Find Rated Practices


A Practice is a general category of programs, strategies, or procedures that share characteristics with regard to the issues they address and how they address them. Practice profiles tell us about the average results from multiple evaluations of similar programs, strategies, or procedures. Practice ratings are assigned to individual outcomes and tell us the average result across multiple evaluations. 

Practice Outcome Ratings Defined
IconRating Description
EffectiveEffectiveOn average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome.
PromisingPromisingOn average, there is some evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome.
No EffectsNo EffectsOn average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will not achieve the intended outcome or may result in a negative outcome.

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Date Created: July 31, 2020