrewer, Thomas W., Eric Jefferis, Fredrick Butcher, Kent State University, and Todd D. Wiles. 2007. "A Case Study of the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force." Criminal Justice Policy Review 18(2):200-20.
NSW Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model (DVICM)Victims

Rodwell, Laura, and Nadine Smith. 2008. An Evaluation of the NWS Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model. Sydney, Australia: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

Birdsey, Emma M., and Nadine Smith. 2012. The Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model: A Follow-up Study. Sydney, Australia: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

Nunaway Intervention ProgramVictimsBounds, Dawn T., Laurel D. Edinburgh, Louis F. Fogg, and Elizabeth M. Saeywc. 2019. “A Nurse Practitioner-Led Intervention for Runaway Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted or Sexually Exploited: Effects on Trauma Symptoms, Suicidality, and Self-Injury.” Child Abuse and Trauma 90:99–107.
Ocean Tides (Rhode Island)Juvenile JusticeVan Wyk, Judy A. 2017. Assessing a Residential Treatment Program in the Context of Rhode Island’s Juvenile Justice Reforms. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Offence Re-Enactments for Sexual Offenders (UK)CorrectionsWebster, Stephen D., Louise E. Bowers, Ruth E. Mann, and Williams L. Marshall. 2005 “Developing Empathy in Sexual Offenders: The Value of Offence Re-Enactments.” Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 17(1):63–77.
Offender Workforce Development SpecialistsCorrectionsLichtenberger, Eric. 2012. “Offender Workforce Development Specialists and Their Impact on the Post-Release Outcomes of Ex-Offenders.” Federal Probation 76(3).
Ohio's Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS)DrugsBaehren, David F., Catherine A. Marco, Danna E. Droz, Sameer Sinha, E. Megan Callan, and Peter Akpunonu. 2010. “A Statewide Prescription Monitoring Program Affects Emergency Department Prescribing Behaviors.” Annals of Emergency Medicine 56(1):19–23.
Ohio's Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) InitiativeJuvenile JusticeKretschmar, Jeff M., Fredrick Butcher, Daniel J. Flannery, and Mark I. Singer. 2014. "Diverting Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth With Behavioral Health Issues From Detention: Preliminary Findings From Ohio’s Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) Initiative." Criminal Justice Policy Review:1–24.
Ohio Youth Assessment System (OYAS)Juvenile JusticeSullivan, Christopher, Clare Strange, Carrie Sullivan, Jaime Newsome, Melissa Lugo, Derek Mueller, Amber Petkus, Bryan Holmes, Holly Lonergan, and James McCafferty. 2019. Multi-Method Study on Risk Assessment Implementation and Youth Outcomes in the Juvenile Justice System: Final Technical Report. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research.
Ohlhoff Skip Byron Primary ProgramDrugsPolcin, Douglas L., Suzi D. Prindle, and Alan Bostrom. 2002. "Integrating Social Model Principles Into Broad-Based Treatment: Results Of A Program Evaluation." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 28(4):585-99.
Omaha (Neb.) Metro Safety InitiativeLaw EnforcementCrank, John, Connie Koski, Michael Johnson, Eric Ramirez, Andrew Shelden, and Sandra Peterson. 2010. "Hot Corridors, Deterrence, and Guardianship: An Assessment of the Omaha Metro Safety Initiative." Journal of Criminal Justice 38:430-38.
One Act and HAVEN Training for Bystander InterventionCrime PreventionAlegría-Flores, Kei, Kelli Raker, Robert K. Pleasants, Mark A. Weaver, and Morris Weinberger. 2017. “Preventing Interpersonal Violence on College Campuses: The Effect of One Act Training on Bystander Intervention.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32(7):1103–1126.
One Family, One Judge Model (Baltimore City, Md. Juvenile Court)Juvenile JusticeShdaimah, Corey, and Alicia Summers. 2013. "One Family, One Judge Practice Effects on Children: Permanency Outcomes on Case Closure and Beyond." Journal of Juvenile Justice 2(2):37-45.
Only You Decide Who You Are (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeSpruit, Anouk, Claudia van der Put, Eveline van Vugt, and Geert Jan Stams. 2018. “Predictors of Intervention Success in a Sports-Based Program for Adolescents at Risk of Juvenile Delinquency.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(6):1535–55.
Open-Street CCTV in South KoreaCrime PreventionLim, Hyungjin, Changjoo Kim, John Eck, and Jeonglim Kim. 2016. “The Crime-Reduction Effects of Open-Street CCTV in South Korea.” Security Journal 29(2):241–55.
Operation Burglary CountdownCrime Prevention

Cummings, Rick. 2005. Operation Burglary Countdown, November 2003–October 2004: Evaluation Study Final Report. Perth, Australia: Estill & Associates.

Cornish, D.B., and R.V. Clarke (eds.). 1986. The Reasoning Criminal: Rational Choice Perspectives on Offending. New York, N.Y.: Springer–Verlag.

Cummings, Rick. 2006. “ ‘What If’: The Counterfactual in Program Evaluation.” Evaluation Journal of Australasia 6(2):6–15.

Johnson, S.D., K.J. Bowers, P. Jordan, J. Mallender, N. Davidson, and A.G. Hirschfield. 2004. “Evaluating Crime Prevention Scheme Success.” Evaluation 10(3):327–48.

Operation Hyperion (Isle of Wight, U.K.)Law EnforcementEllis, Tom, Craig Jenkins, and Paul Smith. 2015. Evaluation of the Introduction of Personal Issue Body Worn Video Cameras (Operation Hyperion) on the Isle of Wight: Final Report to Hampshire Constabulary. Portsmouth, U.K.: University of Portsmouth, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies.
Operation Safe CorridorCrime PreventionMcLean, Sarah J., Robert E. Worden, MoonSun Kim, Tara L. Garmley, and Heidi S. Bonner. 2010. "Operation Safe Corridor: An Outcome Evaluation." Criminal Justice Policy Review 21(3):363-80.
Operation OnymousCrime PreventionDécary-Hétu, David, and Luca Giommoni. “Do Police Crackdowns Disrupt Drug Cryptomarkets? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Operation Onymous.” Crime, Law and Social Change 67(1):55–75.
Operation Safe Streets (Del.)Law Enforcement

Garrison, Arthur H., and Maribeth Leslie Trojan. 1998. Operation Safe Streets: Implementation, Program Process, and Impact Evaluation. Wilmington, DE: Delaware Criminal Justice Council.

O'Connell, John P., Richard Harris, James Kane, and Arthur Garrison. 1998. The Impact of Operation Safe Streets on Shootings in Wilmington. Dover, DE: Delaware Statistical Analysis Center, Delaware Criminal Justice Council.

Harris, Richard J., and John P. O'Connell. 2006. Operation Safe Streets/Governor's Task Force 2005 Annual Report. Dover, DE: Office of Management and Budget, Management Services, Statistical Analysis Center.

Operation Theseus (England)Law Enforcement

Draca, Mirko, Steve Machin, and Robert Witt. 2008. "Panic on the Streets of London: Police, Crime and the July 2005 Terror Attacks." London, England: The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Draca, Mirko, Stephen Machin, and Robert Witt. 2008. "Evidence from London's "Operation Theseus"." Crime Displacement Police Interventions:359-77.

Orange County Drug Courts (Calif)Courts

Koob, Jeff, Jo Brocato, and Christine Kleinpeter. 2011. “Enhancing Residential Treatment for Drug Court Participants.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 50(5):252–71.

Kleinpeter, Christine B., Jo Brocato, Ryan Fischer, and Connie Ireland. 2009. “Specialty Groups for Drug Court Participants.” Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery 4(4):265–87.

Orange County (Fla.) Juvenile Substance Abuse Treatment CourtJuvenile JusticeApplegate, Brandon K., and Shannon Santana. 2000. "Intervening with Youthful Substance Abusers: A Preliminary Analysis of a Juvenile Drug Court." The Justice System Journal 21(3):281-300.
Order Maintenance Policing (Netherlands)Crime PreventionSteenbeek, Wouter, and Christian Kreis. 2015. “Where Broken Windows Should Be Fixed: Toward Identification of Areas at the Tipping Point.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52(4):511–533.
Out-of-Home Care (Fla.)Juvenile JusticeYampolskaya, Svetlana, Mary Armstrong, and Roxann McNeish. 2011. "Children Placed in Out-of-Home Care: Risk Factors for Involvement with the Juvenile Justice System." Journal of Violence and Victim 26(2):231-45.
Out-of-Home Residential Stay Blended InterventionJuvenile JusticeRingle, Jay L., Ronald W. Thompson, and Mona Way. 2015. “Reunifying Families After an Out-of-Home Residential Stay: Evaluation of a Blended Intervention.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(7):2079–2087.
Outdoor Behavioral Health ProgramsJuvenile JusticeCombs, Katie Massey, Matthew J. Hoag, Stephen Javorski, and Sean D. Roberts. “Adolescent Self-Assessment of an Outdoor Behavioral Health Program: Longitudinal Outcomes and Trajectories of Change.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:3322–3330.
Overrides of Risk Classifications for Offenders on Federal SupervisionCorrectionsCohen, Thomas H., Bailey Pendergast, and Scott W. VanBenschoten. 2016. “Examining Overrides of Risk Classifications for Offenders on Federal Supervision.” Federal Probation 80(1):12–21.
Oxcarbazepine to Treat Benzodiazepine DependenceDrugsCroissant, Bernhard, Martin Grosshans, Alexander Diehl, and Karl Mann. 2008. "Oxcarbazepine in Rapid Benzodiazepine Detoxification." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 34:534-40.
Oxford HouseDrugs

Callahan, Sarah L. 2015. “Reducing Economic Disparities for Female Offenders: The Oxford House Model.” Unpublished master’s thesis, DePaul University, College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations, Paper 124.

Jason, Leonard A., Bradley D. Olson, and Ronald Harvey. 2015. “Evaluating Alternative Aftercare Models for Ex-Offenders.” Journal of Drug Issues 45(1):53–68.

Palm Beach (Fla.) Smart Policing InitiativeLaw EnforcementWhite, M. D., D. Ainbinder, and R. Silva. 2012. Palm Beach County, Florida Smart Policing Initiative: Increasing Police Legitimacy and Reducing Victimization in Immigrant Communities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Parent Aide Services to Reduce Risks of Physical Child Abuse and NeglectJuvenile JusticeGuterman, Neil B., Jiyoung K. Tabone, George M. Bryan, Catherine A. Taylor, Cynthia Napoleon-Hanger, and Aaron Banman. 2013. “Examining the Effectiveness of Home-Based Parent Aide Services to Reduce Risk for Physical Child Abuse and Neglect: Six-Month Findings from a Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect 37:566–77.
Parent Engagement and Empowerment Program (PEP) (New York, N.Y.)Juvenile Justice

Rodriguez, James, S. S. Olin, Kimberly E. Hoagwood, Sa Shen, Geraldine Burton, Marleen Radigan, and Peter S. Jensen. 2011 "The Development and Evaluation of a Parent Empowerment Program for Family Peer Advocates." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:397-405.

Olin, S. Serene, Kimberly E. Hoagwood, James Rodriguez, Belinda Ramos, Geraldine Burton, Marlene Penn, Maura Crowe, Marleen Radigan, and Peter S. Jensen. 2010. "The Application of Behavior Change Theory to Family-Based Services: Improving Parent Empowerment in Children's Mental Health." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:462-70.

Wisdom, Jennifer P., Serene Olin, Priscilla Shorter, Geraldine Burton, and Kimberly Hoagwood. 2011. "Family Peer Advocates: A Pilot Study of the Content and Process of Service Provision." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:833-43.

Parent Management Training (PMT)Juvenile JusticeBooker, Jordan A., Thomas H. Ollendick, Julie C. Dunsmore, and Ross W. Greene. 2016. “Perceived Parent–Child Relations, Conduct Problems, and Clinical Improvement Following the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(5):1623–1633.
Parent Representation Program (PRP)Juvenile Justice

Partners for Our Children. 2011. Washington's Parents Representation Program. Issue Brief. Seattle, WA., Partners for Our Children.

Courtney, Mark E., Jennifer Hook, and Matt Orme. 2011. Executive Summary: Evaluation of the Impact of Enhanced Parental Legal Representation on the Timing of Permanency Outcomes for Children in Foster Care. Discussion Paper. Seattle, WA.: Partners for Our Children.

Parenting as Teachers and SafeCare at Home (PATSCH)Juvenile JusticeGuastaferro, Kate, Betty S. Lai, Katy Miller, Jenelle Shanley Chatham, Daniel J. Whitaker, Shannon Self-Brown, Allison Kemner, and John R. Lutzke. 2018. “Braiding Two Evidence-Based Programs for Families At-Risk: Results of a Cluster Randomized Trial.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27:535–46.
Parenting Assistance Helpline (Alabama)Juvenile JusticeYoung, Teresa L., Javonda Williams, Debra Nelson-Gardell, Sally L. Edwards, and Valerie A. Thorington. 2016. “Assessing the Helpfulness of One Parenting Assistance Helpline.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:2236–2245.
Parenting Challenging Adolescents Seminar (Victoria, Australia)Juvenile JusticeGilbo, Caroline, Tess Knight, Andrew J. Lewis, John W. Toumbourou, and Melanie D. Bertino. 2015. “A Qualitative Evaluation of an Intervention for Parents of Adolescents with Mental Disorders: The Parenting Challenging Adolescents Seminar.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(9):2532–2543.
Parenting Order (England and Wales)Juvenile Justice

Evans, Roberta. 2012. "Parenting Orders: The Parents Attend Yet the Kids Still Offend." Youth Justice 12(2):118–33.

Ghate, Deborah, and Marcelo Ramella. 2002. Positive Parenting: The National Evaluation of the Youth Justice Board's Parenting Programme. London, England: Youth Justice Board.

Holdaway, Simon, Norman Davidson, Jim Dignan, Richard Hammersley, Jean Hine, and Peter Marsh. 2001. New Strategies to Address Youth Offending: The National Evaluation of the Pilot Youth Offending Teams. RDS Occasional Paper No. 69. London, England: Home Office.

Parenting Our Children to Excellence (PACE)Juvenile Justice

Begle, Angela Moreland, and Jean E. Dumas. 2011. "Child and Parental Outcomes Following Involvement in a Preventive Intervention: Efficacy of the PACE Program." Journal of Primary Prevention 32(2):67-81.

Lucia, Sonia, and Jean E. Dumas. 2013. "Entre-Parents: Initial Outcome Evaluation of a Preventive-Parenting Program for French-Speaking Parents." Journal of Primary Prevention 34(4):135-46.

Dumas, Jean E., Ximena Arriaga, Angela Moreland Begle, and Z. Longoria. 2010. "'When Will Your Program be Available in Spanish?' Adapting an Early Parenting Intervention for Latino Families." Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 17(2):176-87.

Dumas, Jean E., Ximena Arriaga, and Angela Moreland Begle. 2011. "Child and Parental Outcomes of a Group Parenting Intervention for Latino Families: A Pilot Study of the CANNE Program." Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 17(1):107-15.

Dumas, Jean, and Angela Moreland Begle. "Parenting Our Children to Excellence (PACE): A Program to Bolster Child Coping Competence and Reduce Risk of Child Maltreatment." Presentation from Baspcan, Belfast, April 26, 2012.

Dumas, Jean E., Jenelle Nissley-Tsiopinis, and Angela D. Moreland. 2007. "From Intent to Enrollment, Attendance, and Participation in Preventive Parenting Groups." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16(1):1-26.

Parenting PartnershipJuvenile JusticeFelner, Robert D., Stephen Brand, Kay Erwin Mulhall, Brian Counter, Joyce B. Millman, and Judy Fried. 1994. "The Parenting Partnership: The Evaluation of a Human Service/Corporate Workplace Collaboration for the Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems, and the Promotion of Family and Work Adjustment." The Journal of Primary Prevention 15(2):123-46.
Parenting Programs: Comet, Cope, Incredible Years and Connect (Sweden)Juvenile JusticeStattin, H., P. Enebrink, M. Ozdemir, and F. Giannotta. 2015. “A National Evaluation of Parenting Programs in Sweden: The Short-Term Effects Using an RCT Effectiveness Design.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(6):1069–1084.
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child Parenting ClassJuvenile JusticeCounter, Joyce B. Millman, and Judy Fried. 1994. "The Parenting Partnership: The Evaluation of a Human Service/Corporate Workplace Collaboration for the Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems, and the Promotion of Family and Work Adjustment." The Journal of Primary Prevention 15(2):123-46.
Parenting with Love and Limits (UK)Juvenile JusticeBaruch, Geoffrey, Ioanna Vrouva, and Charles Wells. 2011. “Outcome Findings from a Parent Training Programme for Young People with Conduct Problems.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 16(1):47–54.
Parent-Led Exposure Therapy Protocol (PLET)Juvenile JusticeRudy, Brittany M., Sophia Zavrou, Carly Johnco, Eric A. Storch, and Adam B. Lewin. 2017. “Parent-Led Exposure Therapy: A Pilot Study of a Brief Behavioral Treatment for Anxiety in Young Children.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:2475–2484.
Parents Achieving With Collaborative Teams (PACT Program)Juvenile JusticeBrown, Joe H., Linda Bledsoe, Pamela Yankeelov, Dana Christensen, Noell L. Rowan, and Mary Lou Cambron. 2009. "PACT: A Collaborative Team Model for Treating High Conflict Families in Family Court." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 60(2):49-67.
Parents AnonymousVictimsPolinsky, Margaret L., Lisa Pion-Berlin, Tanya Long, and Angela M. Wolf. "Parents Anonymous Outcome Evaluation: Promising Findings for Child Maltreatment Reduction." Journal of Juvenile Justice 1(1):33-47.
Parivartan (India) - Adapted Coaching Boys into Men Program for Student AthletesJuvenile JusticeMiller, Elizabeth, Madhumita Das, Daniel J. Tancredi, Heather L. McCauley, Maria Catrina D. Virata, Jasmine Nettiksimmons, Brian O’Connor, Sancheeta Ghosh, and Ravi Verma. 2014. “Evaluation of a Gender-Based Violence Prevention Program for Student Athletes in Mumbai, India.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(4):758–78.
Parole Home Visits (Georgia)CourtsMeredith, Tammy. 2016. Assessing the Influence of Home Visit Themes and Temporal Ordering on High-Risk Parolee Outcomes. Atlanta, Ga.: Applied Research Services, Inc.
Partners in Healing (Canada)CorrectionsCrocker, Diane. 2015. “Implementing and Evaluating Restorative Justice Projects in Prison.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(1):45–64.
Partnership for Kids (PARK) Project (Bridgeport, Connecticut)Juvenile JusticeBernard, Stanley, Melissa Whitson, and Joy Kaufman. 2015. “The Moderating Effect of Positive Father Engagement and Accessibility on a School-Based System of Care Intervention for Mental Health Outcomes of Children.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(10):2923–2933.
Partnerships for Families (PFF) ModelJuvenile JusticeReuter, Katherine E., Lisa A. Melchior, and Amber M. Brink. 2016. “An Intensive Mental Health Home Visiting Model for Two At-Risk Early Childhood Populations.” Children and Youth Services Review 61:22–30.
Pathfinders (England and Wales)CorrectionsLewis, Sam, Mike Maguire, Peter Raynor, Maurice Vanstone, and Julie Vennard. "What Works in Resettlement? Findings From Seven Pathfinders for Short-term Prisoners in England and Wales." Criminology & Criminal Justice 7(1):33-53.
Pathways for African American Success (PAAS) ProgramJuvenile JusticeMurry, Velma McBride, Cady Berkel, and Na Liu. 2018. “The Closing Digital Divide: Delivery Modality and Family Attendance in the Pathways for African American Success (PAAS) Program.” Prevention Science 19:642–51.
PE Coach Smartphone ApplicationVictimsReger, Greg M., Julia Hoffman, David Riggs, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Josef Ruzek, and Kevin M. Holloway. 2013. “The PE Coach Smartphone Application: An Innovative Approach to Improving Implementation, Fidelity, and Homework Adherence During Prolonged Exposure.” Psychological Services 10(3):342–49.
Peacemaking CirclesCourtsLambson, Suvi Hynynen. 2015. Peacemaking Circles: Evaluating a Native American Restorative Justice Practice in a State Criminal Court Setting in Brooklyn. New York, N.Y.: Center for Court Innovation.
Pedestrianisation in Manchester (England)Crime PreventionMarselle, Melissa, Andrew B. Wootton, and Mark G. Hamilton. 2012. "A Design Against Crime Intervention to Reduce Violence in the Night-Time Economy." Security Journal 25(2):116-33.
Peer Support for Bullying VictimsJuvenile Justice

Cowie, Helen, and Ragnar Olafsson. 2000. "The Role of Peer Support in Helping the Victims of Bullying in a School with High Levels of Aggression." School Psychology International 21(1):76–95.

Naylor, Paul, and Helen Cowie. 1999. "The Effectiveness of Peer Support Systems in Challenging School Bullying: The Perspectives and Experiences of Teachers and Pupils." Journal of Adolescence 22:467–79.

Peer-Led Intervention for BullyingJuvenile JusticeSalmivalli, Christina. 2001. "Peer-Led Intervention Campaign Against Bullying: Who Considered it Useful, Who Benefited?" Educational Research 43(3):263–78.
Peers as Law Enforcement Support (PALS)Law EnforcementVan Hasselt, Vincent B., Kristin E. Klimley, Samantha Rodriguez, Maureen Themis-Fernandez, Sarah N. Henderson, and Barry A. Schneider. 2019. “Peers as Law Enforcement Support (PALS): An Early Prevention Program.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 48:1–5.
Pen or PencilJuvenile Justice

Association of Black Psychologists. 2014. Pen or Pencil (POP) Program Evaluation Preliminary Findings. PowerPoint presentation. Fort Washington, Md., Sept. 26.

Association of Black Psychologists. 2014. Preliminary Findings of the Pen or Pencil Program Evaluation. Fort Washington, Md., Sept. 25.

National Alliance of Faith and Justice. 2014. Forty-First Annual Conference and Training Institute of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice: 2014 Pen or Pencil, National Youth Mentoring Training Summit. Conference program. Washington, D.C.

National Alliance of Faith and Justice. 2014. Pen or Pencil: An Overview. Fact sheet. Washington, D.C.: National Alliance of Faith and Justice.

National Alliance of Faith and Justice. 2014.“Pen or Pencil Mentees Take a Stand to Keep a Seat: National Mentoring Training Summit. Brochure. Washington, D.C.: National Alliance of Faith and Justice.

Penn Resiliency ProgramJuvenile JusticeCardemil, Esteban, Karen Reivich, Christopher Beevers, Martin Seligman, and Julie James. 2007. "The Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in Low-income, Minority Children: Two-year Follow-up." Behaviour Research and Therapy 45:313-27.
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD)Crime PreventionTibbits, Melissa K., Brian Bumbarger, Sandee Kyler, and Daniel Perkins. 2010. "Sustaining Evidence-Based Interventions Under Real-Word Conditions: Results from a Large-Scale Diffusion Project." Prevention Science 11:252–62.
Pennsylvania Program for Drug Involved Parole ViolatorsCorrections

Young, Douglas, and Rachel Porter. 1999. Collaborative Evaluation of Pennsylvania’s Program for Drug Involved Parole Violators [NCJ-180165]. New York. N.Y.: Vera Institute of Justice. NIJ Sponsored.

Porter, Rachel. 2002. Breaking the Cycle: Outcomes from Pennsylvania’s Alternative to Prison for Technical Parole Violators [NCJ-197056]. New York, N.Y.: Vera Institute of Justice. NIJ Sponsored.

Porter, Rachel. 2002. Breaking the Cycle: Technical Report [NCJ-197057]. New York, N.Y.: Vera Institute of Justice. NIJ Sponsored.

Pennsylvania Risk Recidivism Reduction Incentive Program (RRI)CorrectionsChanenson, Steven L., Sheila Woods-Skipper, and Mark Bergstrom. 2013. Pennsylvania’s Recidivism Risk Reduction Incentive Program. Report to the Legislature. Harrisburg, Pa., Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing.
Pennsylvania Sentencing GuidelinesCourtsSims Blackwell, Brenda, David Holleran, and Mary A. Finn. 2008. "The Impact of the Pennsylvania Sentencing Guidelines on Sex Differences in Sentencing." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24(4): 399-418.
Period of PURPLE Crying (Midwest City)VictimsReese, Laura Schwab, Erin O. Heiden, Kimberly Q. Kim, and Jingzhen Yang. 2014. “Evaluation of Period of PURPLE Crying, An Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Program.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN) 43(6):752–61.
Personal Cognitive Counseling (PCC)DrugsKnight, Kelly R., Moupali Das, Erin DeMicco, Jerris L. Raiford, Tim Matheson, Alic Shook, Erin Antunez, Glenn-Milo Santos, Rand Dadasovich, James W. Dilley, Grant N. Colfax, and Jeffrey H. Herbst. 2014. “A Roadmap for Adapting an Evidence-Based HIV Prevention Intervention: Personal Cognitive Counseling (PCC) for Episodic Substance-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men.” Prevention Science 15(3):364–75.
Personalized Feedback Intervention (PFI) in a Japanese PrisonDrugsYokotani, Kenji, and Katsuhiro Tamura. 2015. “Effects of Personalized Feedback Interventions on Drug-Related Reoffending: A Pilot Study.” Prevention Science 16(8):1169–1176.
Personalized Normative Feedback (PNF) for College Student DrinkingDrugsRodriguez, L. M., C. Neighbors, D.V. Rinker, B. Lazorwitz, R. G. Gonzales, M. A. Lewis, and M. E. Larimer. 2015. “Remote Versus In-Lab Computer-Delivered Personalized Normative Feedback Interventions for College Student Drinking.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(3): 455–63.
Philadelphia (Pa.) Community CourtCourtsDurkin, Mary, Fred Cheesman, Scott Maggard, David Rottman, Tracy Sohoni, and Dawn Rubio. 2009. Process Evaluation of the Philadelphia Community Court. Williamsburg, VA: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Phoenix (Ariz.) Sex Offender Treatment ProgramCrime PreventionReddon, John R., Shelly Takacs, and Stephen Hogan. 2013. "Sex Offender Situational Competency Test (SOSCT) Pretreatment and Posttreatment Effects for Inpatient Sex Offenders in Hypothetical High-Risk Situations." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52(1):16-28.
Pima County (Ariz.) Family Drug CourtCourts

Powell, Claudia, Sally Stevens, Becky Lo Dolce, Katerina O. Sinclair, and Christine Swenson-Smith. 2012. "Outcomes of a Trauma-Informed Arizona Family Drug Court." Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 12:219-41.

Ashford, Jose B. 2004. "Treating Substance-Abusing Parents: A Study of the Pima County Family Drug Court Approach." Juvenile & Family Court Journal:27-38.

Play NicelyJuvenile Justice

Scholer, Seth J., Stephanie M. Reich, Robyn B. Boshers, and Len Brickman. 2011. "A Brief Program Improves Counseling of Mothers With Children Who Have Persistant Aggression." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27(6):991–1004.

Chavis, Antwon, Julia Hudnut-Beumler, Margaret W. Webb, Jill A. Neely, Len Bickman, Mary S. Dietrich, and Seth J. Scholer. 2013. “A Brief Intervention Affects Parents’ Attitudes Toward Using Less Physical Punishment.” Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect 37:1192-1201

Poarch Band of Creek Indians Drug CourtCourtGottlieb, Karen. 2005. Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Drug Court. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Police Body-Worn Cameras (Los Angeles, Calif.)Law EnforcementMcCluskey, John D., Craig D. Uchida, Shellie E. Solomon, Alese Wooditch, Christine Connor, and Lauren Revier. 2017. “Assessing the Effects of Body Worn Cameras on Procedural Justice in the Los Angeles Police Department.” Department of Criminal Justice, Rochester Institute of Technology Justice & Security Strategies, Inc.
Police and Youth Interaction Programs (Conn.)Law EnforcementGoodrich, Samantha A., and Stephen A. Anderson. 2014. "Evaluation of a Program Designed to Promote Positive Police and Youth Interactions." OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice 3(2):55-71.
Police Charging Practices for Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence (Canada)Law EnforcementDawson, Myrna, and Tina Hotton. 2014. “Police Charging Practices for Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence in Canada.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51(5):655–83.
Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) (UK)Law EnforcementCosgrove, Faye, and Pauline Ramshaw. 2015. “It is What You Do as Well as the Way That You Do It: The Value and Deployment of PCSOs in Achieving Public Engagement.” Policing and Society 25(1):77–96.
Police Consolidation in CaliforniaLaw EnforcementWilson, Jeremy M., Steve Chermak, Nicholas Corsaro, Clifford Grammich, and Jeffrey Gruenewald. 2018. A Multi-Site Assessment of Police Consolidation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Police Enforcement Actions in Hot Spots (Philadelphia)Law EnforcementHaberman, Cory P. 2016. COPS on Dots Doing What? The Differential Effects of Police Enforcement Actions in Hot Spots. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Police Officers in SchoolsJuvenile JusticeNa, Chongmin, and Denise C. Gottfredson. 2011. "Police Officers in Schools: Effects on School Crime and the Processing of Offending Behaviors." Justice Quarterly 30(4):619-50.
Police Officer Perception Project (POPP)Law EnforcementSimpson, Rylan. 2017. “The Police Officer Perception Project (POPP): An Experimental Evaluation of Factors That Impact Perceptions of the Police.” Journal of Experimental Criminology13:393–15.
Police Performance and Procedural Justice as Antecedents of Police Legitimacy (Israel)Law EnforcementJonathan-Zamir, Tal, and David Weisburd. 2013. “The Effects of Security Threats on Antecedents of Police Legitimacy: Findings from a Quasi-Experiment in Israel.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 50(1):3–32.
Police Training on the Dynamics of Sexual OffendingLaw EnforcementDarwinkel, Elli, Martine Powell, and Patrick Tidmarsh. 2013. "Improving Police Officers' Perceptions of Sexual Offending Through Intensive Training." Criminal Justice and Behavior 40(8): 895-908.
Police-Based Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model (Georgia)Law Enforcement

Compton, Michael T., Roger Bakeman, Beth Broussard, Dana Hankerson-Dyson, Letheshia Husbands, Shaily Krishan, Tarianna Stewart-Hutto, Barbara M. D’Orio, Janet R. Oliva, Nancy J. Thompson, and Amy C. Watson. 2014a. “The Police-Based Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)Model: II. Effects on Level of Force and Resolution, Referral, and Arrest.” Psychiatric Services 65(4):523–29.

Compton, Michael T., Roger Bakeman, Beth Broussard, Dana Hankerson-Dyson, Letheshia Husbands, Shaily Krishan, Tarianna Stewart-Hutto, Barbara M. D’Orio, Janet R. Oliva, Nancy J. Thompson, and Amy C. Watson. 2014b. “The Police-Based Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)Model: II. Effects on Officers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills.” Psychiatric Services 65(4):517–22.

Policing the Teen BrainJuvenile JusticeAalsma, Matthew C., Katherine Schwartz, and Wanzhu Tu. 2019. “Improving Police Officer and Justice Personnel Attitudes and De-Escalation Skills: A Pilot Study of Policing the Teen Brain.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 57(7):415–30.
Polyvictimization In Young OffendersVictimsAlvarez-Lister, Maria S., Noemi Pereda, and Georgina Guilera. “Psychoparthological Correlates of Polyvictimization in Young Offenders.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 46(12):1710–25.
PORTAL To Success-Parolee Reentry InitiativeCorrectionsWinsett, Lisa. 2010. Effectiveness of the PORTAL to Success Program. Bowling Green, KY: Western Kentucky University.
Porterville (Calif.) Developmental Center Court Competency Training ProgramCourtsBertsch, Jennifer M., Jane A. Younglove, and Marcee G. Kerr. 2002. "A Pilot Study of the Porterville Developmental Center's Court Competency Training Program." Criminal Justice Policy Review 13(1):65-77.
Positive Psychology and Community-based Supervision (Australia)Corrections

Woldgabreal, Yilma, Andrew Day, and Tony Ward. 2016. “Linking Positive Psychology to Offender Supervision Outcome.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 43(6):697–721.

Woldgabreal, Yilma, Andrew Day, and Tony Ward. 2014. “The Community-Based Supervision of Offenders From a Positive Psychology Perspective.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 19:32–41.

Post-Arrest Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticeDembo, Richard, Wansley Walters, Jennifer Wareham, Catherimarty Burgos, James Schmiedler, Robert Hoge, and Lee Underwood. 2008. "Evaluation of an Innovative Post-Arrest Diversion Program: 12 Month Recidivism Analysis." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 47(4):356-84.
Post-Shelter Follow-Up Programs for Abused WomenVictimsTutty, Leslie M. 1996. "Post-Shelter Services: The Efficacy of Follow-Up Programs for Abused Women." Research on Social Work Practice 6(4):425-41.
Post-STOP Legal System Response to VictimsVictimsZweig, Janine M., and Martha R. Burt. 2006. "Predicting Case Outcomes and Women's Perceptions of the Legal System's Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault." Criminal Justice Policy Review 17(2):202-33.
Post-Termination Project (N.J.)Juvenile JusticeFloria, Sallyanne. 2008. "More Good Than Harm: Legal Orphans and the New Jersey Post-Termination Project." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 59(2):1-13.
Prejudice-Reduction Intervention in SchoolsJuvenile JusticeStathi, Sofia, Lindsey Cameron, Bonny Hartley, and Shona Bradford. 2014. “Imagined Contact as a Prejudice-Reduction Intervention in Schools: The Underlying Role of Similarity and Attitudes.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44(8):536–46.
PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training CurriculumJuvenile JusticeBrock, Stephen E., Amanda B. Nickerson, Melissa A. Reeves, Todd A. Savage, and Scott A. Woitaszewski. 2011. "Development, Evaluation, and Future Directions of the PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum." Journal of School Violence 10(1):34-52.
Preparing Inmates for Re-Entry Through Assistance, Training, and Employment Skills (PIRATES)CorrectionsMusgrove, Kate Racoff, Nicholas C. Derzis, Margaret E. Shippen, and Holly E. Brigman. 2012. "PIRATES: A Program for Offenders Transitioning into the World of Work." The Journal of Correctional Education 63(2):37-48.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (Multisites in United States)Drugs

Li, G., J.E. Brady, B.H. Lang, J. Giglio, H. Wunsch, and C. DiMaggio. 2014. “Prescription Drug Monitoring and Drug Overdose Mortality.” Injury Epidemiology 1:9.

Brady, J.E., H. Wunsch, C. DiMaggio, B.H Lang, J. Giglio, and G. Li. 2014. “Prescription Drug Monitoring and Dispensing of Prescription Opioids.” Public Health Reports 129(2): 139–47

Paulozzi, L.J., E.M. Kilbourne, and H.A. Desai.2011. “Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs and Death Rates from Drug Overdose.” Pain Medicine 12(5): 747–54.

Pressley Ridge Residential Treatment Centers (RTC)Juvenile JusticeStrickler, Amy, Jennifer R. Mihalo, Matthew J. Bundick, and Annette C. Trunzo. 2016. “Relationship Between Time in Residential Treatment and Youth Outcomes: Results From a Cross-Site 5-Year Analysis.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:1860–1870.
Presumptive Drug Testing Technology in Community Corrections SettingsCorrectionsUchida, Craig D., Gordon A. Aoyagi, W. Rily Waugh, Shawn Flower, Shellie E. Solomon, and Jonathan Mash. 2012. Evaluating a Presumptive Drug Testing Technology in Community Corrections Settings. Rockville, MD: Justice & Security Strategies, Inc.
Pretextual Traffic Stops for Drug Interdiction (Mesa County, Colo.)Law EnforcementGizzi, Michael C. 2011. "Pretextual Stops, Vehicle Searches, and Crime Control: An Examination of Strategies Used on the Frontline of the War on Drugs." Criminal Justice Studies 24(2):139-52.
Pretrial Diversion (PTD) within Eastern District of Missouri (ED/MO)CorrectionsZlatic, Joseph M., Donna C. Wilkerson, and Shannon McAllister. 2010. “Pretrial Diversion: The Overlooked Pretrial Services Evidence-Based Practice.” Federal Probation74(1):28–33.
Preventing Crime in Campus Parking Lots (Ohio State University.)Crime PreventionTseng, Chun-Hao., Josann Duane, and Fabian Hadipriono. 2004. "Performance of Campus Parking Garages in Preventing Crimes." Journal of Performance and Constructed Facilities 18(1):21-28.
Preventing Near-Repeat Residential Burglary Through Cocooning (Australia)Crime PreventionStokes, Nicola, and Joseph Clare. 2018. “Preventing Near-Repeat Residential Burglary Through Cocooning: Post Hoc Evaluation of a Targeted Police-Led Pilot Intervention.” Security Journal 1–18. doi:
Preventing Theft at Single-Family Home Construction Sites (Port St. Lucie, Fla.)Law EnforcementBoba, Rachel, and Rovebto Santos. 2007. "Single-Family Home Construction Site Theft: A Crime Prevention Case Study." International Journal of Construction Education and Research 3:217-36.
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement ProgramCorrectionsKazura, K. 2018. “Relationship Intervention for Inmates and Their Partners: Bringing Couples Together Before Release.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(9):2586–2600.
Prevention Program for Externalizing Problem Behavior (PEP-TE)Juvenile JusticePlueck, Julia, Ilka Eichelberger, Christopher Hautmann, Charlotte Hanisch, Nicola Jaenen, and Manfred Doepfner. 2014. "Effectiveness of a Teacher-Based Indicated Prevention Program for Preschool Children with Externalizing Problem Behavior." Prevention Science 16:233–41.
Prevention of Shoplifting (Guards)Crime PreventionFarrington, David P., Sean Bowen, Abigail Buckle, Tony Burns–Howell, John Burrows, and Martin Speed. 1993. “An Experiment on the Prevention of Shoplifting.” Crime Prevention Studies, Vol. 1. Monsey, N.Y.: Criminal Justice Press.
Preventive Detention and Out-of-Home Placement (W.V.)Juvenile JusticeJordan, Kareem L. 2012. "Preventive Detention and Out-of-Home Placement: A Propensity Score Matching and Multilevel Modeling Approach." Journal of Juvenile Justice 2(1):41-53.
Prison Industries (Florida)CorrectionsJohnson, Candace Marie. 1984. “The Effects of Prison Labor Programs on Post-Release Employment and Recidivism.” PhD diss., Florida State University.
Prison Industry Enhancement CertificationCorrectionsCox, Robynn. 2010. The Effect of the Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program on Labor Market Outcomes of Prison Releases. Durham, NC., Duke University, Writing Paper.
Prison Nursery Program (Nebraska)CorrectionsCarlson, Joseph R. 2018. “Prison Nurseries: A Way to Reduce Recidivism.” The Prison Journal 98:760–75.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)Corrections

Schuhmann, Robert A., and Eric J. Wodhal. 2011. "Prison Reform through Federal Legislative Intervention: The Case of the Prison Rape Elimination Act." Criminal Justice Policy Review 22:111-28.

Thompson, R. Alan, Lisa S. Nored, and Kelly Cheeseman Dial. 2008. "The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): An Evaluation of Policy Compliance with Illustrative Excerpts." Criminal Justice Policy Review 19:414-37.

Prison Visitation (Minn.)CorrectionsMinnesota Department of Corrections. 2011. The Effects of Prison Visitation on Offender Recidivism. St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Department of Corrections.
Prison Work Release Program (Wash.)CorrectionsTurner, Susan, and Joan Petersilla. 1996. "Work Release in Washington: Effects on Recidivism and Corrections Costs." The Prison Journal 76(2):138-64.
Prison-Based Sex Offender Rehabilitation Program (Israel)CorrectionsGeiger, B., and M. Fischer. 2018. “What Works in Israeli Prison-Based Sex Offender Rehabilitation Programs: Program Participants’ Perspective.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(9):2601–2623.
Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI)Corrections

Holl, Douglas B., and Lisa Kolovich. 2007. Evaluation of the Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative, Interim Report. Bethesda, MD.: Coffey Communications, LLC.

Holl, Douglas B., Lisa Kolovich, Jeanne Bellotti, and Nora Paxton. 2009. Evaluation of the Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative, Final Report. Bethesda, MD.: Coffey Consulting, LLC.

Private Family Visiting (PFV) Program (Canada)CorrectionsDerkzen, D., R. Gobeil, and J. Gileno. 2009. Visitation and Post-Release Outcome Among Federally-Sentenced Offenders. Ottawa, Canada: Correctional Service Canada.
Proactive Policing (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeSvensson, Jörgen Simon, and Sawitri Saharso. 2015. “Proactive Policing and Equal Treatment of Ethnic-Minority Youths.” Policing and Society 25(4):393–408.
Problem Oriented Guides for PoliceLaw Enforcement

Chamard, Sharon. 2010. Homeless Encampments. Problem-Specific Guide Series No. 56. Washington, D.C.: Center for Problem Oriented Policing.

Scott, M. 2004. The Benefits and Consequences of Police Crackdowns. Police Response Guides Series Guide No. 1. Washington, D.C.: Center for Problem Oriented Policing.

Problem Solving for Life ProgramJuvenile JusticeSpence, S.H., J.K. Sheffield, and C.L. Donovan. 2003. "Preventing Adolescent Depression: An Evaluation of the Problem Solving for Life Program." Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology 71(1):3–13.
Problem Solving Skills Training (PSST)Juvenile JusticeHughes, J.N., P. Grossman, and M. Hart. Effectiveness of Skill Training and Consultation with Aggressive Children. 101st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,Toronto, Ontario, August 20, 1993.
Problem-Oriented Policing Strategies in BritainLaw EnforcementSidebottom, Aiden, and Nick Tilley. 2011. “Improving Problem-Oriented Policing: The Need For a New Model?” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(2):79–101.'
Procedural Justice (Comparing Youth and Adults) (Australia)Law Enforcement

Murphy, Kristina. 2015. “Does Procedural Justice Matter to Youth? Comparing Adults’ and Youths’ Willingness to Collaborate with Police.” Policing and Society 25(1):53–7.

Murphy, Kristina, and L. Mazerolle. 2016. “Policing Immigrants: Using A Randomized Control Trial of Procedural Justice Policing to Promote Trust And Cooperation.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 51(1):3–22.

Procedural Justice (West Midlands, England)Law EnforcementWaddington, P. A. J., Kate Williams, Martin Wright, and Tim Newburn. 2015. “Dissension in Public Evaluations of the Police.” Policing and Society 25(2):212–35.
Procedural Justice and Overaccommodation in Traffic StopsLaw Enforcement

Lowrey, Belén V., Edward R. Maguire, and Richard R. Bennett. 2015. Testing the Effects of Procedural Justice and Overaccommodation in Traffic Stops: A Randomized Trial. Washington, D.C.: American University, Department of Justice, Law and Criminology.

Lowrey, Belén V., Edward R. Maguire, and Richard R. Bennett. 2016. “Testing the Effects of Procedural Justice and Overaccommodation in Traffic Stops: A Randomized Experiment.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 43(10):1430–1449.

Procedural Justice in Victim-Police Interactions (Australia)Law EnforcementElliott, Irina, Stuart Thomas, and James Ogloff. 2014. “Procedural Justice in Victim-Police Interactions and Victims' Recovery From Victimisation Experiences.” Policing and Society 24(5):588–601.
Procedural Justice in Lexington County (S.C.)VictimsGover, Angela R., Eve M. Brank, and John M. MacDonald. 2007. "A Specialized Domestic Violence Court in South Carolina: An Example Of Procedural Justice for Victims and Defendants." Violence Against Women 13(6):603-26.
Process-based Policing (Cincinnati, OH)Law EnforcementDai, Mengyan, James Frank, and Ivan Sun. 2011. "Procedural Justice During Police-Citizen Encounters: The Effects of Process-based Policing on Citizen Compliance and Demeanor." Journal of Criminal Justice 39:159-68.
Prodigy Cultural Arts ProgramJuvenile Justice

Rapp-Paglicci, Lisa, Chris Stewart, and William S. Rowe. 2009. "Evaluating the Effects of the Prodigy Cultural Arts Program on Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders in At-Risk and Adjudicated Youths." Best Practices in Mental Health 5(1):65-73.

Rapp-Paglicci, Lisa, Chris Stewart, William Rowe, and J. Mitchell Miller. 2011. "Addressing the Hispanic Delinquency and Mental Health Relationship Through Cultural Arts Programming: A Research Note from the Prodigy Evaluation." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 27:110-21.

Stewart, Chris, Lisa Rapp-Paglicci, and William Rowe. 2009. "Evaluating the Efficacy of the Prodigy Prevention Program across Urban and Rural Locales." Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 26:65-75.

Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System (ProMES) for Swedish Traffic PoliceLaw Enforcement

Pritchard, Robert D., Satoris S. Culbertson, Kenneth Malm, and Anders Agrell. 2009. "Improving Performance in a Swedish Police Traffic Unit: Results of an Intervention." Journal of Criminal Justice 37:85-97.

Pritchard, Robert D., Melissa M. Harrell, Deborah Diaz Granados, and Melissa J. Guzman. 2008. "The Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of Applied Psychology 93(3):540-67.

Project BELONGJuvenile JusticeBlakely, C. H., R. Menon, and D.J. Jones. 1995. Project BELONG: Final Report. College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University, Public Policy Research Institute.
Project CHOICEJuvenile JusticeKilmer, Beau, James R. Burgdorf, Elizabeth J. D'Amico, Jeremy Miles, and Joan Tucker. 2011. Multisite Cost Analysis of a School-Based Voluntary Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program. Santa Monica, CA.: RAND Corporation.
Project D.A.T.E.Juvenile JusticeReppucci, N. Dickson, Barbara Oudekerk, Lucy Guarnera, Alison Nagel, Cristina Reitz-Krueger, Tammi Walker, and Todd Warner. 2013. A Review of the Findings from Project D.A.T.E.: Risky Relationships and Teen Dating Violence Among At-Risk Adolescents. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, Department of Psychology.
Project READSJuvenile JusticeGuryan, Jonathan, James S. Kim, and David M. Quinn. 2014. Does Reading During the Summer Build Reading Skills? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in 463 Classrooms (NBER Working Paper No. 20689). Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Project Rio (Texas)Corrections

Finn, Peter. 1998. Texas Project RIO, Reintegration of Offenders. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

West, John Marcus. 2007. Training Offenders for Life and Work: An Assessment of Texas' Project RIO (Reintegration of Offenders). San Marcos, TX.: Texas State University-San Marcos, Political Science Department.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (Eastern District of Missouri)Law EnforcementDecker, S. H., B. M. Huebner, A. Watkins, L. Green, T. Bynum, and E.F. McGarrell. 2007. Eastern District of Missouri: Case Study 7. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Project Safe Neighborhoods (Massachusetts)Law EnforcementMcDevitt, J., A. A. Braga, S. Cronin, E.F. McGarrell, and T. Bynum. 2007. Lowell, District of Massachusetts: Case Study 6. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Project Safe Neighborhoods Youth Initiative (Connecticut)Juvenile JusticeJeffries, Sara R., David L. Myers, Jonathan Allen Kringen, and Ron Schack. 2019. “Evaluating Project Safe Neighborhoods in Connecticut: A Youth Opportunity Initiative.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 21:325–45.
Project START (Reentry Program)CorrectionsWolitski, Richard J., and the Project START Writing Group, for the Project START Study Group. 2006. "Relative Efficacy of a Multi-session Sexual Risk-Reduction Intervention for Young Men Released from Prisons in 4 States." American Journal of Public Health 96(10):1854-61.
Project STOP (Queensland and Victoria, Australia)Law EnforcementWebster, Julianne. 2015. “Effective Third-Party Policing Partnerships or Missed Opportunities?” Policing and Society 25(1):97–114.
Project SUPPORTJuvenile JusticeUnruh, Deanne K., Jeff M. Gau, and Miriam G. Waintrup. 2009. “An Exploration of Factors Reducing Recidivism Rates of Formerly Incarcerated Youth with Disabilities Participating in a Re-Entry Intervention.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 18:284–93.
Prolific and Other Priority Offender (PPO) ProgrammeCrime Prevention

Hopkins, Matt, and Julia Wickson. 2012. "Targeting Prolific and Other Priority Offenders and Promoting Pathways to Desistance: Some Reflections on the PPO Programme Using a Theory of Change Framework." Criminology & Criminal Justice 13(5):594-614.

Dawson, Paul. 2005. Early Findings from the Prolific and Other Priority Offenders Evaluation. Home Office Development and Practice Report. London, England: Home Office.

Promoting Prevention (Swansea, Wales)Juvenile Justice

Haines, Kevin, and Stephen Case. 2005. "Promoting Prevention: Targeting Family-Based Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use and Youth Offending in Swansea." British Journal of Social Work 35:169-87.

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Proposition 36 (Orange County, Calif.)CorrectionsGardiner, Christine. 2011. "Implementing a Diversion-to-Treatment Law in California: Orange County's Experience." Federal Probation 75(3).
Prostitution-Focused Diversion ProgramCorrectionsRoe-Sepowitz, Dominique E., Kristine Hickle, Marth Loubert, and Tom Egan. 2011. "Adult Prostitution Recidivism: Risk Factors and Impact of Diversion Program." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 50:272-85.
Provincial Play-Based Preschool Curriculum (Quebec, Canada)Juvenile JusticeVuattoux, Delphine, Christa Japel, Eric Dion, and Véronique Dupéré. 2014. "Targeting the Specific Vocabulary Needs of At-Risk Preschoolers: A Randomized Study of the Effectiveness of an Educator-Implemented Intervention." Journal of Prevention Science 15:156-64.
Psycho-Educational Component of EQUIP ProgramCorrectionsLiau, Albert K., Randy Shively, Mary Horn, Jennifer Landau, Alvaro Barrida, and John C. Gibbs. 2004. “Effects of Psychoeducation for Offenders in a Community Correctional Facility.” Journal of Community Psychology 32(5):543–58.
Psychoeducative Community Based Intervention (CBI)Juvenile JusticePernebo, Karin, Mats Fridell, and Kjerstin Almqvist. 2019. “Reduced Psychiatric Symptoms at 6 and 12 Months’ Follow-Up of Psychotherapeutic and Psychoeducative Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence.” Child Abuse & Neglect 93:228–38.
Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP)Juvenile JusticeMcPherson, Kerri E., Matthew R. Sanders, Birgit Schroeter, Victoria Troy, and Kirsty Wiseman. 2016. “Acceptability and Feasibility of Peer Assisted Supervision and Support for Intervention Practitioners: A Q-Methodology Evaluation.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(3):720–32.
Psychotherapeutic and Psychoeducative Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (Sweden)Juvenile JusticePernebo, Karin, Mats Fridell, and. Kjerstin Almqvist. 2018. “Outcomes of Psychotherapeutic and Psychoeducative Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence.” Child Abuse & Neglect 79:213–23.
Pullman (WA) Safety Camera InitiativeLaw EnforcementCork, Jerald W., Michael J. Gaffney, Zachary R. Hays, Gary L. Jenkins, David A. Makin, and Elysia D. Spencer. 2014. The City of Pullman Safety Camera Initiative: Resolving Neighborhood Disorder Through Innovative Technology and Community Collaboration. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Put Families First (Washington, D.C.)Juvenile JusticeMarkman, Joshua, Akiva Liberman, and Jocelyn Fontaine. 2011. Implementation Evaluation of the District of Columbia Put Families First Program. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.
QUEST FuturesJuvenile JusticeHenry, Kelli. 2012. Mental Health Services for Justice Involved Youth: A Process and Outcome Evaluation of QUEST Futures. New York, NY: Center for Court Innovation.
Quetiapine Treatment for Cannabis DependenceDrugsMariani, John J., Martina Pavlicova, Agnieszka K. Mamczur, Adam Bisaga, Edward V. Nunes, and Frances R. Levin. 2014. “Open-Label Pilot Study of Quetiapine Treatment for Cannabis Dependence.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 40(4):280–84.
R-Model Crisis Intervention De-Escalation Training for Law Enforcement (Minnesota)Law EnforcementPeterson, Jillian, James Densley, and Gina Erickson. 2019. “Evaluation of ‘the R-Model’ Crisis Intervention De-Escalation Training for Law Enforcement.” Police Journal: Theory, Practice, and Principles.
Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID)CorrectionsHalberstadt, Robin L., and Nancy G. La Vigne. 2011. "Evaluating the Use of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Technology to Prevent and Investigate Sexual Assaults in a Correctional Setting." The Prison Journal 91(2):227-49.
Raising a Thinking ChildJuvenile Justice

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Rapport and Strengths-Based Approach to Engage Families in TreatmentJuvenile JusticeYoder, Jamie, and Donna Ruch. 2015. “Youth Who Have Sexually Offended: Using Strengths and Rapport to Engage Families in Treatment.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(9):2521–2531.
RATAC (the CornerHouse Forensic Interview Protocol)Juvenile JusticeAnderson, Jennifer, Julie Ellefson, Jodi Lashley, Anne Miller, Sara Olinger, Amy Russell, Julie Stauffer, and Judy Weigman. 2010. The Cornerhouse Forensic Interview Protocol: RATAC. Minneapolis, MN.: CornerHouse.
Reading FirstJuvenile JusticeJacob, R., M. A. Somers, P. Zhu, and H. Bloom. 2016. “The Validity of the Comparative Interrupted Time Series Design for Evaluating the Effect of School-Level Interventions.” Evaluation Review 40(3):167–98.

Bauldry, Shawn, and Wendy McClanahan. 2008. Ready4Work: Final Research Report. Washington, D.C.: Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

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Farley, Chelsea, and Sandra Hackman. 2006. Ready4Work In Brief, Interim Outcomes Are In: Recidivism at Half the National Average. Philadelphia, PA.: Public/Private Ventures.

Good, Joshua, and Pamela Sherrid. 2005. When the Gates Open, A National Response to the Reentry Crisis. Philadelphia, PA.: Public/Private Ventures.

Jucovy, Linda. 2006. Just Out, early Lessons from the Ready4Work Prisoner Reentry Initiative. Philadelphia, PA.: Public/Private Ventures.

Realignment in CaliforniaCorrectionsBird, Mia, and Ryken Grattet. 2017. Evaluating the Effects of Realignment Practices on Recidivism Outcomes. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Rebound Facilities (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeCoskun, Begüm, Mitch van Geel, and Paul Vedder. 2015. “Exclusionary Practices in Secondary Schools in the Netherlands: A Comparison Between Students Sent to Out-of-School Facilities and Their Non-Referred Peers.” Youth & Society 47(5):615–33.
Reclaiming Our SpiritsVictimsVarcoe, Colleen, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Annette J. Browne, Nancy Perrin, Vicky Bungay, Holly McKenzie, Victoria Smye, Roberta Price, Jane Inyallie, Koushambhi Khan, and Madeline Dion Stout. 2019. “The Efficacy of a Health Promotion Intervention for Indigenous Women: Reclaiming Our Spirits.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Red Flag Green Flag People (RFGFP) ProgramJuvenile JusticeWood, McKenzie, and Carol A. Archbold. 2015. “Bad Touches, Getting Away, and Never Keeping Secrets: Assessing Student Knowledge Retention of the ‘Red Flag Green Flag People’ Program.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(17):2999–3021.
Redeploy IllinoisJuvenile Justice

Armstrong, Gaylene S., Todd A. Armstrong, Vince J. Webb, and Cassandra A. Atkin. 2011. "Can Financial Incentives Reduce Juvenile Confinement Levels? An Evaluation of the Redeploy Illinois Program." Journal of Criminal Justice 39:183-91.

Kethineni, Sesha. 2012. "Redeploy Illinois Program: The Impact on Juveniles, Families, and the Juvenile Justice System." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 63(2):39-52.

Reducing Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Limits for Motor Vehicle Operation (Pennsylvania)Crime PreventionChamlin, Mitchell B., and Beth A. Sanders. 2018. “Social Policy and Crash Fatalities: A Multivariate Time Series Analysis.” Journal of Crime and Justice 41(3):322–33.
Reducing Recidivism Through Holistic Healing ProgramJuvenile JusticeWoodson, Kamilah M., Courtney Hives, and Kathy Sanders-Phillips. 2010. "Violence Exposure and Health-Related Risks Among African American Adolescent Female Detainees: A Strategy for Reducing Recidivism." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 49:571-94
Reducing Repeat Victimization with MARACs (Cardiff, Wales)Victims

Robinson, Amanda L., and Jasmin Tregida. 2007. "The Perceptions of High-Rise Victims of Domestic Violence to a Coordinated Community Response in Cardiff, Wales." Violence Against Women 13(11):1130-48.

Robinson, Amanda L. 2006. "Reducing Repeat Victimization Among High-Risk Victims of Domestic Violence: The Benefits Of A Community Response in Cardiff, Wales." Violence Against Women 12(8):761-88.

Reduction of Car Theft (Basingstoke, England)Crime PreventionLaycock, Gloria, and Claire Austin. 1992. "Crime Prevention in Parking Facilities." Security Journal 3(3):154-60.
Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) ProgramJuvenile JusticeEngland Will, Kelli, and Cynthia Shier Sabo. 2008. "Targeting Underage Drinking and Driving in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts: The Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 59(2):39-49.
Reintegrative Shaming in Mental Health CourtCourtsDollar, Cindy Brooks, and Bradley Ray. 2015. “The Practice of Reintegrative Shaming in Mental Health Court.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(1):29–44.
Relapse Prevention Therapy for Heroin-Dependent Individuals (China)DrugsMin, Zhao, Li Xu, Hanhui Chen, Xu Ding, Zhang Yi, and Zhang Mingyuang. 2011. “A Pilot Assessment of Relapse Prevention for Heroin Addicts in a Chinese Rehabilitation Center.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 37:141–47.
RELATE Program for TeensJuvenile JusticeStern, R., and J.T. Repa. 2000. A Study of the Efficacy of Computerized Skill Building for Adolescents: Reducing Aggression and Increasing Pro-Social Behavior. Report No. IR020414. New York, N.Y.: New York City Board of Education.
Release the Fear (RTF) Bridging Possibilities through Character Education WorkshopJuvenile JusticeAlatorre, Francisco, and Leslie Chilton. 2013. Discover U: Summer 2013, Release the Fear. Phoenix, AZ: Release the Fear, Inc.
Removing Guns From Batterers (Calif.)Crime PreventionVittes, Katherine A., Daniel W. Webster, Shannon Frattaroli, Barbara E. Claire, and Garen J. Wintemute. 2013. "Removing Guns from Batterers: Findings From A Pilot Study Of Domestic Violence Restraining Order Recipients In California." Violence Against Women 19(5):606-16.
Reno (Nevada) Smart Policing InitiativeLaw EnforcementBarthe, Emmanuel, Mac Venzon, Stacy Ward, and Michael D. White. 2013. “Reno, Nevada Smart Policing Initiative: Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Research-Informed Intervention (Glasgow, Scotland)Crime PreventionDeuchar, Ross, Johanne Miller, and Mark Barrow. 2015. “Breaking Down Barriers with the Usual Suspects: Findings from a Research-Informed Intervention With Police, Young People and Residents in the West of Scotland.” Youth Justice 15(1):57–75.
Residential Therapeutic Community for AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeJainchill, Nancy, Josephine Hawke, George De Leon, and John Yagelka. 2000. "Adolescents in Therapeutic Communities: One-Year Post-treatment Outcomes." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 32(1):81-94.
Resilience Training Focused on Adolescents with a Dual IdentityJuvenile JusticeFeddes, Allard R., Liesbeth Mann, and Bertjan Doosje. 2015. “Increasing Self-Esteem and Empathy to Prevent Violent Radicalization: A Longitudinal Quantitative Evaluation of Resilience Training Focused on Adolescents with a Dual Identity.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45(7):400–41.
Respect and Responsibility: Australian Football League Bystander Intervention ProgramCrime PreventionCorboz, Julienne, Michael Flood, and Sue Dyson. 2016. “Challenges of Bystander Intervention in Male-Dominated Professional Sport: Lessons From the Australian Football League.” Violence Against Women 22(3):324–43.
Responsible Choices for Men (RCM)CorrectionsTutty, Leslie M., Robbie Babins-Wagner, and Michael A. Rothery. 2019. “The Responsible Choices for Men IPV Offender Program: Outcomes and a Comparison of Court-Mandated to Non-Court-Mandated Men.” Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.
Responsible, Engaged, and Loving (REAL) Fathers Initiative (Uganda)VictimsAshburn, Kim, Brad Kerner, Dickens Ojamuge, and Rebeccka Lundgren. 2017. “Evaluation of the Responsible, Engaged, and Loving (REAL) Fathers Initiative on Physical Child Punishment and Intimate Partner Violence in Northern Uganda.” Prevention Sciences 18:854–64.
Restorative Justice in Schools (Multi-site)Juvenile JusticePayne, Allison Ann, and Kelly Welch. 2015. “Restorative Justice in Schools: The Influence of Race on Restorative Discipline.” Youth & Society 47(4):539–64.
Restorative Justice Principles in a Teen Court (IL)Juvenile JusticeLaundra, Kenneth, Keyria Rodgers, and Heidi Zapp. 2013. "Transforming Teens: Measuring the Effects of Restorative Justice Principles in a Teen Court Setting." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 64(4):21-34.
RESTORE ProgramCrime PreventionKoss, Mary P. 2014. “The RESTORE Program of Restorative Justice for Sex Crimes: Vision, Process, and Outcomes.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(9):1623–1660.
Restrictive Status Housing Program (RSHP)CorrectionsMeyers, Travis J., Arynn Infante, and Kevin A. Wright. 2018. “Addressing Serious Violent Misconduct in Prison: Examining an Alternative Form of Restrictive Housing.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. doi: 0306624X18778451
Rhode Island Residential Substanvce Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT)CorrectionsLove, Craig T. 2001. Process Evaluation of the Rhode Island Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT): The Operations of a Minimum-Security Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program—Final Report. Providence, R.I.: Brown University. NIJ Sponsored.
Riding the Rapids: Living with Autism or Disability (UK)Juvenile JusticeTodd, Samantha, Jo Bromley, Korina Ioannou, James Harrison, Christine Mellor, Eric Taylor, and Elizabeth Crabtree. 2010. “Using Group-Based Parent Training Interventions with Parents of Children With Disabilities: A Description of Process, Content, and Outcomes in Clinical Practice.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(3):171–75.
Risk And Needs Triage (RANT)CorrectionsMarlowe, Douglas B., David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Anne Caron, Marcy R. Podkopacz, and Nicolle T. Clements. 2011. "Targeting Dispositions for Drug-Involved Offenders: A Field Trial of the Risk and Needs Triage (RANT)." Journal of Criminal Justice 39:253-60.
Risk-Needs-Responsivity-Based Family Violence Program for Male OffendersCorrectionsStewart, Lynn A., Natalie Gabora, P. Kropp, and Zina Lee. 2014. "Effectiveness of Risk-Needs-Responsivity-Based Family Violence Programs with Male Offenders." Journal of Family Violence 29:151-64.
Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) Juvenile Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticeWylie, Lindsey E., Samantha S. Clinkinbeard, and Anne Hobbs. 2019. “The Application of Risk-Needs Programming in Juvenile Diversion Program.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 46(8):1128–1147.
Roca's Intervention ModelCorrections

Pierce, Barbara A. 2009. Roca's High Risk Youth Intervention Model: Initial Implementation Evaluation Report. Boston, Mass.: Crime and Justice Institute at Community Resources for Justice.

Elkins, Lili. 2013. "Supporting At-Risk Youth: A Provider's Perspective on Pay for Success." Community Development Investment Review 9(1):127-30.

Pierce Parker, Barbara A. 2011. From Good Intentions to Strategic Interventions. Boston, Mass.: Crime and Justice Institute at Community Resources for Justice.

Pierce, Barbara A. and Bechtel, Kristin. 2011. Why Evaluate Roca's Intervention Model? Boston, Mass.: Crime and Justice Institute at Community Resources for Justice.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Alternative Dispute ResolutionLaw EnforcementDeukmedjian, John Edward. 2003. "Reshaping Organizational Subjectivities in Canada's National Police Force: The Development of RCMP Alternative Dispute Resolution." Policing and Society 13(4):331-48.
Runaway Intervention ProgramVictims

Edinburgh, Laurel D., and Elizabeth M. Saewyc. 2009. "A Novel, Intensive Home-Visiting Intervention for Runaway, Sexually Exploited Girls." Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 14(1):41-48.

Saewyc , Elizabeth M., and Laurel D. Edinburgh. 2010. "Restoring Healthy Development Trajectories for Sexually Exploited Young Runaway Girls: Fostering Protective Factors and Reducing Risk Behaviors." Journal of Adolescent Health:180-88.

Safe Homes and Respect for Everyone (SHARE) ProjectVictimsWagman, Jennifer A., Fredinah Namatovu, Fred Nalugoda, Deus Kiwanuka, Gertrude Nakigozi, Ron Gray, Maria J. Wawer, and David Serwadda. 2012. "A Public Health Approach to Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Uganda: The SHARE Project." Violence Against Women 18(12):1390-1412.
Safe Passage (Chicago)Crime PreventionChris Curran, F. 2018. “Does the Chicago Safe Passage Program Reduce Reported Crime Around Elementary Schools? Evidence From Longitudinal, Geocoded Crime Data.” Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Safe Schools/Healthy StudentsJuvenile JusticeDerzon, James, Ping Yu, Bruce Ellis, Sharon Xiong, Carmen Arroyo, Gary Hill, and Julia Rollison. N/d. A National Evaluation of Safe Schools/Healthy Students: Outcomes and Influences. Arlington, VA: Battelle Memorial Institute, Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation.
Safer Communities (Bosnia-Herzegovina)Law Enforcement

Blaustein, Jarrett. 2014. “The Space Between: Negotiating the Contours of Nodal Security Governance Through ‘Safer Communities’ in Bosnia–Herzegovina.” Policing and Society 24(1):44–62.

Blaustein, Jarrett. 2016. “Community Policing From the ‘Bottom-up’ in Sarajevo Canton.” Policing and Society 26(3):249–69.

Safer Homes (England)Law EnforcementWarren, Jeremy, Elaine Hogard, and Roger Ellis. 2007. "'Safer Homes': An Evaluation of a Reorganization to Deal with Domestic Burglary Within a UK Police Force." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 9(3):167-78.
Safer Towns and Cities Housebreaking Reduction Project (Australia)Crime PreventionTaplin, S., W. Fletcher, and D. Mckenzie. 2011. Safer Towns and Cities Housebreaking Reduction Project, Evaluation Report. Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Attorney General's Department, Crime Prevention Division.
Salt Lake City (Utah) Police Department Crisis Intervention TeamLaw EnforcementSalt Lake City Police Department Crisis Intervention Team. 2010. Salt Lake City Police Department Crisis Intervention Team Field Evaluation: Brief Report. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bach Harrison L.L.C.
Salt Lake Peer CourtJuvenile JusticeCrisler, Lane. 2013. “Recidivism within Salt Lake Peer Court: A Program Evaluation of Salt Lake Peer Court based on Recidivism Analysis between Salt Lake Peer Court and the Juvenile Division of Salt Lake City Justice Courts” (master’s thesis).
Salvation Army Harbor Light Residential Substance Abuse Treatment FacilityCorrectionsDaughters, Stacey B., C.W. Lejuez, Marina A. Bornovalova, Christopher W. Kahler, David R. Strong, and Richard A. Brown. 2005. “Distress Tolerance as a Predictor of Early Treatment Dropout in a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility.” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 114(4):729–34.
Salvation Army's First Choice Program (Fort Worth, Texas)DrugsKnight, Danica K., Sarah M. Logan, and D. Dwayne Simpson. 2001. “Predictors of Program Completion for Women in Residential Substance Abuse Treatment.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 27(1):1–18.
San Diego (Calif.) Forfeiture OrdinanceCrime PreventionWorrall, John l., and Stephen Tibbetts. 2006. "Explaining San Diego's Decline in Illegal Street-Racing Casualties." Justice Quarterly 23(4):530-44.
San Francisco (Calif.) Dependency Drug CourtCourtsDavis Y. Ja & Associates. 2012. Dependency Drug Court: Evaluation Report. San Francisco, Calif.: Davis Y. Ja & Associates.
San Joes Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force (MGPTF)Crime PreventionResource Development Associates. 2017. Evaluation of San Jose’s Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Santa Clara County's (Calif.) Parolee Reentry CourtCourtsKorber, Dorothy. 2011. ‘A Courtroom Unlike Any Other.’ Santa Clara County’s Parolee Reentry Court is a Case Study in Reducing Prison Recidivism. Sacramento, CA: California Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes.
SASA! StudyVictimsFrancisco, Leilani, Tanya Abramsky, Ligia Kiss, Lori Michau, Tina Musuya, Deanna Kerrigan, Dan Kaye, and Charlotte Watts. 2013. “Violence Against Women and HIV Risk Behaviors in Kampala, Uganda: Baseline Findings From The SASA! Study.” Violence Against Women 19(7):814–32.
Saving Lives, Inspiring Youth (SLIY)Juvenile JusticeRichards, Maryse, Katherine Tyson McCrea, Catherine Rice Dusing, Cara DiClemente, Kyle Deane, and Dakari Quimby. 2017. Interim Report for the Evaluation of a Cross-Age Peer Mentoring Program for Youth in High Violence Chicago Communities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Schenectady Public Surveillance ProjectCrime PreventionMcLean, Sarah J., Robert E. Worden, and MoonSun Kim. 2013. “Here’s Looking at You: An Evaluation of Public CCTV Cameras and Their Effects on Crime and Disorder.” Criminal Justice Review 38(3):303–34.
School-based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program in TaiwanVictimsChen, Yi-Chuen, Beverly L. Fortson, and Kai-Wen Tseng. 2012. "Pilot Evaluation of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program for Taiwanese Children." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 21:621-45.
School-Based Law Enforcement Officers (Texas)Juvenile JusticeMcKenna, Joseph M., Kathy Martinez-Prather, and Scott W. Bowman. 2016. “The Roles of School-Based Law Enforcement Officers and How These Roles Are Established: A Qualitative Study.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(4):420–43.
School-based Restorative Justice (West Oakland, Calif.)Juvenile JusticeSumner, Michael D., Carol J. Silverman, and Mary Louise Frampton. 2011. School-Based Restorative Justice as an Alternative to Zero-Tolerance Policies: Lessons from West Oakland. Berkeley, CA.: Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice.
School Emphasis Officer (SEO) Program (Seattle)Juvenile JusticeGill, C., D. Gottfredson, and K. Hutzell. 2016. “Can School Policing Be Trauma-Informed? Lessons from Seattle.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 39(3):551–65.
School House Adjustment Program Enterprise (SHAPE)Juvenile Justice

Pitts, Wayne J., and Kaelyn Branch. 2009. School House Adjustment Program Enterprise: 2008-2009 Evaluation Report. Memphis, TN.: University of Memphis, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy.

Pitts, Wayne J. 2010. School House Adjustment Program Enterprise: 2009-2010 Evaluation Report. Memphis, TN.: University of Memphis, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy.

School Pathways Project/”Teske” ModelJuvenile JusticeNational Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 2015. Report on the Evaluation of Judicially Led Responses to Eliminate School Pathways to the Juvenile Justice System. Reno, Nev.: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
School Resource Officer Program (SROP)Juvenile JusticeCarroll, John, Efraim Ben-Zadok, and Clifford McCue. 2010. “Evaluation of Efficiency in Crime Control and Crime Prevention Programs.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 35:219–35.
School Support Intervention Program (Kenya)Juvenile JusticeCho, Huyunsan, Renee Catherine Ryberg, Karam Hwang, Lisa D. Pearce, and Bonita Iritani. 2017. “A School Support Intervention and Education Outcomes Among Orphaned Adolescents: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya.” Prevention Science 18:943–54.
Screening for PTSD Among Incarcerated MenCorrectionsWolff, Nancy, Gregory McHugo, Jing Shi, Jessica Huening, and B. Christopher Frueh. 2015. “Screening For PTSD Among Incarcerated Men: A Comparative Analysis of Computer-Administered and Orally Administered Modalities.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 42(2):219–36.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) (New York City)DrugsYu, Jiang, Phil Appel, Meighan Rogers, Susan Blank, Carrie Davis, Barbara Warren, Anthony Freeman, Brett Harris, and Shazia Hussain. 2016. “Integrating Intervention for Substance Use Disorder in a Healthcare Setting: Practice and Outcomes in New York City STD Clinics.” The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 42(1):32–38.
Second Chance Act Adult Reentry CourtsCourtsLindquist, Christine, Jennifer Hardison Walters, Michael Rempel, and Shannon M. Carey. 2013. The National Institute of Justice’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts: Program Characteristics and Preliminary Themes from Year 1.
Second Chance Juvenile Reentry Program (Oakland, Calif.)Juvenile JusticeJain, S., A. K. Cohen, P. Jagannathan, Y. Leung, H. Bassey, and S. Bedford. 2018. “Evaluating the Implementation of a Collaborative Juvenile Reentry System in Oakland, California.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. doi: 0306624X18755480
Secondary Prevention of Intimate Partner ViolenceVictimsMcFarlane, J. M., J. Y. Groff, J. A. O’Brien, and K. Watson. 2005. “Secondary Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Nursing Research 55(1):52–61.
Security Officer Training (Cairns, Australia)Crime PreventionHayes-Jonkers, Charmaine S., Shane Pointing, and Alan R. Clough. 2011. “A Letter from Australia: Addressing Deficits in Venue Security Officer Training in Cairns.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13(3):218–27.
Seeking Safety (SS) and Setraline for PTSD and Alcohol UseDrugs

Hien, Denise A., Lesia M. Ruglass, Teresa Lopez-Castro, Mei-Chen Hu, Abigail Herron, Frances R. Levin, Santiago Papini, and Lisa R. Cohen. 2015. “Combining Seeking Safety With Sertraline for PTSD and Alcohol Use Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(2):359–69.

Hien, Denise A., Elizabeth A. Wells, Huiping Jiang, Lourdes Suarez-Morales, Aimee N.C. Campbell, Lisa R. Cohen, Gloria M. Miele, Therese Killen, Gregory S. Brigham, Yulei Zhang, Cheri Hansen, Candance Hodgkins, Mary Hatch-Maillette, Chanda Brown, Agatha Kulaga, Allison Kristman-Valente, Melissa Chu, Robert Sage, James A. Robinson, David Lui, and Edward V. Nunes. 2009. “Multi-site Randomized Trial of Behavioral Interventions for Women With Co-Occurring PTSD and Substance Use Disorders.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77(4):607–19.

Self-Determined Learning Model of InstructionJuvenile JusticeKelly, John R., and Karrie A. Shogren. 2014. “The Impact of Teaching Self-Determination Skills on the On-Task and Off-Task Behaviors of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 22(1):27–40.
Self-Management Support Intervention for Parents of Children with Developmental DisordersJuvenile JusticeMartin, Faith, Wendy Clyne, Gemma Pearce, and Andy Turner. 2019. “Self-Management Support Intervention for Parents of Children With Developmental Disorders: The Role of Gratitude and Hope.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28:980–92.
Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)Law EnforcementSproat, Peter A. 2011. "The Serious and Organised Crime Agency and the National Crime Squad: A Comparison of Their Output From Open Source Materials." Policing and Society 21(3):343-51.
Service and Medication Use Among Children with Emotional Disturbances (Florida)Juvenile JusticeConstantine, Robert J., John Robst, Ross Andel, Mary Elizabeth Jones, Marie A. McPherson, and Eugena M. Givens. 2014. “Service and Medication Use and Their Effects on Arrest Rates Among Children with Emotional Disturbances Before Disenrollment from Medicaid.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(4):641–51.
Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human TraffickingVictimsGibbs, Deborah, Jennifer L. Hardison Walters, Alexandra Lutnick, Shari Miller, and Marianne Kluckman. 2014. Evaluation of Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: RTI International.
Set of Criteria to Help Caseworkers in Substantiation Decisions (Spain)Juvenile JusticeArruabarrena, Ignacia, and Joaquin De Paul. 2012. “Improving Accuracy and Consistency in Child Maltreatment Severity Assessment in Child Protection Services in Spain: New Set of Criteria to Help Caseworkers in Substantiation Decisions.” Children and Youth Services Review 34:666–74.
Sex Offender Community Notification Decisions (Washington State)CorrectionsShaffer, Deborah Koetzle, and Terance D. Miethe. 2011. “Are Similar Sex Offenders Treated Similarly? A Conjunctive Analysis of Disparities in Community Notification Decisions.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 48(3):448–71.
Sex Offender Community Notification (Racine, Wis.)Corrections

Zevitz, Richard G. 2003. "Sex Offender Community Notification and Its Impact on Neighborhood Life." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 5: 41-61.

Zevitz, Richard G. 2006. "Sex Offender Community Notification: Its Role in Recidivism and Offender Reintegration." Criminal Justice Studies 19(2):193-208.

Zevitz, Richard G. 2004. "Sex Offender Placement and Neighborhood Social Integration: The Making of a Scarlet Letter Community." Criminal Justice Studies 17(2):203-22.

Sex Offender Registration and Notification (Nebraska)Correctionsten Bensel, T., and L. L. Sample. 2017. “The Influence of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws on Fostering Collective Identity Among Offenders.” Journal of Crime and Justice 40(4): 497–511.
Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) (Pennsylvania)Juvenile JusticeHenderson, Jaime S. 2015. “Estimating the Impacts of SORNA in Pennsylvania: The Potential Consequences of Including Juveniles.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Sex Offender Registry for Females (IL and Texas)CorrectionsVandiver, Donna M., Kelly Cheeseman Dial, and Robert M. Worley. 2008. "A Qualitative Assessment of Registered Female Sex Offenders: Judicial Processing Experiences and Perceived Effects of a Public Registry." Criminal Justice Review 33(2):177-98.
Sex Offender Residency Restrictions (N.C.)CorrectionsPage, Amy Dellinger, Julie Sprinkle Hill and Griff Gilbert. 2012. "North Carolina Sexual Offender Legislation: Policy Placebo?" Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51:115-34.
Sex Offender Risk to Reoffend Score (Baltimore, MD)Corrections

Lathwell, Bret J., Ben Luzynski, and Adam Kirhagis. 2016. ROMI Analytics and Watch Systems: Predictive Policing Analytics as Possible Enhancement to Sex Offender Management. Irving, TX: ROMI Analytics.

Lathwell, Bret J., Ben Luzynski, and Adam Kirhagis. 2016. ROMI Analytics, OffenderWatch, and the Baltimore PD: Model Validation. Irving, TX: ROMI Analytics.

Sex Offender Treatment at Kia Marama Special Treatment Unit (Rolleston, New Zealand)Crime PreventionBeggs, Sarah M., and Randolph C. Grace. 2011. "Treatment Gain for Sexual Offenders Against Children Predicts Reduced Recidivism: A Comparative Validity Study." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79(2): 182-92.
Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS)CorrectionsMiner, Michael H., Beatrice “Bean” E. Robinson, Nicholas Newstrom, and Cathy Strobel-Ayres. 2018. Evaluation of the Implementation of Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Sex Offender Treatment Program (Illinois Youth Center at Harrisburg)Juvenile Justice

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. 2001. "Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Program Provides Residential, Aftercare Services." On Good Authority 4(9).

Smith, Cindy J., Barbara Hayler,, Kimberly S. Craig. 2000. The Illinois Department of Corrections Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Program: The Final Report of the Program Evaluation. Springfield, Ill.: University of Illinois at Springfield, Center for Legal Studies.

Hyman, Lee. 2007. "Juvenile Sexual Offenders: An Analytical View of Effective Programming." Justice Policy Journal 4(2).

Sexual Assault Prevention EducationCrime PreventionJozkowski, Kristen N. 2015. “Beyond the Dyad: An Assessment of Sexual Assault Prevention Education Focused on Social Determinants of Sexual Assault Among College Students.” Violence Against Women 21(7):848–74.
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs)Crime Prevention

Greeson, Megan R., and Rebecca Campbell. 2015. “Coordinated Community Efforts to Respond to Sexual Assault: A National Study of Sexual Assault Response Team Implementation.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(14):2470–2487.

Moylan, Carrie A., Taryn Lindhorst, and Emiko A. Tajima. 2015. “Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs): Mapping a Research Agenda That Incorporates an Organizational Perspective.” Violence Against Women 21(4):516–34.

Moylan, Carrie A., and Taryn Lindhorst. 2015. “‘Catching Flies With Honey’: The Management of Conflict in Sexual Assault Response Teams.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(11):1945–1964.

Sexual Offender Treatment Program (Australia)CorrectionsSchweitzer, Robert, and Jonathan Dwyer. 2003. "Sex Crime Recidivism: Evaluation of a Sexual Offender Treatment Program." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18:1292-1310.
Shanti ProjectVictimsYoshihama, Mieko, Aparna Ramakrishnan, Amy C. Hammock, and Mahmooda Khaliq. 2012. "Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Program in an Asian Immigrant Community: Integrating Theories, Data, and Community." Violence Against Women 18(7):763-83.
Sharper Future InterventionCorrectionsByrne, James M., Donald Rebovich, Arthur Lurigio, Karin Tusinski Miofsky, and Jacob Stowell. 2012. "Implementation and Impact of the Central District of California's Suicide Prevention Program for Federal Sex Crime Defendants." Federal Probation 76(1).
Short-Term Effects of Probation or Parole Agent Relationship Styles on Women OffendersCorrectionsMorash, Merry, Deborah A. Kashy, Sandi W. Smith, and Jennifer E. Cobbina. 2015. “The Effects of Probation or Parole Agent Relationship Style and Women Offenders’ Criminogenic Needs on Offenders’ Responses to Supervision Interactions.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 42(2):412–34.
Silence the ViolenceCorrectionsMapham, Ann, and Kate Hefferson. 2010. "'I Used to Be an Offender-Now I'm a Defender': Positive Psychology Approaches in the Facilitation of Posttraumatic Growth in Offenders." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51:389-413.
Silver AlertsVictimsCarr, Dawn, Glenn W. Muschert, Jennifer Kinney, Emily Robbins, Gina Petonito, Lydia Manning, and J. Scott Brown. 2010. “Silver Alerts and the Problem of Missing Adults with Dementia.” Gerontologist 50(2):149–57.
Simulated Marital Conflicts (N.Y.)VictimsDuggan, Stryker, Mary O'Brien, and Janet Krone Kennedy. 2001. "Young Adults' Immediate and Delayed Reactions to Simulated Marital Conflicts: Implications for Integrated Patterns of Violence in Intimate Relationships." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69(1):13-24.
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate (SWO) Indian Alcohol Substance Abuse Program (IASAP)DrugsJoe, Jennie R., Jenny Chong, Robert Young, Darlene Lopez, The Honorable Judge B.J. Jones, and Gary Gaikowski. 2007. Final Report: Participatory Evaluation of the Sisseton Wahepton Oyate IASAP Demonstration Project. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona, Native American Research and Training Center. NIJ Sponsored.
Sisters Together Achieving Recovery (STAR)CorrectionsWatson, Lanette, Gneva Adkins, Michelle D. Cook, and Paul Stageberg. 2010. Process and Outcome Evaluation of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) Program. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Statistical Analysis Center.
Sit Down and Play (SDP)Juvenile JusticeShah, Reshma, Daniela DeFrino, Yoonsang Kim, and Marc Atkins. 2016. “Sit Down and Play: A Preventive Primary Care-Based Program to Enhance Parenting Practices.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:540–47.
Situational Crime Prevention at Nightclub Entrances (Perth, Western Australia)Crime PreventionCozens, Paul, and Shane Grieve. 2014. “Situational Crime Prevention at Nightclub Entrances in Perth, Western Australia: Exploring Micro-Level Crime Precipitators.” Crime Prevention and Community Safety 16:54–70.
Situational Crime Prevention in Cerritos and Paramount Industrial PartsCrime PreventionPeiser, Richard B., and Alain Chang. 1998. "Situational Crime and Prevention in Cerritos and Paramount Industrial Parts." In M. Felson and R. Peiser (eds.). Reducing Crime Through Real Estate Development and Management. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, p. 137-45.
Situational Crime Prevention in SchoolsJuvenile JusticeO'Neill, Lauren, and Jean Marie McGloin. 2007. "Considering the Efficacy of Situational Crime Prevention in Schools." Journal of Criminal Justice 35:511-23.
Situational Crime Prevention (SCP) Tactics in SchoolsJuvenile JusticeO'Neill, Lauren, and Jean McGloin. 2007. "Considering the Efficacy of Situational Crime Prevention in Schools." Journal of Criminal Justice 35:511-23.
Skills for School SuccessJuvenile JusticeHeydenberk, Roberta A., Warren Heydenberk, and Vera Tzenova. 2006. "Conflict Resolution and Bully Prevention: Skills for School Success." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 24(1):55–69.
Skills, Opportunities, and Recognition (SOAR)Juvenile JusticeLonczak, Heather S., Robert D. Abbott, J. David Hawkins, Rick Kosterman, and Richard Catalano. 2002. "Effects of the Seattle Social Development Project on Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, Birth, and Sexually Transmitted Disease Outcomes by Age 21 Years." Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 156(5):438-47.
Small Business and Crime Initiative (England)Crime Prevention

Tilley, Nick, and Matt Hopkins. 1998. Business as Usual: An Evaluation of the Small Business and Crime Initiative. London, England: Policing and Reducing Crime Unit, Police Research Series.

Bowers, Kate I. 2001. "Small Business Crime: The Evaluation of a Crime Prevention Initiative." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 3:23-42.

Small-Scale Bullying Prevention Discussion Video for ClassroomsJuvenile JusticeMigliaccio, Todd, and Juliana Raskauskas. 2013. "Small-Scale Bullying Prevention Discussion Video for Classrooms: A Preliminary Evaluation." Children & Schools 35(2):71–81.
Sober Living HousesCorrectionsPolcin, Douglas L. 2006. "What About Sober Living Houses for Parolees?" Criminal Justice Studies 19(3):291-300.
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)Juvenile JusticeLendrum, Ann, Neil Humphrey, and Michael Wigelsworth. 2013. "Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) for Secondary Schools: Implementation Difficulties and Their Implications for School-based Mental Health Promotion." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 18(3):158-64.
Social Competence Intervention for Children with Learning DisabilitiesJuvenile JusticeMilligan, Karen, Marjory Phillips, and Ashley S. Morgan. 2016. “Tailoring Social Competence Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(3):856–69.
Social Impact BondsCrime PreventionCallanan, L., J. Law, and L. Mendonca..2012. From Potential to Action: Bringing Social Impact Bonds to the US. Washington, D.C.: McKinsey & Company.
Social Norms Marketing Campaign to Reduce High-Risk Drinking (University of Mississippi)Juvenile JusticeGomberg, Laura, Shari Kessel Schneider, and William DeJong. 2001. "Evaluation of a Social Norms Marketing Campaign to Reduce High-Risk Drinking at the University of Mississippi." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 27(2):375-89.
Social-Business Initiative Programme for At-Risk Youth (Israel)Juvenile JusticeKrumer-Nevo, Michal, Adi Barak, and Meir Teichman. 2007. "Inclusion and Its Implementation: Youth Workers’ Perspectives on an Experimental Social–Business Initiative for ‘At-Risk’ Youth in Israeli Community Centres." Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 2(3):257–60.
South Carolina's Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN)Corrections

Letourneau, Elizabeth J., Jill S. Levenson,Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Kevin S. Armstrong, and Debajyoti Sinha. 2010. "The Effects of Sex Offender Registration and Notification on Judicial Decisions." Criminal Justice Review, 35(3):295-317.

Letourneau, Elizabeth J., Jill S. Levenson, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Debajyoti Sinha, and Kevin S. Armstrong. 2010. "Effects of South Carolina's Sex Offender Registration and Notification Policy on Adult Recidivism." Criminal Justice Policy Review 21:435-58.

Southeastern Mental Health CourtCourtsMoore, Marlee E., and Virginia A. Hiday. 2006. "Mental Health Court Outcomes: A Comparison of Re-Arrest and Re-Arrest Severity Between Mental Health Court and Traditional Court Participants." Law and Human Behavior 30:659-74.
Special Cells (India)VictimsDave, Anjali. 2013. “Strategic Alliance, a Way Forward for Violence Against Women: A Case for the Special Cells, India.” Violence Against Women 19(10):1203–1223.
Specially Trained Officer (STO) (England)Law EnforcementMcMillan, Lesley. 2015. “The Role of the Specially Trained Officer in Rape and Sexual Offence Cases.” Policing and Society 25(6):622–40.
St. Leonard's Ministries' Grace House ProgramCorrections

Cossyleon, Jennifer Elena, and Jessica Reichert. 2015. Women and Reentry: Evaluation of the St. Leonard’s Ministries’ Grace House Program. Chicago: Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Reichert, J. 2015. Evaluation of St. Leonard's Ministries: Case Studies of Former Residents of St. Leonard’s House and Grace House. Chicago: Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

St. Louis (Mo.) Consent to Search ProgramLaw Enforcement

Decker, Scott H., Richard Rosenfeld. 2001. From Problem-Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to Search Program. Rockville, Md.: National Criminal Justice Reference Services.

National Institute of Justice. 2004. Reducing Gun Violence: The St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program, Research Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

St. Louis County (Mo.) Municipal Mental Health CourtCourtsDirks-Linhorst, P. Ann, David Kondrat, Donald M. Linhorst, and Nicole Morani. 2011. "Factors Associated with Mental Health Court Nonparticipation and Negative Termination." Justice Quarterly:1-30.
St. Louis (Mo.) Problem Oriented Policing and Drug Market LocationsLaw EnforcementHope, Timothy J. 1994. Problem-Oriented Policing and Drug-Market Locations: Three Case Studies. Manchester, England: University of Manchester, School of Social Policy.
St. Mary's County (MD) Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeMackin, Juliette R., Lisa Lucas, Callie Lambarth, Mark Waller, Theresa Herrera, Shannon Carey, and Michael Finigan. 2010. “St. Mary’s County Juvenile Drug Court Outcome and Cost Evaluation.” Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) ProgramLaw EnforcementDavis, Lois M., Todd C. Helmus, Priscilla Hunt, Leslie Adrienne Payne, Salar Jahedi, and Flavia Tsang. “Assessment of the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) Program.” Santa Monica: Calif.: Rand.
State Criminal Alien Assistance ProgramLaw EnforcementLilley, David, and Rachel Boba. 2009. "Crime Reduction Outcomes Associated with the State Criminal Alien." Journal of Criminal Justice 37:217-24.
State UCR Policy and Procedures on Bias Crime ReportingLaw EnforcementBarnett-Ryan, Cynthia, and James J. Nolan. 2005. "Impact of State UCR Policy and Procedures on Bias Crime Reporting." Criminal Justice Studies 18(4):305-19.
Stay on TrackJuvenile JusticeOsborne, Deborah M., and David L. Ross. 2006. Stay on Track Program Evaluation. South Daytona, FL: National Center for Prevention and Research Solutions.
Stay'n Out Therapeutic CommunityCorrections

Wexler, Harry K., and Ronald Williams. 1986. "The Stay 'N Out Therapeutic Community: Prison Treatment for Substance Abusers." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 18(3):221-30.

Wexler, Harry K., Gregory P. Falkin, and Douglas S. Lipton. 1990. "Outcome Evaluation of a Prison Therapeutic Community for Substance Abuse Treatment." Criminal Justice and Behavior 17(1):71-92.

Staying Alive ProgrammeDrugsTobin, Karin E., Susan Sherman, Peter Beilenson, Christopher Welsh, and Carl Latkin. 2008. "Evaluation of the Staying Alive Programme: Training Injection Drug Users to Properly Administer Naloxone and Save Lives." International Journal of Drug Policy 20:131–6.
Stepped Care Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (SC-TF-CBT)Juvenile JusticeSalloum, Alison, Victoria R. Swaidan, Angela Claudio Torres, Tanya K. Murphy, and Eric A. Storch. “Parents’ Perception of Stepped Care and Standard Care Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Young Children.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26(1):262–74.
Stop It Now (Media Campaign)VictimsRheinggold, Alyssa A., Carole Campbell, Shannon Self-Brown, Michael de Arellano, Heidi Resnick, and Dean Kilpatrick. 2007. "Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: Evaluation of a Community Media Campaign." Child Maltreatment 12(4):352-63.
STOP Violence Against American Indian Women (VAIW) ProgramVictimsLuna-Firebaugh, Eileen M. 2006. "Violence Against American Indian Women and the Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors Violence Against Indian Women (STOP VAIW) Program." Violence Against Women 12(2):125-36.
Stopping Abuse For Everyone (SAFE)Crime PreventionHendricks, Bryan, Todd Werner, Lee Shipway, Greg J. Turinetti. 2006. "Recidivism Among Spousal Abusers. Predictions and Program Evaluation." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(6):703-716
Stopping Teenage Addiction to TobaccoJuvenile Justice

Jason, Leonard A., Peter Y. Ji, Michael D. Anes, and Scott H. Birkhead. 1991. "Active Enforcement of Cigarette Control Laws in the Prevention of Cigarette Sales to Minors." The Journal of American Medical Association 266(22):3159-61.

Jason, Leonard A., Peter Y. Ji, Michael D. Anes, and Pamela Xaverious. 1992. "Assessing Cigarette Sales Rates to Minors." Evaluation & the Health Professions 15:375-83.

Jason, Leonard A., William Billows, and Daniel Schnopp-Wyatt. 1996. "Reducing the Illegal Sales of Cigarettes to Minors: Analysis of Alternative Enforcement Schedules." Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 29:333-44.

Jason, Leonard A., William Billows, Daniel Schnopp-Wyatt, and Caroline King. 1996. "Long-Term Findings from Woodridge in Reducing Illegal Cigarette Sales to Older Minors." Evaluation & the Health Professions 19:3-13.

Jason, Leonard A., Marjorie Berk, Daniel L. Schnopp-Wyatt, and Bruce Talbot. 1999. "Effects of Enforcement of Youth Access Laws on Smoking Prevalence." American Journal of Community Psychology 27(2):143-59.

Jason, Leonard A., Richard Katz, Jennifer Vavra, Daniel L. Schnopp-Wyatt, and Bruce Talbot. 1999. "Long-Term Follow-Up of Youth Access to Tobacco Laws' Impact on Smoking Prevalence." Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 2(3):1-13.

STORIESJuvenile Justice

Teglasi, Hedwig, and Lee Rothman. 2001. "STORIES: A Classroom-Based Program to Reduce Aggressive Behaviour." Journal of School Psychology 30(1):71–94.

Rahill, Stephanie and Hedwig Teglasi, H. 2003. "Process and Outcomes of Story-Based and Skill-Based Social Competency Programs for Children with Emotional Disabilities." Journal of School Psychology 41:413–29.

Strategic Appraoches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) Project (Memphis, Tenn.)Law Enforcement

Coldren, James R. "Chip," and David Forde. 2010. The Memphis Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiatives (SACSI) Project: A Case Study. Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois at Chicago, Center for Research in Law and Justice, National Assessment Team.

Hartstone, Eliot C., and Dorinda Richetelli. 2005. A Final Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative in New Haven. Farmington, Conn.: Spectrum Associates, Market Research Incorporated.

Strategic Appraoches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) Project (Multisite.)Law EnforcementRoehl, J., D. P. Rosenbaum, S. K. Costello, J. R. Coldren, Jr., A. M. Schuck, L. Kunard, and D. R. Forde. 2006. Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) in 10 U.S. Cities: The Building Blocks for Project Safe Neighborhoods. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Strategies to Stabilize and Integrate Adult Survivors of Human TraffickingVictimsGozdziak, Elzbieta, and Lindsay Lowell. 2016. “After Rescue: Evaluation of Strategies to Stabilize and Integrate Adult Survivors of Human Trafficking to the United States.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Strathclyde Community Intelligence Project (Scotland)Crime PreventionHamilton-Smith, Niall, Simon Mackenzie, Alistair Henry, and Catherine Davidones. 2014. “Community Policing and Reassurance: Three Studies, One Narrative.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 14(2):160–78.
Street Closures and Barricades (Miami Shores, Fla.)Crime PreventionAtlas, Randall, and William LeBlanc. 1994. " The Impact on Crime of Street Closures and Barricades: A Florida Case Study." Security Journal 5(3):140–45.
Street Geocoding for Determining Residential Restriction Zones for Sex OffendersCrime Prevention

Zandbergen, Paul A., and Timothy C. Hart. 2009. "Geocoding Accuracy Considerations in Determining Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders." Criminal Justice Policy Review 20(1):62-90.

Zandbergen, Paul A. 2008. "A Comparison of Address Point, Parcel and Street Geocoding Techniques." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32:214-32.

Street Lighting (England)Crime PreventionCozens, Paul M., Richard H. Neale, Jeremy Whitaker, David Hillier, and Max Graham. 2003. "A Critical Review of Street Lighting, Crime and Fear of Crime in the British City." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 5:7-24.
Strength at HomeCorrectionsTaft, Casey T., Alexandra Macdonald, Candice Monson, Sherry Walling, Patricia Resick, and Christopher Murphy. 2013. "Strength at Home Group Intervention for Military Populations Engaging in Intimate Partner Violence: Pilot Findings." Journal of Family Violence 28:225–31.
Strengthening Education in Juvenile Detention Center (SEJDC)Juvenile Justice

Benner, Gregory J., Songtain Zeng, Annie Laurie Armstrong, Cathrin Anderson, and Erin Carpenter. 2016a. Strengthening Education in Short-Term Juvenile Detention Centers: Final Technical Report. Tacoma: Wash.: University of Washington, Tacoma, Center for Strong Schools.

Benner, Gregory J., Songtain Zeng, Annie Laurie Armstrong, Cathrin Anderson, and Erin Carpenter. 2016b. Strengthening Education in Short-Term Juvenile Detention Centers Manual. Tacoma: Wash.: University of Washington, Tacoma, Center for Strong Schools.

Benner, Gregory J., Annie Laurie Armstrong, Cathrin Anderson, and Songtian Zeng. 2016c. Strengthening Education in Short-Term Juvenile Detention Centers: Quality Assurance Tool (QAT). Tacoma: Wash.: University of Washington, Tacoma, Center for Strong Schools.

Strengthening the Bonds of Chicano Youth and FamiliesJuvenile JusticeVarela, Ralph. 2001. Cultural Competent Prevention Program for At-Risk Chicano Youth. Eloy, Ariz.: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Strengthening Families Program (SFP) for Incarcerated ParentsCorrectionsMiller, Alison L., Jamie Perryman, Lara Markovitz, Susan Franzen, Shirley Cochran, and Shavonnea Brown. 2013. “Strengthening Incarcerated Families: Evaluating a Pilot Program for Children of Incarcerated Parents and Their Caregivers.” Family Relationships 62(4).
Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP) for Fathers Returning from PrisonCorrectionsScott, Mindy E., Kimberly Turner, Heather Wasik, April Wilson, Jenita Parekh, Elizabeth Karberg, and Makedah Johnson. 2017. “An Experimental Evaluation of a Family Strengthening Intervention to Enhance Post-Release Adjustment for Reentering Fathers and Improve Child Well-Being.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Strengthening the Families Programme 10-14 (SFP 10-14) (Middle East and Central America Region)Juvenile JusticeMaalouf, Wadih, and Giovanna Campello. 2014. “The Influence of Family Skills Programmes on Violence Indicators: Experience From a Multi-Site Project of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Low and Middle Income Countries.” Aggression and Violent Behavior (19):616–24.
Strengths-based Offender ReintegrationCorrectionsBurnett, Ros, and Shadd Maruna. 2006. "The Kindness of Prisoners: Strengths-based Resettlement in Theory and in Action." Criminology & Criminal Justice 6(1):83-106.
Stress-Control Program for ChildrenJuvenile JusticeHenderson, Phyllis, Thomas Kelbey, and Katherine Engebretson. 1992. "Effects of a Stress-control Program on Children's Locus of Control, Self-concept, and Coping Behavior." The School Counselor 40:125-30.
Strict School Disciplinary Policies on Personal and Peer DelinquencyJuvenile JusticeZimmerman, Gregory M., and Carter Rees. 2014. “Do School Disciplinary Policies Have Positive Social Impacts? Examining the Attenuating Effects of School Policies on the Relationship Between Personal and Peer Delinquency.” Journal of Criminal Justice 42:54–65.
Structured Interview of Family Assessment Risk (SIFAR) ToolJuvenile JusticeDos Santos, Figueiredo, Jose Diamantino, and Isabel Maria Marques Alberto. 2015. “Developing a Family Risk Assessment Tool in Adolescent Offenders: An Exploratory Study.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 33:103–13.
Student Assistance Program (Va.)Juvenile JusticeHardwicke, Shannon Bragg. 2009. An Analysis of Student Assistance Program Outcomes. Blacksburg, VA.: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Philosophy.
Student Emotional and Educational Development (SEED) ProjectJuvenile JusticeMichael, Kurt D., Melissa W. George, Joni W. Splett, John Paul Jameson, Rafaella Sale, Abby A. Bode, Aidyn L. Iachini, Leslie K. Taylor, and Mark D. Weist. 2016. “Preliminary Outcomes of a Multi-Site, School-Based Modular Intervention for Adolescents Experiencing Mood Difficulties.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:1903–1915.
Students Counter Bullying (Australia)Juvenile JusticePeterson, L., and K. Rigby. 1999. "Countering Bullying at an Australian Secondary School with Students as Helpers." Journal of Adolescence 22(3):481–92.
Students Talking it Over with Police (STOP)Law EnforcementFreiburger, T.L. 2018. “Improving Youths’ Attitudes About the Police: Results From an Experimental Design.” Criminal Justice Review. doi: 0734016818811919
Summer Treatment Program (Chicago, Ill.)Juvenile JusticeFrazier, Stacy L., Anil Chacko, Christine Van Gessel, Caroline O’Boyle, and William E. Pelham. 2012. “The Summer Treatment Program Meets the South Side of Chicago: Bridging Science and Service in Urban After-School Programs.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17(2):86–92.
Summons In Lieu of Arrest PolicyCorrectionsBaumer, Terry L., and Kenneth Adams. 2006. "Controlling a Jail Population by Partially Closing the Front Door: An Evaluation of a "Summons in Lieu of Arrest" Policy." The Prison Journal 86(3):386-402.
Sunnybay Burglary Initiative (England)Crime PreventionMawby, R.I. and C. Jones. 2007. "Attempting to Reduce Hotel Burglary: Implementation Failure in a Multi-Agency Context." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 9:145-66.
Support, Teambuilding, and Referral (STAR) InterventionJuvenile JusticeCavaleri, Mary A., Melanie Perez, Geraldine Burton, Marlene Penn, Nisha Beharie, and Kimberly E. Hoagwood. 2010. “Developing the Support, Teambuilding, and Referral (STAR) Intervention: A Research/Community Partnership.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(1):56–59.
Supporting Kids and Their Environment (SKATE)Juvenile JusticeLewis, Andrew J., Natalie-Mai Holmes, Brittany Watkins, and Donna Mathers. 2015. “Children Impacted by Parental Substance Abuse: An Evaluation of the Supporting Kids and Their Environment Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(8):2398–2406.
Switch-Track (Canyon County, Idaho)Crime PreventionIdaho Statistical Analysis Center. 2012. An Evaluation of a Comprehensive Community Initiative: Switch-Track. Meridian, ID: Idaho State Police, Statistical Analysis Center.
Talent 4 . . .CorrectionsMcGuire-Snieckus, R., and L. Caulfield, L. 2017. “An Evaluation of Talent 4...: A Programme to Identify Talent and Skills for Prisoners, Disadvantaged, Unemployed, and Vulnerable Groups.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(11):3460-3484.
“Talkstory” Intervention for IPV Victims (Hawaii & Philippines)Victims

Shoultz, J., L. Magnussen, N. Kreidman, M.F. Oneha, C. Iannce-Spencer, and R. Hayashi-Simpliciano. 2015. “Engaging Native Hawaiians and Pilipinos in Creating Supportive and Safe Violence-Free Communities for Women Through a Piloted ‘Talkstory’ Intervention: Implications For Program Development.” Evaluation and Program Planning 51:78–84.

De Wit, J., E. Das, and R. Vet. 2008. “What Works Best: Objective Statistics or a Personal Testimonial? An Assessment of the Persuasive Effects of Different Types of Message Evidence on Risk Perception.” Health Psychology 27(1):110–15.

Target Hardening (New Zealand)Law EnforcementCasey, Cathy, Bhavani PaulRaj, Susie Jacka, and Tanya Segessenmann. 2004. Evaluation of the Target Hardening Pilot Programme. New Zealand: Ministry of Justice.
Target Hardening in Northumbria (England)Crime PreventionAllatt, Patricia. 1984. “Residential Security: Containment and Displacement of Burglary.” The Howard Journal 23(2):99–116.
Teach One Reach One (TORO)Juvenile JusticeRitchwood, Tiarney D., Tashuna Albritton, Aletha Y. Akers, Gaurav Dave, Dana Carthron, Adaora A. Adimora, Project GRACE, and Giselle Corbie-Smith. 2015. “The Effect of Teach One Reach One (TORO) on Youth Acceptance of Couple Violence.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(12):3805–3815.
Teen and Police Service (TAPS) AcademyJuvenile JusticeJones, Chenelle A., Everette B. Penn, and Shannon Davenport. 2015. “Social Distance Between Minority Youth and the Police: An Exploratory Analysis of the TAPS Academy.” Journal of Juvenile Justice 4(1):30–46.
Teen Court (Ill.)Juvenile Justice

Rasmussen, Andrew, and Carol I. Diener. 2005. "A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Teen Court's Impact on Offending Youths' Behavior." Juvenile & Family Court Journal:17-32.

Rasmussen, Andrew. 2004. "Little Speculation Teen Court Referral, Sentencing, and Subsequent Recidivism: Two Proportional Hazards Models and a Little Speculation." Crime & Delinquency 50(4):615-35.

Teen Courts (Los Angeles County, Calif.)Juvenile JusticeGase, Lauren N., Tony Kuo, Elaine S. Lai, Michael A. Stoll, and Ninez A. Ponce. 2016. “The Impact of Two Los Angeles County Teen Courts on Youth Recidivism: Comparing Two Informal Probation Programs.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 12:105–26.
Teen Dating Violence Legislation (Texas)Juvenile JusticeJackson, Robin D., Leana A. Bouffard, and Kathleen A. Fox. 2014. “Putting Policy Into Practice: Examining School Districts’ Implementation of Teen Dating Violence Legislation.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 25(4):503–24.
Teens Life ChoicesJuvenile JusticeSheppard, Christopher S., Megan Golonka, and Philip Costanzo. 2012. "Evaluating the Impact of a Substance Use Intervention Program on the Peer Status and Influence of Adolescent Peer Leaders." Prevention Science 13:75–85.
Telephone-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for VeteransCorrectionsMohr, David C., Timothy Carmody, Lauren Erickson, and Ling Jin. 2011. "Telephone-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Veterans Served by Community-Based Outpatient Clinics." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79(2):261-65.
Texas DWI CourtCourtsCavanaugh, Michael R. and Travis W. Franklin. 2012. "Do DWI Courts Work? An Empirical Evaluation of a Texas DWI Court." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51(4):257-74.
Text-to-Speech Software for Incarcerated Adult Literacy EducationCorrectionsMcCulley, Yvette, Catherine Gillespie, and Anne H. Murr. 2014. "Assessing the Effectiveness of Text-to-Speech Software in Incarcerated Adult Literacy Education." The Journal of Correctional Education 65(2):2-19.
TextNowJuvenile JusticeBrooks, Greg, and Roger Tarling. 2012. "Boosting the Reading Levels and Attitudes of Young People who Have Offended: A Review of the Evidence and the Lessons Learnt from an Evaluation of TextNow." Youth Justice 12(3):184-98.
Thailand Anti Trafficking Task ForceVictimsInternational Justice Mission (IJM). 2006. Independent Final Evaluation of the Thailand Sex Trafficking Task Force: Prevention and Placement Program [IJM Cooperative Agreement Number E-9-K-2-0076]. Washington, D.C.: International Justice Mission. U.S. Department of Labor Sponsored.
The ‘Junior-Partner’ Model (Partnership Policing) (South Africa)Law EnforcementDiphoorn, Tessa, and Julie Berg. 2014. “Typologies of Partnership Policing: Case Studies From Urban South Africa.” Policing and Society 24(4):425–42.
The After School Program (Loup City, NE)Juvenile JusticeSherman County Crime Commission Grant. 2011. Loup City After-School Program. Lincoln, Neb.: Schmeekle Research, Inc.
The Child Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Mediation Pilot Project (Mecklenburg County, N.C.)Juvenile JusticeTrosch Jr., Judge Louis A., Linda Thomas Sanders, and Sharon Kugelmass. 2002. "Child Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Mediation Pilot Project." Juvenile & Family Court Journal:67-78.
The Community Partners ProgramCrime Prevention

Farkas, Mary Ann and Richard S. Jones. 2007. "Community Partners: 'Doing Doors' as a Community Crime Prevention Strategy." Criminal Justice Studies 20(3):295-312.

Zevitz, Richard G. 2002. "Breaking the Routine: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multi-Neighborhood Anticrime Initiative Through Qualitative Interviewing." The Justice Professional 15(2):127-47.

The Dil Mil Intervention (India)VictimsKrishnan, Suneeta, Kalyani Subbiah, Sajida Kahnum, Prabha S. Chandra, and Nancy S. Padian. 2012. "An Intergenerational Women's Empowerment Intervention to Mitigate Domestic Violence: Results Of A Pilot Study in Bengaluru, India." Violence Against Women 18(3):346-70.
The Drew House [Prison Alternatives in Community Treatment (PACT) Project]CorrectionsByrne, Mary W., Teresa Fabi, Mary D. Hughes, and Charles J. Hynes. 2013. "The Drew House Story." Criminal Justice 28(2):25-33.
The Effect of Contact with the Juvenile Justice System (Crossroads Study)Juvenile JusticeBeardslee, Jordan Bechtold. 2014. “Under the Radar or Under Arrest: How Does Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Affect Delinquency and Academic Outcomes?” Irvine: Calif.: University of California, Irvine.
The Effect of Employment on Offending for Juvenile Sex Offenders (Netherlands)Juvenile JusticeVan den Berg, Chantal, Catrien Bijleveld, Jan Hendriks, and Irma Mooi-Reci. 2014. “The Juvenile Sex Offender: The Effect of Employment on Offending.” Journal of Criminal Justice 42:145–52.
The Expect Respect ProgramJuvenile JusticeBall, Barbara, Andra Teten Tharp, Rita K. Noonan, Linda Anne Valle, Merle E. Hamburger, and Barri Rosenbluth. 2012. "Expect Respect Support Groups: Preliminary Evaluation Of A Dating Violence Prevention Program For At-Risk Youth." Violence Against Women 18(7):746-62.
The Inside Out Prison Exchange ProgramCorrections

Van Gundy, Alana, Angela Bryant, and Brian C. Starks. "Pushing the Envelope for Evolution and Social Change: Critical Challenges for Teaching Inside-Out." The Prison Journal 93(2):189-210.

Werts, Tyrone. 2013. "Tyrone Werts: Reflections on the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program." The Prison Journal 93(2):135-38.

Allred, Sarah L., Lana D. Harrison, and Daniel J. O'Connell. 2013. "Self-Efficacy: An Important Aspect of Prison-Based Learning." The Prison Journal 93(2):211-33.

The Jail Sexual Assault Prevention ProjectCorrectionsLa Vigne, Nancy G., Sara Debus-Sherrill, Diana Brazzell, and P. Mitchell Downey. 2011. Evaluation of a Situational Crime Prevention Approach in Three Jails: The Sexual Assault Prevention Project. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
The Men's ProgramCrime Prevention

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Jennifer, John D. Foubert, Hope M. Brasfield, Brent Hill, and Shannon Shelley-Tremblay. 2011. "The Men's Program: Does It Impact College Men's Self-Reported Bystander Efficacy and Willingness to Intervene?" Violence Against Women 17(6):743-59.

Foubert, John D., and Johnathan T. Newberry. 2006. "Effects of Two Versions of an Empathy-Based Rape Prevention Program on Fraternity Men's Survivor Empathy, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intent to Commit Rape or Sexual Assault." Journal of College Student Development 47(2):133-48.

Foubert, John D. 2000. "The Longitudinal Effects of a Rape-Prevention Program on Fraternity Men's Attitudes, Behavioral Intent, and Behavior." Journal of American College Health 48(4):158-63.

The MosquitoJuvenile JusticeWalsh, Charlotte. 2008. "The Mosquito: A Repellent Response." Youth Justice 8(2):122-33.
The Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction ProgramVictims

Orchowski, Lindsay M., Christine A. Gidycz, and Holly Raffle. 2008. "Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Self-Defense Program: A Prospective Analysis of a Revised Protocol." Psychology of Women Quarterly 32:204-18.

Breitenbecher, Kimberly H., and Christine A. Gidycz. 1998. "An Empirical Evaluation of a Program Designed to Reduce the Risk of Multiple Sexual Victimization." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 13(4):472-88.

Gidycz, Christine A., Cindy L. Rich, Nichole L. Marioni, Catherine Loh, Steven Jay Lynn, Lisa Marmelstein Blackwell, Jane Stafford, Rachel Fite, and Joanna Pashdag. 2001. "The Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program: A Multisite Investigation." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69(6):1073-78.

The Parceria (Partnership) Project (Brazil)VictimsPereira, Paulo C., Sabrina M. D'Affonsecca, and Lucia C.A. Williams. 2013. "A Feasibility Pilot Intervention Program to Teach Parenting Skills to Mothers of Poly-Victimized Children." Journal of Family Violence 28:5-15.
The Program for Offenders (TPFO)CorrectionsYamatani, Hide. 2012. The Program For Offenders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Cost/Benefit Analysis of a Community Corrections Facility. Pittsburgh, PA: Excellence Research, Inc.
The Sheffield ProjectJuvenile JusticeEslea, M., and P.K. Smith. 1998. "The Long-Term Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Work in Primary Schools." Educational Research. 40(2):203–18.
The Truth Campaign (Fla.)Juvenile Justice

Dietz, Noella A., Lori Westphal, Kris Arheart, David Lee, Youjie Huang, David Sly, and Evelyn Davila. 2010. "Changes in Youth Cigarette Use Following the Dismantling of an Anti tobacco Media Campaign in Florida." Preventing Chronic Disease, Public Health Research, Practice and Policy 7(3):1-4.

Sly, David F., Richard Hokins, Edward Trapido, and Sarah Ray. 2001. "Influence of a Counteradvertising Media Campaign on Initiation of Smoking: The Florida "Truth" Campaign." American Journal of Public Health 91(2):233-38.

Sly, David F., Gary Heald, and Sarah Ray. 2001. "The Florida Truth Anti-Tobacco Media Evaluation Design, First year Results, and Implications for Planning Future State Media Evaluations." Tobacco Control 10:9-15.

The Tweenees ProgramJuvenile JusticeBarron, Ian G., and Keith J. Topping. 2013. “Exploratory Evaluation of a School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 22:931–48.
The Women's Studies CourseJuvenile JusticeMartin, Jennifer L. 2008. “Peer Sexual Harassment: Finding Voice, Changing Culture—An Intervention Strategy For Adolescent Females.” Violence Against Women 14(1):100-24.
Therapeutic Case Management in Substance Abuse TreatmentJuvenile JusticeNoel, Pamela E. 2006. “The Impact of Therapeutic Case Management on Participation in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 32:311–27.
Therapeutic Community (Large Southwestern City)DrugsBankston, Susan M., Deidra D. Carroll, Stanley G. Cron, L. Kian Granmayeh, Marianne T. Marcus, F. Gerard Moeller, Joy M. Schmitz, Paul Swank, and Patricia R. Liehr. 2009. "Substance Abuser Impulsivity Decreases with a Nine-Month Stay in a Therapeutic Community." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35:417-20.
Therapeutic Community Model of Treatment for Violent OffendersCorrectionsDay, A., and P. Doyle. “Violent Offender Rehabilitation and the Therapeutic Community Model of Treatment: Towards Integrated Service Provision?” Aggression and Violent Behavior 15:380–86.
Therapeutic Gardening in a Juvenile Detention Center (Texas)Juvenile JusticeSandel, Mark H. 2004. "Therapeutic Gardening in a Long-Term Detention Setting." Journal for Juvenile Justice Services 19(1/2):123-31.
Therapeutic Horticulture Program for Battered WomenVictimsRenzetti, Claire M., and Diane R. Follingstad. 2015. “From Blue to Green: The Development and Implementation of a Therapeutic Horticulture Program for Residents of a Battered Women's Shelter.” Violence and Victims 30(4):676–90.
Think SmartJuvenile JusticeJohnson, Knowlton W., Kristen Ogllvie, David Collins, Stephen Shamblen, Lisa Dirks, Christopher Ringwalt, and Jennifer Norland. 2010. "Studying Implementation Quality of a School-Based Prevention Curriculum in Frontier Alaska: Application of Video-Recorded Observations and Expert Panel Judgement." Prevention Science 11:275–86.
Think Trauma: A Training for Staff in Juvenile Justice Residential SettingCorrectionsBaetz, Carly Lyn, Michael Surko, Mahtab Moaveni, Felicia McNair, Amanda Bart, Sara Workman, Frank Tedeschi, Jennifer Havens, Fei Guo, Carol Quinlan, and Sarah McCue Horwitz. 2019. “Impact of a Trauma-Informed Intervention for Youth and Staff on Rates of Violence in Juvenile Detention Settings.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260519857163
Thinking Skills Programme (UK)CorrectionsGobbett, Matthew J., and Joselyn L. Sellen. 2014. “An Evaluation of the HM Prison Service “Thinking Skills Programme” Using Psychometric Assessments.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 58(4):454–73.
Thought Field Therapy for the Treatment of PTSDVictims

Connolly, S., and Sakai, C. 2011. “Brief Trauma Intervention With Rwandan Genocide-Survivors Using Thought Field Therapy.” International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 13(3):161–72.

Robson, H., P.M. Robson, R. Ludwig, C. Mitabu, and C. Phillips, C. 2016. “Effectiveness of Thought Field Therapy Provided by Newly-Instructed Community Workers to a Traumatised Population in Uganda: A Randomised Trial.” Current Research in Psychology 7(1):1–11.

Irgens, A., T. Dammen, T. E. Nysaeter, and A. Hoffart. 2012. “Thought Field Therapy (TFT) as a Treatment for Anxiety Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 8:331–38.

Connolly, S.M., D. Roe-Sepowitz, C. Sakai, and J. Edwards. 2013. “Utilizing Community Resources to Treat PTSD: A Randomized Controlled Study Using Thought Field Therapy.” African Journal of Traumatic Stress 3(1):24–31.

Three State Recidivism Study: Education in CorrectionsCorrectionsSteurer, S.J., L. Smith, and A. Tracy. 2001. Three Rate Recidivism Study. Lanham, Md.: Correctional Education Association.
ThuisBest (MST)Juvenile JusticeRovers, Anne, Annemarieke Blankestein, Rachel van der Rijken, Ron Scholte, and Aurelie Lange. 2019. “Treatment Outcomes of a Shortened Secure Residential Stay Combined With Multisystemic Therapy: A Pilot Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 63(15-16):2654–2671.
Title I School-Wide ProgramJuvenile JusticeOrpinas, Pamela, Arthur Horne, and Deborah Staniszewski. 2003. " School Bullying: Changing the Problem by Changing the School." School Psychology Review 32(3):431–44.
Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)Juvenile JusticeLittle, Melissa A., Pallav Pokhrel, Steve Sussman, and Louise Rohrbach. 2015. "The Process of Adoption of Evidence-Based Tobacco Use Prevention Programs in California Schools." Prevention Science 16:80–89.
Tools of the MindJuvenile JusticeBlair, Clancy, and Cybele Raver. 2014. "Closing the Achievement Gap Through Modification of Neuricognitive and Neuroendocrine Function: Results from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of an Innovative Approach to the Education of Children in Kindergarten." PLoS ONE 9(11):1–13.
To-Gather with Youth Project (TYP)Juvenile JusticeBademci, Ozden H., E. Figen Karadayi, and Felicity de Zulueta. 2015. “Attachment Intervention through Peer-Based Interaction: Working With Istanbul's Street Boys in a University Setting.” Children and Youth Services Review 49:20–31.
Tourism Police UnitsLaw EnforcementMawby, Rob, Kwaku Boakye, and Carol Jones. 2015. “Policing Tourism: The Emergence of Specialist Units.” Policing and Society 25(4):378–92.
Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report (U.S. Department of State)Law EnforcementWooditch, Alese. 2011. "The Efficacy of the Trafficking in Persons Report: A Review of the Evidence." Criminal Justice Policy Review 22:471-93.
Training and Coaching Program for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Juvenile JusticeRivard, Mélina, Marjorie Morin, Céline Mercier, Amélie Terroux, Catherine Mello, and Anabel Lépin. 2017. “Social Validity of a Training and Coaching Program for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder on a Waiting List for Early Behavioral Intervention.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:877–87.
Transcendental Mediation ProgramCorrections

Hawkins, Mark A. 2003."Effectiveness of the Transcendental Mediation Program in Criminal Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse Recovery: A Review of the Research." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36(1):47-65.

Walton, Kenneth G., and Deborah Levitsky. 2003. "Effects of the Transcendental Mediation Program on Neuroendocrine Abnormalities Associated with Aggression and Crime." Journal of offender Rehabilitation 36(1):67-87.

Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program (Calif.)Corrections

Rainforth, M.V., C.N. Alexander, and K.L. Cavanaugh. 2003. “Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Recidivism Among Former Inmates of Folsom Prison: Survival Analysis of 15-Year Follow-Up Data.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36(1):181–03.

Bleick, C.R., and A.I. Abrams 1987. “The Transcendental Meditation Program and Criminal Recidivism in California.” Journal of Criminal Justice 15(3): 211–30.

Transition from Prison to Community InitiativeCorrectionsWillison, Janeen Buck, Jesse Jannetta, Hannah Dodd, S. Rebecca Neusteter, Kevin Warwick, Kaitlin Greer, Andrea Matthews. 2012. Process and Systems Change Evaluation Findings from the Transition from Jail to Community Initiative. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Transitional Jobs ProgramCorrectionsYahner, Jennifer, and Janine Zweig. 2012. Which Components of Transitional Job Programs Work Best? Analysis of Programs for Former Prisoners in the Transitional Jobs Reentry Demonstration. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.
Transitional Living Program (TLP)Juvenile JusticeAbrams, Laura S., Sarah K.S. Shannon, and Cindy Sangalang. 2008. “Transition Services for Incarcerated Youth: A Mixed Methods Evaluation Study.” Children and Youth Services Review 30:522–35.
Transitional Rehabilitation Housing Pilot (TRHP) ProgramCorrectionsCherner, Rebecca, Joan Nandal, John Ecker, Tim Aubry, and Donna Pettey. 2013. "Findings of a Formative Evaluation of a Transitional Housing Program for Forensic Patients Discharged into the Community." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52(3):157-80.
TranSpace Project (European Countries)Juvenile JusticeMusil, Bojan, Sara Tement, Karin Bakracevic Vukman, and Ajda Sostaric. 2014. “Aggression in School and Family Contexts Among Youngsters With Special Needs: Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence from the TranSpace Project.” Children and Youth Services Review 44:46–55.
Trauma Grief-Focused Group Psychotherapy (TGCT)Victims

Layne, Christopher M, William R. Saltzman, Nadezda Savjak, Tatjana Popovid, Mirjana Music, Robert S. Pynoos, Berina Arslanagic, Mary Black, Elvira Durakovic, Nihada Campara, Nermin Djapo, and Ryan Houston. 2011. "Trauma/Grief-Focused Group Psychotherapy: School-Based Postwar Intervention With Traumatized Bosnian Adolescents." Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 5(4):277-90.

Layne, Christopher M., William R. Saltzman, Landon Poppleton, Gary M. Burlingame, Alma Pasalic, Elvira Durakovic, Mirjana Music, Nihada Campara, Nermin Ðapo, Berina Arslanagic, Alan M. Steinberg, and Robert S. Pynoos. 2008. "Effectiveness of a School-Based Group Psychotherapy Program for War-Exposed Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 47(9):1048-62.

Trauma Systems TherapyJuvenile JusticeSaxe, Glenn N., Heidi Ellis, Jason Fogler, and Carryl P. Navalta. 2012. “Innovations in Practice: Preliminary Evidence for Effective Family Engagement in Treatment for Child Traumatic Stress-Trauma Systems Therapy Approach to Preventing Dropout.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17(1):58–61.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) (Connecticut)Juvenile JusticeLang, Jason M., Robert P. Franks, Carrie Epstein, Carla Stover, and Jason A. Oliver. 2015. “Statewide Dissemination of an Evidence-Based Practice Using Breakthrough Series Collaboratives.” Children and Youth Services Review 55:201–09.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)Juvenile Justice

Beidas, R.S., D.R. Adams, H. Kratz, K. Jackson, S. Berkowitz, A. Zinny, L.P. Cliggitt, K.I. DeWitt, L. Skriner, and A. Evans. 2015. “Lessons Learned While Building A Trauma-Informed Public Behavioral Health System in the City of Philadelphia.” Evaluation and Program Planning 59:21–32.

Chaffin, M., and B. Friedrich. 2004. “Evidence-Based Treatments in Child Abuse and Neglect.” Children and Youth Services Review 26:1097–1113.

Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM) for Women/Attachment Informed AdaptionVictimsMasin-Moyer, Melanie, Malitta Engstrom, and Phyllis Solomon. 2019. “A Comparative Effectiveness Study of a Shortened Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model and an Attachment-Informed Adaptation.” Violence Against Women.
Treatment Alternative and Diversion (TAD) Program (Wis.)CorrectionsVan Stelle, Kit R., Janae Goodrich, and Jason Paltzer. 2011. Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program: Advancing Effective Diversion in Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Population Health Institute.
Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (Queens, New York)CorrectionsBoland, J. K., and B. Rosenfeld. 2017. “The Role of Controlled Substance Use in Diversion Outcomes Among Mentally Ill Offenders: A Pilot Study.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(9):2709–2725.
Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC) in OhioCorrections

Ventura, Lois A., and Eric Lambert. 2004. "Recidivism 12 Months after TASC." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 39(1):63-82.

Owens, Stephen J., Kelli Klebe, Sheila Arens, Robert Durham, Joel Hughes, Candace Moor, Maureen O'Keefe, Janis Phillips, Julie Sarino, and Joe Stommel. 1997. "The Effectiveness of Colorado's TASC Programs." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 26(1/2):161-76.

Anglin, M. Douglas, Douglas Longshore, and Susan Turner. 1999. "Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime. An Evaluation of Five Programs." Criminal Justice and Behavior 26(2):168-95.

Treatment for Female Prisoners with Single and Co-Occurring Disorders (Pennsylvania)CorrectionsHouser, Kimberly A., Brandy L. Blasko, and Steven Belenko. 2014. “The Effects of Treatment Exposure on Prison Misconduct for Prisoners with Substance Use, Mental Health, and Co-Occurring Disorders.” Criminal Justice Studies 27(1):43–62.
Treatment Noncompletion for Juvenile Offenders (Philadelphia's Family Court)Juvenile JusticeLockwood, Brian. 2012. “The Influence of Travel Distance on Treatment Noncompletion for Juvenile Offenders.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 49(4):572–600.
Treatment Programs for Incarcerated WomenCorrectionsMcGee, Zina T. and Adrianne N. Gilbert. 2010. "Treatment Programs for Incarcerated Women and Mother-child Communication Levels." Criminal Justice Studies 23(4):337-45.
Tri-Agency Resource Gang Enforcement TeamJuvenile Justice

Kent, Douglas R., and Peggy J. Smith. 1995. Westminster Police Department Tri-Agency Resource Gang Enforcement Team 1994 Year-End Report. Westminster, Calif.: Westminster Police Department.

Kent, Douglas R., Stewart I. Donaldson, Phelan A. Wyrick, and Peggy J. Smith. 2000. "Evaluating criminal Justice Programs Designed to Reduce Crime by Targeting Repeat Gang Offenders." Evaluation and Program Planning 23:115-24.

TRIAD Program for Repeat DUI OffendersCorrectionsMoore, Kathleen A., Melissa Harrison, M. Scott Young, Ezra Ochshorn. 2008. "A Cognitive Therapy Treatment Program for Repeat DUI Offenders." Journal of Criminal Justice 36:539-45.
Tribal Green Reentry ProgramsJuvenile Justice

Lindquist, Christine, Tasseli McKay, Mindy Herman Stahl, Ada Peco Melton, Rita Martinez, and David J. Melton. 2014. “Cross-Site Evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Tribal Green Reentry Program. Final Technical Report.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Lindquist, Christine, Ada Pecos Melton, Tasseli McKay, and Rita Martinez. 2014. “Incorporating Green Programming in Juvenile Justice Settings: Lessons Learned from OJJDP’s Tribal Green Reentry Initiative.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Lindquist, Christine, Ada Pecos Melton, Tasseli McKay, and Rita Martinez. 2013. “Early Implementation Experiences of OJJDP’s Tribal Green Reentry Programs.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Melton, Ada Pecos, Rita Martinez, and David J. Melton. “Experiences with Incorporating Culture into Tribal Green Reentry Programs.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Truancy Case Management Partnership Intervention (Washington, D.C.)Juvenile JusticeLiberman, Akiva, Meagan Cahill, and Lindsey Cramer. 2012. Interim Evaluation of the Pilot Program of the Truancy Case Management Partnership Intervention in the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Truancy Intervention Program (TIP) (Ramsey County, Minnesota)Juvenile JusticeMcNeely, Clea A., Won F. Lee, Besufekad Alemu, Janet E. Rosenbaum, and Lynette M. Renner. 2019. “Finding Effective Ways to Reduce Truancy: An Evaluation of the Ramsey County Truancy Intervention Programs.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Truancy Reduction Demonstration ProjectJuvenile JusticeColorado Foundation for Families and Children. 2006. Re-Engaging Youth in School: Evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project. Denver, CO: National Center for School Engagement.
Truancy Reduction Program (TRP)Juvenile JusticeCarroll, John, Efraim Ben-Zadok, and Clifford McCue. 2010. “Evaluation of Efficiency in Crime Control and Crime Prevention Programs.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 35:219–35.
Truant Recovery ProgramJuvenile JusticeWhite, Michael, James Fyfe, Suzanne Campbell, and John S. Goldkamp. 2001. "The School-Police Partnership: Identifying At-Risk Youth Through a Truant Recovery Program." Evaluation Review 25(5):507-32.
Tuning Relationships with MusicVictimsColegrove, Vivienne M., Sophie S. Havighurst, Christiane E. Kehoe, and Stine L. Jacobsen. 2018. “Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Tuning Relationships With Music: Intervention for Parents With A Trauma History and Their Adolescent.” Child Abuse & Neglect 79:259–68.
Unified Family and Drug Treatment Courts (North Carolina)Juvenile JusticeSloan, Frank A., Elizabeth J. Gifford, Lindsey M. Eldred, Kofi F. Acquah, and Claire E. Blevins. 2013. "Do Specialty Courts Achieve Better Outcomes for Children in Foster Care Than General Courts?" Evaluation Review 37(1):3–34.
Universial School-Based Youth Violence Prevention TrialsJuvenile JusticeFarrell, Albert D., David Henry, and Amie Bettencourt. 2013. "Methodological Challanges Examining Subgroup Differences: Examples from Universal School- Based Youth Violence Prevention Trials." Prevention Science 14:121–33.
University Student Crime Prevention Awareness Project (University of Cincinnati)Crime PreventionMadensen, Tamara D., and Marie Skubak. 2005. University Student Crime Prevention Awareness Project Evaluation. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Department of Criminal Justice.
Unobtrusive Suicide Warning SystemCorrectionsAshe, Jeffrey M., Ghulam Baloch, Meena Ganesh, Catherine Graichen, Nicholas Soldner, Vijay Lakamraju, Joe Zacchio, and Mark Vogel. 2013. Unobtrusive Suicide Warning System, Final Technical Report, Phase III. Washington, D.C.: U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Urban Mental Health Court (Midwest)CourtsKubiak, Sheryl, Juliette Roddy, Erin Comartin, and Elizabeth Tillander. 2015. “Cost Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes of an Urban Mental Health Court.” Evaluation and Program Planning 52:96–106.
Use of Psychiatric Medications in Juvenile Detention Facilities (Calif.)Juvenile JusticeCohen, Edward, Jane E. Pfeifer, and Neal Wallace. 2014. “Use of Psychiatric Medications in Juvenile Detention Facilities and the Impact of State Placement Policy.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(4):738–44.
Using Text Messaging to Improve Attendance and Completion in a Parent Training ProgramJuvenile JusticeMurray, Kantahyanee W., Kristen Woodruff, Catherine Moon, and Carolyn Finney. 2015. “Using Text Messaging to Improve Attendance and Completion in a Parent Training Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(10):3107–3116.
Using Village Public Safety Officers to Enhance Responses to Violence Committed Against AI/AN WomenVictimsMyrstol, Brad A. 2018. An Innovative Response to an Intractable Problem: Using Village Public Safety Officers to Enhance the Criminal Justice Response to Violence Committed Against Alaska Native and American Indian Women in Alaska’s Tribal Communities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Veterans Justice Outreach Program (VJO)CorrectionsFinlay, Andrea K., David Smelson, Leon Sawh, Jim McGuire, Joel Rosenthal, Jessica Blue-Howells, Christine Timko, Ingrid Binswanger, Susan M. Frayne, Janet C. Blodgett, Tom Bowe, Sean C. Clark, and Alex H. S. Harris. 2016. “U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach Program: Connecting Justice-Involved Veterans With Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(2):203–22.
Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs)CourtsBaldwin, Julie Marie, and Joseph Rukus. 2015. “Healing the Wounds: An Examination of Veterans Treatment Courts in the Context of Restorative Justice.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(2):183–207.
Victim Impact Training (VIT)CorrectionsJackson, Arrick L. 2009. "The Impact of Restorative Justice on the Development of Guilt, Shame, and Empathy Among Participants in a Victim Impact Training Program." Victims and Offenders 4:1-24.
Victim Impact: Listen and LearnCorrectionsVictims’ Voices Heard, Inc. 2015. An Evaluation of the Effects of the Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Program on Prisoner Recidivism and Prisoner Behavior. Providence, RI: Alpert Medical School at Brown University.
Victim Marginalization in MediationVictimsChoi, Jung Jin, Michael J. Gilbert, and Diane L. Green. 2013. "Patterns of Victim Marginalization in Victim-Offender Mediation: Some Lessons Learned." Crime Law and Social Change 59:113-32.
Victim Offender Mediated Dialogue (Texas)VictimsGraves, Shannon Marie. 2013. "Legislating Victim Offender Dialogue: A Value-Rich Policy Analysis." Victims and Offenders 8:357-72.
Victim Personal StatementsVictimsMastrocinque, Jeanna M. 2014. "Victim Personal Statements: An Analysis of Notification and Utilization." Criminology & Criminal justice 14(2):216-34.
Victim Service Programs (Pa.)VictimsSims, Barbara, Berwood Yost, and Christina Abbott. 2006. "The Efficacy of Victim Services Programs Alleviating the Psychological Suffering of Crime Victims?" Criminal Justice Policy Review Volume 17(4):387-406.
Viennese Social Competence TrainingJuvenile JusticeGollwitzer, Mario, Katrin Eisenbach, Moira Atria, Dagmar Strohmeier, and Rainer Banse. 2006. "Evaluation of Aggression-Reducing Effects of the "Viennese Social Competence Training." Swiss Journal of Psychology 65(2):125–35.
Violence Prevention Training Program for Female InmatesCorrectionsPinnacle Training and Publishing LLC. 2016. Connecticut Women’s Prison Statistical Report: Violence Prevention/Leadership. New Haven, Conn.: Pinnacle Training and Publishing LLC.
Violence Risk Assessment Training for Police and Criminal Justice ProfessionalsLaw EnforcementStorey, Jennifer E., Andrea L. Gibas, Kim A. Reeves, and Stephen D. Hart. 2011. "Evaluation of a Violence Risk (Threat) Assessment Training Program for Police and Other Criminal Justice Professionals." Criminal Justice and Behavior 38(6):554-64.
Violence-Issue Training for Emergency Department Nurses (Turkey)VictimsYildiz, Tülin, Deniz Selimen, and Duygu Dogan. 2014. "A Study Comparing the Pre- and Post-Training Knowledge of Emergency Department Nurses in Turkey for the Diagnosis of Physically Abused Women." Journal of Family Violence 29:519–25.
Virginia Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)CorrectionsTaxman, Faye, and Jeff A. Bouffard. 2000. Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) in Jail: A Comparison of Six Sites in Virginia. College Park, Md.: University of Maryland. NIJ Sponsored.
Vocational Peer MentorsJuvenile JusticeKlodnick, Vanessa V., Kathryn Sabella, Christopher J. Brenner, Izabela M. Krzos, Marsha L. Ellison, Susan M. Kaiser, Maryann Davis, and Marc A. Fagan. 2015. “Perspectives of Young Emerging Adults With Serious Mental Health Conditions on Vocational Peer Mentors.” Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 23(4):226–37.
Warrantless Arrest Laws for Domestic ViolenceLaw EnforcementZeoli, April M., Alexis Norris, and Hannah Brenner. 2011. "Mandatory, Preferred, or Discretionary: How the Classification of Domestic Violence Warrantless Arrest Laws Impacts Their Estimated Effects on Intimate Partner Homicide." Evaluation Review 35(2):129-52.
Washington County (Vt.) Drug Treatment CourtCourtsWickland, Peter, Patricia Breneman, and Tim Haloversen. 2013. Washington County Treatment Court, Outcome Evaluation. Northfield Falls, VT: Vermont Center for Justice Research.
Washington County (Ore.) Women with Children Drug Treatment CourtCorrectionsBurrus, Scott W.M., and Theresa Allen. 2008. Washington County Women with Children Drug Treatment Court: Year 2 Process Evaluation. Portland, OR.: NPC Research
Washington Intensive Supervision Program (WISP)CourtsHawken, A., and M.A.R. Kleiman. 2011. Washington Intensive Supervision Program: Evaluation Report [Report to Seattle City Council]. Seattle, Wash.: City of Seattle.
Washington State's Corrections Clearinghouse (CCH)CorrectionsU.S. Department of Justice. 1999. Washington State's Corrections Clearinghouse: A Comprehensive Approach to Offender Employment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Washington, D.C.'s Secure Juvenile Placement ReformJuvenile JusticeDaly, Reagan, Tarika Kapur, and Margaret Elliot. 2011. Capital Change: A Process Evaluation of Washington, DC's Secure Juvenile Placement Reform. New York, NY: The Vera Institute.
Wayne County (Mich.) Post-Arrest Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticeHodges, Kay, Lisa A. Martin, Cynthia Smith, and Shaun Cooper. 2011. "Recidivism, Costs, and Psychosocial Outcomes for a Post-Arrest Juvenile Diversion Program." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 50(7):447-65.
West Virginia STOP Violence Against WomenVictimsHamilton, Cynthia, and Erica Turley. 2007. West Virginia STOP Violence Against Women Project Evaluation FY04. Charleston, W.V.: Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center.
Western Regional Institute for Community Oriented Public Safety (WRICOPS)Law EnforcementGiacomazzi, Andrew L., Shem Riley, and Ryan Merz. 2004. "Internal and External Challenges to Implementing Community Policing: Examining Comprehensive Assessment Reports from Multiple Sites." Criminal Justice Studies 17(2):223-38.
White Gold Project (England)Law EnforcementBarton, Adrian and Richard Teagle. 2007. "Police-Led Proactive Prevention of Youth Crime: A Case for the Innovative Use of Support Workers." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 9(1):21-33.
Whole-School Mindfulness in Education ProgramsJuvenile JusticeSheinman, Nimrod, Linor L. Hadar, Dalit Gafni, and Michael Milma. 2018. “Preliminary Investigation of Whole-School Mindfulness in Education Programs and Children’s Mindfulness-Based Coping Strategies.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27:3316–28.
Wilderness Therapy Program (Colo.)Juvenile JusticeBettman, Joanna E., Keith Russell, and Kimber J. Parry. 2013. "How Substance Abuse Recovery Skills, Readiness to Change and Symptom Reduction Impact Change Processes in Wilderness Therapy Participants." Journal of Child and Family Studies 22:1039-50.
Wilderness Therapy Program (Utah)Juvenile JusticeHoag, Matthew J., Katie E. Massey, Sean D. Roberts, and Patrick Logan. 2013. "Efficacy of Wilderness Therapy for Young Adults: A First Look." Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 30:294-305.
Wilderness Adventure Therapy (WAT) (Australia)Juvenile JusticeBowen, D.J., J.T. Neill, and S.J.R. Crisp. 2016. “Wilderness Adventure Therapy Effects on the Mental Health of Youth Participants.” Evaluation and Program Planning 58:49–59.
Wireless Broadband for Municipal PoliceLaw EnforcementCarter, Jeremy G., and Eric Grommon. 2014. “Wireless Broadband for Municipal Police: Evaluating Clearance Times of Calls for Service.” Police Quarterly 17(3):226–49.
Woman-Focused Intervention (Baltimore, Md.)Drugs

Wechsberg, Wendee M., Wendy K. K. Lam, William A. Zule, and Georgiy Bobashev. 2004. "Efficacy of a Woman-Focused Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk and Increase Self-Sufficiency Among African American Crack Abusers." American Journal of Public Health 94:1165-73.

Wechsberg, Wendee M., Scott P. Novak, William A. Zule, Felicia A. Browne, Alex H. Kral, Rachel Middlesteadt Ellerson, and Tracy Kline. 2010. "Sustainability of Intervention Effects of an Evidence-based HIV Prevention Intervention for African American Women who Smoke Crack Cocaine." Drug and Alcohol Dependency 109(1-3):205-12.

Women and Infants at RiskCorrections

Siefert, Kristine, and Sheryl Pimlott. "Improving Pregnancy Outcome During Imprisonment: A Model Residential Care Program." Social Work 46(2):12-134.

Barkauskas, Violet H., Lisa Low, and Sheryl Pimlott. 2002. "Health Outcomes of Incarcerated Pregnant Women and Their Infants in a Community-Based Program." Journal of Midwifery and Women's' Health 47(5):371-79.

Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Natalie Kasiborski, and Emily Schmittel. 2010. "Assessing Long-Term Outcomes of an Intervention Designed for Pregnant Incarcerated Women." Research on Social Work Practice 20(5):528-35.

Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott, Amy Young, Kristine Siefert, and Abigail Stewart. 2004. "Pregnant, Substance-Abusing, and Incarcerated: Exploratory Study of a Comprehensive Approach to Treatment." Families in Society 85(2):177-86.

Women and Jails In-Reach InterventionDrugsBegun, Audrey L., Susan J. Rose, and Thomas P. Lebel. 2011. “Intervening with Women in Jail around Alcohol and Substance Abuse During Preparation for Community Reentry.” Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 29:453–78.
Women Empowering WomenVictimsEnriquez, Maithe, Patricia J. Kelly, An-Lin Cheng, Jacki Witt, Angela D. Coker, Susan Kashubeck-West. 2010. "Development and Feasibility of an HIV and IPV Prevention Intervention Among Low-Income Mothers Receiving Services in a Missouri Day Care Center." Violence Against Women 16(5):560-78.
Women's CoOp (Northeastern States)CorrectionsJohnson, Jennifer E., Marlanea E. Peabody, Wendee M. Wechsberg, Rochelle K. Rosen, Karen Fernandes, and Caron Zlotnick. 2015. “Feasibility of an HIV/STI Risk-Reduction Program for Incarcerated Women Who Have Experienced Interpersonal Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30(18):3244–3266.
Women's Self-Defense CourseVictimsBrecklin, Leanne R., and Sarah E. Ullman. 2005. "Self-Defense or Assertiveness Training and Women's Responses to Sexual Attacks." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 20:728-762.
Work Release ProgramCorrectionsMaguire, Edward R., Cassandra A. Atkin-Plunk, and William Well. 2019. “The Effects of Procedural Justice on Cooperation and Compliance Among Inmates in a Work Release Program.” Justice Quarterly. doi:10.1080/07418825.2019.1634753
Workshop in Avoiding Revictimization (New York City and Seattle)Victims

Davis, Robert, Pamela Guthrie, Timothy Ross, and Chris O'Sullivan. 2006. Reducing Sexual Revictimization: A Field Test with an Urban Sample. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

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Wraparound Milwaukee (Wis.)Juvenile Justice

Goldman, Sybil K., and Leyla Faw. 1998. "Three Wraparound Models as Promising Approaches." In B.J. Burns and S.K. Goldman (eds.). Promising Practices in Children's Mental Health Systems of Care. Washington, D.C.: Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice, American Institutes for Research.

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Wraparound (California)Juvenile JusticeFerguson, Charlie M. 2012. “The Implementation of Wraparound in California’s Title IV-E Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Project.” Children and Youth Services Review 34:1331–1336.
Wyoming's Court Supervised Treatment Program (WyCST)Courts

Cary Heck, Aaron Roussell, and Scott E. Culhane. 2009. "Assessing the Effects of the Drug Court Intervention on Offender Criminal Trajectories: A Research Note." Criminal Justice Policy Review 20(2):236-246.

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Yoga for Urban Children with Emotional and Behavioral DisordersJuvenile JusticeSteiner, Naomi J., Tahnee K. Sidhu, Patricia G. Pop, Elizabeth C. Frenette, and Ellen C. Perrin. 2013. "Yoga in an Urban School for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Feasibility Study." Journal of Child and Family Studies 22:815-26.
You Can't Say You Can't PlayJuvenile JusticeHarrist, A. W., and K. D. Bradley. 2003. “‘You Can't Say You Can't Play:’ Intervening in the Process of Social Exclusion in the Kindergarten Classroom.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 18(2):185–205.
Youth BureauJuvenile JusticeHanlon, Thomas E., Richard W. Bateman, Betsy D. Simons, Kevin E. O’Grady, and Steven B. Carswell. 2002. “An Early Community-Based Intervention for the Prevention of Substance Abuse and Other Delinquent Behavior.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 31(6):459–71.
Youth and Police InitiativeJuvenile JusticeAnonymous. n.d. “Interdependent Fates: Youth and Police Can They Make Peace?”
Youth Criminal Justice Act of 2002 (Canada)Juvenile Justice

Bala, Nicholas, Peter J. Carrington, and Julian V. Roberts. 2009. "Evaluating the Youth Criminal Justice Act after Five Years: A Qualified Success." Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 51(2):131-67.

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Youth Fire Behaviours and Interests Scale (Australia)Juvenile JusticeWatt, Bruce D., Kerry Geritz, Tasneem Hasan, Scott Harden, and Rebekah Doley. 2015. “Prevalence and Correlates of Firesetting Behaviors Among Offending and Non-Offending Youth.” Legal and Criminological Psychology 20(1):19–36.
Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0Juvenile Justice

Flores, Anthony W., Lawrence F. Travis, and Edward J. Latessa. 2003. Case Classification for Juvenile Corrections: An Assessment of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI). Cincinnati, OH: Center for Criminal Justice Research, University of Cincinnati.

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Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (YMHFA)Juvenile JusticeGryglewicz, Kim, Kristina K. Childs, and Melanie F. P. Soderstrom. 2018. “An Evaluation of Youth Mental Health First Aid Training in School Settings.” School Mental Health 10:48–60.
Youth Net/Réseau Ado (Canada)Juvenile Justice

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Youth Offending Teams Creative Writing Project (England)Juvenile JusticeAlan Farrier, Lynn Froggett and Dina Poursanidou. 2009. "Offender-based Restorative Justice and Poetry: Reparation or Wishful Thinking?" Youth Justice 9(1):61-76.
Youth Opportunity ProgramJuvenile JusticeJackson, Russell, H., R. Malene Dixon, Ann McCoy, Carol Pistorino, Paul Zador, Cynthia Thomas, John Lopdell, Juanita Lucas-McLean, Frank Bennici, Andy Sum, Neeta Fogg, Ron D'Amico, Andrew Weigand, and Lee Bruno. 2007. Youth Opportunity Grant Initiative: Impact and Synthesis Report. Houston, TX.: Decision Information Resources, Inc.
Youth Safe Haven-Police MinistationJuvenile Justice

Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation. 2011. Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: The Third Generation. Principal Findings. Washington, D.C.: The Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation, Research Department.

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YouthBuild Offender (YB) ProgramJuvenile Justice

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Youth–Adult Partnerships (Y-APs)Juvenile JusticeRamey, Heather L., and Linda Rose-Krasnor. 2015. “The New Mentality: Youth–Adult Partnerships inn Community Mental Health Promotion.” Children and Youth Services Review 50:28–37.
Youth-Led Decision Making (YLDM) (Canada)Juvenile JusticeBlanchet-Cohen, Natasha, Sarah Manolson, and Katie Shaw. 2014. “Youth-Led Decision Making in Community Development Grants.” Youth & Society 46(6):819–34.
Yuma County (Ariz.) Adult Drug CourtCourtsMcCarthy, Sherri, and Thomas Franklin Waters. 2003. "Treating Substance Abuse Offenders in the Southwestern United States: A Report Evaluating the Long-Term Effectiveness of the Yuma County Adult Drug Court." Treating Substance Abusers in Correctional Contexts: New Understandings, New Modalities:163-77.
Zero In On Prevention Student Assistance Program (ZIP-SAP)Juvenile JusticeWilburn, Sharon T., Kenneth T. Wilburn, Dax M. Weaver, and Kathy Bowles. 2007. "Pearls and Pitfalls in Evaluating a Student Assistance Program: A Five-Year Case Study." Journal of Drug Education 37(4):447-67.
Date Created: January 13, 2023